1994-08-08 ARRA MinutesMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING AL~vIEDA REUSE Ai~D REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, August 8, 1994 5:00 p.m. The meeting convened at 5 :05 p .m. with Chair Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr . presiding . I. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmember Ralph Appezzato, City of Alamed:i : Councilman Arnerich , City of Alameda, Vice-Mayor Kem Myers. City of San Leandro ; Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor Richard Roth , City of Alameda; Vice -Chair Sandre Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional District: Chair Mayor E . William Withrow , Jr., City of Alameda. Absenr: Councilman "Lil" Arnerich (District Director Sandre Swanson arrived at 5:20 p.m.) Absent : Aide to Supervisor Don Perata . Mr. Mark Friedman; Oakland City Councilmember Dezie Woods- Jones . A . Approval of Minutes -Regular Meeting of July 13, 1994 Councilmember Karin Lucas moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 13, 1994 . The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Richard Roth and carried by a unanimous voice vote . II. ORAL REPORTS : A. Workshop/Presentation -Alameda Science City/ACET (Alameda Center for Advanced Technology) Don Parker announced that Alameda Science City and Alameda Center for Environmental Technologies (ACET) had reached agreement on submitting a joint proposal that would incorporate ACET as the environmental component of Science City . Mr. Parker explained that since receiving approval from the Alameda City Council on May 3, 1994, he had been working with the proponents of Science City and representatives of the University of California on a budget/planning proposal. As part of the agreement between Science City and ACET, ACET will be incorporated in the Science City funding proposal . I. I I . L_ D L Pre senrarion by Science Ciry : .\fr . Jim Davis of Alameda Science City reported that s ince the Alameda City Council approval, the Science City proposal has mo ved int o the University arena w here it is working its way through their process . After meetings with the Uni v ersity , beginning with the Provost of the University, meetings have been held w ith people in Sacramento regarding future expansions of the activity to get broader sponsorship than just a single government agency , local official s and community groups . The main emphasis has been on the writing of the proposal. The milestone agreement with ACET is to be integrated into the Reuse Authority 's community reuse planning process . This work is leading to a phasing of the Alameda Science City planning study into two major segments: (1) a preliminary integrated plan which would be approximately 1/3 of the total cost of the $1 Om proposal (approximately $3-112 million which should come from more than one source, i .e ., $2 .5 million from the DoD and another million from the Department of Commerce). Any future funding would be deferred until after the preliminary integrated plan is approved by the Reuse Authority and has been subject to community review; (2) a second parallel path has also been explored with the private sector to identify at least one or more companies which could be brought to NAS in the near term. The Science City/ACET Proposal is a strategic proposal for long term development but interim reuse is being pursued on a parallel path . Mr. Davis reported that one of the issues which the Reuse Authority may wish to address is business incentives . Of the 100 major tax-paying cities in the State of California, all of them have incentive programs to attract industry in the form of revenue bonds or free rent resulting in a very competitive environment . If companies are going to be attracted to Alameda and to the Naval Air Station , serious attention should be given to providing business incentives. One significant proposal on reuse will be presented to the Reuse Authority office involving the potential for a couple of hundred jobs from a manufacturing company interested in locating at NAS . Councilman Arnerich commented on the statement made by Mr. Davis regarding attracting businesses and working together using the example of a recent article in the newspaper regarding the City of Fremont providing business incentives and concessions to attract businesses . He agreed with Mr. Davis that the ARRA must make every attempt to work to attract potential businesses. Chair Withrow agreed . He said that this is a market driven process, that the market determines what the conditions are, and that everything must be done to promote Alameda's assets and strengths . 