1907-12-02 Regular CC MinutesClaims. ADJOURNED EEGULPIR LEETING OF TEE COTICII OF ALAMEDA, MONDAY,DECEMEER End, 1907 The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. The Roll was called and Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Magagnos,Noy,Gee,Prob Fixkur and. Loop, (7) were noted present and Councilmen Bullock and Fisher, (2) were noted absent. The minutes of the meeting of November lOth were read and ordered approved. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 2663.28,aganst the Fire Fund am- ountim-r to 1920.09,against the Police Fund Laounting to ,162.87,against the Street Fund amounting to 5006.03,aainst the 4ecial 77e1:ster Street Road. Fund amounting to 1911.65,agairst the Electric Light Fund amounting to 13139.32 and against the Library Fund amountin, to r,;294.04,,..,aving been approved by the respective Auditing Committees were read as follows, GENERAL FUND. Argus Publishing Co. Advertising IT If TT ft 7! 31 TT If IT If TT TT IT ft It 11 It ft TT If It .71 33 "I II If IT TT 31 TT TT TT '1 If II 17 TT ft 71 11 ft ;1 If If TT Tt IT TY TT YT IT Printing IT 11 TT Tt 11 TT fT IT TT 11 IT It tt TT 77 7! 71 ,3 It 1! 11 1 71 .1 Bound file of Argue Bank o-r,) Alameda as of Argus Pub.Co. Erinting TY 31 11 71 33 IT 13 Advertisin Bannister E.A. Bloch Books Eoeglo,F. Transcrirt for August 71 TT TT It California Cil & Burner Co Clark,E.P. Comr,ercial Towel Co. 7T TT 37 1 TT If YT Oil for Heater 6ey,terler ,ctober November Calmenter work in City Lail Towel ser-vice fo. August TT eptember 5.62 7.23 6.30 10.26 12.93 14.23 62 .1 9.90 133.94 13.22 37.74 6.21 54.72 5.17 9.00 fly- 12.50 3.50 75.00 5.00 2.25 5.00 130.50 472.8& r „).uo 5.00 0.00 5.00 60.00 16.50 C.00 0.00 Decenber 2,1907 Einer,E1 et Co.,E.G. Ells & 7.wing,Fred Field,A. Fischer Plumb ster 2on,O.L. TT Fuller Desk C Eurey,F.D. Gray,G-eo.L 0henie1 Co. Ianktree,J.,'S. Leavitt 0: Lubben Eros Laz%ini,E. TT Oakland Gas Lih IT TT 2acific Coast Heat Co 11 TT TT ,umber Hill to PaCi le Tel Tel l'eoples '::ater Co TT T1 TT TT TT TT TT T1 TT IT TT TT -Fierce,H.-/ag:W 1-'orter,Sophia E. Remin-c7tor m -r. i,pewiter 00 Revaik,0 .0. -s Sanitary :enovatinc, Oo Schneider,Henry TT TT Sloan, idham,L. Toye,A.C. Vosburh,0o.,J.B. Vialtz, 01a Amount forward Lary &c for City Hall. OHairs for Committee ROON Labor at City Pound Glare for door to Ha; 's office heating Plant for City Hall Document boxes for City Council IT TT 320.03 5.50 iaZ.kftf& 49.50 4.00 491,95 15.00 Assessor 15.00 Desk & Chair for Yayor's Office 86.85 -FlumbirJ?: 1.25 6.00 erving Parers 1.50 :isenfectnt 4.00 Thy 'is Office 124.45 Fremiul', on City Atty Bond 1E.00 Letl Polish 10.80 Buggy hire Bond Election 4.00 lldwe,used in setting 7xp election OT oths 7.25 Labor So .fixing up 0:aor 's Office 129.15 Fixing op Table Committee Room 20.00 1.10 1.50 1.70 Table Top for Table Committee 000m 10.00 switchins for Auust .20 Uater City Found for August l.00 13epte0:b3I 1.00 " October 1.00 Kovember 1.00 Hall for A-nrust 14.85 Ser,tember 10.15 October 0.45 November r, T1 IT TT TT TT IT IT TT TT TT TT IT TT TT TT Painting sins at Oity Tound -Rofu_rd of Taxes Record I3ooHs for Clerk Typewriter for Clerk :eYovtinr Oity Atty's Office Statiouery for Treasurer Liayor rk Auditor nitewashins at City- round Fees paid for registering dez:_ths Engraving the Seal of the City Fainting tin roof?, of