1908-02-03 Regular CC Minutesealloa to ,J (4. ATA7:l'ilDa, „ Tee :re77 eallea aua "jolwroilion Cluristonser, ire'ort,72i1-,cor o-oa were notea yrresn-ot o,oa Th. : Frovir,a7t. -,e1.-elle.,tes of tl,o nootin of Jariral,i ,r'et".0 wire reoa o.ua oraorea, cr:7,urovol,7, 7110 leiruo.tes of of a"-n•tlaerz.- wero a e7 orCorea .of-lerovea. ne General Fnua , e)161.0c;r2o:siust tLo 77ire to 50'':)C;e.ceai-ut a oluti ;'000;aainsl., ts loioo 1MLa o o to ,. lo r, i C55C-,eatust no 1 ti 7u li,oartr;:-: tet Fund ero_ ,5,a „locre na a aoa, no LiTrer:, 57wrai onouoiu.o: to ',3:75.75 7,eor ar-2ro-vo(7 oraitoa 'Le ro-zor Fifle000 ree. as fo77ows:- -ir'-'11A.T 1 5O,T. Ar,,,00s i.7.:'. e! eo. le.so !7 If 0.50 Zer ter Fees 21,50 fjliforni- Oil :2 - 0a7o7•eela heat Ieorles 'iator 7o '7 71 '1 :e7o'reiaerear for Ja-riu,a (31.1 for Eall ."efu.oa of Toxe ."0C,erotores for 5it-0,y Hall tor for '-.03.'-'. M ruC 4.413 r Ool7 •V 71e"4 Co O-ertifioiet-:, of Total- - rfe, 0.0.7 7.50 1.on 5.40 7.55 11.50 T.50 0.00 - c 14C.CC 12e7f,TOILI 21::j.) II -1' Alitroot Co 5e3"1i13eete o 'i-ioTool 71 t 14, CC To or o ',later to Uoverer 2.V07 ' 17oto1- 721-515,-1). Lao:I/Melte:7s for Tolioe (j 1, feua, 3•••' r•-,, 05C.05 4.44 $'. 11.25 ThoLlisLioj Co 05.CC Iofoor 7,4.40 -1 41 1 ;04 7:ate:c 0o. noll T. Mflign: 0 ToC,A, 71 _1 • TT Fotitcr LT "L".o.xwell 'T"t7) ';:or17.s Znoc:les TT Mter fm:: 7e t.1007 1JUV. '")oc„ 7=7 77:1-J-1-11snf 71 17 -5.115.O7= 11=, 1Tinti1C IT "110:i231DiT 717J:;eL.,1 77 77 incteze-t '-Teres"hoci-2-,J 1:ateri,p7 OTOEI 0.rES 199.44 02.50 21.25 7.50 12 .40 610.70 545„c(1 202.00 7200 174.50 s(7'.cr 11.•5 r) 20„00 13,75 15,0 nrIrs n1 , 70.q7 7.1,, /In 3.15 2.5 5.50 27.50 3.75 4.f33 41.90 44z, 4(4- 711.41 -44-7 P.ickorson,A1 suITlies Roeblings Sons Schneid ,,Fenry Sterling :lectric 7,o 17 United Tro oi Yatorial Thstall,Chas Gasoline Westingho LupTl ie use - s "(7. Alameda Free Library ? 1 I _Argus Publishing Co 11 Tr Total- LIBRARY FUND. Expenses to Convention :12etty :xnenses Eastern Claims Books 6 -.Periodicals rinting saesulimoson 17 Cunningham,Ou:tis Welch Books S TT: Lies Emporium,The seL, Daily Newsi7;arers Furey,Frank 7. FLepairs Books Newbegin,J.J. Oakland Gas Lt.& Heat O Gas 17 -Peoples 'Water Co Water San Francisco Uews 7o Periodicals Schnoider,llenry 7ewspaners Volberg,C.C. F:ent Wheeler 2 Son,G.W. Fuel Ux.Bullock moved that the claims be Paid as Total- - 15.00 36.70 1.80 .35 74.50 2.45 7.35 20.00 15.50 6.56 2.25 12.50 15.00 7.00 2.00 2.40 2.40 59.74 14.40 6CC .75 30.70 10.80 2.00 1.00 1.15 325.43 11.40 25.00 16.30 F; - 0 read,seconded by Er.Christensen and car- ried by he following vote. Ayes;Counoilmon Christensen,TZIagagnos,Bullock,Uoy,Gee, :Probst, nft fisher and Loop.