2 Vice-Mayor Roth suggested that perhaps sometime in the furure. Mr. Davis could share with the Authority Members what types of incentives there :ire :ind which I l ones would be the most effective. ' · 1 Councilman Arnerich swrn:ested that it \VOuld be best for Mr . Davis ro make presentations through the Executive Direcror and the BRAG process before it comes before the Reuse Authority . Councilmember Lucas asked whether there was any potential conflict in the recruiting process between the Reuse Authority office and Science City/ ACET. Mr. Davis reported that all potential business proposals presently go through the Reuse Authority office process and he is in continual communication with the ARRA Executive Director. Mr. Parker added that Mr. Davis (Science City) has been approved by the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG). and worked especially close with the Reuse Subcommittee. Councilmember Appezzaro asked Mr. Davis what he was going to present to the Reuse Authority at the next meeting . Mr. Davis reported that a planning budget proposal will be presented to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority for funding to initiate the Alameda Science City/ ACET planning srudy. Vice-Chair Swanson , who arrived after the presentation, asked Mr. Davis about the joining of the Science City/ ACET proposal process. In summary, Mr. Parker stated that the two proposals have been merged from a planning standpoint and from a funding request standpoint. Presentation by Alameda Center for Environmental Technology (ACET): Mr. Rob Johnson of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory reported that the labs and the University are involved in the process from the public service aspect, attempting to bring the technical resources and planning capabilities of the labs to the service of the community . Mr. Johnson reported that bylaws have been written, articles of incorporation are ready to go, ACET is to be a 501.C3 non-profit corporation strucrure, members of the Board of Directors have been identified , and organizationally, ACET is primed and ready to begin its work . A series of meetings are scheduled later in the month to develop the detailed business plan that will fold in with the type of planning requests and funding requests which will come before the Reuse Authority . Mr. Mike Lakin, of ICF Kaiser Engineers discussed the matter of business climate in the environmental marketplace stating that his company has been looking at the environmental marketplace as a regular part of their business, and 3 n D LJ have worked in conjunction with ACET for approximately 1-112. years . He reported that his company felt that there is a very large environmernal marketplace, particularly in the Pacific Rim which includes California. This Pacific Rim area as well as Germany are the two largest expanding markets . California is ideally situated to play into the market because existing California regulations are preceding most federal regulations and environmental regulations in the international marketplace : therefore. most of the activity going on locally presents an excellent training ground for most of the new emerging markets around the world . Current size estimates of the marketplace through the Department of Energy are $500 Billion over the next five to ten years and DoD is approximately $250 Billion over the same time period. Environmental private sector marketplaces places parallel these sizes. The marketplace is expanding very rapidly so the timing is right. the location is right , and ACET is attempting to fit into that marketplace . Mr. Bruce Kern reported that some materials had been submitted to .!\-Ir. Parker which put into more derail the numbers which Mike Lakin referred to regarding the size of the market. After several organizational questions regarding the structure of both Science City and ACET. Mr. Davis reported along with Mr. Kem that they had agreed to not create a structure which would be incompatible with a merger of Science City and ACET . After discussion by the Members regarding funding, Vice-Chair Swanson reported that the significance of this process will be exactly what happens to a conference process in the Congress , i .e ., there are monies in the bill for demonstration projects, technology centers, such that this project would qualify under and apply for. How the conference turns out between the House and Senate on that question will determine exactly what monies are available . Within the next couple of weeks there will be more word regarding this bill, perhaps in September, there will be more of an idea of how these monies will be made available. Chair Withrow concluded the discussion by stating that he appreciates the opportunity to have the kind of talents that Science City and ACET bring to participate in the development of a new Alameda and a new economic engine for not only the City of Alameda, but the entire East Bay. He added that the region is indeed privileged to have this kind of talent available . Speakers: Neal Patrick Sweeney, a resident of Alameda,. requested that more information about this particular program be delivered to the Alameda Times Star and Alameda Journal. 4 III . B. Oral Repon from Executive Director Regarding Nexr Agenda for Alameda Reu se and Redevelopment Awhoriry Mr. Parker previewed the anticipated agenda for the next Alameda Reuse anu Redevelopment Authority to be held on September 7, 1994 . including: ( l J Presentation of the proposed Reuse and Redevelopment Authority. budget being submitted to the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) with funding from November 1, 1994 to October 31, 1995; (2) As part of the budget presentation . Report to the Reuse Authority on the process of establishing the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority's own fiscal agent ; (3) Report on the planning study/joint effort by Alameda Science City with inclusion of ACET into the planning study and endorsement of the request being submitted to DoD or other bodies for funding; (4) Workshop to hear a j oint proposal for parks, recreational. and educational