City Hail terial for Pound Supplies City Hall Lock V,ior k City Treasurer 5.00 6.35 30.00 100.00 13.70 IC .25 3.70 0.613 8.00 25.20 139.00 20.75 1.50 5.15 3.50 Alameda hardware Co Argun 'ublishing Co. IT IT IT If December 2m1,1907 FIR: FUIAD. Jupplies 6.50 8.50 4.00 3air, horseshoeicic, 5.00 Boesch Lam Oo., Repairs 2.75 IT 45.65 34.30 1. Lumber 13.50 Repairs 1.50 Ircrd Lamps 4.00 :11s & C0.,E.1% L'Iattress 6.00 Fowler, Jas Eack Hire r.00 Yure-L,F.P, repairs 5].70 upplios 13.05 ir IT Coustier 8,2 2icot Perby 5 Dexter,A.G. Eimer Elect.Co.,R.G. 11 IT Cay & Davin Repairs 3.75 8.50 'Gorham &igifleeririg Co '1 1.00 Hay & Baird horsefAioeing 5.00 1T 5.00 Jorenso11,2 Jhoeinc & Re-pairs 21.00 15.00 Kine„A.R. Ho.rseshoeir,L; 20.00 17.75 Kit,A. Furniture 12.50 Kunizsho-Per,J.J. 2up:plies 9.70 horsoshoeirJP 5.00 If 10.00 l:e1ajr 5 Supplies 0.60 11 Oakland Gas J0i:h 6 hec,u Co 1,.epairarL neater Gas 71 TT IT IT leoples ater Co. Viater & Hvdrant for Auust If "T TT 11 R]ioaes& Jamieson 17 11 T1 Feed for Imgust Oertonjer for October Eeptembor October 2.45 1.05 13.68 14.76 15.70 a5.90 254.35 253.30 165.00 213.20 7.50 Eickerson A7. ;A.-LH:lies 7.90 2chneider,lienr;,2 tationery 3.30 el1y,2am -L1.1:pl)lies 3.30 VosburCri Co. ,J.:. n 40.1 Century Hlein Ele ;.0 Conrad,John Dexter DexterA,0. It 11 Foster & Son,C.H. Lubhen Bros Oakland Gas I- 1 I TI he Co Pacific Tel.Co. 11 11 '1 5chneider,Honvy Unna,Hernan I1 Vosbursh Co.,J.7% Anderson, . IT ''rc-s us Publishing 11 IT IT Associated Cil Co IT If Britt, _r. 11 T1 IT Bruns,Ltruli2 9 Viilhelni Co California City Hock Co. 77 71 TT Derby 11 11 11 TI TT '1 Becember 2nd,Tc2:07 POLICE FU1D. Ruby Lamps 4.86 incidentals Lc 25.75 Bicycle '2.e:oairs 6.85 11 4.50 17 IT 8.50 2epairs 1.00 Horse hire 6.00 .20 .10 .20 To 17 5.45 L:tationery 5.75 Services rendered 25.00 Heals furnisod O'Jrins July 26.16 17 7 11 Ausust 12.24 11 IT 2eptel .1,er 27.36 Oil Le 1.70 Total '-'Tr,EET FULD. slxinkler P0.00 Teamin;; 73.7E Printinc, 22.00 Advertisini- 16.37 14.64 Iload Oil 297.50 297.50 If ft 306. 'T 297.50 Horse hire 00.50 Teamins 34.00 aiding 07.50 'Mall & I:,71)or /11.40 Crushed rock 1(:)0.00 11 1 190.00 Lumber 50.18 11 12.78 33.30 17 .50 Dexter,A.G. 'Bicycle repairs 11 IT I 1 Foster, .H. Surve:.;ors stakes Furey,F.t:. Plumbing Gay ,3.2 Davin Blacksmithin 11 0.00 .65 7.10 4.5C 35.00 1.85 Gutta rercLo Lf3..00 .The Hammond,C.J. TT TT T1 Hay -.13air0 Janieson,J.. IT TT TT Johnson, 0. Jorenson,T. lawten,J.C. Lubeu Gros TT Peoples '::ater Co. uers,7.L. TT TT feard,on Construction 0o. hhedes & Jamieson 5chnei!or,JJenry Taylor & Co. Thurston,.:. IT Vosburh 00.,3 .D. ;1 if TT Gi1lioris ,ii. TT Ere IT TT TT 'T December 2n4 1907. Amount forward - Jcket hose Drivi: sT,rirlkler Teaming. Blachsnithina Faulins 'irt Lrivin s-prinkler Teamin-, Drivisuc sTrinhler m Go :o1::; BTLacksmit]iing Teamia 2ent 7,1ewriter Yeel Goal -;ater Drivin sprinbler horse hire 3 coal Drivin s3:,rirk1or Horse hire 3 teaminz herse hire DriviriL sjprinhier horse hire 3 tear:in -2e3airin ituner street Teamin uuTLOiOi Lumber If 11 water Teamins Team hire ilarjware T Teamins Coal Drivin sDrinhler Tearniu TT DrivinL. spri-n-ner Total- 245.19 100.00 67.50 135.00 112.50 80.00 2.15 7.75 42.50 57.00 12.50 96.06 112.50 27.50 36.75 10.00 15.00 15.95 3.90 685.75 135.00 79.00 23.00 120 .00 220.00 C.70 00.00 5.95 75.90 74.40 32.43 12.07 7.50 50.00 26.10 9.15 117.50 19.90 135.00 130.75 116.00 115.00 127.50 -3086.23 •Decolzber2nd,107 ELECTEIC II= Kill:. 