1919-12-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR LLEETING OF THE COUN OF THE CITY ais. ALLEDA, The meet TUESDAY EVE2I1TG, DECEMBER 2 1919, g convened at 810 pm, m. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilman Latham Noy, Probst and President Otis were noted present. Absent: Councilman Majors, (1). The Clerk read a canmunication from Councilman Majors offering his resignation as a member of the body. Mr. Probst moved that the resignation be accepted, seconded by Mr, Latham and carried. The Clerk was instructed to tender the thanks of the members of the Council to Mr. Majors for his services to the City. / Er. Latham moved that C. C. Adams be appointed the fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Majors, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, Mr. Adams being present was sworn in Ly the Clerh and was seated. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 8th were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of November 25th were read. Er. Latham moved that all reference to the introduction of an ordinance relating to the regulation of dogs and roosters, etc. be eliminated from the record, seconded by Mr. Drobs and carried. THe minutes were then declared approved as corrected. The following were received: Affidavit of posting and the Affidavit of -oublication of a Notice of Public 'ork, under Resolution of Intentin No. 50, N. S. Ordered filed. The report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of October, 1919. Ordered filed, The first apportionment of the 1919-1920 taxes. Ordered filed. 3. /7 The Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Sale of a house at the northeast corner of Crist Street and Regent Street in this city. Ordered filed. 4, i/ Mr. Probst introduced the following Le solution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 257. Transferring 0,558.42 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." MT. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the 'Resolution and on roll cali it was adopted and passed unanimously. Communicatinns: From the Alameda Evening High School inviting the member of the Council to attend the exercises to be held in honor of the graduates of the Americanization Class. Mr. Latliarn moved that the invitation be qcceoted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 6. From Frederic V. Abbot, Col. Corps of Engineers, and Congressman J. A. Elston, relative to the closing of Harrison Avenue. Ordered filed. 0 • From the Union Iron. 7Jorks Company giving a statement of the improvements made by the corporation. Ordered filed. // From the WomansT Christian Temperance Union, requesting the construction of suitable comfort stations. Referred to the City Planning Commission. q _ U IT Th, D4 1T^4-1,,A4c,4- Qr,114-1, December 2nd, 1919. erected at the northeast corner of Van Buren and. Court Streets. As no opposition developed to this. change, a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. few Series. An Ordinance Re-classifying the lot(60 x 100 feet) on the northeast corner of Court and. Van Buren Streets, from Class I Residence District to Class IV Business and Public Use District." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 10. V Resolutions providing for the opening of Morton Street, from Pacific Avenue to e northern line of the city were presented by the city manager and discussed. The matter was referred back to the manager to report to the next meeting of the Council. Councilman Adams asked to be excused and left the council chamber. 11. The protest of Ben F. Lamborn against the closing of Harrison Avenue was officially filed by the Clerk. Mr. Latham moovdd that a public hearing on the protest be heard Tuesday evening, December 9th, 1919, at 8 o'clock p. m. and that the council adjourn to meet at that hour, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 12. / Mr. F. J. Kendall addressed the Council relative to the posting that had been done along the Estuary by the J. Paulding Edwards Cominany and requested that the city protest aP:ainst any possible granting of any interest by the government to the Edwards Company. Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk protest to the proper authorities against the same, seconded by ¥r. Latham and carried. Mr. Probst moved futther that the city manager investigate as to the causes that led to the above posting, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 13. City Manager Hewes brought up the matter of the sale of the house rece tly acquired by the city at the northeast corner of Crist and Regent Streets. Mr. Latham moved that the city manager be given power to act to sell the same, second- ed by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 14. Mr. Hewes brought up the matter of leasing a portion of the Corporation Yard to Mr. James Robertson. Mx. Probst moved that the city manager be given power to act to make a lease fora period not to exceed one year, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 4,345.40; against the Police Fund amounting to 0120.23; against the Fire Fund amounting to 0219.40; against the Street Fund amounting to 220858; against the Health Fund amounting to 0900.13; against the Recreation Fund amounting to :110.93; against the Store Fund amounting to 8.13; against the Relief Fund amounting to 39.00; against the Electric Light Fund. amounting to 4652.65; against Municipal Improvement Fund amounting to 010.98 and against the Park „Purchase Fund amounting to 1440.