1994-10-05 ARRA Minutesn D u MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, October 5, 1994 5:30 p.m. The meeting convened at 5 :30.p.m. with Chair Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr. presiding. I. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmember Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Alternate for Ellen Corbett, Staff Member Leslie Gould, City of San Leandro; Mr. Mark Friedman, Aide to Supervisor Don Perata, District 3; Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor Richard Roth, City of Alameda; Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson,. District Director, 9th Congressional District; Chair Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr., City of Alameda; Ex-officio Member, Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School District. Absent: Mayor Ellen Corbett, City of San Leandro; Councilman "Lil" Arnerich, City of Alameda; Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones, City of Oakland. (Vice-Chair Swanson arrived at 5:45 p.m .) A. Approval of Minutes -Regular Meeting of September 7, 1994 Speakers: Mr. Don Roberts of Alameda stated that the minutes of September 7, 1994, regarding the port priority designation, did not reflect the vote accurately, and should state that Mayor Withrow and Vice-Mayor Roth were the two nayes regarding the original motion and the six ayes were Authority Members Lucas, Appezzato, Arnerich, Corbett, Friedman and Swanson. Councilmember Karin Lucas moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 7, 1994 as corrected. The motion was seconded by Mark Friedman and carried by a unanimous voice vote. II. AGENDA ITEMS : A . Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of the AEG Interim Reuse Proposal to Refurbish Bay Area Rapid Transit District's (BART) Rail Cars at Naval Air Station (NAS) Alameda and Authorization for the Executive Director to Negotiate with the U.S. Navy and AEG Concerning Lease Rates, Terms and Conditions in the Event AEG is Awarded the Contract by BART. Mr. Parker reported that AEG had submitted their best and final offer to BART to be considered as one of the two proposers for refurbishment of the BART cars. AEG is considering Buildings 11 and 400 within the base which encompass 160,000 sq . ft. Chair Withrow stated that the Alameda City Council at their meeting of October 5, 1994, voted unanimously to support this particular initiative. Mr. Friedman stated that this was an excellent initiative and offers the best hope for shorHerm re-employment for some of the displaced workers . He asked whether there would be any provisions in the negotiations that displaced workers get preference in the hiring for the jobs which are added by AEG . Mr. Parker stated that the understanding of the intent of AEG is to look at the workforce within the Naval Air Station as a resource to them. Vice-Mayor Roth moved that the recommendation be approved . The motion was I 1 seconded by Councilmember Appezzato, and passed by a unanimous voice vote . Speakers: Mr. Neal Patrick Sweeney, an Alameda resident, stated that he was in favor of the topic under discussion . B . Report from the Executive Director Recommending Support of an Amendment to the Avigation Easement at the ?th Street Marine Terminal to Accommodate the Addition of an Articulated Boom Crane for Port of Oakland Use and Authorization to Communicate this Dete.rminatfon to the Port of Oakland and Naval Air Station (NAS) Alameda Mr. Parker stated that the Navy has requested concurrence from the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority for approval of the avigation easement for a crane which will be required for a new port facility anticipated to be in place within the next 2 years . He requested that the Reuse Authority support the amendment to the avigation easement at the 7th Street Marine Terminal to accommodate the addition of an articulated boom crane for the Port of Oakland's use with a further recommendation to direct the Executive Director to communicate the determination of the Reuse Authority to the Port of Oak.land and to the Naval Air Station. 2 n c u Speakers : Mr . Jon Rogers , representing the legislative chairman for the aircraft pilots of the Bay Area , stated that he disagreed with the recommendation and that the decision was premature . Mr . Richard Nevelin , a displaced base worker, stated that he felt there was a rush to approve the easement before the information is made available to the public as to what the impacts might be . Mr . Rick Wiederhorn , Planning Manager, Port of Oakland , stated that a 25 year easement is currently in effect with the Navy and has been in place since 1969 and that the Port of Oakland is requesting to amend it. He then gave a . visual presentation to the Authority members regarding the technic·a1 detail s of the request. Mr . Bill Smith, of Bases Commercialization Bureau , stated that the situation of looking at the perspective of the entire airfield needs to be taken in a piece meal fashion and that it should be left to the public as much as possible and taken through the BRAG committees . Mr. Mark Friedman moved to accept the staff recommendation . The motion was seconded by Councilmember Appezzato and passed by unanimous voice vote. Assistant General Counsel , Heather McLaughlin, requested that the Reuse Authority consider the new item in the packet regarding Alameda Naval Air Station's sewer line replacement. She stated that the Authority needed to get a 2/3 vote to determine the need to discuss this item which arose after the agenda was posted . Councilmember Appezzato moved to add the item (which had arisen since the posting of the regular agenda) to the agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lucas, and carried unanimously by voice vote. c. Report from Executive Director Recommending that the ARRA Seek the Assistance of Congressman Dellums to Incorporate Funding for the Oakland Harbor Estuary Sewer Force Main Pipe Size Change in the Existing Federal Funding for the Oakland Harbor Deepening Project . Mr . Parker reported that the Army Corps of Engineers had contacted the ARRA office regarding a 16" sewer line which runs across the estuary from Alameda