1.27,(-_:us 1U1I iCr rts--r. '-'0 la-intins ,T, 'le 13.50 1r TT It Advertis !-_-.. 15.52 Associated Oil Co Fuel Oil 1088.62 Bahr,Otto HorseshoeinP: 2.50 C'entur-,,, Elein Elect Co Carbons - 7' TT TT g 11.25 IT 'T II Lupplies 70.64 TT IT n r Tress cilar;e2 1.. /r7 0 -' 'indlasses 35.40 ,TIpmau,E.E. 3urve-uin 1.50 IT 1.2. i, 2.50 Crane Co. Oupjlios 208.36 Derby 2 Go LuTilber 105.29 1)erby,F.. Compound 25.00 East Side Boiler ',7orhs I'Lept.lirs 6.60 lies 7.05 Froelich, 0. Cat l'ipe 464.70 Fuller 5 Co.;:f.P. I'aint 2.20 Goldswortby,:-..2. Incidentals 105.14 Ean1e:7, ...,,-, . Insurance 37.40 Eupt,DTirk 2 Go . l'aymrt on stemT, turloine 2423.25 Eahn,J.2. Incidentals 4.50 King,A.2. Eol-seshooinz 3.75 Pacif-!c Id 2 Tel Co Telerhone 6.75 TT 'T ST 7.70 ,T 'T II TT 6.75 Pa-Lrnec Bel-, :Rprks ';..;ur-elies 30.62 TT IT role steps 25.51 fJ_OS "a...,or Jo Viater 2.05 IT 71 IT It 7.00 Platt Iron 'Dorl,:s Co 2urIELies 1.75 fowell :000 Boiler fout7ion 140.02 FAckerson,Al. 3ur-elies .45 1Ehodes & JarAeson Feed 53.70 TT 'T TT 51.40 isdon Iron & Locolzlotive ",':orhs is i,o:rn't on 2eino -P,o-71er 2992.50 :oeblinss ;-::ors Co.,John A. .=,urrlies 175.25 -oer wire 170.78 IT PT TT 7? Galv 'ilre 44,50 :festinbouse E.& L.Co. Elect su-,pI i02 455.27 7T 71 IT V:attneters 479.50 Landle 1.15 ST t upplies 370.55 IT !I 254.10 rf ,, Fuse :Blocks 5.10 -;:ichman,E.P. One bay mare 200.00 oo1e 2n6 1307 LBRA2I 5.50 American he Society,T ,-311bcrip,tion Arus Publisbin Co. hrirtin 7.00 ":Codd,ead 0o Book 3.71 mporum,The 3OCIS 2.1 Lnh:e s , 11 30.00 Evans, Chas Dook 15.00 iTewspay,ors 6.00 Graves,F.B. Petty 7,11-e11 itnres TT nooks 7.00 Library Bureau ,Inc. 10.66 P,ubhon Bros Fuel 16.50 :achen B.J. Books 33.50 TT BOOk Books 11.25 :5ao-f1es 'Cater Co. :ae r>r :;chnoider,ilenry 2,00 He-nt 25.00 - - L.r.See moved (;B-. tte clalp,s "2 ea ko aid,secosded h: kr."Brown and car-rod ly the vota,ec;Counoill7,an 7-2,roTn,Chistansenasnos,U -',coo,rrobsi ne,d 1,001.( Absent;'Col.ncilmen 13a11cck and Fiz]her. (L,) Prawn norod that, the alai), of tl_.a Per,n y :ound :asi,en "a ,aid as a Lalar-J and that it be :paid tho '.;ourcil and not b, 33e 1,on-Idmaster,seconde6 and carr7:ed. A communicatlon F''F", received fro l' tin er-Loan 7r» Coa: ro:ardins the iiilan;-:; in of the "Fast side of the :ebstor ,ht-,reet roadway with tho sroils of c.,;J of the Oakland Harbor. The -matter was loft to the Kayer nnd Chairlaa Christersen of the ":Arcet OoLtmittee. A commanicntion was received fro: the Pacific Telelhone Co.stat- (:) ins that in the future ey would ar.:T1;1,7 for before trimrins any trees in strinsing their wires. Grdored filed A comTinnieatio was received from T.A.Lawson:.)a-!::t So tom Bivision,:r.,ontbern "C'acific Co.,statins that the worh o± rlacir L- the crossins at Broadway and T",:sle, Ave. t,s‘ was under wa:; and would soon he comp: Ordered filed 1 comunicatin was received fro, , the Oakland Traction Soa:an in reard to the wav they were ttins in tke roadhed for their tracks on Park Street, Ordered filed. A communication was rocain:od from .C.Eassions d Co.,of Oakland t,skin- the ',ouncil to take action -resardin the establishir,- of a d;overnment ship-yard OP v\ - the marsh lands adj onia s the Oakland Lorhor. Ordered filed. an petition of