1995-10-05 ARRA Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, October 5, 1995 The meeting convened at 5:34 p.m. with Chair Mayor Appezzato presiding. I. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Mayor Ralph Appezzato, City of Alameda; Vice-Mayor Charles Mannix, City of Alameda; Alternate Jay Leonhardy for Councilmember Henry Chang, Jr., City of Oakland; Alternate Tony Daysog for Councilmember "Lil"Arnerich, City of Alameda; Alternate Garry Loeffler for Mayor Ellen Corbett, City of San Leandro; Alternate Doug DeHaan for Councilmember Albert DeWitt, City of Alameda; Alternate Greg Alves for Councilmember Karin Lucas, City of Alameda; Supervisor Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3; Ex-officio Member Lee Perez, Chair, Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG); Ex-officio Member Gail Greely, Alameda Unified School District Absent: Vice-Chair Sandré Swanson, 9th Congressional District. II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of September 6, 1995. A motion was made by Vice-Mayor Mannix to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Alternate Leonhardy. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. III. ACTION ITEMS Chair Mayor Appezzato announced that he had received a letter signed by President Clinton in response to a request from the ARRA and the City Council for federal funding in the form of loans to finance capital improvements on the base. Chair Mayor Appezzato read one sentence from the letter that he found hopeful: “I have asked the National Economic Council to assemble officials from the Department of Defense, Commerce, and OMB to explore whether such a program could be accomplished under existing law or whether specific legislation is needed.” B. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of the Preferred Land Use Plan for the Long-Range Community Reuse Plan. Kay Miller, ARRA Executive Director, stated that she was recommending its adoption as a framework plan. This framework plan will then be refined to greater levels of detail and staff will work at resolving the remaining issues (most notably, determining the extent of the wildlife refuge area with Fish & Wildlife and addressing public trust issues with the State Lands Commission). After a presentation from John Petrovsky of EDAW on the present state of the plan, direction was solicited from the Governing Body. Public Comment: Tom Okey of the Conservation Science Institute made a presentation of the results of a postcard survey mailed to 31,000 residents of Alameda in September. Michael Warburton, representing the Public Trust Working Group, presented their goals in supporting the Public Trust and its allowable uses. He urged the Governing Body and its staff and consultants to work with the State Lands Commission and his group to insure more public trust uses. Leora R. Feeney, a wildlife biologist and member of the Golden Gate Audubon Society, encouraged the ARRA to consider the heritage of Alameda and its wildlife population and to be as generous as possible in allotting land at the northern end of the refuge to ensure the Least Tern’s survival. William John Smith of the Sierra Club presented citizen petitions with 1,004 signatures in support of establishing a National Wildlife Refuge on approximately 600 of the 1,700 acres at Alameda NAS. Arthur Feinstein, Program Coordinator for the Golden Gate Audubon Society, urged the ARRA to support of the National Wildlife Refuge. Tim Little, representing ARC Ecology and the Military Base Closures Environmental Network, cited that while DoD has projected $8.83 billion nationwide for base closure cleanup, only $2 billion has been budgeted. He stressed that we must all pull together and fight for the toxic cleanup money needed to clean up Alameda NAS properly. He then presented a paper to the Board titled “Environmental Principles for Military Base Closures” published by the ARC/Arms Control Research Center in collaboration with the Center for Economic Conversion Urban Habitat Program. Ruth Gravanis, a Bay Area educator, stressed the importance of establishing a large refuge with an interpretive center in the old aviation tower as an educational resource to meet a major Bay Area-wide deficit. She also urged the ARRA to remember that the state trust portions of the base are to be held in trust for all the citizens of California. Corinne Stefanick of Citizens for the Alameda National Wildlife Refuge and Alameda citizen, stated that she held her own Sunday afternoon survey at the Lucky Store, gathering 97 signatures in three hours supporting open space, wildlife, refuge, education, and trails. Chair Mayor Appezzato clarified that presently, 44% of the base is planned in open space of which 585 acres (or approximately one-third of the base) is planned as a wildlife refuge. Laura Collins of the EBCRC (who currently manages the Least Terns at NAS Alameda) answered questions on predator management. Ex-officio Member Greeley, President of the School Board, voiced the need to insure an appropriate site for school facilities if the present level of housing is set aside, as strict siting requirements make it very difficult to find appropriate sites. She also stressed that outdoor education opportunities raise self-esteem and awareness of the natural world and AUSD would make full use of any educational opportunities provided by the wildlife refuge. After comprehensive discussion and questions from the Governing Body, Chair Mayor Appezzato asked for a motion. A motion was made by Vice-Mayor Mannix to endorse the Preferred Land Use Plan and Alternate Daysog seconded the motion. Alternate Alves requested an amendment to change the designation of the inner harbor to a mixed use area and to delete the housing. Executive Director Miller clarified that she took that to be direction to review whether the housing in the marina area should be removed or flipped over into the area currently designated as a regional park. She stated that those are all options that the consultants can consider and that can be taken back to the BRAG for their further consideration. Alternate Alves requested that the regional park area currently located below the inner harbor be joined with the inner harbor and designated as mixed use for possible commercial developer use, relocating the park to the east shore. Chair Mayor Appezzato then summarized the Governing Body’s guidance to the staff: Ensure housing is consistent with Measure A; continue discussion with BCDC regarding port designation; residential areas should be consistent with the Tidelands Trust provision; and talks should continue to resolve the issues around the Fish & Wildlife refuge areas. