1994-11-02 ARRA Minutesn D u MINUTES OF THE REGULAR l\.'.IBETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPI\lffiNT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 2, 19'94 5:30 p.m. The meeting convened at 5:32 p.m. with Chair Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr. presiding. I. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmember Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Alternate for Ellen Corbett, Councilmember Garry Loeffler, City of San Leandro; Mr. Mark Friedman, Aide to Supervisor Don Perata, District 3; Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor Richard Roth, City of Alameda; Chair Mayor E. William Withrow, Jr., City of Alameda; Ex-officio Member, Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School District. Absent: Vice-Chair Sandre Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional District; "Lil" Arnerich, City of Alameda; Councilmember Dezie Woods- Jones, City of Oakland. (Councilmember Karin Lucas arrived at 5:37 p.m.; Vice-Chair Swanson arrived at 5:35 'p.m.) A. Approval of Minutes -Regular Meeting of October 5, 1994 Councilmember Appezzato moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 5, 1994. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Lucas and carried by a unanimous voice vote. Chair Withrow began the meeting with Agenda Item III.A & B. III. ORAL REPORTS A . Oral Report from Alameda Unified School District on the Impact of the Passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act on the School Districts' Ability to Adopt to Changes Caused by Base Closure . B . Gail Greely, the Ex-Officio Non-Voting Alternate for the Alameda Unified School District, reported on the effect of federal impact aid cutbacks on the Alameda Unified School District. Ardella Dailey reported on how federal impact aid has been changed by the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The presentation emphasized how the transition associated with base closure will impact the schools, in turn, affecting the quality of education in Alameda will, in turn, possibly affect the eventual success of the conversion effort for the community as a whole. Oral Report from Alameda Unified School District on the Status of the Request for Transition Funding by the Office of Economic Adjustment. Ardella Dailey reported that the Alameda Unified School District (ADDS) had previously been directed by the Office of Economic Adjustment to apply separately from the grant awarded to the City of Alameda . Instead, AUSD was -directed to apply through the EBCRC . The request for funds went to the Office -of Economic Adjustment in June, and the school district received word in October that OEA refused to fund the school district's proposal. Chair Withrow suggested that the school district contact Charleston , South Carolina, to inquire how that school district is handling school transitioning. Gail Greely stated that the school district will continue to pursue the funding and that support may be sought in the future from the Reuse Authority. Chair Withrow again suggested that the Alameda Unified School District unite with other impacted school districts to secure funding. 'I. AGENDA ITEMS: A . Report from the Executive Director Recommending the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Authorize the Executive Director to Send a Letter to the Secretary of Defense Requesting Application for All or Portions of the Alameda Naval Air Station to be Included Under the New Recently Amended McKinney Title V Process . 2 _. '.". \ n D u Speakers: Mr. James Thomas , a representative of the Emergency Services Network (ESN) and of the Steering Committee of the recently formed Homeless Collaborative, stated that it was the desire of representatives of the homeless community to work in a cooperative effort with the Reuse Authorities for Alameda and Oak Knoll to incorporate the needs of the homeless into the reuse planning process. B . Speakers: Mr . Parker reported that the new revised amendment to Title V of the McKinney Act provides that homeless interests will be expressed in an organized fashion through the Community Reuse Plan. He requested that the Reuse Authority authorize the Executive Director to send a letter to the Secretary of Defense requesting that all or portions of the Alameda Naval Air Station be considered for inclusion under the new procedures of the McKinney Title V process. Vice-Mayor Roth moved that the Reuse Authority authorize the Executive Director to send such a letter. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Appezzato, and passed by a unanimous voice vote. Report from the Executive Director Requesting the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Endorse and Authorize the Ex.ecutive Director to Submit the Funding Request for the Combined Alameda Science City!ACET (Alameda Center for Environmental Technology) Proposal for a "Scoping Study and Strategy Development Plan". (Science Ciry/ACET Endorsed by the Alameda City Council) Tim Little of the Rose Foundation stated that some members of the environmental community would like to support Science City, but they had developed concerns about the project due to a refusal by the proponents to respond to their questions regarding regional oversight of proposal, however, he stated his continued support of ACET . Mr. Parker reported that Science City and ACET was heard at the last . ·Reuse Authority meeting of October 5, 1994, at which time an oral report was given leading to the current request to endorse the funding request for the combined Alameda Science City/ACET. After reviewing the background of the proposal, Mr. Parker requested the support of the Reuse Authority in their funding request for a planning study of 4 .6 Million headed up by the Un iversity of California in assisting the Reuse Authority staff to carry out the study. Mr. Parker introduced Mr. Judd King, Vice Provost for Research from the Office of the President of the University of California. Mr. Judd King of the University of California gave a presentation on the combined planning study for the Alameda Science City and particularly , the Institute of Technology Development, as well as the initiation of the Alameda Center for Environmental Technology . 