Bnoiaa] 10 Bo..:,Ordar of KOTI:Krals Sons for a ,):ratuitous lice. ao to self:. refreshments at asocial to be siven 0 then oare TIT for aotIon and Jr Y- moved that the request he denied and that all future requests of a like na- JC? be refused, seconded 1;;;; :Jr.Iocpf, and carried. Mr.Yoy offered the resolution nnd moved itc adortion, December 2n6 107 The Tax Late for the Bond Bedenption and interest Funds shall be '.12642 and the Tax Fate for the C,oneral Fund shall be :.42373.' seconded - 1:r .Loop and carried by tbe followinR vote. es ;Councilmen Drown,Christen son, ,:ags,Noy,Geo,lrobst and Toop, (7). Noes,Uone. Z)sent;Councilmen Bullock and Fisher. (). .lToy offered the followio3 resolution and noved it adoption, as.Transfer "nereas,the BanI: of Ala:aeda,on the 31st day of Au3mst,1907,paid taxes in advance 000.oe ad- ance taxes. to the City of Alaneda,in the sum of ;:000.00 which for want ol a rule of apr.ortionr.ont at the tine was paid into the General Fund of said City and which shonld be divided avona: the several Funds. , Lesolved,that the Treasurer he and he is hereby directed to withdraw said sum of ;000 .00 froill the General Fund and to dep)osit and apportion the sane to the several City Funds in accordance with the resolention apportionint2 ai',endnent thereto adopted Pecomber taxes adopted Co* ber 7,1907 and seconded hy Hr.ioop and carried by the following vote. Ayes;0ounciTnen Brown,Chrsten- son,Haagnos, d;ee,Probst and Poop. (7) Hoes,Nono. Absent louncilmen Bullock and. Fisher. (2). Hr.T,Toy offered the followin °solution and noved its adoption, es.Transfer "Thereas,there is in the General Fund of the 0 of Alameda, t he sun of .4504 24 /1304.64. ers.Brop. which is the proceeds of collections of personal peropert7 taxes of said city,mado by axes. the Assessor end daily deposited by hir:1,and Thereas,it has been ilc:practicable to a-Isportion the same sooner to the several funds of the Ciy, Lesolved-That the Treasurer be and he is hereby direced to withdraw said 21.1.M from the General Fund and to aprortion and deposit the sno in and to the several funds of the City in accordance with the resolution apportionin- City Taxes for the year 100 at the rate of 1,20 beina: the rate under which said Personal ?roi:ertu Taxes were coll- ected ." seconded by :ir.Loop and carried by tho following vote, Ayes ;Councilmen Brown,Chri2ten- „Geo,Probst and Loo: . (7). Noes;None. scat Councilmen Dullocl: and Fisher. (2). A Bill entitled "A 1111 for Ordinance No. c, the TTana of goventh "traet rdinance to ':iehster :treat.” introduced October 21st 107, by :dr.Christensen,oame up for rassago 401. Chris tensen noved its adPdtion seconded by ljr.Probst and carried Ty t,se following vote. s:0ouncilmen Erown,OhListensen linahos,Noy,Gee,Yrobst and Loop. (7) Noes; None. Absent;Councilmen Bullock and Fisher .(2) Acommunication vrs received fro! the 0entral, hacific Bailwat Comnany for a franc'°ise for right of way 'Pc fro; a point near _Buena Vista Avenue ard Bverett ',3treet in a north- ' easterly direction to the Tidal. Canal,and thereupon Pir.Probst introduced A Bill entitled 'VI Bill for Ord-incy,nce No. "Granting to the Central Pacific :ailway Company,a Ilal road Corporation, and to its successors and assia:ns,a right of way for and the riT.:ht to construct,maintain and ocerate a double Irack railroad,beL:inning