(0). Noes ;None. Absent ;Councilman on. (1) of") Communications L A communication was received from the 16ayor in regard to the obstr-Gction to from the Ylayor making certainto the street tne south-west corner of Grand St .and Lincoln Avenue. Referred to recommendations the Street Committee. A commurication was received from tho Thor in which he recommended the ap- 'w pointment o a deputy' Street Surerintendent to attend to the miscellaneous matters that the Street :_:uperinuendont had not time to attend to. Referred to the Committee of the Mole. r communication was received froy the T.Jayor in regard to the north end of the Webster Street -2coadway,and recommending that the sane be improved with the Hassam pavement. Referred to the Committee of the 'Mole. A commlanication was received from the 1V:ayor in regards to the proposed route and street work necessary in the matter of the rroposed nalltaxof-Ktha fr anchise to the Southern -facific T-Sailway Oo throuFb tho Cohen proerty- on Clement "venue . Referred to the Committee of the 'Thole . nd bunker at In the matter of the -petition of :1.-):,.,7u.dd to maintain a sand bunker at the ot of '6herman reet. V foot of >Merman Street,r.Eey moved tha the same be denied,secorded b Idtr.Gee and carried. plication of :he matter of the arnlication of A.J.Fromm for a liquor license for a pro- J.Fromm for quor license. resod hotel at the corner of Bay Street and Lincoln Avenue,r.ee moved that 7:r. Fromm be allowed to withdraw his avIlication,seconded :jr.Tioy and carried. Aver Lieed, nlive-r 'Ideea presented an application for a Lratuitous license to cell a T.!e license. H.aatchell .co license. :ter Co .report 1(-207. cenent from a temporarLi stand on the streets. L-r..Fishor moved_ that IA be c-ranted secored 1'y Lr.1::aaLnos and carried. O.R.Gatcheri -presented an arplication for a Lratuitons license to distrib- ute sanrles of shredded wboat. ::,r.Probst moved tbat it I aranted,seconded by lIr.Geo and carried. The Peoples V:ater Conran:: presented their annual report for their 2..1aneda Tivision for the year 1°07. moved that the same be referred to the Committee of the nole,said Committee to meet Thursday,February 6th to consider .; 4. So ordered. do for yearly The O1ori irnsented an affidavit from the Alameda T. y Ara:us showinL- due Lds for ::earl:;:: h-ortisins. ublication of adverticement for bids for the pu11ic printin . sane ordered filed. Therol)pon bids from t Valleon i'or1;2-.rE:us PnLlishins 00 ;henry ,::;chnoider nd F.I.L's-,caule:: were opened. Er.aa:aLnos moved that the sane he referred to the Irintin Committee to be taken in; 'iedne-day eveninebrnary Uth for consid- eration,seconded hy 1.r.Eulloch and carried. Thn Clerk presented an affidavit from the Alaneda Daily lirsus showinF due uublication of advertisenent for hids for tie bile a,dvertisin. Thorenron bid from the Arus Publishin a? oo,was Oi`C?I1.