1908-10-05 Regular CC MinutesADJOUEEE1) FIY' jjyt p TIT7 00'17:10IT _2 Ci CITY OF AIA:.:ETA,OCTOEIT, 5TH 3 905 Thexyp.:44 was called to order by the Mayor. The Toll was called . aid Councilmen 2row7,,Christonserl,Eullock Joy, o 3Tolist,Fisher and Ioop,(8),we:re noted present ad '..:ounei7mon 1:asacnos,(1),absert. The minutes of the neet1 o< of .:0.1)ter:1Pr 21st were ret,0 and orderod ap:rroyed, The IA-rotes of the mootir8 of ‘,ere reed and ordered apiro,,ed. Clajrs against the General Fund amoontias to ::245S0;acainsf; the Ioliee Fund arount- ins to ,,:l'o.LO;against the L.,,treet .71;r0 aountin to :::,2.70;aTminst the '21ectric Lit Fund amount ins t 73;aEa-inst the Library Fund amountirs to ;246.95;aainst Yiunicipal I'vreverent Fund No.8,(Eaectric) anon iry to ;934.65;aainst Lunicipal ImprovementFuhd Oo 8Fire DPp't) cu'orritir;y to and asainst kunicipal ImproAiemont Fund No.8/,(:1-ib.71 havins been al.Troved and audited by the yroper' officials were road as foflows: G•RAIL F1.7111). Argus 211"ollsTlinp. Co Advertisf, 47.05 Boot-Bic F. ranscript for 6eptenber 3.00 Fure*,2.P. rlain .ng City Lail 1,50 Gardner, U.S. Glass Futchinson CoNpany ';.;ewer work c.30.75 44.45 CaT-..land Gas Lt.& Heat Co as 2.50 iacific Tel Thi Co ;.;witches .45 Deputy Pounar:ater 35.00 Ieoples later Co. Water for :Pound 1.0c If I? City Lali Total- 243.90 Conrad,joini Charman,.. roLicE FU HD. Incidental Expenses STflEET PUTL. Labor faeifi-' Tel E Tel Co 1:;witches ELECITIO LiuLT rrr Assooiatea Oil Co 011 Bahr, Otto :;iorse-shoeins 13ecovich,a, Co„A. Rays Board of Electricity Incidentals Callahan & Co.,john Crane Co. 0rossciiy,I,c. 'T Derby b Co.,E.. Lum-bev Etter :5:: Co. Fischer Plumbins Co Mass Re'rairirs Foster & Jon,O.11. Oak Blocks Gamewell F.A. & Tel,Co. 3upplies If Genera7 i-lectrie Co, Ers.Co joost justiniqn 7:aire Co. Coml) EyJro P jar T tal- Amount forward- fl- 13.20 .20 8.00 4.00 n A or-0 rir 54.rr 12.50 103.65 6.6C 3.60 :,2546.24 Kellogg Express Co. EXprOBSa,P70 Arount forward- 2646.24 8.50 force-shoeing 3.00 1:_arshal , _ rew Supp7y Co Har6_,i,are &o 224.04 Co., has 2.1. SulTlies 22.50 7.entals &e 14.75 72.50 11 TT 11 1 32.64 Penns-„,,Fire Ins Co Trenluv. 3.10 leop,les Water Co. V; at or 1.00 notate:L. & Son,Ceo E. Deter -backs L siaes 25.00 'thodes Jamieson L Co Feed 49.35 foehlings Sons Co., JA. 3urp1i 2.25 Ao.i.t:;1 Rice Co. :Labor on stack ior.oc Ltanavd 017 Co 012 77.54 tales 5 f-Pel-rfor Oil strainer 20-00 Sterling Eloct.0o Supplies 11.76 II IT Ti It 11 '1 II 2.92 IT ',Are 314.26 TI TI U ,2,1Applies 31.00 17 11 TI Faste 1.54 btrom,C.V. Rerairinp 1.50 p±ies 73.20 Vosburgh Co.,J.P. J. 'T 15.51 TI TT TI II It 4.65 Westinghouse Kotor 71.3E) TY 127.00 Supplies Lard-) Co. Supplies Lamps 85.50 IT TI 11 trite Cross _i_a'ag Co Glycerine 2.50 'acifie Tel P Tel Co Daynes Bolt Works W:TplieS TI TT horse Eecicire 1.00 1,7pplies 2.75 Ferrule Drivers 7.00 Total :3661.73 LIBRARY F=. Alameda Futile Library Fetty Expenses 21.16 IT U 11 12.75 Eastern Claims Eels-bode , Wages 5.00 Cunnincham,Cartis Weleh Books Sc 57 .94 Ilewsrapers 6.00 Janeovich,Costo I. Wages 5.00 Daohen,B.J. Boolrs 57.99 Eazzini,L. Tlunliing 1.50 -Fe° I) e s Water Co. Water 2.95 '3ohne 0:1e r 51.65 Vo _The n7: C Pent Total- - 246.96 laili IC T IP2PO1PEET FUEL EO.8, Li r ary . 4-00 Foster & Son,C.H. On contract MUJICIPAL i10.8 E1ectric ) V'estinghouse Id.Co 1:attmeters It ti 11 41 11 11 TT 11 e 8 ft IT 11 11 Total- LiniCIPAL ii.T01,7Eli= FUND n.8 Fire Dee't) Argus Advertising .80 164,00 122.86 132,50 :)34.65 35.55 Fx.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,qeconded 1 Yr.NoT, and carried by the following vote. riyes:Councilmen Brown,Christersen,Bullock,oy,Cee,Probst,Fiher and Loop (8) . Zees: Dore, Absent :Councilman Yiagagnos.