at or near the south- easterly line of Buena Vista Avenue between Lverett 3treet and Brodn'ny, 0 the Cit-,7 of Alayeda,County Alarf;eda tate of 0aliforeia,and conneet.inL at said - int with the pro- sent °antral Pacific Lailway,and 0:7,:ten4in thence in a noneral northeasterly direction across private rinhts of vay and across Eagle Avenuo,Proadnay,Clelaent fivenue,PearT :treat, Blandin Avenue and Harrison Avenne,te tho Tidal Canal and to a connection with the pre- December 2nd,lY37. su:cerintendont V.h..Froddien reported that the construction of a sewer in Ladison Street hetween Court f: hish Streets, done hy- private contract by had been completed to his sutisfaction. Ordered filed. Lrs.E.L.Junhins in a written con=ication complained that a buildir, on the a/ 11.V.%corner of raru. SAreet and Lincoln Lvenue encroached on the sidewan ahont two feet and desired the '.leuncil t take steps to bave moved onto the ,oroper line . moved that tho sumo be filed,seconded by Lr.lrobst and carried. A communication addressed to ILr.LoopI)rosident of the o uncil.from Eenshaw,Bulk- Co,statinn' that the car containins the ten-ton road roller for the City had boon shirred frc )! ti facfser in Illinois on Movemher {ti and should arrive in land not later than. l.ecember 2-nd. The Clerh was directed ts communicate witb the santa 7e -f.allroad oo.,roquestin that trace the sane. 1!.)oved that the .Areet Committee e ,sranted full power to enter into contract with to American jaredsinL 70 to fill in tbo East side of the ::ebster F:oadway,seconded by 1:r/oe and carried b-- the followin vote. Ayus,,,oancl,,men Brown, ar-lh:-.A-ensen,iasasuos,Yo:!7,-dee,Irobst and Loo. (7). Eoes;one. Absent; Thancilmen Foci and Fisher. (r-!). La: .ny moved that the Street Committee be gyanted full now to enter into un acreement with the Charles '-lelson Co .for the nurchase of lumber for the foundation of the oast side of the Mbster Otreet Eoadway,seconded by Lr.-Loop and carried byt the follow ins vote: Ayes;C;ouncilmen Erown,Christensen,1a3asnos,i7o-Gee rrobst and Loop. (7) Zoes;Yone. Absent 73ouncilmen Bullock and Fisher. (L). -ir.Thurston addressed the Council in reards to the funds available to for the construction of the buildins for the Electric List After discussion Lr.IToy moved that the matter he referred ts the Oommittee of the '!nole,seconded Lr.Loop and carried. Y.r.rrobst :moved that the Clsrk be directed to 'address a communication to the Oaltand Ca s Eeat Co,with the object of avin them bettor the 80:PViC0 to consumers,seconded :Er.Gee and carried, if.r.aane moveC that a claim he made out in favor of the racific Eassula Toot Confany for the halance due or the second 500 feet of heater 12.oadway :17 c: r ,--. - 4 - 1 - ,' for w4.208s-5o due them for the thir6 bC0 fet finished and that the claim be ar!proved h:/ the Finance Committee,seconded by ,or and carried 1-:/ the followins vote: Ayes;Col).ucilmen Brown:hristense nea,Eoeo,Probst and Loop. (7). iloes;Eone. Absent;Councilmen Bullock and L.r..Erusoue addressed the Thancil ushins that some action be taken so as to allow the ves table Jar to brin in manure for their ardens. As the matter was in the herds of the Board of Health he was referred to that 1)0a7 . There beins no further husiness to transact the Council adjourned until Londuy, :Docenber 1Cit1i,107,at Oity Clerk