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Chair Mayor Appezzato thanked the public for their participation and the BRAG and the staff for all their hard work. C. Report from the Personnel Director of the City of Alameda Recommending Approval of a Proposed Policy on Benefits for the Staff of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA). After a short discussion, a motion was made by Alternate Alves and seconded by Vice-Mayor Mannix to approve the proposed policy on benefits for the ARRA staff. Public Comment: Martha Caron, on behalf of Alamedans for a Better City, asked to be heard on item III.B regarding housing within the Long-Range Community Reuse Plan. Upon receipt of a speaker’s slip, Chair Mayor Appezzato asked for a motion to reopen item III.B. Alternate Alves motioned that item III.B be reopened for public comment. The motion was seconded by Alternate DeHaan. Ms. Caron questioned why, when the City of Alameda has committed itself under the Guyton Settlement to 2,386 units of low income housing by April 1997, those housing needs are not being primarily addressed in the NAS land use plan. Chair Mayor Appezzato directed Assistant General Counsel McLaughlin to meet with Ms. Caron to address those concerns. A motion was made by Alternate Loeffler and seconded by Vice-Mayor Mannix to close the item. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. The motion to approve the proposed policy on benefits for the ARRA staff carried by a unanimous voice vote. 3 D. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of a Proposal to Lease Portions of the NAS Alameda Piers for Docking of the Hornet Aircraft Carrier as a Private Museum. Executive Director Miller stated that the BRAG had recommended that the item be tabled until information from the Port/Marina Study consultant on possible uses of the piers is received and reviewed. Public Comment: Mr. Jerry Lutz, Executive Director and CEO of the Aircraft Carrier Hornet Foundation, gave a presentation on the Foundation’s goal to make the U.S.S. Hornet a world-class museum. A motion to table the recommendation pending results of the study on marina and port uses was made by Alternate Alves and seconded by Vice-Mayor Mannix. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. IV. ORAL REPORTS: E. Oral Report from the Chair of the Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Updating the Reuse Authority on BRAG Activities. Lee Perez, Chair of the BRAG, emphasized that this is a critical time for the work groups. They are attempting to get the most information so they can provide the best advice. F. Oral Report from the Executive Director on Current ARRA Matters. Alternate Leonhardy requested that Item III.F.6 be carried over to the November 1 meeting and Chair Mayor Appezzato concurred. 1. Executive Director Kay Miller introduced ARRA Planner Paul Tuttle, who reviewed the timeline for final plan preparation and adoption. 2. Talks have begun with the Coast Guard over where the 582 units of housing they will occupy will be located and the possibility of the ARRA retaining title of the property and leasing it back to the Coast Guard. 3. CALSTART has begun building improvements and the lease may be consummated within a week. 4. AEG lease negotiations are ongoing; the City of Pittsburg is offering a very attractive package and we are striving to make our package equally attractive. 5. The Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) is a DoD agency that supplies all of the exchange services. AAFES is setting up four regional warehouse distribution centers and they are interested in a 75-acre site to house a 700,000–1,000,000 sq.ft. facility. 6. MBE/WBE update to be carried over to November 1 meeting. 7. (a) Staff is presently in negotiations with UARCO; (b) National Airmotive and Francis Plating have entered into a joint venture to lease the plating shop; (c) the Marina/Port Feasibility Study will address some port designation issues and a 4 meeting will be held with BCDC on port designation; (d) NAS Alameda will not be designated as a Superfund site; and (e) Jo Chavez-Backster, the new Departmental Secretary, was introduced to the Governing Body. V. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the Governing Body in regard to any matter over which the Governing Body has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda.) Richard Nevelyn, Hornet volunteer, urged people to attend Fleet Week and tour the Hornet, which provides a wonderful educational opportunity for the City. IV. COMMUNICATIONS FROM GOVERNING BODY Supervisor Wilma Chan thanked Kay Miller, Paul Tuttle, and Lee Perez for conducting a San Leandro forum in September. Doug DeHaan thanked the representatives of environmental organizations and BRAG participants who served on the Fish & Wildlife working group for all of their hard work. VI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chair Mayor Appezzato at 7:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margaret E. Ensley Secretary 5