(1 A report of the Idunicipal Electric Light rant for the month of August was received . from the Board Llectrieity. *)rdel-ed A communication was received from the Ransome-Crummey Comany requestin:e the Coe_ncil accept Vebster Street where it had been improved by them at the north end. Br. Christen- seer moved to accept the same,seconded by l':ir.Gee and carried. A communication was received from the Oalelard Traction Comran stating that they hed iven orders to stop cars when near fire apparatus. Ordered Med. A communication was :kr.eceived from the ]-ioard of Electricity cal ire he attention of the Council to the fact that the l'acific Tel k Tel Co .were erecting poles to short to corn- ply with the ordinance regulating their hetLhti The same was referred to the Street "Sunerintendent. A communication v;as received from Lirs.U.h.Courtney requesting the Council to defer action toward the construction of a sidewalk on the north side of Santa Clara Avenue between Everett and Broadway,until a later date as she contemplated the erection immediately of building at said point. l'eferred to the Street superintendent. A petition was received from E.D.Fortmann,et al residents of the neiP:hborhood of ghth Street and haie;ht Avenue requesting that an arc light be insu lled at that point. The same was referred to the :Public Utilities Committee. A communication was received fro the Chamber of Commerce requestinc,s the Council to pass an ordinance compeling all draymen and persons who remove an family or person into aT"1 Building or room in Al redo, to the Police Department. Lir.Probst moved that the same be filed, seconded hy Yr.Gee and carried. Theematter.of:the-connunicatidn received from the Alameda Improvement Club,regarding the installation of a salt water plant was taken up and Br .Fisher moved that the same be filed and that the Clerk be directed to direct a communication to the said. Club to the ef- fect that the Council could not entertain the yro-eosition at the present time for lack of funds,seconded by YerProbst and oarried. A communication woe received from David A.Cords,Jr.,of Bern,California,offerin the city a domesticated coyote. The Clerk was directed to communicate with Br.Cords,declininu the offer with thanks as the city had no place to keep such an animal. A communication accompanied by a large map of the city,was received from the Dow Dumping Engine Company,requesting that no further action Be taken by the Council loolTing to the opening of Blanding Avenue west of Oak Street as such action would so interfere with their proposed plant that they would have to abandon the said work if the street were opened. Br. George A. Dow addressed the Council on the matter and thereupon Br Loop moved that the City Attorney he directed to discontinue further action in the matter until fur- ther notice and that the Council as a Committee of the 'Mole go over the -eroposed route and for that purpose meet at the Cup Hall at 4 o'clock 2.1:L.Thursday,October 8th 1908,se- conaed by 1,11r .Probst and carried. In the matter of the communication from the Postal Telegraph-Cable Co.,objecting to the license Tax imposed on telegraph companies,ldr.iloy introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To amend Section 79 of Ordinance No .484 relating to the Ii- cerise tax on Telegraph ConTanies," which was laid over under the provisions of the Char- ter. A coYmunication was received from the Police and Fire Commission requesting that an Ordinance be passed providing for the appointment of a Fire 1.1arshall and defining his duties,etc.and thereupon i:x.Probst introduced. A Bill. entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No Creating the Office of Fire :jarshal,Defining his power and Duties,1:eq:ulating the Dispo- sition of ashes, rubbish and refuse of a coniustible nature ,and the repair of dangerous or unoccupied buildings so as to render the sane safe from fire." which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No Establishing a Board of Park and Playground Commissioners and Prescribing the Duties and _Powers of said. Board," intro- duced September 4th 1900, read in full, by the elerk. on ;_eptember 21st 1908 cane up for final p, ssage. I'lr.Fisher moved that it be passed and adopted, seconded by Icr.C-ee and carried by the following vote. Fisher and Loop.(7). Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Eullock Boy, Gee, Noes : -Incilnan Probst.