�.'.(1.® .T:r.1:.aganos moved that the sare be re:fell-rod to the Trintin v Committee to be tah-en nu I:ednesda:, ovonin,February 5th for co-nsideratien,soconded by Lr.eo and carried. The natter of the recommendation af the 1].oard of Health for tle construe- tioa of sewers in various streets,was referred to the -2ity Attorney 'and City 7-nineor to draw u the necessary 2oe0o1utions of intention. A communication was recei-ved from Zoe Green aaacliffe,et al,roquestin that ste-rs bo ta'kea for the improvement of 7;aP1e Avenue between Broadway and Pearl Streets. The matter was referred to the 7;ity Attorney and City Fangineer to draw. ut. the necessary :esolution of Intention, The Clerk presented affidavits showin due rostinz and Li blibir of no- tices calling for bids in tao natter of -1.1esolution of Intention TIo.712 and therouuon two bids wore orenod,one from ITutchinson Oompan as folloas; or ' Lacadami2An 11 71 11 1 cents per sqnnre foot Q, 11 " 77 7 T (--,... Gutterschrohon rock 10 If if Curbin,concrete 00 Gutte-r. Brid;-Jes,wood :0.00 each Culverts, cast iron ,F_ concrete :,0.00 rer linear same beir acconTanied by a. bond in the sum Of 000 00 ard one from rowel' Bros.,as follows; For Excavatin ' Lacadarizinc' Gutters If Striht Ourbing,cennt 0 . 14 Curved Curbin Gutter Tiries Oulvorts,iron f Linear foot 0 .02 cents per square foot T7 ;r 12 II If It 50 '7 " LIneur 50 '7 " 1.10 obarse 2.00 per Linear Foot 71 17 cr centraot under Iat:Zo.712. flans [sc. .hos.ef Int. '713. The same was aecolctanied lj a bond in the sum of 900 00. The bids were referred to the City :::,ngineer,who reported that the bid of 1Lutehinson Con-linny was the lowest ord theo-cron Lr.Christenson offered the following F.esolutioa and moved ita odortion; 3rd of the Cit„7,/ of 11.7aeaa,havin in o' fl oebi()y3 oil the day of 7chruax-v,100,orened examined end nuhlicly declared all sealed laroy,osols -ota2 for the fo7lowin streot worio io said eity,to wit: That F.'neinol vomc from, the eastern line of Versaaifles l'..vonuo to the western 7iine of FliZn ';,:traot ex6.epting the crossings of said avenue with 0' "6t1eet and 0orr treet,he raved as follors: That the entire width the roaday of said avenue Le cc,raded:that coucrote 0000' 1 eight inches hy fonrteon inehos in cross section diteensioo he constructed oa a7111 eurh linos of the roadway of said