1919-11-18 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE QITY OF ALAMEDA., TUESDAY EVENING, NOVELDER 18TH, 1919. The meeting convened at 8:22 p. m. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Majors Probst and President Otis (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Noy, (1). The minutes of the previous meetinc, were approved as read. The following were received: The affidavit of publication and the affidavit of posting of the Notice of Public Work under Resolution of Intention No. 50, New Series. Ordered filed. Reports of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the months of July, August and September, 1919 Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From Ers. H. J. D. Chapman to Mayor Otis,resigining as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Alameda Library. From Mayor Otis to Mrs. Chapman, accepting the resignation and congratulating her on the eighteen years of service given by her to the City of Alameda. The announcement by Mayor Frank Otis of the appointment of Frederick Maurer, 1409 San Antonio Avenue as a member of the Board of Library Trustees, to succeed Mrs. Chapman. A letter from Geo. H. Mastick, President of the Board of Library Trustees congratulating Mayor Otis on the appointment of Mr. Maurer as a member of the Board. Ordered filed. Mr. Maurer being present the oath of office was administered and ordered filed. From Congressman J. A. Elston, Senator Hiram W. Johnson and Col. 0. Winslow, relative to the closing of Harrison Avenue. Ordered filed. From the Alaska Packers Association acknowledging receipt of the resolution closing the streets within their property and the assurance that they will continue their endeavors for the furtherance of the welfare of the City of Alameda. Ordered filed. 4. 7' From the City Planning Commission., stating that they had discussed the request for re-classification of the property at the northeast corner of Court and. Van Buren Streets, so that a temporary structure could be erected by the Methodist Episcopal Church South. The matter had been laia on the table until further advices were received from the petitioners. Ordered filed. e' From the City Planning Commission recommending that E. A. Postel be allowed to construct a warehouse at the rear of his property at 1330 Park Street, upon the following conditions: 1. That he place in writing an agreement to erect a bungalow facing Park Avenue, in one year. 2. That he will remove at once the board fence along Park Avenue and extending twenty feet backward along the property line. 3. That he will clean up at once the vacant area and remove therefrom all articles and refuse that are lieing on the ground. Messrs. E. L. Postel and. R. S. Smith again spoke on the subject. Er. Probst moved, seconded by Mr. Otis that the report of the Planning Commission be adopted. Mr. Latham moved to amend the motion, seconded by Mr. Majors, that the matter be postponed to the next meeting of the Council. The motion was lost by the following vote: Ayes: Council- - November 18th, 1919. the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Probst and. Otis, (2). Noes: Councilmen Latham and Majors, (2). Absent; Councilman Noy, (1). Mr. Probst then moved,second- ed by Mr. Latham aad carried, that the matter be continued to the next meeting of the Council. 6. ■v/ From the Alameda Improvement Club inviting city officials to attend their meetings. Ordered filed. 7. // E. J. Silver, on behalf of property owners, living in Fernside Boulevard district presented petitions against the establishment of arks in that residential area. Messrs. W. B. Howe, J. L. spoke against the arks. A_ Bill entitled g ones, Walter H. Reed and. Ben F. Lamborn "A Bill For Ordinance No. ____ Series. An Ordinance Prohibiting the raction or Location of Arks in the City of Alameda and. Prescribing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof." was thereupon introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. 8. 1/ Mr. Latham moved that the matter of the arks be referred to the city manager, city attorney and building inspector to report back at the next meeting of the council, and that the council adjourn to meet in adjourned regular session Tuesday evening, November 25th, 1919, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of hearing this report, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Bargones spoke of the necessity of a station at the corner of High Street and Fernside Boulevard. Cuty Manager Hewes read a communication received by him from the Southern Pacific Company declining to erect such a station. Also, a communication written by himself to the Southern Pacific Company asking them to reconsider this, as it was necessary. 10. Mr. Bargones also asked for an explanation of the increases made by the Railroad Commission to the Southern Pacific Company on transportation rates. City Attorney Locke explained the matter. 11. Mr. Ben F. Lamborn presented a petition protesting against the closing of Harrison Avenue. Ordered filed. 