(1). Absent:Councilmar eiaganos.0.). A Deed was received from the Trustees of be Pedar Sather Estate deedtha to the City a strip of land to become a public highway and to become a part of Bound Street. The said Deed having been recorded at the County -.1':eoorder's Office in Oakland in Liber 1484 of Deeds page 359. Er.Noy moved that the sane be accepted and placed on fil seconded by Ur.ee and carried. A claim for ':;4O.00 for dues to the League of California Iiiunicira ed and referred to the City Attorney. A report was received from the City ienineer as to the approximate cost of ities v'as preeent- inpr0 v- ing Harrison Avenue from Perk Street to the Fruitvale Bride. Same ordered filed.. y moved that the Street Superintendent erect a barricade at the south end of Vieber Street in order to prevent accidents seconded br Br .Christenson and carried. An agreement signed. by J.H.Young providing for the removal of the old building on 1:febb Avenue which has been used as a Fire House was presented. 1CrLoop moved that the same be approved and filed., seconded by Idr,P -bot and carried. The Clerk presented an affidavit of publication showing clue publication of Notice to Building Contractors and calling for proposals for the erection of a building on Webb Avenue between Park Street and Everett Street to be used as a Fire house. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in compliance with said Notice he had received twelve bids, the same were ordered opened, and were read as follows: From J.F.hostrawser Company 8,537.oe a certified check for 2000. accompanied the sane. From James 1.:,rioyd for l50C.00 From Couchot Thurston for 2000.00 on Vim Bruce for ;i85O,00. n P.ickon-Ehrhart 1,4,8 9 .00 sane was accompanied by a certified cheek ,545.00 same was accomeanied by a certified. check 17 990.00 same was accompanied by a certified. check 9,426.00 sane was accompanied by a certified check for ',::,2100.00, 4 FroT liamrton (S.: Ritchey nit; 6,672.00 sane was accompanied by a check for •;1£35('',00. From r.J.Walker ,558.00 sane vas accomf,arie6 by a ,heck for morn 1..2wenson ,„,180C.00. Frew Davis Loan i8OCj .00. :Prom A.T.penee 976.o,) sarle was acconl)anied a check- for r;',1800.00, Fror; Lamont & 13e:;er 6,C0C.00 same was acoor,Tanied i v check for 0,60C .00 A prorosal was received fro tewart .').atliff hat no chec-: accorparied the sal,o it was not ta'.:en into consideration. Kr.I.cor moved that the checks accom&nying the bids be ret-orred to all of the bidilers except the fain' 1owestseconded by Lr.-2robst and carried. Mr .Probst moved tlIfv the )'roposals be referred to the Conniff of the 'Mole with power to act, and that the Police and Fire Commission he invited to attend the reetit the Coittee,seconded hy Lr.-Loop and carried by the fol]owinj vote. Ayes :Councilmen Prown,Christensen,Dullocke,hoy,Goo,irobst,Fisher end Loop.(8). "ijoes:gone. Absent: Conncilrflan haganno s.(1). The matter of the Mayor 's veto to the resolution passed Dtel'her 81st no tux rate at came un for action, 7:-2.2ro't moved that the sane ho sustained, seconded hy hr Fisher and carried. Ma..7..Croll addressed the Council stating that --rJas1,1)0,h as the Tax hate had not as - heon fixed the work in th A4t4.%"1,5 office would o so far hohinE when finally fixed that it would need additional clerical help. ::r .Bullock moved that the Assessor he au- thorized to employ throe additional clerks at 3 00 per day when needed, seconded. by Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayos:Councilnen Brown,Christensen,-Pulloc7:, 840.00 same was accompanied by a cheek for 855 cc same was accompanied by a check for C,I,eo,12robst,Fisher and Loop.