3 After discussion, Vice-Mayor Roth moved and Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion to adopt the recommendation of staff. Mark Friedman requested that the motion be amended to include a request of the planning study that it give a high priority to following the framework set up by ACET in developing a process for broad-based regional community participation as well as more details on the specific job numbers that will come out of it. Chair Withrow stated that a process was already in place and that he would oppose the amendment. He added that a regional review board instead of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) overseeing this project was not necessary. Mr. Parker stated that the intent is to integrate the Science City Planning Study into the ARRA Community Reuse Planning Effort which includes extensive community participation . The motion was adopted with Mark Friedman abstaining . C. Designation by Remaining Authority Member of His Alternate . Councilmember Appezzato passed on the designation of his proxy, and I I stated that he would appoint his alternate at the December meeting. D. Report from the Executive Director Regarding the Alameda City Council's Support of a Request by the Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) for a BRAG Representative to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority as a Non- voting, Ex-officio Member with One Non-voting Alternate. (Endorsed by the Alameda City Council) Speakers: Ms . Helen Sause, Vice Chair of the Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG), stated that she was present on behalf of BRAG Chair Lee Perez, who was unable to attend the meeting. Ms. Sause stated that she felt that the Alameda City Council is doing an excellent job of representing the community on the redevelopment authority, but felt that the grass roots nature of the subcommittees and their work would benefit greatly from the BRAG sitting as a non-voting member of the Authority to directly communicate with the Authority and to take deliberations of the Authority back to the community. Vice-Mayor Roth moved and Councilmember Lucas seconded a motion to support the request of the BRAG for a BRAG Representative to be appointed to the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority as a Non-Voting, Ex-officio member with one non-voting alternate . The motion passed unanimously. 4 ! I n D u Assistant General Counsel Heather McLaughlin stated that at the next Reuse Authority meeting, an action can be made to amend the bylaws to include the new BRAG ex-officio member as well as any future appointments of ex - officio members . Chair W ithrow then moved to Item III.G of the agenda. III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS G. Oral Report from Mr. Len Bertain Explaining the Scope of Work for a Feasibility Study of the New Turnaround Proposal. Mr. Len Bertain and others gave an update report on the New Turnaround Proposal and stated that the project should get underway as soon as possible . Conceptual support was requested of the Reuse Authority in order to retain workers on the base immediately and create new jobs. Funding has already been allocated as a defense department line item budget in the budget recently passed. II . AGENDA ITEMS E. Report from the Executive Director Recommending that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) Authorize the Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Naval Air Station Alameda Describing the Transfer and Use of Property Parcel Number 144 Known as the "Soccer Field". Chair Withrow stated that this item was one that he had personally been working on for about 1-1/2 years with Captain Major, Capta in Aldridge, representatives of the Department of Defense, Congressman Dellum' s office, and stated that the beginning of the "conversion" of Naval Air Station Alameda will be noted at 2:00 p.m . on Friday, November 4, 1994, at a press conference and ribbon cutting involving the use of 4 .3 acres by the City of Alameda and surrounding area for soccer. Mr. Parker stated that the soccer field is being obtained through a Memorandum of Understanding which will begin the process of making the transfer of Naval Air Station lands . Mark Friedman moved , and Councilmember Lucas seconded, a motion to authorize the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Naval Air Station Alameda describing the transfer and use of property parcel number 144 known as the "Soccer Field". The motion passed unanimously . 