avenno,two inches above the official curb :erode:that cement greuted,rocTh E-ter s throe feet in width of tho flat rattern,he constructed or each side of said roadv)ay,contiLanous to said curhin:that the romaining rortion of anid roadway ho neoadoamized rith a layer of broca tror rocT,.,eieem inches in thicness;that at each of tho 00'121'101'8 of the oIrosite terrninaticrs of College .Lvesue os0 dcroe reet in Fneinal 11,venue,ossnmiag soid 01 0l0 to have a width of eighty fect,a enrved corner rith one ,utter hride 100 00:11.0,t3 as hereinafter stecifie(1. that four curved corners with two gutter tr es e0011 ,0,E; hereinafter srecifind,he constrroted,o-ne ot 000 of what would he tho corners or tho crossiregs 3f 2eno0' ir Htreet and 7,ne0'un1 .Aventle 00s00ari7 that anig 1),70:;:'1U0 13 wic"h of two oast iron euTeerto iinhodded in concrete he cot.' atd across :ncinait ,Lyenuo, ore i id rossir nt 2ouO o ra o t o otain ,troet;that eaeh crrved corner heroin '2rovi3ad for shaidl he 00rs1rLete3 of concrete end e, cross soction inensioa of ei:-7'l' inches lry fourteen inehes •-ad 131 el7 have constructed contignous thereto a ea-ment erontod roch .:_,attor,crred p:ttorr,to nd_ onn-ho3'f :'e-it in ridth:thff hridge henein rrovidlod for sleel1 he oon- tructed of :ino lumher nnd ho five fact in width. The worh of !e ading and aznan7aHn4a4 sag the roady f i7 .i. o wao.ncaa nin the or- :osito termination of colleg-o 20s'enue wife-ere olroady done is ,eh!.octed frols the cr,-ore- tioo of rosolitien, That :ortion of 1C rqnirod : lr t hlt i d hy th te r d hnvic its tahth hhy fo the erera thioes e s r n ti of s sletios. of ssid hids orcert that nont heroin 'H-.,rnn!L.n.d and inceohy f-eards thoract for t Ftchi hi th t retoosth.e cnt sad o o nso ooy n e s hidd thft 1 -Jyi lcifi their hd therefor oa file to 7'sro e r s i For Fxsoentine ' Qrtters,roen roch. 'iwrhia,coacrate °inverts east iron and concrete , tor square foot Co ..)euano foot squsare feet linesr foot each linear r 17,,areC :7 '1 The iJity 31orh is herein directod to root Dotice of this award cosric00rcie,7 sor five days neo -no door of this Cornell and to ruhlish said notice for tro days in the 2.Tienedn. Feily LrLseas,nowsy.aror,seconded Her.Lm. and 37low0'n vote: tlyesOolancilmca j.ThrtenerLassnos,Tulloloy,dt a Yrost7ishsr .A.haent:Councine hrown, :3 rcoe cas, .L.r.hristonsn offered the fcitTh —!rie «3001 30')' and moved ita the sinity Fnnineer ho and herehy is directed to 71:The eificati tilstimt r th win srt or1. lo c e o tee w done in That :,treat frorL no13;7-.o.cn line of Tmasna Lvenue to the sou:thorn, line Cf Harrison ..ineenue and the came extended is a rinht lioe r.cater- 1 j.0073)3( '--77 (7)20S13T'l T,C.:too.' i said lines,he imiltroved as og 04. • q0112ouTI t1v Jo c-.),,-2T',1 ao IL :TooJ uo; O'jTiL ,1D:VJO:) 44 14 ?;i!ocLLo,oLl: q:uoi Jo Gq10-1.4.aoj, 1L7 JJ,L o.T fl.00J ,.