(8). hoes:done. Absent :CounciLien 7.agagnos,(1). The 7inance kinc,e1 a re'uort of the estimates of the various departments and of the amounts allowed with the recommendation that the tax rate he fixed at gi .201 on each l°0.00 valoation. I;Ir.i,00p moved that the reort be filed, seconded. by Mr.Frobst and carried A no art was presented showing that the Total estimate would ::,;215,800.00 and a rate of .1.80 wold be necessary to raise that amount. Mr Gee moved that it be filed, seconded bp l'::r.2robst and carried. Y:r.T2robst introduced, the followint; resolution Resolved:That the taxes for the City of Alamel, e and are hero'hy levied for the current fiscal year as follows On each :1,00.00 of the Assessed 'v.111ation of all property both real and personal, in the City of Alameda. and all property assessea on the assessment roll of said City ior the current fiscal year a tax of 1.30,rhich 'be apportioned as follows: General Fund .4360 Street Fund School General Fund .1569 and separately there shall he levied for the followinf„,:, purposes HiEfn School Fund. .1,143 Librry Fl_rnd 04 .81 Health Fund .0301 Electric Light Fund .0602 Interest Redemption .2209 Mr .Gee moved the adoption of the resolntion,seconded by 1,1r.2robst- Lr.Ballock offered a substitute resolution fixing the rate at 3...28 on each 71,00.00 valuation, and moVed its adoption, seconded by 7,1r .Hoy and lost by the following vo Councilmen Christensen, Bullock and Noy. Ayes; Uoes:Councilmen "frown,.0- e,Probst,Fisher and Loop. (5). Absent:Councilman 7.aagnos.(1). The original resolution fixing the rate at 1.30 was then voted on and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brownee,Probst,Fisher and Loop.(5). oes Councilmen Christensen. Bullock an a "Toy .(3). Absent :Councilman Magagnos.(1). A communication addressed to the LTayor was presented from I.Tasheira stating that in his opinion the filling done on the east side of the Webster L;trect Roadway was of such a nature as to be good for the construction of a pavement on the same, The City engineer reported on the matter stating that he did not think it advisable to do anything of a -oermanent nature until next spring, thereupon Br Toy moved that the further improve- ment of the said roadway be deferred until, some future time, seconded by lal.Bullock and car- ried. A communication was received from the Auditor requesting that in view of the delay the Council in fixing the tax rate that he be granted two weeks further time from the 12th of October for the riur-pose of extendinn the taxes in the rolls. moved that the request be granted, seconded by T,:r.I.robst and carried. and 1-,osting The Clerk presented. an Affidavit showing duo pulgicationAof ntice of street orh inuitins proposals under :::'.esel-).tion of Intention Ho.726,and reported that one bid had been prosentod. The sane was ordered received and opened and was read follows: From C.F.Fischer---For Lire 55 cents per linear foot Y Branches 40 cents each extra Lanboles,comflete 4.-2.00 ref manhole Flush Tanks S:52.00 per flush tank. the bid was accompanied by a check in the sum of ::50.00. The City Engineer reported that the bid was a reasonable one and thereupon 1,-,r.Christensell offered the followine Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Alameda, having in open session on the 5th day of Coto' er,1900,opened,examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and hide for the following street work in said city, to wit: That a salt glazed,vitrifi 1,iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside diaretor,with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connec- tions,1,0 constructed in 17.astieh Terrace from the Point of intersection of the center line of said Mactick Terrace with the existin,-, sewer in Lincoln Avenue, thence along said center line of ;:.astick Terrace to a point therein distant 505 feet southerly along said line from said point of intersection:that a manhole of 1-rick masonry with cast iron top and co- ver and eight inch walls and bottom be constructed at each of the terminal points of said sewer 7rovided for aid manholes to be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick 1,:anhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January 11,1097,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City,which plan is hereby referred to and made a nait hereof. that one automatic flush tank of the siphon type with cast iron top and fittings be constructed and placed in the manhole at the southerly termination of said sewer,hee- 1)y rejects all of said bids except that next herein mentioned and hereby awards the con- tract for said work to C.F.Fischer he Being the lowest