1994-07-13 ARRA Minutes" M~1.iTES OF THE ALA.vIEDA REl~SE Ai~D REDEVELOPMENT ACTHORITY ·wednesday, July 13, 1994 5:00 p.m. The meeting convened at 5 : 15 p.m . with Chair Mayor E . William Withrow, Jr. presiding . I. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmember Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda : Mayor Ellen Corbett. City of San Leandro ; Mr. Mark Friedman . Aide to Supervisor Don Pera ta , District 3 ; Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda: Vice-Mayor Richard Roth , City of Alameda; Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson, District Director. 9th Congressional District : Chair Mayor E . William Withrow, Jr.. City of Alameda; Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones, City of Oakland . Absent : Councilman "Lil" Arnerich (District Director Sandre Swanson arrived at 5 :25 p .m .; Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones arrived at 5:20 p.m . replacing her alternate City of Oakland Project Director Barry Cromartie). A . Approval of Minutes of May 19, 1994 Councilmember Karin Lucas moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1994. The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Richard Roth and carried by a unanimous voice vote. II. AGENDA ITEMS: A . Designation of Each Authority Member of His/Her Proxy Councilmember Karin Lucas requested that the nomination of her proxy be delayed until the next meeting. Mr. Mark Friedman reported that he would be the proxy for Supervisor Don Pera ta. Mayor Ellen Corbett reported that her proxy would be Kent Myers, Vice-Mayor of San Leandro. I I I n 0 Chair Wi[hrow rep o rted (hJ( hi s prox y wo uld be :Vlr Lee P e rez. Chainm.n t)f the Ba s e Reu s e Ad v iso ry Group (BR.-\G ) Ba rry Cromanie rep o rted (har C ouncilmember Dezi e Wt )t)J s -fone s ha t.I t.:ht l~L':~ him a s her prox y (s he had nor arri ved yer (0 (he meering J. V ic e-May or Roth rep o rted that he al so wo uld like the nomination o f hi s p ro.\y rt' be delay ed until the next meeting and asked for discus s ion regarding the p ro.\: issue. He requested that there be some guidelines given regarding proxie s. as in the case of the City of Oakland . there was already a proxy representing a pro xy. (\.fay or Elihu Harris appointed as the Reuse Authority Member who in turn designated Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones as his represem:iti ve . who in turn designated Barry Cromanie as her prox y .) Chair Withrow stated that the prox y selection needed to be recorded for futur e meetings . Mark Friedman suggested that. as in the case of Oakland. where the Aurh ori[\· Member has designated their proxy. an alternate may be designated to anend for the proxy , but have no voting pri v ileges (an ex-officio member). Chair Withrow agreed wirh Mr. Friedman· s suggestion that there could be a member. a proxy , and an alternate for the proxy with no voting privileges. Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones stated that it was certainly the intent o f the City of Oakland that either the Mayor or Councilmember Woods-Jones \vould make every effort to attend the Reuse Authority meetings. She stated that at rhe lase Authority meeting , proxy selection and guidelines were discussed . and asked whether these guidelines had been established . She added that the Ci[y of Oakland would be supportive of the Member and the Member 's proxy be in g v oting members , and any alternate to the proxy could participate at the meering to gather information but not vote . Chair Withrow asked the Assistant City Attorney, Heather McLaughlin, whether the issue of a consistent policy for the assignment of proxies could be voted on at the present time . Ms . McLaughlin stated that the issue should be placed on the next agenda . She reported that the Joint Powers Agreement states that each Member can appoint one alternate, but that it could be interpreted that an alternate could appoim an alternate . 2 B . Report from the Executive Director Recommending Adoption of a Resolwion Establishing the Powers and Authority of the Executive Direcwr, rhe SecrerarY. the Finance Director and rhe General Counsel Councilmember Karin Lucas moved approval of the resolution. The motion wa s seconded by Vice-Mayor Richard Roth. and carried by a unanimous voice vote . C. RepQrt from the Er.ecurive Director Recommending Adoprion of the Pro curemem Policy for the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Vice-Mayor Richard Roth asked the Assistant City Attorney whether the Procurement Policy was basically the same as the City of Alameda 's . Assistant City Attorney Heather McLaughlin reported that it is the same as the City's but improved, taking into account the federal rules . She added that she had made some minor clerical changes to the agreement (for clarity) and requested that these changes also be approved. Councilmember Karin Lucas stated that several of the Councilmembers were approached by local merchants when this item was on the City Council agenda regarding local preference and asked why, on page 70 of the Procurement Policy, there was a section stating that "local and state geographical preferences shall be avoided". Assistant City Attorney Heather McLaughlin stated that this 1s a federal requirement. Councilmember Lucas requested that this policy be clarified that when state or local funds are being used that local preference be given . Mr. Mark Friedman agreed, and asked that a clause be added to the Procurement Policy stating that "where legally