uses of the Naval Air Station being sponsored by the City of Alameda's Recreation and Park Department, Alameda Unified School Oistrict. and the East Bay Regional Park District. The deadline for additional items for the agenda is 5 :00 p.m. on the Monday of the week prior to each Reuse Authority meeting . Vice-Mayor Roth requested that the portion of the agenda which discusses the next agenda item be placed at the end of the meeting rather than at the beginning AGENDA ITEMS: A . Report from General Counsel and Acri on (if any) Regarding Policy Guidelines for Designation by Each Authority Member of His/Her Proxy and Designation of Remaining Proxies Assistant City Attorney Heather McLaughlin reported that the JPA , as currently drafted, allows each member to appoint one proxy. This proxy has full powers of the Member, but it only functions in the absence of the Member. Ex-officio members can also be appointed; however, according to the way that the JPA is drafted, only one fully empowered alternate can be appointed. An ex-officio member can be appointed to act as a third back-up person; however, this person would be present in a passive, non-voting sense . Vice-Mayor Roth made a motion to allow one designated proxy with full voting powers of the Member, (with the exception of the House of Representatives Member who shall be pennitted to have two pennanent voting proxies) provided that the Member is not present, and that an additional non-voting, ex-officio proxy can be appointed by each Member which will be seated at the staff table rather than at the podium with the voting members . The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lucas and carried unanimously . 5 I .1 l D u Councilmember Lucas appoinred Alameda residenr Roberta Hough as her permanent proxy: Councilmember Appezzaro passed: Chair Withro w haJ already designated Lee Perez. BRAG Chair as his permanent prox y : Vice-Ch:.iir S w anson designated his Senior Staff Member. Robena Brook s : Councilmember Roth designated BRAG Reuse Subcommittee Chair. Doug deHaan : anJ Councilmember Arnerich designated Mr. Albert DeWitt . B . Discussion and Acrion (If necessary) on Resolution ro Amend Ruf es and Procedures Regarding Meering Time of Alameda Reuse and Redeve!opmem Aurhorirv c. . Vice-Chair Swanson requested that the starting time of the ARRA meetings be changed ro 5 :30 p.m . to better accommodate the busy schedules of all of the Members . Councilmember Appezzato moved for acceptance of the resolution to change the time of Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority monthl y meetings to the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p .m . The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lucas and carried unanimously. Discussion and Acrion (if an.v) Regarding Procedure for Fonnarion of ARRA Subcommirrees After discussion regarding the types of subcommittees which may be required in the future (i .e ., Procurement Policy, Marketing , Finance), the number of Alameda City Council Members permitted to be on any one subcommittee be two (2). and that subcommittee members volunteer or be designated by the entire Governing Body for subcommittees . Councilmember Lucas recommended that this item be continued on the agenda should the need ever arise to form subcommittees . D . Repon from Er:ecurive Director Recommending Ratification of a Letter from rhe Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authoriry to the Assisrant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security Concerning Comments on the Interim Final Rule on "Revitalizing Base Closure Communities and Community Assistance" and rhe Pr,:or Amendment E. Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the Jetter. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Roth and adopted, with one Member abstaining . Discussion and Action (if any) Regarding Appointment of a Representarive of the Alameda Unified School Districr to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopmenr Authoriry as a Non-voting Ex-officio Member 6 Speakers: Sam Huie . currem Presidem of the Alameda Unified School District. reported that the Alameda Board of Educ:nion needed to be involved at the Reuse Authorit \' level because of the need for the Board to have a say in the reuse of the base . ;.rnd recommended that a representative of the Alameda Unified School District be appointed to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority as a non-voring. ex-officio member. Gale Greely, current Vice-President of the Alameda Unified School Board. added that the reason that the School District is interested in participating in the Reuse Authority is the recognition of the interdependency of education and successful base conversion. She reiterated that a representative of the Alameda Unified School District be appointed to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority as a non-voting . ex-officio member. Chair Withrow reported that he had distributed a letter indicating his support of the President of the Alameda Unified School District Board be an ex-officio Member on the Reuse Authority. He added that there is a risk of having a diffusion of focus ; however , in this case he felt that both have the same constituency, and that there is a very significant inter-relationship between what -. 