5 F. Report from the Executive Director Recommending the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Direct the Executive Director to Submit Applications for an Army Corps of Engineers Permit for the Oakland Harbor Estuary Sewer Force Main Pipe Size Change in the Existing Federal Funding of the Oakland Harbor Deepening Project and to Take All Necessary Actions to Successfally Complete this Project ARRA Assistant General Counsel McLaughlin stated that before the ARRA acts on this item, the Authority Members needed to review a draft resolution authorizing the Executive Director to take all necessary actions, including making permits/applications, preparing environmental documentation and acting on behalf of the Reuse Authority in regards to the Naval Air Station Alameda sewer replacement sizing project. Ms. McLaughlin stated that the need for this action arose after the mailing/posting of the agenda, when staff learned that BCDC and some other agencies needed an actual resolution from the Authority in order to permit the Executive Director to file the necessary paperwork to allow this project to proceed . Ms. McLaughlin stated that a 2/3 vote of the Members was required to consider the adoption of the added resolution . Mark Friedman moved, and Councilmember Lucas seconded a motion for the resolution to be added to the agenda . The motion was adopted unanimously . Mark Friedman moved and Councilmember Appezzato seconded a motion to approve the recorrunendation of staff, and to adopt a resolution directing the Executive Director to submit any and all applications for Army Corps of Engineers permits for the Oakland harbor estuary sewer force main pipe size change in the existing federal funding of the Oakland harbor deepening project, and to take all necessary actions to successfully complete this project. The motion was carried unanimously . Mr. Parker requested that Item III.F be considered next in order to accommodate a speaker who needed to be at another meeting. III. ORAL REPORTS F. Oral Report from Chair of the Alameda Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Updating the Reuse Authority on BRAG Activities. Vice-Chair Helen Sause reported on the following issues : recognition that the BRAG supported Science City; a special forum held by the Human Impact Corrunittee on what the impacts were for the community in Alameda and the surrounding area; a corrununity forum which included a tour of the base, a report back to the Community from BRAG what they have been doing this past year 6 . . I - I I I I I _ J n 0 u c. D. through identifying the major issues that each of the subcommittees are working on, including the BRAG itself including of its overriding concerns such as job generation, environmental aspects, public access, etc ., an endorsement of the revised vision statement, consensus that the base needs a balance of uses, recognition that all want amenities but that we will have economic development trade-offs to achieve those amenities; a community survey in conjunction with the consultant; attendance at EDAW team meetings. Oral Report from Ex,ecutive Director Updating the Reuse Authority on Reuse Authority Staff Activities. Mr. Parker reported on the following activities; consultant completion of the reconnaissance phase of their work and that the report will be distributed; interim rules have been published by the Department of Defense and final draft version copies will be provided to Members upon receipt; negotiations in process on terms of the Master Lease; completion of the Navy's redline study (boundary study of the State Land's potential jurisdiction) which is being reviewed by the City Attorney's office indicating that approximately 65 to 75 % of the base might be affected by State Lands jurisdiction. Oral Report from Executive Director Updating the Reuse Authority on McKinney Act/Homeless Issues . Mr. Parker reported that this item was covered under another item of the agenda. E. Oral Report from Executive Director Updating the Reuse Authority on the Status of the AEG Interim Reuse Proposal to Refurbish Bay Area Rapid Transit District's (BART) Rail Carts at Naval Air Station Alameda. H. Mr. Parker reported that bids had been submitted over a month ago with two bidders, one of which being AEG Leasing, assuming that AEG will have the opportunity to use 160,000 sq. ft. in the base employing approximately 200 people, many of which hopefully will be former base employees . The bids will be opened after the new board is constituted (elections over), and AEG believes was that most likely an announcement can be expected in January of 1995 as to the award of the bid. Oral Report from Executive Director Regarding Next Agenda for Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority. Mr. Parker reported that the next agenda will include : amendment of the interlocal agreement; amendment of by-laws regarding ex-officio members; New Turnaround Proposal for endorsement; conflict of interest code; insurance procurement; service agreement with the City of Alameda. 7 Vice-Mayor Roth requested that a status report on the Coast Guard and leasing of housing be included on the next agenda. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS , NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) Speakers: Richard Neve/in , a member of the EBCRC and BRAG committees, stated that he felt the equipment auction was indicative of the process of both the Reuse Authority and the BRAG process of community review and that the Reuse Authority should adopt a policy to hire displaced workers from the base . Tom Okey of Conservation Science Institute and a Member of the Environmental Subcommittee of BRAG, stated that he was a very solid supporter of soccer but expressed his concern regarding possible soil contamination of the soccer field related to the Borax facility which used to be located there . VI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chair Withrow at 7 :25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Brydon Secretary 8 I I I I