1908-05-04 Regular CC Minutes'TDJOU1').= REGUIA-D. LEETITTG OF r2 7:r C OUII-CIL OF CITY 07 ATA:=A,1::AY 4th 1908. The Council was called to order 3y :-rosidet Th The *roll Wt13 3:111ed an 0 Toe icilaeo Brown,Christenscan6, Protest and Loop were noted -present and Councilman Fisher Cosent. The minutes of the meetinz of April 20th were road and ordered approved. Claims t the General Fund amountin to :1421.14;agaiest tie Street Fund aouotLa to :1304.50;arfainst fee Police Fund amountin to 20.40;a(,ainst the Electric IiE.ht Fund amount in, to ::4090.35 and ap:ainst the Library .I'und amountin havine; hoer approved JUtile proper officials wore red as fellows: GEITEEJFC FUJI) Election Officer 5.00 Eont LS;:-;C-2502:* 75.00 Advertisins 270.18 7.15 7.65 -)rinting 100.00 6.00 It 2.00 IT U U If 115.50 5.25 B allheimer,E.C. Election Officer 5.00 Ilarateau,A.A. IT U 5.00 Betto Levan,E.J. TT Adams,Chas rigs DeMlishinv: Co P i '-017 Blanchara,F.L. Locale, F. Lorn,C.L. Bradley,A.O. lzrownin.g,;,Edw. IBrowrlie,James Cha-eman Clement ,A. Cohen,. ::ont cf ollinC lace Commercial Towel Co Towel service for Larch Cottroll,L.S. Election Officer Crocks,II. Daniels, J.I. Dexter -I) 1:.iscellareous lectioe 7.inense Election Officer Tables for Tioction 1recirets -2,en11; of lolli Place Election Officer U ir IT Transeri-et for April Election Officer tr If If Tr ,.ndexin records Fe turn of T=es TO Officer Ti TI IT.,rward- 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 78.00 7.62 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 11.00 5.00 00.00 6.00 re 00"g OS.) (3 00"g 00°g 30"g 00°g (3 's.)4s] CO° 001 g2"1: gO°g,T 00 (3 00' 00° 00°0 03"g 00°g 30'M 00'0 90 (3 00", 00't, 00°0 00'g 00°g 00"g ,Jo 20)(:)';:L 2, ,7:00TI.J0 L'oTf-1-00IE L'- Li.. It 1/ II 3' /1 p't.aloT 1: 11 24Tc, „To;.-c.; II 31 1,J730 uc'lq-oEs)IJ u0.40°I: YToL Jrn Ii 0 OLiTJ3C u.0T1.00i ,K1LF ao tLLJOT KV ' .1' uoT:looul $11,72Tfl.7) j'9,DTJJO fdrcrloi :Teoj 13 33 ..T.ODTJJ0 0 L-1,1; a 1: - 2/ ',7)0C)00," .=4pTcul,,:;7 007 021.0:1„1201.)fl "J. ErcU„,42:::„.;')TTT, * er °v*(I'Zio.Tz.Doff) •■••■* ("sir' -'-°1'T 7), ! THr7o-, cEo.e,o7)ns Mnrn,(1.,jo:Ln lasci-P.To 21-fL,s Su C'2 '3 t-1-0 (7)r(11 of EThatrionft,, Election Officer :1 T1 - - - 1SS CC --r;;( 1)01= =. ncidentn1 - - - .4O Eff=i2 A6verti2,,:s 11.6C T.25 22.5° zlorc. Cil L5srse-2heirtL ,;„C;C) 1 ,-J.:12,11 CS () IncidestlE lies 31 CC ..e1t elt 12c1i2o.-2e071,o.sel 2isqler Il-nr=2"ninL; OS- e s 1 CC CC Fee0 insslrnce 0 P C; 7.0C 03 100 1,i5,Cor: Iron 17:eo oy:12s 't S'er7o:i_or7 7:oiIrs of Cc57515!oC ece2tiou2::0 I ;I yr 171JI-27.te rJoY,5,01'ert _150-eut for, .2f7; o t o If o'co:7L-7 - 11i. eve t1 ,5t 44,o 071:1F Ire yaieconCe( ol orrio5i to f1lcooino: voto. tc(). 1001,.(C). Z002: 3if611-. vo7n rooei-voi fro' no _or 710 .