responsible bidder tIlerefor,at the prices speciiled in his bid therefor on file to wit: :Tor ;31x-inch Pipe L55 ceots rer linear foot T=or Six-inch Y Branches 40 cents Bach Extra For 7,anholes,coillplete 4-2.00 nor manhole For 21ush Tanks IT)2.00 per Flush Tank '}io (lity Clerk is herehy directed to post Uotice of this Award conspicuously J.or -r'-- five days near the Chamber door of this loancil,and to publish said notice for two aays The resolution was seconaea by 1;ir.71sher and in the Alameda Daily Argas,newspaper, adopted by the fo iowinr vote, Ayes:Coancilea Brown,Christensen,Bulloch,7oyee,7robst, Fisher and Too. (3) 110e5 :one. Absent:Councilman Magagnos.(1). Er.Christensen o,fered the following TTesolution: 7:esolve4,that the City Ingineer he and hereby is directed to make Plans and specifi- cations and quantit tinte for the following Street work-, to be done in said City, namely; That a salt glaze dvitrified iron stone sewer, six inches in inside diameterwith four- inch "7" branches and without house connections be cons,., noted in D:arket :-troot and T:ashirg- ten .3treet to the intersection of the center linne of 1:arket Street with the center line of tialson -mnee,acc in —ao.ison s,lee„ dLor ,ne nceLe at the crossing or Beach J. , Street with 'Ladison Street in a unit line to a manhole to he constructed as hereinaftor rrovided at the crossingof said .b:adison ;,htreet with Market Street ;and also in San Jose Ave- nue from the existia,;,, manhole at the crossinas of reach street with girl Jose Avenue u a right line to a maaho]e to he constructed at the crossing of said San Jose Averue with 1]ar- het Stroet;that throe (5) dianholes be constructed in the line of said sower, one at the crossing of Adams Street, one at the crossing of San Jose Avenue and one at the crossing of ,T,Ladison Street with said. Market Street, The said manholes shall he constructed of brick masonry with cast iron to TS and cover ana eight inch walls and bottor,and shall be constructed in accordance with "Han of Brick T:lan.hole,"ad pted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alaioeda,January 11,1297,and on file in the office of the City of said City,which plan is he:reby referred to and made a dart bereof,as nor TTesolution of inteati r :To.72/1,Adopted Inc this 7)ouncil,Auaust 5rd 1000 And that the Clerk Tn7) instructed to notify the City Tngineer of the adoption of this Teselution. Thristenser redved its adoptionseconded hy 1:,r..7oy and carried 1 the followiag vote. 21:7es:conac,i7no.n1 7-1-0-,,Christensor,alloch-,T:To,Gee,Trobst,T7Tisher ard Toop.(8), bToes, TTone. Absontalcurcilan lai5; anos.(1). The City Fri deer presented T"lans,specificotions and quantity estimates and there unon ti Iollewing ion was offered by Mr .Christensen. lhd,SOL'vb That the I'' -s and Speci'ications and quantity estimates frnished. by tbe City :.rgineer of the City of Alameda. to this Council for the lollowing Street world to he done in said City,namely: That a salt-;f am!d,vitrified iron-stone 80"60:1',SiX inches ih inside diasreteriwith fonr-irch "Y" branches and without house connections be constructed in :Mar ket Street ia a right line from tbe existing manhole at the crossing of Larket street and :ashinno on Stroet to the intersection of tho center lino of Tdarket „Areet with the center Tine of 1:,adisou ,ntreet:and in Ladisn :3trect from the existing manhole at the crossing of Beach Street with I.T.adison Stroet in a hi. ht line to a nanhole to be constructed as herein- after provided at the crossing of said l'iadison Street with Td..arket :.'