to the Port of Oakland. The 16 "sewer line was going to be replaced as part of the maintenance/dredging work for the Oakland Harbor Deepening Project which is in the process of getting under way. In the process of the dredging, the Army Corps of Engineers would be replacing the 16" sewer main . Recognizing that 3 if there was an opportunity to increase the line now in anticipation of reuse potential of NAS, a significant amount of money would be saved doing the work as part of the maintenance/dredging project , rather than in the future . The preliminary analysis, determined through the efforts of the consultant team as well as the City of Alameda's Engineering Department, that it would be prudent and cost effective to increase the line from a 16" line to a 22" line . The larger line would cost approximately $150 ,000 . If this replacement is held for the future as a separate work item, it would be more in the range of a couple million dollars . The ARRA office is attempting to get the work done as part of the current dredging/maintenance project. Resources which are currently being considered for the project are: 1) the Army Corps of Eng ineers; and , 2) the Economic Development Administration (EDA). The staff is asking for the support of Congressman Dellum's office to seek funding for the additional work to be done . Councilmember Appezzato moved to support the recommendation . The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lucas, and carried by a unanimous voice vote. III. ORAL REPORTS A . Oral Report from the Executive Director Updating the Reuse Authority on Reuse Authority Staff Activities Mr. Parker reported on the following issues : notification to the Reuse Authority by staff to pursue in writing to the Secretary of the Navy, Honorable John Dalton , as a follow -up to a previous letter written (August 19, 1994) to delay all conveyance decisions, including federal or beneficial conveyances until the Community Reuse Plan has been completed; the timing for beneficial conveyances was to close July 31 , 1994, but no official word that this closure date for interested parties under beneficial conveyances is final; staff met with BCDC staff to work out a joint corrununication to the Seaport Planning Advisory Commission on November 8, 1994, acknowledging the designation of the potential of 200 acres for seaport use would remain open until the Community Reuse Plan is completed and a final decision can be made; use of the soccer field may be the first public use of NAS Alameda, and attempts are being made for the Officers Club to be made available for public use . B . Oral Report from Proponents of Science City!ACET Regarding the Status of Their Planning Studies/Business Plans Mr. Parker stated that the current presentation would be the first of a two-part presentation, the first part in preparation for the second which will be presented at the next meeting. The intent of the presentation was to give an understanding 4 I I n u of what has been accomplished to date on the Science City/ACET joint proposal, the progress which has been made, the kind of funding being identified, and some of the key participants involved in the process . Mr. Jim Davis and Mr. Bruce Kern gave the presentation on the new developments of the Science City/ ACET joint proposal. Mark Friedman requested that the next document prepared by Science City/ ACET detail: management, community participation and blue collar job projections for displaced workers issues of interest to the East Bay Conversion and Reinvestment Commission . C. Oral Report from the ARRA Planning Consultant (John Petrovsky, EDAVY) Regarding the Reconnaissance Phase Report (Administrative Draft) John Petrovsky, ARRA Planning Consultant, gave an update on the course of studies to date, reporting that the Consultant Team is on schedule ; first major public review product will be in January in the Conditions and Trends Report; a series of public presentations will also be held beginning in January; in March , the Authority will be requested to review the alternatives and establish an interim strategy; a survey is being prepared to be distributed through the Alameda Bureau of Electricity Flash Newsletter, the EBCRC, and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority's mailing list; a separate repo11 on the survey will be published in January on issues, opportunities, and ideas as expressed by the public; regarding technical studies, lines of communication are well established with the Navy ; the overall effort is on budget and on time. Vice-Chair Swanson asked whether the Navy is leaving buildings and state of the art equipment which could be available in the planning process. Mr. Petrovsky stated that one of the main components of the study is the concept of suites of buildings and equipment. The Reuse Authority cannot take the equipment and sell it on the open market, but equipment which is part of the reuse potential and economic reuse is maintainable and should be retained by the Reuse Authority . All of this equipment is being considered as part of the reuse plan . Chair Withrow stated that it would be appropriate for the Reuse Authority to send a communication to the two commands stating our understanding regarding equipment to clear the air. Speakers: Mr . Bill Smith, representing Bases Commercialization Bureau , stated that no one has defined the term public benefit. 5 D. Oral Report from Executive Director Updating the Reuse Authority on McKinney Act/Homeless Issues. Don Parker reported that there is a bill on the Senate floor sponsored by Senator Feinstein that is labeled "The Base Closure, Corrununity Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994". He also reported that a cooperative Jetter had been sent to the Secretary of the Navy Dalton seeking to have the Navy keep open the interests of the non- profit/homeless providers until the Corrununity Reuse Plan can be completed . This mirrors what the legislation is attempting to accomplish. Meetings with the County, EBCRC, and the key homeless providers have been occurring in an attempt to determine what the proper roles are for each organization. E . Oral Report from Chair of th(! Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Updating the Reuse Authority on BRAG Activities. Mr. Lee Perez, Chair of the BRAG, reported: the community meeting has been rescheduled to October 29, 1994 from 8:30 a .m . to 12:30 p .m. at Encinal High School where there will be bus tours provided; considerable dialogue has been occurring between the consultant, EDA W, and the BRAG members resulting in a workshop between the consultants and the BRAG to be held on Wednesday, October 12 . F. Oral Report from Assistant General Counsel Regarding Voting Procedures for the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority. Assistant General Counsel, Heather McLaughlin reported that the purpose of this item was to clarify who is permitted to vote and who is not permitted to vote. Some of the confusion arises from using the terms "alternate" and "proxy" interchangeably. In the Joint Powers Agreement, the terms are differentiated as such : named parties in the Agreement, such as Councilmembers in the appointed positions ; each of those members is allowed to appoint an alternate ; the alternate has the full rights and authority of the Member in the Member's absence; those who are the "alternates" to the "alternates" are called proxies and do not have those powers (they are not allowed to vote). In order to clarify this issue, the non-voting people will be requested to sit at the table with Staff and the Ex- Officio Members. One exception has been made to the rule for Authority Member Swanson that his proxy, Senior Staff Member, Roberta Brooks, can vote . Vice-Chair Swanson requested that future agenda items which have been already acted upon by the City of Alameda City Council be designated on the agenda or within the staff report so that Authority Members not on the City Council will know what action was previously taken . J . 6 n D u G . Vice-Mayor Roth also requested that items which require a special vote of the Alameda City Council (3 of 5), should be so designated . Assistant General Counsel McLaughlin reported that a legal opinion will be prepared for the Authority Members as to which items require this special vote . Oral Report from Executive Director Regarding Next Agenda for Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Mr. Parker reported that the following items will be on the next agenda of the Reuse Authority: Science City/ ACET Planning Proposal and Funding Request ; Designation of Remaining Proxy; BRAG Request for an Ex-Officio Non-Voting Member of the ARRA (approved by the Alameda City Council); request for an endorsement of the "New Turnaround Proposal" by Mr. Len Berta in involving base workers sponsoring reuse of particular facilities under their management; and a report on AEG as to the outcome of the award of the contract. Chair Withrow requested that when an outcome is heard regarding AEG that the Reuse Authority Members be advised as soon as possible . Mark Friedman suggested postponement of the November 2 meeting due to elections . After discussion, it was decided to hold the meeting at its regularly scheduled time: 5 :30 p.m . on Wednesday, November 2, 1994 with important items being deferred to the next agenda if attendance turns out to be light. Ex-officio Member Gail Greely requested two items for the next agenda: Report from Alameda Unified School District on the impact of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act which passed Congress on October 5 which will have a major impact on the ability of the school district to adapt to the changes caused by base closure; and the effect on the Alameda Unified School District of the Office of Economic Adjustment's refusal to fund a request for planning in the form of an update and impact analysis. Vice-Chair Swanson requested a briefing for his office on this refusal of funds. V . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) Speakers: Neal Patrick Sweeney, resident of Alameda, stated that base conversion public relations is lacking except for the information being furnished by the City of Alameda's newspapers, the Alameda Times Star and the Alameda Journal and that they should be acknowledged by the creation of a plaque honoring the contributions of these newspaper writers . 7 Richard Nevelin , a displaced worker, stated that he felt the Authority should reconsider the decision regarding the Port of Oakland and the crane. V . COMMUNICATIONS FROM GOVERNING BODY Vice-Chair Swanson stated that he hoped that the interim reuse plan is specific, but generic enough where it is not dependent on Science City, and that it identifies . a Science City use as part of the scheme of things . He reported on the Worker Promotional Brochure, discussed at the previous meeting, and stated that $50,000 in funding was obtained for this project and should turn out to be a very exciting project. The Department of the Navy has come up with $40,000 and the East Bay Conversion and Reinvestment Commission will be contributing $10,000 . Vice-Chair Swanson also reporte.d that the President signed the Defense Authorization Act and as a result, there will be a number of salient opportunities available : Pilot Program that will allow employers to receive $10 ,000 if they hire a base worker and the money can be used to either re-train the worker or relocate the worker ; a $50 Million loan guarantee program for businesses in our area which do at least 25 3 of its business with the Department of Defense, the Department of Defense will use this money to guarantee loans which will help leverage up to $2 Billion in loan opportunities for contractors in the area that promise to retain workers yet are pursuing a different line of business ; provisions for $5 Million for technology center, business plan development ; $7 . 5 Million in ship recycling pilot program; $2 Million for business opportunities for J : .1 base workers inspired by the "New Turnaround Program" scheduled for the next ARRA agenda; and $5 Million for firefighters to transition to either a City fire department or other public institutional fire departments . VI. ADJ 0 URNMENT Chair Withrow adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p .m. Respectfully submitted , / zg,~)tt fk;; c(,r- Elizabeth Brydon Secretary 8 I I