=L Jo so::Ta,:, 1,. O7 ,-Ti),)ro'o 1,2UU07,4:J,GUI 01:r :y0T olfo' ',":),C)01.COUT 111 1 uTo 11.00J- d--;,14 nIq:.;o; j() raT 1;)L;:i3 q.J.flo o!), a::) 61?T1 -12T,A 4GoJ :YLDoa'1:/_oa7 L. 1 4 21T,ou4 7..LcTao!,J.T0 'soaTL LL-J 0-70 1 OUTI uT o4. igsT,1„ TJ: Jo ou:TI o, o4. GTT •1)), L21-i:/i1.:—coJ 04u.T.14so L:11:"3 747: ':147 :0 . e1:1:;::::..1,„W),..T. 7' (1Y 13 0 ',.)uo14):::2,TJToo.,;1): (T-- 0214004 --j%0L-LO «1 0112020O 111 704747 popu_ooG7 .20T404047 02477 Jo oTfiJo,,:, • Jo r •1 Y1) Li." ;;) 1.114- 17.7 4447L 4-1 -10q0)(7)"L00 p14 )1274Cl/4017 T-04dIof,:o7 '1:;a014740.1: Jo 07147 20 147 0047 704_030 o :24:147 po,:r_ToCbo.:T. 130120 s:TT '40f14 JO Th31:0;J: 4 J: 11471.10o 047. Jo 2L472 0 07 '. ):2) 4 L-1:CY,3 JO 3.. 77 o014. :4- 01:172-2:0.1 01r,) Jo 17 20 7-'. Jo om:T 20400.741001 2' 04. 0Y7' 7r3Y007;00 L 54010,10 .71.) 770 171 D-jj 20.2010 0 oTl47 a4T01232.071 oci ol,.@oaroc.) 1 0 70004' '0 73 70771.02 0400040) aoxT aogc,J. Jo Jo [JoT47o.7. UT ;00T — 4320.1210 00.11,010 OqL.; 770 702 4'lI. oTc; 770 177012 734.0n3o -' 41-10'7%'0 4:3-777 3-41, 4017. 77 L'-'41-'-° ILyLf.:; :7711.110 107 '7' 7a0171 L-ci.T.o;JJo 713,474J3o,7o4. ap 7.01) t0'4. 02004 (,:mo 1:,o4„33 :E.72000 ouTouT Tvrno Joo,:coti, 47'7771032 71 1LT JO 'r:3-3-Y len o-rthrr Ly ne railroad trec7,-,--s terecni are also on",;,:corted nt,o; :e2out1 n of intention llb.71Z, tLe o.f Int'C'7,1-:e nod t' c 1-Lere'e.:; on(7 r:o-yasonere:.L Ln:". tlee C1=7-: is dirnotcrl to file tle sone .3er"-Loadod n; :,.Joe sad n,:loT-ated "ny tie Thris!-ansooLn:;res,DrilooL eyy, ero,Tost,,Ter ILooiG) IT3 es;73 re, 2,(Lort;Jone-17as .Thte fft'no ti d 7, C nrisene er lnon 7 otreet w-orlo 4. oneeor'o tft1on f tlii .1 il tleaf .sointif.n saloL o e enn e er 'intenti 1 fo e 7f rl 1- cad-z d t'o io.T r n02 or L.1 11. erisw fT'ae'e ita LonL -ri of fnV 2vne Zoarso: . 2(.1- cle,oda,adowted 7— t.7. Gcto::or 7t1, "aner ynoste en,'J lnw,ned t" no doirL f to ee filed • te Oit-y of se1d fone inire and no :onnol ..,fl 1. 54. i of 2..1a.o. 7 "y o tl ff17-i' derle tt 7 to idn rdne n si s w done • C,-edin to Il yl and iiftio 1. .4,.. -(" T't t,nors te ann seoieann aet tLreo,na,e treet fro tLo norlLory- of Leona Viota (:ren-ao to te sot",orr 11-no of g 7tarrinee Avenae nnd tine L7;7-.1110 3H,3» ''34. ir a k: line westorly across slroet ino7eldire n.71 oronsin;(: "notween said lines,e yreve ns Tnat tlLe ron,f'roa tercof "ao caonorete eiolat inc"aes "(rj fo-roteon