.treet;and also in sa Jose Avenue from the existing ianhole at the crossing of Beach Street with 5am Jose Avenue in ria:ht line tO a nanhole to bo constructed at the crossing o± said San dose Avenue witb hot Street;that throe (:5) .rianholos be coustructed in the line of said sewer,oue at tie san Jose Avenue and one at the cr.ossa of crossing of Oars 'Street,one at the crossina of so 50 Street with said .sarKet Street. The said manholes shall be constructed of brick masonry with cast iron tops and cover and_ eiht-inch rails and botton,a.od , al l he constructed iK accordance witb 'Iian of Brick Lanhole," adorted by the Board of Trustees of tbe City of Alameda,Jaruary 11,1897, and on file in the office of the City. Clerk of said City,which plan is hereby referred to and made a part bereof,under Resolution of Intention No.724,adopted by the Council of said City August Zrd 1900 ,he and the same are hereby adopted and arproved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same. Mr.Chr'Qtensen moved its -,d(rtion,seconded P y Cr The and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Prown,Christensen,Pull- ock, ;, lee, :'robst,Fisher and Loup (C) Noes None. Absent :Councilrn 1:1-agagnos.(1). Mr.Christensen Offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: it appears to the satisfaction of this Council that Resolution of Inten- tion 730.724 for the work of constructin a sewer in Larket Utreet from V:ashington to i:ladison 3treet,a sewer in Ladison lireet from Peach Utreet to ii.arket Utreet and a sewer In Uan Jose Avenue from Peach to Diarket Ltreet in the 7ity of Llameda,adoYted by this Courcil,Augu_st 3rd 1908,has heer posted and published accordin to law, and that no legal objection to the doin of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said city. RESOLVEThat the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City -, of Alameda hereby orders the fol7owin descrihed street work to be done in said o., City, according to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,namely: That a salt-glazed,vitrified iron-stone sewer,six inches in inside diameter,with four-inch "-'2" branches and without house connections he constructed in 'Jj 'ket Utreet in a ris.ht line from the existing manhole at the crossing of Idarket Utreet and Vashingt r Etreet to the intersection of the center line of I:larket 2treet with the center lire of 1::adison Utreet from the existing manhole at the crossinn of Peach Jtreet with LTadison Utreet in a nit line to n manhole to be constructed as hereinafter provided at the crossing of said I:ladisor Utreet with I:_arket Utreet;and also in Can Jose Avenue from the existing manhole at the crossi of 'Peach Litreet with an Jose Avenue in a right line to a manhole to be constructed at the crossing of said an Jose Avenue with Larket Street; that three , manholes be constructed in the line of said sewer, one at the crossing of Adams Utreet,one at the crossing of on Jose Avenue and one at the crossing of 11.adison 2treet with said L4-rket Utreet. The said manholes shall be constructed of brick masonry with cast iron tops and cover and eiht-inch walls and botton,and shall be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Lianhole," adopted hy the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda,January 11, 189 anci on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City,which plan is hereby ref- erred to and made a part hereof. The Clerk of this Oit y is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two days in the Alareda Patl; Argus, at daily newspaper Toublished and circulated in this City, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. he is also directed to post conspicuous-. .y for five days near the Chamber Door of the said Councii,notice of said work with spec- ifications inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the or ordered, and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on file,also for two days in the said Alaffeda Daily Ar- gus,the newspaper hereby designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or a bond,either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten `i)e3° cent of the aggregate of the pro coal and shall name Monday,the 19th day of October,1:-:C8,as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 8 o -lock, p.m. ,the said proposals shall be received. 1:11-.Noy seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the foliowirid vote, Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Bullock,Noy,Gee, Pro'cst,Disher and Loop. (8). No -:None. Absent :Councilman Masagnos.