-rjo-,ovet1 of :7v7or17':u 1omtrou.; for ee.;:J:cie- or77, outterjr1: rlefol-ctlo of T5-74:ro ti,on 4711 5„ l,1r6e.zod A 0,3.._ica,tion oo :c3,ceio(1 frot. tT'e or in v*io1-i f::::::c(1 of "Zo;.3ol-mto7,1 YO- (1.171-sr t"se Th.rawtoot of 7aecntrzicit:y to 7',P7:-.) trs.nsfsrreCi 1,37,-„. to tLe ecrI 21-1,nC oor- 00 loarloC t_ A vos reoei-voc1 tLnt \‘.; Thsrsca(1-,c ".S(1 o.ntel'oCi Into a oontlsact to 13n73:3 tt,:e secess :vt no c,ornor of :;:nroawa:- 17D • conication rooeivr1 froz ro(':3 to 1;Atea- sc-ct to no r t7ie 3.ofer-2...i.' to tl:r, c!,:1: on nq of \Liu' 130r,1:efl 1:1!„,i1r8Ori 1247 Ilro,:),(7,1,77:- :i(rInLssio to o-o,7-oct n -n'„cnv na,t of oY i1s 0,7(1 serr nc161'ess. tb.7 ref:- :yat,tc(13,00n(W to anC, 0".(1el.e(1 file(. A c000-r'-_3ratio.n to ' Icsooto-,-,Occose(1 to Z'r A oc=sot1,on rooeo(1 f-fo' •Sor,,T of 7:(I-rostio in ooi to n of no 7101'7: -r to ai(", oOo refctcronce 3,o to =a-1,- 3o:1 of ofos. :C:- of od • 03:36to---, rceio,1 fro, J-Ile Hof oLin3 T,-ot- of 1-:s on s73a1(1' s. y:ofoi're0 to nc :o(1 of :i1nrIta..33 72-1t .t • C') 1( r (ro 2 (1rio'31 to (1ofra nc,! ox-::',os3 of a to t:1-Corei1 A (2,01,-777.1:::1.,3- ]:0(11-7, itisalla,tio of :oo.,:e ofL Jackso ',Trove ,I,trocts v:3s refc,rre(1 tc te of .7,1ootriotty. A conYilmitior, 1:rvs c ro3stizi a-n:1 r500s1.-,or,:17: no :i1.-o-i,t1(;ort of off71,0, to 1-,ailiff of no Tit Jrstice's Doszt. )3.s 5Ov cf it:c1,1resti.Oont of 'The -2olioe n.-30 ofco t 7 r a-(oit :3vnaFre ee o ot'-or yolice offier for of t- oo 30 o s(ar;: (of 50(3 ccl of of ..t of 1ailiff of ne - - In j i;- u fo-oe. _Fismor.(1) A ool-,:i-nn-ti - 7- f tilt t:r tTo it:atjer ic 0tt o eri 1,noT: to t'no o I P11310 13s-necl ret-s;31-71 M;31tittee of ns -.1131(1 -roferre:i to ttle 3otitonn of :A.,,."27.oss to lie3so to so-L.. 'h1.-,11 cor-s, ,n of u c o t.c 13r-I3(1. - ,301re r.ross s.h.',:olror to f.:;33,,1-not L:ro;:n:: t:sinsns iaco7n:', AvenT-!3ees to 9J\ collac'f oTtotc:s ,ons o:fs.J.F.:illo:s to (3,311..,ot ' ,u3c;o sc6 sto!T: at 1M.3 ar,C t3 Avet-fle ILL..:cco"3st Lo vte-rit]tcfl6ent re.33)-zto,1 of "no st-root C-Ireetion to 1,:tfo snt-Isf3ction. A sev'or i3 Averme ost fro: TL:vorott .cstIoet 4:3C foot-oalt13r :Icinvtoto .00nt:crot;seeI of Iue.nfo. Vistn frac,: to ys:iva,te co.,,,,t:ract;Soer 22ioi-,a1 •Averive 1,,etw:)c-c (:tr2iat -• b Ii Hea-!"': .;:m1 (or :Ilosoll;tion of fn,1)p003 .1t3..r/'6 an0 or"vjicf,c, .::300fi0 A50n-0o 3r0 Cone '1y :-.tsod lt-',,os, of ITIte-ntiovl A "1-.1:11 en`.-.itJe6 'A 12.i:12 for (6rinonee TiHii. Lo_o Aretale :foote-n1-: :Lino of ]re,,erot :.;-tree to t:e teri,inf::,tioe of s'eni6 oe- n-17.o the ,.nrh Ortede toreof.i-otrodeeo 16t1, -o-c for fitol iss:n„ne o6 s reLd v 2,* r) ',;11or1A r.hristeeon noved nC10-rtTh-,e- ,nn6 cotrrie0 hee tLe fo7:Tot--no voto 1:.