possible, we will give local preference". The area of local preference was defined as those jurisdictions being represented on the Reuse Authority . Vice-Mayor Roth stated that the federal government is considering taking action regarding money spent on base closures being spent in the regional area , and if this should happen, a local preference would then be permiss1ble . Councilmember Woods-Jones stated that there were no specific goals for Affirmative Action within the Procurement Policy . She stated that Oakland has a more specific policy delineating goals set for 303 local hire, 253 for minority !. .1 hire , etc. She then asked whether the Members of the Authority could get l reports regarding success of the affirmative action plans . .. I 3 n 0 D . Chair Withrow requested that the Executive Directer furnish regular reports regarding affirmative action to the Members of the Authority . He felt that the issue should be addressed on a case by case basis. The Reuse Office should monitor the affirmative action goals through reports. and give direction at appropriate times . Mr. Mark Friedman stated that he would like to reserve the opporrunity for the Authority to amend the Procurement Policy if this "loose approach to Affirmative Action" does not accomplish what it should . Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson agreed with the comments and asked whether the Authority needed a working committee or sub-committee on procurement to flush out ideas so that the interaction is not always formal on these types of questions . Vice-Mayor Richard Roth moved to approve the Procurement Policy with the understanding that changes could be made in the future ; that a clause be added stating that "where legally possible, we will give local preference"; and, that an operating committee be formed in the future of less than a quorum of the members, and to work on an ad hoc basis to review and advise the Reuse Authority on procurement issues . The motion was seconded by Mayor Ellen Corbett, and carried by unanimous voice vote. Repon from the Executive Director Regarding the Assignment of the Ciry of Alameda's Grant from the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Assistant City Attorney Heather McLaughlin stated that at the special City Council meeting prior to the Reuse Authority meeting, a resolution was adopted assigning authority for implementation of the City's OEA grant to the Reuse Authority. For background purposes, Don Parker reported that on March 28, 1994, the Office of Economic Adjustment, the federal DOD office responsible for planning grants to undertake base conversion, approved a grant request from the City of Alameda for $581, 000 for the period of November 1, 1993, to October 31, 1994 . In the Bylaws of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, there is a requirement that the Reuse Authority adopt a budget within sixty (60) days of formation, and the Reuse Authority will eventually apply directly to OEA and become its own fiscal agent with its own budget (after October 31, 1994). In the interim, in order to initiate planning activities underway through the work of a consultant, the City of Alameda assigns responsibility for grant implementation to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority. The City is not assigning 4 the funds or the grant itself. but the responsibilit y for the implementation of the grant funds . This step is necessary before the Reuse Authority can take action on the consultant selection. Vice-Mayor Roth requested that the contract with the consultant be written so that the City of Alameda does not get stuck holding a bill that it cannot pay if OEA does not provide all the funding for the consultant . Assistant City Attorney Heather McLaughlin agreed that this would be included in the contract. Vice-Mayor Roth moved for approval of the assignment of the City of Alameda ·s grant from the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority . The motion was seconded by Mr. Mark Friedman , and carried by a unanimous voice vote. E. Report from the Er.ecutive Regarding Adoption of Base Conversion Budget by the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Until the Authority Submits Its Own Budget to GEA (Fall 1994) Assistant City Attorney Heather McLaughlin reported that under the Joint Powers I J Authority Agreement, the Reuse Authority is required to adopt a budget within 60 days of its formation, and that the recommendation is for the Reuse Authority to, in the interim, adopt the Base Conversion Office Budget until the Reuse Authority submits its own budget in the fall. Councilmember Woods-Jones moved that the Reuse Authority adopt the Base Conversion budget until it submits its own budget to OEA in the fall of 1994 . The motion was seconded by Karin Lucas , and carried by a unanimous voice vote . F. Report from Executive Director Recommending Approval of Selection of Consultant and Authorization for Executive Director to Negotiate and Execute a Contract Mr. Parker , Executive Director, introduced Mr. Paul Tuttle, Reuse Authority Planner , who presented the staff report and recommendation on the consultant selection process. Paul Tuttle reported that the original budget approved for this project was $950,000 for the consultant's work, $300,000 of which was allocated in this current fiscal year ending October 31, 1994. 