(1). Lr offered the following Resolution: RE2OLVE]:,that tbe City Engineer be and. hereby is directed to make Plans,Specifica- tiors and quantity estimates for fAlP oi1 o Street/w,c)rk to be done in. said Cityamely: That a salt-glrIzeayvitrified irotone sewer ,six inches in inside diameter,with four-inch "v" h:'anohes and without house connections,he constructed in Washington Street in a rint line from the existing manhole at the crossing of H7U1,11 Street with Washington Street to the intersection of the center line of Bishop Street with Washington Street;and also in Fountain Street i n a rht line from a nanhole to be constructed as hereinafter provided at the crossing of .-;t-da Washington Street witk Fountain Street to the existing manhole at the crossing of Encina7 Avenue with said Fountain Street;that a manhole be constructed at the crossir : Fountain Street with 'a_)..shinton Street at the crosin&; of Bishop Street with said Washin,cPton Street and at the crossing of Adams Street with said Fountain Street. The said manholes shall be constructed of brick masonry with cast-iron ton and cov- . or and eight-inch walls ad bottom and shall be constructed in accordance with "P7an of Brick Manhole," adonted by the Board or Trustees of the lity of Alameda January 11,17, and on Me in the office of the City Clerk of said City,rhioh plan is herehy referred to and made a part bereof,as per Eesolution of intention Ho./.(,5,Ado:rted by this Council, August 3rd. 1n8. And that the Clerk be inttructed to notify the City Enineer of the a- dortion of this Resolution. 1;ir.Christensen moved the adort7ion of the T.esolutonsecond ed By and carried by the followins.- vote. Ayes:Councilm.en Drown:Christensen:Dui- lock,Hoy,dee,frobst,Fisber and Loop. (8). Eoes:one. Ahsent:Concilnan The City 7ngineer presented plans,synecifications and quantity estimates and there- upon the follswing Rosoltion was introduced ::r Osten EESOL7E.D,That the Plars:Specifications aml quantity estimates furnished by the City Engineer of the (.1,ty of Alameda:to this Council for the following Street work to Be done in 8aid City,namely: That a salt-Oased,vitrified iro n-stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter,with four-inch "Y" branches and without house connections,be constructed in Washina:ton Street in a niht line from the existing): manhole at th e crossin High Jtret with Tiashington troctto the intersection of the center line of Bishop Street with Thsh- irton Street;and also .1 Fountain. Street in a right ,ree from a manhole to be construct- ed as hereinafter nrovidod at the crossino of said Washington Street with Fountain Street the existing manhole at the crossing of nciial Avenue 'with said Fountain ''treet;thf3t a manhole Be constructed at ti e crossing of Foutain street with wasnington sreetat the crossing of Bishop Street with said Washington 2treet and at the crossing of Adams Street with 2i (t Fountain Street. The said manholes shall be constructed of brick nasonry with cast iron top and cov- er all6 eight-inch walls and. hottom and shall, be constructed in accordance with l an of Erich lianhole," adonted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January 11,17, and on file in the office of time City Clerk of said. City' which plan is herchy referred to and made a part hen,,'eof,under Eescluticn of Intention 70.725:adopted by the Council of said City, Aurmust 3rd 19C2,he and the sane are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clerk Gee is directed to file tin- same. -...7.r .Christensen moved its adontion,seconded By hr 4 and carried by the PcI laming vote. Ayes:Councilmen r,rown,Thristensen,Bulloc7,7,'Thy,Gee, Probst,Fisher and They. (8) hoes:Yone. Absent :Councilman i:,:ap,:agnos.(1.) . .\ir.Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHER5:13,It appears to the satisfaction of this ouncil,tbat F.esolution of Intention 7c.725 for the work of constrnotin y a sewer in hushing-ton Street from Hi gli Street to Bish- op Street and in Fountain Street from Encina7 Avenue to 7:ashigton sbreet in the City of illameda,adopted by this Council,August 3rd 190e,has been posted and published according to law,and that no legal objection to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk, of said city. RESOLTID,That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to he done in said City, according the plans and cifications adopted_ therefor, namely: That a salt- glazed, vitrified iron-stone sewer,six inches in inside diameter,with four-inch "Y' Branches and without house connoctions,be constructed in Washington Street in a right line from the existing manhole at the crossing of High Street with Washinton Street to the intersection of the center line of Bishop Street with 'ashin$-,:tor Street ;and also in Fountain Street in a right line from a manhole to Be constructed as hereinafter provided at the crossing of said. Washington Street with. Fountain Street to the exist- ing manhole at the crossing of Enciral Avenue with said Fountain Street ;that a manhole be constructed at the crossing of Fountain Street with V/ashi on Street at the crossing of Bishop Street with said. Washing on Street and at the crossing of Adams Street with said Fountain Street. The said manholes shall Be constructed of brick masonry with cast iron top and cover and eight-inch walls and bottom and shall Be constructed. in accordance with "Plan of Brick 71anholw," adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January 11, 1897,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said. City,which plan is hereby ref- erred to and made a part hereof. The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for 1;wc, in the Alameda Daily Arsus,a daily newspaper published and circulated in this City,and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuous- ly for five days near the Chamber Door of the said. Council,notice of said work with spec- ifications inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work orderod,and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed 'oroposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on file,aldo for two days in the said Alameda Daily Ar- gus,the newspaper hereb y designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or a bond,either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten Percent of the ac:fresa „ of t1),-- Prceosal,and shall name Mormday,the 19th day of Octoher,1908,as the day herehy designated or which up to the hour of 8 o'clock p.m.,the said proposals or bias shall Be received. Er .Hoy seconded the 2esolution and it was adopted By the foil ov;isg vote. Ayes Thu-oilmen Brown,Christensen,Bullock,Tho,Prob Fisher and. Loop.(S). iloes:Hone. Absent Couhcilman communication was received fro the 7,:ayor in which he vetoed the resolution passed By the Council fixng the Tax mate at I,3C and was read by the Clerk as follows; October 5th 1908. To the Honorable the City Council Alameda, California. Gentlemen:- Herewith I return your 7esolution fixing the tax rate the current year at (1.30,without my approval. Ly objection is that,altho there are many improvements required,this is not an opportune time to raise the City tax rate, especially in view of the fact that this year (for the firt time) 'A i) :gr.) October 5th 1908. the bulk of the mortgage taxes will be paid by the borrowers instead of the banks. As shown by the report of you committee, and without reducing your Departnental estimates(%ity affairs can be liberally conducted on a ;1-28 e. Very truly yours E.K.laylor Mayor. Under the provisions of the Charter no action could be taken on the same at this, 4/ and it was ordered filed. The Tullio 72ildins Committee) presented sy:ecifications for fixing the roars and halls of the baseent of the hall. Mr .Fisher moved that they be adopted and the Clerk directed to advertise for bids or proposals for doing the said work, seconded kg hr .Probst and carried 2v the following vote. Ayes:Council7nlen Brown,Christensen,Bulloc-17, 7o-y,Geo,Trobst,7isher and Loop.(8). hoes :hone Absent:Counciln!an 1,,:czanos.(1)q Mr.hoy moved that the Council adjourn until 1.,Ionday,3ctober 12th 1908 at 7.20 B. seconded by Mr .:Bullock, hir,rrobst moved as a s.uhstitute that the Council adjourn until the next regular meeting,1::.onday,October l9th 1908 at 7.00 2'.1,i.,seconded by Kr.Fii3her and carr