1995-02-01 Joint Work Session ARRA CC Minutes Unapproved MINUTES OF THE JOINT WORK SESSION OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL AND THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 1, 1995 5:30 p.m. The meeting convened at 5:37 p.m. with Chair Mayor Ralph Appezzato presiding. I. ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Councilman "Lil" Arnerich, City of Alameda; Mayor Ellen Corbett, City of San Leandro, Councilmember Albert DeWitt, City of Alameda; Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3; Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor Charles Mannix, City of Alameda; Vice-Chair Sandré Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional District; Alternate Roberta Brooks, Senior Staff Member, 9th Congressional District; Ex-officio Member Lee Perez, Chair, Base Reuse Advisory Group; Absent: Ex-officio Member, Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School District; Councilmember Dezie Woods-Jones, City of Oakland. (Vice-Chair Swanson arrived at 6:05 p.m.) II. JOINT WORK SESSION BETWEEN ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL AND ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO HEAR ORAL REPORTS BY THE INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DAVID LOUK AND THE EDAW CONSULTANT TEAM REGARDING EXISTING CONDITIONS OF ALAMEDA NAVAL AIR STATION. Mr. John Petrovsky, Principal and project manager for the EDAW consultant team gave an oral/visual presentation regarding Existing Conditions and Trends (Phase II Report) for Alameda Naval Air Station. The presentation covered: (1) a review of public comments and BRAG meetings/workshops; (2) a review of existing conditions and economic trends; (3) a review of plan principals; and, 4) a review of preliminary long range planning concepts. The findings of the Conditions and Trends summarized major issues, opportunities and constraints for reuse including: land use issues; intergovernmental coordination; economic development and market feasibility; financial planning and fiscal conditions; property transfer and leasing; housing, homeless and McKinney Act screening; transportation issues; building conditions and marketability; waterfront facilities; utility systems; environmental clean-up; geotechnical considerations; hydrology, air quality and biological resources; and historic resources. Six major land planning principals were presented including: integration of reuse development with the surrounding community; providing for a range of alternative transportation systems; providing for bay access; providing a system of parks, recreation and open space and conservation systems connected and integrated with the surrounding community; preserving and enhancing views; and preservation of the character of the historic district. Five major long range planning concepts were presented representing land use concepts organized around major land use proposals including; open space and wildlife refuge, a seaport, a major residential community, a major light industrial development, and a mixed use community center oriented reuse scheme. Mr. Petrovsky reported that the purpose of the concepts was to help identify the range of major uses that should be considered in the development of alternatives. The consultant team will be returning in two months requesting approval of a range of alternatives which will be analyzed in detail, i.e., traffic impacts, economic impacts, environmental resource impacts, infrastructure requirements, etc. In summary, Mr. Petrovsky identified the major constraints for the reuse and redevelopment process being the lack of funds needed for reuse in the very beginning of the process when the ARRA's ability to finance improvements for reuse is the lowest. In particular, funding will continue to be a problem given the City of Alameda's ability to provide needed funds for reuse which are extremely limited given the state of the City's fiscal crisis, the lack of federal funding, and the current budget climate in Washington, D.C. Funding for reuse and redevelopment will continue to be a major obstacle or challenge in the coming years. Mr. Petrovsky concluded that the consultant team is on schedule and within budget in terms of the original work program. The ARRA thanked Mr. Petrovsky and the Consultant team on the excellent work that has been completed in the Phase II Conditions and Trends Report. The report was an excellent document and gave a very thorough and complete description of the existing conditions and trends. III. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS ONLY: The following speakers expressed their opinions regarding the EDAW presentation and traffic: Speakers: Gerhard W. Degemann, resident of the City of Alameda and Neal Patrick Sweeney, resident of the City of Alameda. IV. ADJOURNMENT: The Joint Work Session between the Alameda City Council and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Brydon Secretary