1908-03-02 Regular CC Minutes2DC. C 51 JOU=D 1CL. IZETIL CO=. CF OF 2n3 1901% Tne ,,3•1le,,7 to or,Ths: -oy tit-Jo or 'r TLe cs:.,21.7.e31 o,t1:7 Lrovon, sssa Loo.":.((2:),wero rlotea 2resotlt 311 -non s'osrt. Toe mtirstes of t'ios .incotto of 72e7,)r-oL,,,ry 17n I 777 WC)=-1' arkr.7. af-frovo(7. 7he -onoliftstes of no Tooetip.[ 22t2 12C0 wero 3-e'ne:nal alnoiiotino: to ,:,.,179.00;aL'alsnst tfl!;.e ,-itroot 2und a'iscalti L; to 774.37 ;:aL;fl.7nst '207ice Hiral a-,soonYro--: to ::,,24.013;s:a3nst IPc• tr , sttion to :",7 (71 tTl °,7 ol:itr,L: to io P 53 n e Flt)as,nl 03 'Leen ara7ito3 utt 3 aroveCt 7)2 t7o:o were -,,e,..--:,a as follos:- ;T 0,, 71, Dctl.-iyss Califnrqlis Csi7 L Co. I.n"52:oo.5,0„,3r, 3.las-sta 1-as it„L oo Pit,,E.Ltnor 5:e7n,,or Eo"li: 7o. 7 7, J„IT, 3s Co U Lk:Isneir,LoTrf.:; or L, Co., 2oaa,L. 7.00 rot ,:.ssessor 5 71, ,;Ju 2.00 Depnty .DouTunnster 22 .22 -2.i3 i. for '7'e2r3ar,:.: 5.00 2,000 TT.00 15.fln r3,30 Hall 2.50 Oil f(syr Ts,)o,tsr Cit Hall 311 ir,s Oitv :3orvioes ss 2..sse330i: cau 1, 1.. 0 0 .3 Tresarey 303. oora 1Da-ps Lo fo 40.02 7.9.00 it 46.25 7.00 74.40 II' 22.50 LCoor 5C.75 43.25 Ital)or 62.50 55,.65 54.00 ies n‘r 1,2;. T74.62 LILT i.eC C2,-a-ra0 1.;:a7KL.,Otto 2,101-11jev,2. Loara of Lie0trie,it-L- C0-Jsti,,Dr _efalfb Et!,;e:c L L (I] Done): ,,0:=21,7-2 1:11,1f.3 '2,01)1-n 4. , qn 1 CT IC LI:13='1 2Ur',23. la:foeds o Iererar:r p fetty E:ofeirses Lor-or Ln=sy 7re:1:10 7ir1.YL 00.,721-(1 LioThe,,Jc.d LuYi-,eo I'corTos to: .0 °Jer.r1 E. C. s 1)--)11) 71"21.ol .;!-voer 11 71,G(7),Cr; 1.05.C:C o _ - r•oro(7 t'eret "eo s.s resC.,scoorjl,211 M)r- sre(1 oLl-frieJ fllo'o7'oce vote o s ')1 .21i))) 7:: 71. sloe 7r1 7) rour,.(7]) Aser±: Eors, rovol of r cle'sriert-lo • reocrio,occ7, tlloo 1-ce ef t'lec Eocclooticiis. • Lole'ce 71ro l-l:oHice to -fec -Ececleo 211:orrt, Ocetrecf. for stoet Ile,,:c7ocel of I'ol\ootion r7s ltiOo f c oo o JThmoe s.s 7t'le 1C, f-zoL C' 0C' of I:ectt referc-cce 7 ; 71;f3f; tt.7, t"-o I- cf,f vecce*:sejllro certis clo5eolL2es Tee T)a;-1 t:7) cJ' "T -1 71. (-7' voLrei rece-l'ee:l er, ,00J '5o:' -: •f Jaclocl tc Tiootretz, 0Tl - t7 ot of soi0r o s if llooso(1 eee te eo-t toc 71t,„ to lloo fcr o.cfl-ll olo": eI s-of e:vrie:7„ 'le: fro oll.eri,- vote (re co oTectioo • tlloe l:Jo:roc: T:e 17,-e,Wr-r-cete,:l to -zo:-,,:aro -cocrleir-r r-27tio,1 -frroic;‘,,c to tlle electors of seiJ I7ce :orcllos of -Her for 2,2eee-r.0e frorl ret-loo, Cs '5'T5 .f,-;7-, I ,:Th," -T5'3;1 ■ 7.;om 77il. " , T L's CI vc „ "", • N 7)e Cs "Cl C,/ ADJOUR=D REGULAR =ETrM OF THE ,01.UOIL 07 ThE CITY OF ALPZ.EDA,:aRCE 16th 1908. The meetinp as called to order by the 1,:,ayor. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,L gagnes,Dullock,Noy,see, robot ,Fisher and Loop, (8) were noted present and Councilman Drown absent. The minutes of the motiup of -Parch 2nd were read and approved. Claims against the General Fund amountin 165.50;against the Street Fund amount o 198.70;against the Fire Fund amounting to 566.66;against the Police Fund amourmtinp to '192.10 and against the Electric Light Fund amountin to 492.61 having been approved by the pro-Der auditing comittoes,weee read By the Clerk as follow GT,J,-ERAT FUl".1) Bender,ioss Co. Codes California Oil j's Burner Jo. Oil Commercial Towel Co Towel service Reairin, chair Foster Desk -x.empster,Eleanor, E. Pubboc:,-,Osv-ald Ex,rersa-;e Sc Peoples 17ater Co., 7.ater 11 TI TT 155.00 20.00 0.00 .50 5.00 10.00 10.50 1.00 4.50 Rhodes S Jamieson Charcoal 1.00 Schloss,Benj Flap polo Total 50.00 165.50 STREET FUHD, Assisting City En,lrr 5 3.00 IT U TI 10.00 Goldstone,I. Coal Oil 1.35 y P Baird Blacksmithing 5.60 Peoples 'mater Co. Pator 174.25 Stachler,J. Blacksmithing 1.50 Woods,F.P. Teaming 5.00 Total ;;;;, 108.1.0 Anderson, Hans Bahr,Otto FIRE FUEL. Supplies horse-shoein IT IT TT TI Dunbar P Dunbar Frey,7.r. hay P Baird Kberber,A.H.. TicGowan,J.A. Oakland Gas Lt.