5 l_ I n D u The consultam selection process was carried out in two phases : 1) the issuing o f the Request for Proposals (RFP): and. 2) the consultam selection process itself. An RFP Staff Committee was formed to develop the RFP: and the RFP was re v ie w ed by OEA and the East Ba y Con version and Reinvestment Commi ss ion (EBCRC) Staff. A Pre -Proposal Conference was held on May 16 . 1994, in viting consul tams to submit a proposal by the deadline of June 7, 1994 . The Base C o nversion Office received seven excellem proposals on the deadline date . The second phase was carried out in three major steps : · 1) the review of the proposals that were submitted ; 2 ) interviews of a select group of proposals (teams); and , 3) follow-up interviews with the top two teams . The proposal re v iew was conducted by a re view committee made up of City Scaff , the Project Director of the EBCRC , Bill Tuohy , and David MacKinnon of the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) as an observer and information resource . At the committee meeting a short list was prepared . Proposals were read and rated , and the three top teams were selected for interviewing from the original seven proposals . The interview process consisted of an interview panel made up of City Staff, Doug deHaan, Chair of the Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Reuse Subcommittee , Helen Sause , Chair of the BRAG Economic Development Subcommittee, and Allen Dones , a Commissioner from the EBCRC. Through the interview process, two top teams were selected for follow-up interviews. At chis point , the Executive Director, Don Parker, and Paul Tuttle, Reuse Planner , went to the offices of these two top teams and conducted follow-up interviews lasting three to four hours each . Following these interviews EDA W was selected and is recommended as the Consultant for the Reuse Plan and Interim Reuse Strategy . The planning process involves five major phases : 1) Reconnaissance Phase ; 2) Trends and Analysis of Existing Conditions Phase ; 3) Interim Reuse Strateg y Phase; 4) Development and Analysis of Alternatives Phase ; 5) Adoption of the Final Community Reuse Plan Phase. The Minority/Woman Owned Business Participation of the EDAW team is over 34 3 total with the minority owned business participation over 6 3. The budget/proposal was not a major consideration in the selection; however, EDA W was the lowest proposal at $953 ,667. The schedule proposes a planning process lasting approximately 16 months to meet the deadline of December 1995 . As currently envisioned, the schedule involves four major public participation events happening at key stages in the process . 6 In conclusion. Mr. Tuttle . reported that the choice was a difficult one because the top three proposals and the team composition were all excellent. The executi ve director recommends that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority approve the selection of EDA W as the lead consultant for the reuse planning process and that the Executive Director be authorized to negotiate and execute a contract. Councilmember Karin Lucas asked how EDA W was proposing to interact with the Reuse Authority . Reuse Authority Planner Paul Tuttle explained that as pan of the public panicipation process , there are regularly scheduled meetings with the Reuse Authority and the BRAG throughout the five phases . The current proposal includes seven (7) meetings with the Reuse Authority. In addition, there have been eight (8) meetings scheduled with the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) with three or four of these being large, public workshops where the whole community will be asked to panicipate . There will also be three (3) presentations to the EBCRC for information and feedback purposes. Executive Director Don Parker added that these scheduled meetings are subject to change based on the needs of the community and the Reuse Authority . Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson stated that he was very impressed with the involvement of staff and the different organizations involving the EBCRC and hoped that, as a strategy, consultants could advise staff on how best to direct the EBCRC 's activities so that it would be helpful . Mr. Mark Friedman requested John Petrovsky, EDA W Consultant , to indicate which members of the team are women and minority owned firms, and location of the firms . John Petrovsky reported that EDAW is headquartered in San Francisco , Bay Area Economics-Berkeley; Fehr & Peers Transportation-Lafayette; Moffatt & Nichol Engineers -Walnut Creek and San Francisco; Harris & Associates-Concord ; YEI Engineers-Hayward; Lamphier & Associates-Oakland; Zander & Associates- Novato; Baseline Environmental-Emeryville with approximately 303 of the contract is located in Alameda County in terms of the dollar amounts. Planner Paul Tuttle further explained that Bay Area Economics is a woman- owned firm, YEI is a minority -owned firm, Baseline Environmental is a woman- owned firm, Zander & Associates is a woman-owned firm and Lamphier & Associates is a woman-owned firm . Several of the sub-consultants working with Bay Area Economics are also minority-owned firms including the Northbridge Group and Kitahata Associates. 