1994-05-19 ARRA Minutesn D * * * * * * * * *R E V I S E D* * * * * * * * * MINUTES OF THE FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAlYIEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, May 19, 1994 5:00 p.m. The meeting convened at 5: 10 p.m. with Alameda City Manager/Executive Director William E. Norton presiding. I. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmember Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Councilman Lil Arnerich, City of Alameda; Mayor Ellen Corbett, City of San Leandro; Mr. Mark Friedman, Aide to Supervisor Don Perata, District 3; Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor Richard Roth, City of Alameda; Mr. Sandre Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional District; Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr., City of Alameda; Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones, City of Oakland. (District Director Sandre Swanson arrived at 5: 15 p.m.; Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones arrived at 5:20 p.m. replacing her alternate City of Oakland Project Director Barry Cromartie) II. AGENDA ITEMS: A. SELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON OF THE GOVERNING BODY. City Manager/Executive Director William E. Norton announced that the first item on the agenda was the selection of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Governing Body. Mr. Norton requested nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair from the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority members, and noted that there must be three votes from the City of Alameda pursuant to the rules of the Authority. Vice-Mayor of Alameda, Richard Roth, moved to nominate Alameda Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr. as Chair and District Director Sandre Swanson as Vice-Chair. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Karin Lucas and carried by a unanimous voice vote. ' • .. Chair Withrow indicated that the intent of the meeting was to organize and establish basic guidelines and bylaws. He requested that the next meeting focus on orientation and the third meeting address substantive matters . B . Repon on Designation of Executive Director Chair Withrow announced that the designation of the Executive Director was specified in the Joint Powers Agreement (JP A). City Manager/Executive Director William E. Norton stated that Section 9-C.1 of the JP A provides that the City Manager from the City of Alameda serve as the Executive Director and has the authority to designate a person to act in his place; he was appointing Don Parker as his designee; Mr. Parker has been with the Base Conversion Office project for ten months and is well qualified; and no action was required from the Authority on this item. C. Repon from Executive Director Recommending Adoption of Bylaws Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Executive Director Don Parker stated that the Bylaws are required by the Joint Powers Agreement and set the !~) overall structure of the Authority; one of the undetermined facts in the JPA is - the establishment of a fiscal year; and recommended that the Authority adopted / J a fiscal year that coincides with the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) grant fiscal year period, November 1, 1993, through October 31, 1994, to assure ease of transition. Councilmember Karin Lucas inquired if the grant was a one-time grant or whether continued funding was expected. Mr. Parker stated that it would be a continuous process, and the planning process will be primarily supported by OEA. Councilman Arnerich moved that the Authority accept the recommendation that the fiscal year coincide with the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) grant fiscal year period which runs from November 1, 1993 through October 31, 1994 . The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Richard Roth and carried by unanimous voice vote. Vice-Mayor Richard Roth requested that the Authority require a roll call vote on particular items only. The City Attorney stated that the Bylaws could be amended to state that "the Governing Body shall vote by voice vote unless a roll call is requested by any member of the Governing Body". 2 I_ n D. .... c Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones moved that the Bylaws be approved as amended . The motion was seconded by Mayor Ellen Corbett and carried by unanimous voice vote. Report from Executive Director Recommending Adoption of a Resolution Establishing Rules and Procedures Mr. Parker reported that the Rules deal with procedures for holding meetings and conducting business of the Reuse and Redevelopment Authority. Currently, the rules are written to indicate that the Authority meetings will occur on a monthly basis, and that either the Chair or the majority of the Governing Body can call special meetings with 24 hour notice . Following discussion, Councilman Lil Arnerich moved that the regular monthly meetings of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority be held on the first Wednesday of each month from 5:00 p.m. -7:00 p .m., with the next meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 6, 1994. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mark Friedman and carried by unanimous voice vote. The subject of speaker slip availability was discussed and Mr. Parker informed the Members that speaker slips were currently being provided. Mr. Parker also agreed that the use of speaker slips should be added to the Rules and Procedures and that the speaker slips will be kept as part of the official record of the meetings. The question on timing of receipt of agendas and documents related to the agendas was discussed. Mr. Parker stated that the Agenda for each meeting will be mailed to the Members seven (7) days prior to the meeting . Chair Withrow requested large documents pertinent to an agenda item be mailed in advance of the seven day limit so that Members have more time to review the material. Mr . Parker agreed to this request. Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson inquired about amendments to the Bylaws, to which the City Attorney Carol Korade responded that the Rules and Procedures are adopted and amended by majority vote and resolution . Also, amendments become immediately effective upon adoption . Councilmember Karin Lucas moved for approval of the Rules and Procedures. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson and carried by unanimous voice vote. Vice-Mayor Richard Roth raised the question of public hearings. City Attorney Carol Korade pointed out that the current meeting was not a public hearing and explained that a public hearing requires ten (10) days notice in the 3 newspaper and relates to things such as taxes and assessments . She added that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority would require very few "hearings". Chair Withrow stated that the Governing Body should hear information from both proponents and opponents during the hearing so that the members cannot talk to individuals in advance of the hearing because it would put them into a biased positioned. City Attorney Carol Korade explained that the appeals and hearings rules are identical to those of the City of Alameda and reiterated that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority would have very few hearings, if any . Councilmember Dezie Woods -Jones requested that if a hearing arise, Staff advise Members of the rules in order to avoid violation. City Attorney Carol Korade stated that Members would be advised in advance of a hearing. E. Repon from Executive Director Discussing Primary Functions of the {!Lameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Mr. Parker stated that the National Defense and Authorization Act of 1994 specifies that an established Redevelopment Authority becomes recognized by the Secretary of Defense as the entity responsible for developing the Redevelopment Plan and submitting that plan to the Navy. On May 3, 1994, after the Joint Powers Agreement (JP A) had been signed, the Executive Director of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, City Manager William E . Norton, wrote Rear Admiral Ernest Tedeschi, Commander of the Naval Base, San Francisco, requesting that his office recognize the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority as the body responsible for submitting the Community Reuse Plan. On May 18, Admiral Tedeschi responded to the letter indicating that he had forwarded a copy of the request , along with a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA), to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Environment, with his full endorsement. It will take approximately thirty days for official recognition to occur. Mr. Parker further reported that, assuming recognition is received , the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority's primary task is the development of the Community Reuse Plan, and forwarding it on to the Navy for approval. This will then become the basis for the Navy to undertake its NEPA documentation, the EIS. Connected with that activity and anticipating that this would be the role of the Reuse Authority, staff has undertaken the process of creating a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consultants which was issued approximately one week ago . The proposal requires a team of consultants , most likely led by a planning firm, who will broadly assist in 4 n D f l LJ developing a process for putting together a Reuse Plan for the Naval Air Station Alameda. The Lead Consultant and its team will be reporting back to the Reuse Authority as to the progress being made . The bid proposals are due on June 7, 1994, and the contract will be awarded immediately following. Another major function of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority is to act as its own fiscal body; will apply for federal and state grants, create its own budget, may incur debts, sue and be sued, and can enter into contracts. It is also the Governing Body that will receive land from the federal government and determine how the land will be utilized and/or disposed of. The specific terms and functions are listed in the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA). Mr. Parker then discussed the Agenda Items/ Actions which would probably be recommended to the Members at the next meeting. The first item will be the designation by each Authority Member of his or her proxy who will act on their behalf if they are unable to attend a meeting . The second item will be a resolution establishing the powers and authority of the Executive Director, the Secretary, the Finance Director, and the General Counsel. The third item will be a resolution adopting the procurement policy for the Reuse Authority. The fourth item will be the assignment of the City of Alameda's grant from OEA to the Reuse Authority. Councilman Arnerich asked for clarification on the assignment of a proxy. City Attorney Carol Korade stated that the Joint Powers Authority provides that each person on the Authority, including the five Alameda City Councilmembers, may, and are supposed to designate a proxy. This person will have the same rights, duties, and voting authority as the Authority Member. The specific intent of this is to provide a proxy or alternate that may have, for example, specific technical expertise. She then clarified that the Chair's (Mayor Withrow) proxy would have the same voting rights but would not be the Chair of the specific meeting, the Vice-Chair (District Director Sandre Swanson) would be the Chair in the event that Mayor Withrow could not attend and his Proxy was attending in his place. She also stated that the Authority could establish certain limitations on votes for proxies, for example, reserving those eight significant issues in the Joint Powers Agreement to be voted on just by the Authority Members or other issues as specified. Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson clarified that the Proxies are not flexible choices and that once a choice is made, it cannot be changed; if a Member is not at a meeting, everyone knows who the Proxy will be; and no one can at the last moment designate someone else. City Attorney Carol Korade agreed and stated that this is the purpose of this agenda item next time, so that everyone 5 will know who the Proxies are. Additionally, Vice-Chair Swanson suggested that the Rules and Procedures include something about items on the agenda being passed over to the next meeting, and the number of Member votes required to do so. Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones suggested that the Rules and Procedures also include a statement regarding the replacement of a permanent proxy, and a mechanism in which to do so. City Attorney Carol Korade stated that currently this matter is not included in the Rules and Procedures, but is an example of future the Rules and Procedures changes that can be done through majority vote. Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson asked Mr. Parker whether the Procurement Policy would be received well in advance of the next meeting, in order for Members to have time to provide comments back to the staff. Mr. Parker agreed that the Procurement Policy could be issued two weeks prior to the next meeting in order to allow time for comments. City Attorney Carol Korade stated that to avoid any problems with the Brown Act, any comments made by Members will be part of the public record and that the majority of Members cannot meet and discuss the issue prior to the meeting. All comments should be sent to the Executive Director, and after receipt of all comments, they will be made available to the public, as well as all Members of the Authority. Mayor Ellen Corbett inquire whether the Joint Powers Agreement included any rules, policies, or procedures regarding meeting in any other venues besides the Alameda City Hall . Councilman Arnerich stated that the Bylaws specify that the Authority can go to a particular site, if necessary. III . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) A . Reverend Henry Williams representing a member of the Humanity Baptist Church under Pastor George Anderson and the Chair of Job Work Development in Oakland addressed the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority on his desire to bring warehousing, piers, ships, and jobs into Oakland and Alameda. B . Bill Smith representing Bases Commercialization Bureau in Emeryville addressed the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority on his desire to bring jobs into Alameda and Oakland and to present a proposal regarding the helicopter industry . 6 1.·. ·1 I ' I ) f · ., n D u IV. Communications From Governing Body Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson commended, and offered support, for the work of the Alameda City Council in leading the region to deal with the difficult problem of base closure during the last year. He stated that all of the Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority are currently faced with a very serious challenge and that many of the other base closure activities around the country have been stalled because of a number of hurdles . The fact that regional participants are working together is being held in the state , and country, as a model of what can happen . He further added that all of the Members should feel very good at this moment given the difficult challenge before them and look forward to working on the Authority . Chair Withrow extended his thanks for the comments. He stated that it was an exciting time; the Alameda City Council had taken some hits in this area; however , believed it is truly an exciting time when the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority can move forward in a way that will involve a region, as opposed to strictly a city, take on issues that are beyond just the closing of the base, and do some things that can really have a positive impact on the East Bay. Additionally, Chair Withrow expressed his hope that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority can, from the standpoint of re-energizing the economy, get business back into the base with not only jobs, but jobs which are truly meaningful and will carry us into the next century . -Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones moved to adjourn . Councilmember Appezzato requested that the appointment of Superintendent of Schools District as a non-voting ex-officio member be placed on the agenda of the next Reuse Authority meeting . V. Adjournment Chair Withrow adjourned the meeting at 6: 18 p .m. Respectfully submitted , ~~k Elizabeth Brydon Secretary 7