nolne in o:-o. s soo,tion (linension loe ce-estr-n,oted on el1 orrin Tines t]nereof and on o71 enrved oornorn tllereof,two above t-no official onrla '3'' '.4 oe- -scalt satters,t"nroo frA ore-Lrelf feet wi(Thef tle -etternT,c nerstroetod or eao n110 said rendnn- contisoos to 3ni(3 31onl:inzeyeer4'1-, isnttors conoetrnctej oonaonn to aorLve oorrers i3l. c tly20 an6 one-hnlf feet 7In wiC Hond Of tne onrred attero;tLat tLe rey,ainin norton of said na e n:a n.L- drd -! l-t ol 1 n -niknt st i1e er ro r o ti no s o Ln - ornlverts Isoledded or• enolosed in conorote oo0tr1eteL('1,ene io -no .4, 4I'1' side • C1(10 7.1. -no western J of eacln cressinc: 3. 4. tLe a1ove yientionn,l lies so • to cross tLo intersectIoL ovon'3c)s;t7naLt at ot.Lo catr,vecl corner to "ne oonstrre-tcdt Lersonder two (srtter "nr-les of plor: 1-o-fTher,siT:::: feet in wILOtL,shall 're sonotr-neted Lil yortions of 2arlo- L;iree or its oressins veltLi?1 naid lines nrd 1ne3 7ded witLin re"-it Tines drawn ne ceater line of ss1 ("1 street and 61ntrrt t.on and CL--Tfl.0 of L, foot :LLt o&Dannreheat on e.oel side of ne oeotor ne thereof nro e7(.:_ce-f:ted fron tLe oyoration of tlw;s resoTht1en nod s7.7 yortions (erTe ";Itroot or itn erossis anid 11noen1 oal, are re(Inro 7Y 7,e0 , to 7o, im onler tereon are also u7(ecLe]ate(3 fro:i t.he oy- erntio! of t7'!411 Zoo 1erL of "lo Lorn directed to - t7 :7Leolut'ion for two da,7s tLe 311., .4": z31., LrLne,n doily nowsrey,er yalrifl1 2hed e(nd eircnlneted 1n .40 44. 7ity end w"n1oL seroL-y cleni,nated for tinst nryose. direote," to yo "2onsriononsly oe-r five dnus nerne no 751nr-Coor -1,e or of t'ne neid tlonteil,notice sf raid -sort- wit1 sfooifleoa,tann 3ee1ed '4) 0,. or Iri(ls for doins tte werin order- Cee, r-,il oic rf i orI- i --rear,L, or 'flt3s 7r nsnt a L r o ( o • wor"-: referr to to i,3yecifieat1ns or on fileoe for iwo 4.4.,, 4Ln • sa1d 111:1L-aeC, 4;.. newc,r1-,(:Ter de1-41 : f ,. f -l0Se co,or 1ry f i lnre rifld lc1- oa 10onlonHoono saa notiseo ra ootoa:s r ) ( 4 r ns for less tLar ten yer oent of tLe of ne ao_d nol° tLe day- of Ferrary,as tloe de necon oted 40,ou0o tno; f4:,-; QV,T ;00:.T.?„ 10211.:1) lyJ.0 :o t. 4,1T.00c 2,T017.:J:00 011.4 J:0 io 40 ,0Y„1_0 Tf..1,..;21: HT fl,')u; J » ,):0qAaT. ouTj ;0 04 11.00 q0uo sacLouT. 1100,I,Lo; soqc,HT ;0 u0T:iu10 0t) L0'01 OCO,TC, 0 L0E0: .p011.*.) :liCTo ;0 i.c1.110‘ 3(1. ::12:0,f. 00“4 ton'7.T4.uo0 a. ;0 i)1:1T2 He ocL 40IJ ;00J 00a: po4'03U3 OAC: of.12 Dllu-.;:3 ;0 ...70H olL'4, ;0 “-2.T.-cis: ',,.a-L10 ILL; 1;0 1,01:.:}12,1e;rt 00 1») 3;:30,7,:;.7) T ouu-1-_ 7.):00u0; L,q0T;;0 0!