& Heat Co Peorles Water Co Rhodes Jamieson chneider,Henry ;3teinmot ,Th F. ',7estall,Chas IT TI 3ur-nlies Repairs Horse-shoeing Supplies 1-rairs Gas hydrants E. Water Feed al Juplies Ilepairs Coal Oil Supplies Total- %i; 5.00 15.00 5.00 4.50 25 ri .70 5.00 3.70 27.00 93.31 253.60 147.60 3.10 54.30 6.00 7.05 - - 506.1- Arsus Publish:g Co. •t Printing 71 75.00 6.00 2.25 Oalaand as Lt.a: heat Co Gas .50 oberts,S.'S. Rerairs 1.50 Schnoider,llenry Stationer7 36.90 Shivley Eros Bicycle I.7.epairs 1.75 aa1e77:7. Cervices 68.25 Total 6 192.10 ELE,CTRIO 11061 FUUD. Associated Oil Co. Oil c,2 Co 1st raument on condensing plant :2324.25 Total r;34927.61 Br. Bullock moved tht the clains as read Me Taid,seconded hy Er. Coy and carried hr the following vote. Ayes:Councilen Thristenseq,Lagagnos,:aulloct,Joy,Goe,rohst, Fisher and Loop.(6). Absent:Oouncily[lan 0ronn .(1). A communication was received fron the Southern Pacific .-;omPany rearding crossin at LDdwy. the expense of laci-nc the street crossing at Fe] e Avenue and Airoadwa in 0_168.36 condition. Er .Loop moved that the Clerk be directed to write the said Comrany that the City would not stand any of the expense seconded Pp i.nr.Fisher and carried. Coin. on slot A cosmunication was received from 7:.0ooley urin„.-: the Council to pass machnes. ,„‘, , te ordinance rrohibitiri slot ii,achines, Ordered filed. -' Free license . petition was received fron P. :Ryan a resident of Oakland., for a gratuitous license to ]eddie notions,his reasons loeing that he was a cripple. 1,.r.Brown moved that his petition he granted, seconded Pp :r .Probst and carried. Petition of A petition was received. troll 2liza Baum to move a house from Pay Street 7liza :P:aum to, move house. near Can Antonio Avenue to the south side of Central Avenue hetween Pap and St. Tharles CUroets, Er.Leop moved that the reouest be ranted uron colripliance with the terms of Ordinance Co. 222 relating to such matters,seconded 'Zir.hrobst and carried. Yetit7on )f A retition was received from BLilton Cassell,owner and resident of 1305 :2„.'issell to connect yev:er Clara Avenue to .1)e allowed perfAssion to connect a sewer of a house he was erect -1m at 71307 Santa Clara with the sewer of his residence ',1o.1305 Erwin ovec.1, that the request lie granted, seconded by Er .Gee and carried. Ee-r,ort of 7-qes- The Department of Electricity presented a r e ]ort of tho ijunicipa_ Faectric trio It.Plart for Feby.'08. Lirht Plant for the month of February,1508. Ordered filed. Petitions to A retition was received. fr= C..Bond,et al asking that an arc 1. pint be in- install are lights, stalled on Taylor Avenue Between 4th and. 5th Streets. "Eoierred to the 'Pepartent of Electricity. A netition was received from -L.E.:.Bormann,e'- al askina that an are lin;ht he installed on ':em,l) Avenue 400 feat tett of ICveratt :,treet. :Thferred to the De-eart- hent of 7aectricity. Petition to A petition vans received from;; L.E.Bormann,et al asl:ing that steps he taken y-rove Thhb Ave . -n to sewer,grade,Illacadamize and otherwise improve ',Zebb Avenue Between Everett Street and Broadway. Referred to the City Engineer and Attorney to draw up the necessary 2,eso1ution of Intention. Councilman Brown arrived amid was noted -:resent. Clot :achino A Bill eumUitled A Bill for Ordinance Frohihitini, the Playing of Ordinance. )- l'achines or other i;:echanical Devices operated as yarca of chance. introduced Larch 2nd 1902, i Lr.f:lagaenos,came np for final passage and was read by the 1erk. After discussion by citizens from the lobby and by several of the Councilmen,-Er.Fisher moved that the Ordinance Be referred back to the Committee of the Vihole,seconded by Mr..