0 I is done in converting the base and the quality of education that we experience in I I the City of Alameda and other cities in the region . Councilmember Appezzato concurred with the Chair and added that he had originally requested that this item be agendized . He stated that the importance of education on the base reuse and redevelopment effort is not only a factor in job creation, but a major deterrent to crime and hoped that the Reuse Authority Board would vote unanimously for this action. Councilmember Appezzato moved that a representative of the Alameda Unified School District be appointed to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority as a non-voting, ex-officio member, specifically, the President of the Board of Education of the Alameda Unified School District with one voting Proxy to be the Vice-President of the Alameda Unified School District, with the change to be incorporated into the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Bylaws after being agendized at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lucas. Vice-Mayor Roth reported that he had never withdrawn his concerns and asked Mr. Huie to answer some questions. Vice-Mayor Roth asked for clarification of the previous statement by Mr. Huie , "As President of the Board, the Board felt that it was important for an elected official to be on the Reu_se Authority in order that they may direct staff. ... ". Vice-Mayor Roth expressed his concerns 7 n D IV . u regarding the request: (1) as individuals. Reuse Authority Members do not direct staff. only as a body: and. (2) when was this request on a School Board agenda voted on at a public meeting'? Mr. Huie reponed that the School Board can make some philosophical decisions through concensus without necessarily doing a School District agenda: however. if the Reuse Authority feels it is important enough. the Board will agendize it for a vote. Assistant City Attorney reported that if the change is incorporated into the Bylaws, a vote by at least three Alameda City Councilmembers is required for passage . Speakers: Mr. Dennis Chaconas , Superintendent of the Alameda Unified School District responded to several of the questions raised by the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority regarding appointment of the BRAG Chair and placement of the item on the School District agenda. Chair Withrow reported that a motion had been made and seconded and called for a vote . The motion was carried six to one. It was clarified that the ex-officio member will not sit at the Council podium, but at the staff table . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) fu]eakers: Richard Nevelin, displaced Depot worker and member of several of the BRAG committees and several of the EBCRC Committees, expressed his disappointment in the progress of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority as well as the progress of the East Bay Conversion and Reinvestment Commission . Neal Patrick Sweeney, a resident of the City of Alameda, stated that the formation of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority is delaying too long and fighting over small issues and that the Reuse Authority should get busy with base conversion. 8 V COMMUNICATIONS FROM GOVERNING BODY Vice-Chair Swanson srared that he had re:id Mr. Nevelin ·s anicle in the newspaper and chose not to respond to the newspaper anicle. even though it was directed to his office . He stated that fact rhat rhe Alameda Reuse and Rede velopment Authorir y is the body that will decide whar happens ar the Naval Base, and ir is the body recognized federally to make decisions is in fact progress . The Pon of Oakland 's expansion is direcrly relared to job creation and conversion activity from all of these committees came ideas thar have been rranslated imo a number of legislative proposals which have been enacted into law and that will result in action . It was out of some of these committees that a piece of legislation is going through Congress right now which provides that instead of laying off a worker, give an employer $10 ,000 of their respective termination monies as an incentive to hire them. This idea came from all of these committees. The community cannot afford to be pessimistic, but rather should be aggressive . It was the fire fighters from NAS Alameda who came to the EBCRC Commission and pounded on the desks and asked, "What are you going to do with the public safety offices'?". This issue is currently in a piece of pending legislation so that if they want to become fire fighters for the City of Alameda , there is money to do that. This legislation came out of a committee . He emphasized that Mr. Nevelin 's comments are nor a fair characterization that nothing is happening. Of course , the process is slow , and it involves a lot of work . Everyone is trying very hard to make things happen . He reiterated thar he chose not to respond to Mr. Nevel in· s newspaper anicles: however. he felt that Mr. Nevelin continually repeats comments which are not accurate . Councilman Arnerich agreed with Vice-Chair Swanson that the process is a seemingly slow and tiresome thing . The BRAG and all the agencies involved are faced with terrible consrraints by regulatory agencies , commissions and boards. Many things have come out of all the meetings, and that Rome wasn't built in a day . YI. ADJOURNMENT Chair Withrow adjourned the meeting at 7 :20 p .m . Respectfully submitted, ~~8cr~ Secretary 9 I _ 1