-zorin,121e:ets;:,enon, o:nd 1.00],(3). :JooE;:-.Lono. Aheent:Th-nnoiln.on A Mil entitle J for Ordieaco To aYlend ,-.;ection 'nod 8ection to 'Acond. n,oetioq 64 of 'orC,inence 'To.4e4 of t'oe of Alaoeda Ael;,-_Th,o to i_unicirLi licenses. i.:o:o( 211 ao2111looh eze en for finel ond ro'od 1.iloved ic seeondo6 hereldo noed earrThd 1.7; the fo:11o,e- -Too vote ;:ceei_oroos,: on. 1,0nne. Noseet;r1',o7.1noilinern 2isher. iroeented An e:j-.v lt eLc.ntie irs c1 on( 2ostite2, of 2r1nee oel1ion for n Or0e-red filed. tLo rer 'ocee6 "123 C.:!-=V:,S'S V3tUS C;;)St 1-Jn'16 in AloHe6a-z:n. 1?n,Let uhish n'ore enhitted tho fD1 eo.coereo: n-ntoe -fotition daeotol.).:s of t':e oi ofdor to icStcs to reates;: :::ood for tThe notes; sic tL:rn ono l'arh- e-s6 sLon16 he colcte6 in Aln,1.-edc'„ Coe..-7, of A7loeen..e6n there Loroty selotnd, -rod v600n fonds nre oveJ.do,h10,Anill Le 21nroosed for ndite,yee-fcno:,:: rrf.cos none not ie oyeess of tLeee LL—otS of lo.nd fe heretofore offeroC to tLe Council r' =l000n, The Thol;Tso: r1,.:.,.oe of 37701° 11 ocros ne2ire 1,1e,ce of cc: 2 e.cros An6 el.ther mn.nlor c 1L &r or tLo nlre (ow-00- 1-3C,r• Iee1J.ett). (rju.1witted h,7;- the onnell of its own notioil) 1eso1ved hr- t7'.e rY uneil of Aine]e2:s nW nere Leroh ;eeloLee • rd-oon finn6s ero ..veilCole,-eir.1 Le for -e-orh nee:. novi6 '=2f tL , o 0;08 oee 5 note3,these trf-notn of 7entod ..;teiC, oity Loretofore offered, to th eoC Tee innoi ond 1nreet.e of over :11 ee:ns of lon7o-en6 onni over 2,2 eCS s of did° lrtolc-L. If not s;rtisfio 12' r OS :o.1 or :Yo.';71ore refor-! • is to 2o]:' -d :Ifn7yrenon6 site or sitoon6 stoo cross oosiesit,e;: If yot, either or hon of tLe [.1-Jove CrOS0() tLe Lovn!no Ai:e,Tylst Lenorro 1eesnrs Thf-,t the sron of o:L1,C,CM:) for whiaL the, j1;it-,,;;- of Alaieda 1)onded for the noenteition of e. r-ehe soLool Liito o,J6 tLo oren3tion of,n. 1oeildioe thoreo-» I -Ine-..;too6 for the eo-otrotion at16, ee- o-nisitiore of 1ditionA Is tTh zilt=0:12071 of 'n ond 1,Iverett e:e1d1io :ohoo7 cr6 Yos Yeq seoon6e6 ceri6 CO to ee.,,:awes the 7ce2 ter!--Hsi of sol. oo -d nol-osio tht f th f'' of ihvtos eltin e eo n Y c o 71eetioo 1e,:dld in A1e.J.:Iode:..e,:t. 222 11225-ohi(31., shows not- Le,.:es-ceoo 1::1 » ;;0l-i6 1571. affiretive votos 55l,:e5 ;t1wt he:es-n:1'o :nooeivo of firyf,-!tivo votioAe ,nd 71 votes;toct the-re looro vote CP.St 3tiner that it he deolm.ed that Leas-m:e zo.a higcst jr..__. of 561r :'O votes east tbat sf,!,i("1 Lea,s-nro .J0.,1 be doolap-ed car71ed. auld 6o 5o4 That ',Leasure o.,-i:ecoived lass flar, two thfrds of a11 votes oast at said e1ect1or, tbz,-Yt saiLe he Cool o9 lost, a11,1 that the C1orh be dil'eoted to erte70 -t7Le -,e . l stte),e0t i13ts a, o - ' rrovistos of L;ectior! 1E0 of thk, 2o1 itioal ,Thde of the !otate of :,-.1alifonia: 9 10 !I 04 1 122 , 102 1.50 141 711 146 191 117 113 1' \-25 155 122 64 il I 1: s.... (!) - v . _ ,-- (5 L -. .