-Laagnos and carried by the following vote. A7es: Councilmen Brown,-.Legagnos,Prohst,Fisher and Loop.(b). Zees :Councilmen Bullock, Pop, Gee and Christensen.(4). Absent: Zone. .nance herring A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance ITo._ Barring Liners from Saloons,Bil- !rs from Ap,ra halls. hard Rooms and other Public Places.", introduced Larch 2nd by Ir..1-robst,came up, for us Lou of nonce for license . nonce for ) Ave. .nerce for .0 Ave. final passage and was read by the Clerk. Lr.a7robst moved that it Be referred back to the Committee of the 1/hole,seconded by. I:a...Fisher and carried. A communication was received from the 1:.ayor recommending that lead l ops Be taker for the extension of )a.k ',Areet northerly to the southern line of the Tidal canal. Pr, Loop moved that the matter Be referred to the Committee of the thole, seconded by 'er.Laganos and carried. 1:1r.Bullock introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Zo. Relat to Gratuitous Licenses. ",which was laid over under the provisions of the Tharter. :,r.Christensen introduced. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance ho. tablishin the roadway of Webb Avenue from the eil,sterly line of Everett Street to the Pastern termination of said avenue and fixing the Curb Grade thereof, 'which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance .Esiahlisiiinp the Crade of Loe,:le Avenue between Broadway and. Pearl Streets.",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. eYon to A petition was received from Rhodes A Jamieson, ci al,reprecenting 2530 feet d Ord.432. !ding Ave. of frontage on Blanding Avenue reouesting that Ordinance P0 .432 he so amended that tracks , - cne railroad comany can build spur tracks and load and unload cars on Blanding Avenue. The sane was referred to tho City Attorney to draw up the proper Urdi- ;fiance. rission to Lr.Iathan of th e Police and Fire Commissi n addressed the Council and re- oy another comae. quested that the Commission be allowed to employ another police officer as the duties of attending to the collection of licenses under the provisions of Ordinance ho. 484 would demand the undivided attention of one officer. Lr.Dullock moved that the reauest Be granted, seconded by 'Lr..I'robst and carried by the followin vote. Ayes: onncilmen Brown, Christensen, ,2robst,Fisher And Toop(9 roes: None. Absent 'Tone. ter. T:r.F.W.Dirxelyn addressed the Council on the need of financial assistance b7 the committee or fighting the jmelter at Baden in Jan Late() County and eskedfor e50C.00. Yx.Loop moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Tnele,seconded by Y.r.7isher and carried. .irs to moved_ that the Committee on Public Duildings be authorized to - Jail. repair the broken windows in the city jail,eeconded by Pr .Gee and carried by the folloviup vote. Ayes:Councilmer Brown,Christensen,maagnes,Bullock,Zoy,Gee, Probst,Fisher and. Loop.-.( roes : 'Zone. Absent: -Bone. City Attorney Simpson addressed the Council stating that the suit regarding the lot adjoining the 'A.lson 2chool would come up in Court next Tuesday and that there would be certain costs to ho paid and thereupon Er .Thor moved that as warrant be drawn in favor of the City Attorney for :0.0for the purposes stated,secorded by mm. Pee and carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Brown, Christensen, None. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until Friday,March 27th 1908 at 7.30 P•M• City Olork.