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were lieted by the clerk as follows: GENERAL FUND. Bosshard, R. E. Croll, F. J. Ford, N. 0., Hewes, Charles E. Hewes, Charles E. 1? City Manager i? TT Koerber Fuel & Feed. Co. Malloye Co., F. Martell Tire Co. Money advanced Auto upkeep Printing Auto upkeep Money advanced TV TV Coal ana kindling Binding block books Retread of tire • 6.70 25.00 67.00 25.00 1.00 2.00 7.00 27.50 8.50 2urity Springs Water Co. Schneider, Henry tt If 11 yr If 11 Smith Bros. Thompson, Dr. C. L. Times Star Co. Union Lithograph Co. Hicks, Grant Martell Tire Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Schneider, Henry Anderson Machine Works 11 11 71 Eertolino, A. Fischer, C. F. FOrd, IT. 0. Koerber, Fuel & Feed Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Schneider, Henry Standard. Oil Co. 11 1Y 71 IT Steindietz, Walter F. Labor East Bay Water Co. Hickok, C. E. Hutchinson Company Martell Tire Co. Municipal Electric Li ht Plant Powell Bros. Construction Co. Ransome, Bernard Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Strowenjans, H. G. Union Oil Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Baush & Lomb Optical Co. Carpenter, Dr. T. Central City Chemical Co. Chaplin Motor Sales Co. Cutter Laboratory, The Godfrey, Matilaa Nielsen, Ella Oakland California Towel Co. Parisian Laundry Schneider, Henry Times Star Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Arbes, J. Cohen, Emilie Martell Tire Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Schneider, Henry Siem, C. Waddell Lumber Uo. Union Oil Co. of California December 2nd, 1919. Water Supplies Paste Calendar pads Supplies Assessment paid in error Advertising. Currency straps Total - POLICE FUND. Auto upkeep Horns, repairs, tires. Gas at Pound Office supplies Total - FIRE FUND. Toggle pin Labor, etc. Repairs to radiator Supplies Printing permit books Coal Repairs, etc. Gas Calendar pad Coal oil, gasoline Zerolene storage tank Gasoline Money advanced for dues Total - STREET FUND. Water Incidentals Screenings Tires Repairs Cement and gravel Patches Supplies Cement Tools Distillate Rope and ax Total - HEALTH FTThD. Lens Auto upkeep Supplies 1 Chevrolet Serum Clenning Money advanced Towel service Lauhdry Supplies Printing Twine Total RECREATION P1J1D. Tree trimmer Services, Sub Play director Tube Repairs Labor Gas Calendar pad. Saws filed. Lumber STORE FUND. Distillate Total ' .50 2.36 2.21 1.47 4.61 2,00 5.74 74.88 5.55 -04345.40 35.00 79.45 .10 5.68 - 9 120.23 9 2,15 1.70 3.25 2.35 17.50 6.85 121.26 15.80 .49 14.85 6.70 20.50 6.00 219.40 0 1617.00 6.26 3.05 36.00 258.26 8.55 64.01 115.65 6.38 27.12 12.30 27.00 27.00 2208.58 ,tr) 9.90 35.00 43.32 857.00 2.16 11.90 1.03 1.50 3.59 4.27 9.03 1.43 980.13 44.00 10.00 3.70 4.20 16.50 4.80 .49 2.50 24.74 110.93 8.13 December 2nd, 1919. Orr, Samuel Varachi, Edwardo Anthony, E. C. Board of Public Utilities California State Auto Assn. Certain-teed. Products Corporation Citizens Bank ColuMbia Auto Sheet Metal Works TT TV TV TV Crane Co. General Electric Co. Gilson, Rose M. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Justinian Caire Co. Linde Air Products Co. Mazwell Hardware Co. Moreland Motor Truck Company Oakland Stenographic Bureau Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Times Star Co. Rucker-Fuller Desk Co. Standard Oil Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co, Weaver-Wells Co, Weinstock-Nichols Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Zellerbaeh Paper Co. RELIEF FUND. Labor Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND, Supplies Incidentals Insurance premium Paint Rent Repairs TV Supplies Transformers Fuses Supplies TV Oxygen Supplies TT Stencils Gas Printing Supplies Gasoline Supplies TT Toggle blocks Supplies TV TV Total - MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND N0. 11. Times Star Co. Printing 0 10.98 PARK PURCHASE FUND. Alameda Savings Bank Interest on loan 0 1440.00 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session Tuesday evening, December 9th, 1919, at8 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, ti? 16,50 22.50 9.00 .55 42.14 22.90 5.19 40.00 2.60 10.00 1,66 210.60 9.70 456.28 29.70 1.92 8.70 21,10 4.32 1.00 28.75 29.60 71.51 3.20 93.23 4.00 14.43 535.30 4.27 1652.65 City Clerk.