12. v Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 256. Resolution Ordering the work in re Curbs Along Por- tions of Santa Clara Avenue, Webster Street, Park Street and. Central Avenue." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adapted and passed unanimously. 13. v Mr. Latham moved that the city attorney and city manager prepare the necessary proceedings for the improvement of all the sudewalks and curbs in front of the Cohen property in the city of Alameda, seconded by Mx. Probst and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. Regulating the Construction and. Maintenance of Exits or Fire-Escapes for Certain Public Halls or Lodge Rooms." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. November 18,1919. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating the Erection, Posting or Suspension of Signs over or Upon the Public Streets or Sidewalks." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 0491.60; against the Police Fund amounting to 0248.87; against the Fire Fund amounting to 0129.42; against the Street Fund amounting to 03690.10; against the Health Fund amounting to 012.60; against the Recreation Fund amo iting to 0210.08; against the Store Fund amounting to 023.70; against the Relief Fund amounting to 093.68; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 04147.62 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Steam Laundry ASsn. Aherican Law Book Company Fischer, C. P. Ford, N. O. Hagan, H. L. Hewes, Charles E. Foster,A.L. Assg. Emily Foster Jahnson, Co., S. T. TT TV Tr TY Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pollard Company, Frank L. Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Company IT TV Walton, B. Western Union Tel. Co. Bay Station Bakery Jacoby, W. O. Chief of Police Lincoln Auto & Cycle Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Smith, F. J. Strom Electrical Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Western Union Tel, Co. Weuscher, Fred Zellerbach Paper Co. TT TV Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Baird., J. V. Furey, Harry D. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Xoerber Fuel & Feed Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Company Western Union Tel, Co. Labor Austin-Western Road Machinery Baird, J. V. Christiansen, H. Dick, E. C. Tr IV TT Gay, A. T. Hutchinson Company TV Kopperud,A. H. TV Tr 11 lY UwirwAll nn Co. GENJAL FUND. Towel service Law books Repairs Printing Expenses for water investigation Money advanced. Payment to correct error Repairs to furnace Fuel Rental and tolls Repairs to gas heaters Supplies Printing Services Telegram Total - POLICE FUND. Bread for pound Expense account for Chief Repairs to motor cycle Labor and attendance Rental and tolls Meals Batteries Lumber Supplies Clock rental Restraining straps Supplies Paper towels Total - FIRE \D. Linen and towel service Ladder hooks Supplies Money advanced Coal and screenings Labor and attendance Tolls Lamps, etc. Printing Clock rental STREET PT.JND. Parts Tool repair Tires Ford truck Supplies Tool repairs Screenings TT Road oil TV TV TV ” 4 1 TOtal - 8.00 15.50 4.90 52.50 200.00 12.35 3.50 23.64 41.88 12.24 2.50 56.85 21.75 10.50 24.50 .99 491.60 1.50 100.00 2.10 50.00 7.92 45.00 6.30 7.94 2.12 1.00 12.00 1.96 11.03 0 248.87 31.00 1.50 12.95 1.45 14.85 55.32 .20 3.90 7.00 1.25 29.42 01842,53 17.67 5.25 35.00 446.16 2.45 25.20 252.00 9.00 607.84 225.68 116.24 November 18th Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Eberly's Pharmacy Okland Pioneer Soda, Water Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Strom Electrical Co. Arbes, J. Cohen, Emilie Crane Co. Dick, E. C. 11 VT It Fischer, C. F. Gay, A. T. Maxwell Hardware TT If TT TT Co. T1 TIT Mehrtens, H. G. Orr, Samuel Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Sirola, O. Times Star Co. Oakland Stationery & Toy DD. Union Oil Co. of California Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Jollymour, B. Kellogg Express Co. Konigshofer's Orr, Samuel Varachi, Edwardo Western Dairy Co, Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Great Western Power Company and Mr. Latham moved that the HEALTH FUND. Supplies If Water Rental and tolls Flash light Total RECREATION IUND. Services as tree trimmer as Play Director Valves Repairs to auto it IT TT Repairs Repairs to tools Tools Saw set Saws and punch Window light Services Rental Reaii.s-to footballs Printing Total - STORE FUND. ,Pencils and pens Distillate Total - RELIEF FUND. Money advanced Groceries Expressage Sheeting Services TT Milk Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Towel service Electric current Total - - ir 5.97 .25 .50 3.18 2.70 2.60 44.00 12.00 7.92 1,40 8.70 17.75 7.00 60.61 1.10 8.90 3.00 19.50 2.30 2,40 13.50 210.08 10.20 13.50 23.70 8.00 10.00 .75 IL•60 19.50 32.50 11.33 93.68 1.00 4146.62 - -44147.62 claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council in adjourned regular session adjourned to meet Tuesday evening November 25th, 1919, at 8 O'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.