— ;,...) ,....; \ ...1. • ) i---; C) 1 -r--. • r 113-.. 12 ! 118 45 19 215 25 14 105 171 ID 110 16 06 nn Totajs 1C4S 10 26 070 ).,i1(,)C(A'' (I) i 5 I i wi i 0 -- ,-,, .2., v C) , -7- ---i 'LOS ( Yes !,0 Yes 7o i 1 , . ! 16 ! 1 C 1n . 55 2 U As , FL n n ..t, ,_, 2 4 60 0( ," ‘,., (-, (,-,!, C 7 2 . , 1 ; , 1 L 7 , 13 41 3 • 55 77 =2,7 (37 42 90 48 626 T1 0 49 51 46 4 5 45 1 58 7- 21 DS 7_0 40 2C 50 15 40 47 51 24 55 15 C, 16 40 I 71 025 465 seconded by - and carried by the fo27owinL; vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christ- ensen,acanos,Dullock,Noy,Gee,lrobst and Loop.(8). Noes: None. Absent:Council- nan Fisher.(1)- -;i- — vhich he h, entered into with Dirs roary A.Kruer eL:arding the movins of a barn and the fence Sc at the corner of Grand Street and Lin- , coln Avenue. 1:1r.l.lagasno moved the aL;reenent be approved by the Council, seconded by 1;lr.Noy and carried by the followin vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Ohristensen,apasnos, Enllock,Uoy,Gee,Probst and 1oon.(8). Noes: lone Absent :Councilman Fisher. (1) :Jr.-Brown moved that Janes A.Ellis,:;i.D.be appointed a member of the Board of Loa_th to fill the vacancy caused lay the expiration of the tern of office of ir..-■..1.;fEvelw-a aild that S.'2.Tern Y,IL.D. be arrointed a Tc,e1,,be-r of tbe Doard of health for a terr,1 of three years to fill, the vacancy caused by the resination fro' -' said r:oard,se- oanded by 1.1r.rrohst and carried by the followin vote. Ayes :Councilmen Dvown,Thrist- e'nsen,hiar:anes,BuTioc7c.:,Noy,e Frobst and. 1oop.(5). Noes: None. Absont:Oouncilman 2isher.(1), Christe-nsen roved that the Cl lerk be directed to address a comli=icatio te 'coo Tel,;phono Comrany requestimi: SO-sr to YOflCV0 their roles from -Bark ,3treet,seconded hy Joy and carried. Th 13 %9.f 7:8y G1 1C3 .2! M.JNoy moved that the Police and Fire Uommission he allowed to draw the balance of the 0500.00 which was allowed them on February 17th and that no itemized statement need be presented showing the manner in which the money shall be used;seconded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Laganos,Bullock, No ,Gee,Prob t and Loor.(8). Noes: Note. Absent:Councilman Fisher. (1). There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting Monday,ay 18th 1908,at 7.30 P.M. - ''''''''' - City Clerk. ADJOU= F.PATU5AR hEETIiG ")F T1fE COUCIL CF THE CITY OF ATA=DA,;LAY 18th 1908. The meeting was called to order by the :::ayor,at 8.20 2.1:1. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Bullock,Xoy and Probst were noted present and Councilmen Brown,Illacagnos,Gee,Fisher and Loop absent. There being no quorum ::_r.Dullock moved that the Council adjourn until Friday,11.a, 22nd. at 7.30 P.Td.,seconded by 1:-..r.Uoy and carried. City Clerk