7 I 1 D Speakers: Euf!enie P. Thomson -President of TTE, Engineering, Inc . Ms. Thomson expressed her concern regarding local preference in the consultant selection process. After discussion by the Members regarding the local preference hiring practices of cities within the region , Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson suggested that if an y of the current team members do not work out. that local firms should register directly with the Reuse Authority and that every effort be made to integrate some of these local firms into the process. Mr. Mark Friedman suggested that the Reuse Authority approve the contract subject to the Executive Director , Mr. Parker, and negotiate with the consultant to increase participation of City of Alameda and Alameda County as well as minority firms in the team . Councilmember Woods-Jones agreed with Mr. Friedman regarding the direction of Mr. Parker to negotiate upward local participation and suggested a list of firms in the community be compiled for Mr . Parker to utilize in his negotiations . Vice-Mayor Richard Roth suggested that the East Bay Conversion and Reinvestment Commission could be a resource for this type of effort to compile a list of qualified local, minority and woman owned firms . Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson agreed that he would take the idea back to the Commission for possible implementation . Vice-Mayor Richard Roth moved that the Reuse Authority accept EDA W , the consultant recommended by staff and authorize the executive director to negotiate and execute the contract , subject to further negotiations by Don Parker with EDA W in an effort to increase the minority and local firms participation in the consultant team . The motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson and carried unanimously with Chair Withrow voting a very reserved "aye". G. Discussion and Action (if any) Regarding Appointment of the Superintendent of the Alameda Unified School District to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Awhoriry as a non-voting, ex-officio member 8 Spe;,ikers: Ardella Daile v -Assistant to the Superintendent for Transition Planning . Alameda Cnified School District Ms . Dailey reponed that she was in attendance at the meeting representing Mr. Chaconas who is currently on vacation. According to Ms . Dailey. Mr. Chaconas is imerested in issues regarding decisions that the Reuse Authority will make that will directly impact the Alameda Unified School District as well as other school districts in the area . After discussion by the Authority members. Chair Withrow suggested to Ms. Dailey that rather than having Mr. Chaconas as an ex-officio member . that he be included in the day to day activities of the Reuse Authority Office . Councilmember Appezzato moved that Mr. Chaconas be included on the Reuse Authority as a non-voting ex-officio member. Vice-Mayor Richard Roth stated that he was against the proposed ex -officio member starus . Mr. Chaconas discussed the matter with him , and added that he '~I I - felt that the Reuse Authority does not need to begin the practice of ha v ing ex-I 1 officio members. As a governing body, the Reuse Authority would have a _ d ifficult time drawing the line, i.e., on ex-officio membership . Today it is the Superintendent of Alameda Schools, tomorrow it could be Assemblywoman Lee , East Bay Regional Parks , Oakland Unified School District, etc. Vice-Mayor Richard Roth moved that the matter be tabled to allow the Superintendent to work with staff and if the staff arrangement is not satisfactory, that the issue be placed on a future Reuse Authority agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lucas , and carried by a unanimous voice vote. III . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) A . Don Parker reponed that the next meeting of the Reuse Authority is scheduled for Wednesday, August 3, 1994, and recommended that two items be brought forward on the next agenda : 1) ACET Proposal; and 2) Science City Proposal in a Work Session. The Reuse Authority discussed the process of reviewing proposals, and asked that Don Parker , Executive Director, provide a staff summary and analysis of the proposals for their Work Session . 9 n D IV. B. :"ieil Patrick Sweeney asked rhar rhe new consulram . EDA W. make comacrs wirh rhe rw o local newspapers. rhe Alameda Times Srar and rhe Al a meda Jourm.1: sraring thar rhe y are rhe onl y newspapers which ha ve been priming inforrnari o n o n rhe base conversion activiries in Alameda . Mr. Sweene y also requesred that information be provided to erhnic newspapers for those who do not s peak Engli s h . so that the y can panicipate in the base c o nversion process . C . Richard Nevelyn stated thar the reuse of the gun test facility has been appro ved for reuse by the Navy but is currently in some type of conflict with the BRAC laws . Mr. Nevelyn requested that the gun test facility proposal should also be brought forward as something that the community wants on the next agenda . He also suggesred that EDA W respond to public input more than the consultants have done which are working with the EBCRC . D . Tom Okey of Conservation Science Institute reported that his organization is a non-profit group which promotes environmental education and scientific exploration and investigation . Mr. Okey stated that there is tremendous opportuniry with the base closure for environmental education that could coincide with many of the other reuse options which have been put forward. His organization will be submitting a proposal through the planning process . Communications From Go verning Body Members of the Authority requested that the meeting time of the Reuse Authority meetings be placed on the next agenda . V. Adjournment Cha ir Withrow adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m . Respectfully submitted, . , } i : .) I r. f / t5vr_ , ,r~ ·V'L , _ _.e ?!/[{ '-i.' 'f-j ' -;J {, I Elizabeth Brydon Secrerary 10