2010-10-06 Joint CC CIC Minutes MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) MEETING WEDNESDAY- -OCTOBER 6, 2010- -7:01 P.M. Mayor/Chair Johnson convened the meeting at 8:09 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers/ Commissioners deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Mayor/Chair Johnson – 5. Absent: None. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (10-491 CC/ 10-72 CIC) Update on Alameda Unified School District Assistance: Toddler and After School Child Care (Woodstock Child Development Center) The Interim City Manager gave a brief presentation. Mayor/Chair Johnson inquired how the State restored the funding and if it was through special legislation. The Deputy City Manager – Administrative Services responded the Big Five, which is the Governor and the Leaders of the Assembly and Senate, came up with a package of cuts and revenue enhancements, including creative accounting and federal dollars that are not yet secured; as part of that package, the legislature churned over the summer for more than 100 days and the program has been put back in through the Big Five Conference; the budget conference committee met on October 6th and it is unlikely that the money will be taken back out; the matter will be confirmed after the October 7th vote. Councilmember/ Commissioner Matarrese requested the method of helping remain ready in hopes of being able to restore adult education and recreation programs. The Interim City Manager agreed; stated even though there is a respite this year, future action is uncertain; when impacts to the School District and City are known, staff will report back to the Council/ Commission. Councilmember/ Commissioner Gilmore inquired if, and how much, the deficit was closed. The Deputy City Manager – Administrative Services stated the State claims to have closed the approximately $19 billion deficit with creative maneuvers and federal money, which still has to be secured. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission October 6, 2010 In response to Vice Mayor/ Commissioner deHaan’s inquiry about how the City will stay out of the budget, the Interim City Manager stated the budget is strategic and responds to a lot of heavy press criticizing the Legislature; after a new Governor is elected, there will be a surprise package. The Deputy City Manager – Administrative Services stated the State is starting to issue IOU’s this month. The Interim City Manager stated none of the budget deficit reflects the 2012 – 13 State hit of PERS costs. Mayor/Chair Johnson inquired whether the Government has 35,000 more employees now than 5 years ago, to which staff said information is unknown at this time. Councilmember/Commissioner Matarrese requested an Off Agenda report be posted on the website summarizing the comments of the Deputy City Manager – Administrative Services. Councilmember/Commissioner Tam requested clarification on whether the City has provided some of the CDBG funding; inquired whether the funding would affect the School District’s loss in State funding. The Interim City Manager responded the School District can only use the money for certain things; the only way the School District would not get a dollar-for-dollar take [from the State] is if the City gives a grant, or eliminates or offsets a School District General Fund expense; the funding was a one-time, 90-day solution and is not a long term solution for the program. Vice Mayor/Commissioner deHaan stated that he attended a workshop at Lincoln School; the City needs to be at the table during discussions to understand impacts. Councilmember/Commissioner Matarrese stated the next Subcommittee meeting needs to be scheduled; that he would not support consolidating grades 7–12 into one school; the City should weigh in on all the issues so that the boards can talk about the direction that will be given based on the impacts. Vice Mayor/Commission deHaan concurred; stated decisions cannot be made in a vacuum. Councilmember/ Commissioner Gilmore stated the City definitely needs to work with the School District and raise concerns, but it is ultimately the School District’s budget; the School District is the expert regarding its budget and the product that needs to be delivered; the City should not tell the District how to manage its budget. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission October 5, 2010 Mayor/Chair Johnson concurred. Councilmember/ Commissioner Tam stated that she wants to convey some businesses comments to the Subcommittee with respect to the school closures; there are some concerns that if Alameda High School becomes a middle school with a closed campus, a lot of stores, restaurants, and businesses that depend upon a non-closed campus would have serious revenue impacts. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger, City Clerk Secretary, CIC The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission October 6, 2010