-4. ";;00,1:4 1;2Tt'u:t ;0 ozTo :Ra0II0; pc;A0xJ: -ET 400.74fl pU73 400,14'! U3.720:71 UrIT 4X-; J001.J;.:0 020C, ;0 ouil H0,"; fl,x.u02 uT ou0r2 a:0; '.7-1yT:4;u0TJTJ2 0o 0L pLa) 0L .1M0T J01:4J01u.'; poA0A-. :^3u1,01.-c;; Dc,zo. ',."74.a.42,J 7.111 r?u-,:00 “01y:101 04030' ;co 04 1,)G4,:)0,14 0(1. 440010 0001407 au:0 0,4 H0 4 ;0 04 . TAToum 40 0Cb 04. :4 4-004 40ur0 a :'0 4,:o 4 :DUO: c„)'0 fi.oaco;T: 0TLYT, , J.J0I'clz, Jo 0; ; L J' 021.4J0A0,1 04 1,.:24..0,0aT,,2 uo 10; LuJ40L olL.4. ;0 ;01:0. C 0,4. 04 J.04(110) J 3 014 UT s):041::\ 07u00: ,(0IL0)40:c: -00* 0r.L1. 00; 04 , ozy14.0.17 D0)r0E),T1. f"c 0;;.: 2% ';4001f, 400 400L-yf.:.040j:ri_T 0,10A0 "0iaL7 oTjTo'cl 04 ;0 .-u2:4 40 000TTA0,-1. ,11.0A0 ouHf (44.00) 000 J3-of,! ,:f.-)0L;:01:7 ;0 aTI -cLo„." ,7.(0;.;1 30404.70021. 00,0 LO. 0)0-140a2T.:100) 04. 534.214 1.)u '07 -T0J- 1117 7f" 7 MOT007 04 3:0 :--0-1-,0 TiAc,10:1:. 0021.0 1.7u0. LE00I4,4E0) 0,0)0m,)7: T04 00)0:01)4' Tuu7:7_ .1,0; 0TP04, 4.0 II:7 7fl P0I14.0e 11T7 4.c:)000d40) T :00I44. 1,7*-7 °['-')-,:oo-r ,L 0011.:II:00)003 ,!(0000 7.7 -IT0011.001S-07 SI4.LA01:104 0T4 1,2011Z1:Z0 p70:1=1; 4.pu0oo7 Ituu ol41,1*7.,0 :7,10,0 ;0 1.(0 n E.; r.?c,-: ,T n H:u:)r0ap0„..,u1. 12:170 G47: "„.110::=Y0p0=1 .p00 1ova:i( Yoontter 1)-sio of ii2i7-10 eo oreeif:le !od 1c ::t oonot-1.?1,eted o-ee ot eee'll of vdiet 1,-Joa1d 1)e the fonr co-rile-co of ne et CoLert 3 7,,netbol Lvene wi(:it-N of foot ot eecL ofe of -I:to rre6ort eeter 3i :t that elvefts imLedde47, eeburete Le oe:eotr-17,eto. wo-,!000 ,:eet one 02,-, ne eoo-t- e-r oide end c'e]e (-)7e tTle roote:on s71,d,o of G-ocwc:1- Coft 7.no,(7 nat tvoo e-nl-ito "no otroli1 9.1-12, ccmetneeted! Avenloo o'ee OD ne side n-e:,1 tLo woote-c-o oio of t oa.:ct Otreet Fo„o 7:Love rrovided tbe yosrtiob of 'or.y.1 .it-reet ri- nf cior o e rir lo,w to "ee 'T.,,, ,1. tle -fail:road Looiy1 ito 4,.. 1,, tLeeeyi, io herro- e:oo:erted the o-no-,co.tio :FLesolWc-lotl of ilriton r7c, f) oonnetine 71.7tL 13T7. . L1 - n e-o-etion of nlo Clor*L Le instleted Lr,:.::7oe t7-.o :1ooeil of no flit of ediliey, ,' 7n -111,1 VOtC.1. , ' 1- P 21.-:ne3 ;l2c=oi3no TLoc-nlotelt::en,D O-- l „ 7 • o 70 7rovo(1,1 no 7d nt tL 71.L L ditei tdti f- l ov to,o v e re:o- t000lo foil: a eer,e-2eto rovo.rne-nt oe no :eLiote--c t1ne o:i_k1 te -,ceor.e-et lurerovent 1 -n to e 1(10 Teot ooetL of tLe seutLE-oly erol of tiee oideo of tt:e onid cod,oze.; to Le lornreroved,o,nd tLe-,rofx'o-n: re,,irirrm:1 "J_w to be Lort -d-- ito t-e aid 1) ' filizb e Th - i o he ed no Crlot tLo 2St1 3ay of .Lr-roaine 71,0C,o3, Eleoo-eded oil Ly !.3 t- ,r 10) ; .41Loot:Uoneilae 77cow,(1)0 The=ee -13 ..T- in-ofne to t-,oa' to-ltld ed -m-tfl 1. ft.rno o n enOoeodonrn ; et 1,lio1oo701.ecnet 171:L 7.3C „:“