1996-09-04 ARRA Minutes APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, September 4, 1996 The meeting convened at 5:34 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda; Alternate Roberta Brooks for Vice-Chair Sandré Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional District; Alternate Beverly Folrath-Johnson for Charles Mannix, Councilmember, City of Alameda; Alternate Tony Daysog for "Lil"Arnerich, Councilmember, City of Alameda; Ellen Corbett, Mayor, City of San Leandro (arrived at 5:46 p.m., departed at 7:26p.m.); Alternate Pattianne Parker for Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda; Alternate Greg Alves for Karin Lucas, Councilmember, City of Alameda; Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors (replaced by Alternate Mark Friedman at 7:29 p.m.), District 3; Alternate Helen Sause for Ex-officio Lee Perez, Base Reuse Advisory Group. Absent: Henry Chang, Jr., Councilmember, City of Oakland and Ex-officio Barbara Rasmussen, Alameda Unified School District. CONSENT CALENDAR At the request of Alternate Alves, item 2B was pulled for questions. Alternate Alves moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Alternate Folrath-Johnson seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: 7. Noes: 0. Abstain: 0. Absent: 2 - Chang and Corbett. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *2-A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of August 7, 1996. Approved. *2-C Recommendation from the Executive Director that the ARRA Authorize the Executive Director to Work with the State Lands Commission to Secure an Appraiser and Sign a Contract to Conduct Land Appraisals of NAS Alameda Property for Potential State Lands Trades. Authorized. 2-B. Report from the Executive Director Recommending ARRA Approve the Selection of Trident Management, Inc. to Provide Port Management and Maintenance Services at Piers 1, 2, and 3 and Authorize the Executive Director to Negotiate and Execute a Contract. Alternate Alves questioned (1) whether Trident’s personnel are current or retired Navy personnel; (2) if it is a conflict of interest for Trident Management, Inc. to bid on the contract since they currently run the port; (3) who had the lowest bid; and (4) if they have other contracts. Executive Director Miller answered that (1) the principals in Trident are both retired and active duty Navy personnel eligible for early reitrement, (2) there is no conflict of interest; indeed, Trident employees’ experience in running this port would smooth the transition, (3) they submitted the lowest bid, and (4) this is their sole business. 2-A _Printed on recycled paper Alternate Brooks moved to approve the selection of Trident Management, Inc. to provide port management and maintenance services at piers 1, 2, and 3 and authorize the Executive Director to negotiate and execute a contract. Alternate Parker seconded the motion, which passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: 0. Abstain: 0. Absent: 1 - Chang. ACTION ITEMS 3-D. Report from the Executive Director Recommending Endorsement of “Alameda Point” as the New Name for the NAS Alameda Area. Speakers: Mary Rudge, Alameda resident, spoke in favor of the name Alameda Point, also asking that the historical significance and contribution of the Navy be recognized by naming an area Navy History Park or Navy History Center and that the accomplishments of Alameda citizens be recognized in the naming of streets. Malcolm Mooney, retired Naval officer and 20-year Alameda resident, spoke in opposition to the the name Alameda Point. He stated that it is not only geologically and historically inaccurate but Alameda would lose the opportunity to acknowledge and memorialize a key element in the history of Alameda and Alameda’s contribution to U.S. history. Mr. Mooney suggested the name Navy Point Alameda met all of the selection criteria. Don Roberts, Alameda resident, spoke in opposition to Alameda Point, stating that Alameda Shores would be an appropriate designation for a water-oriented area and Alameda Naval Shores would also acknowledge the Navy’s contribution. Diane Lichtenstein, representing the BRAG, stated that the process in choosing a name included the community’s submission of over 200 possible names. Based on the criteria suggested by the marketing consultant, the one name that seemed to be acceptable to everyone was Alameda Point. She further stated that historical names would be used within the development. Alternate Parker moved to endorse the selection of Alameda Point as the new name for the NAS Alameda area. Alternate Follrath-Johnson seconded the motion, which passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: 0. Abstain: 0. Absent: 1 - Chang. 3-E. Recommendation from the Executive Director for the ARRA to Approve the Proposed Conceptual Management Plan for the California Least Tern for the Wildlife Refuge as Part of the NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan. Executive Director Miller framed the issue and consultant Leslie Zander presented the highlights of the plan, summarized the comments to the plan by environmental groups, and gave her responses to the comments she had received. Paul Tuttle discussed the finance and fiscal aspects of the plan. Chair Appezzato stated the intent of the governing body of the ARRA was to reflect the wishes of the community to have a 390 acre refuge. In order to move the matter forward, ARRA modified the 390 acres to state no less than 390 and no more than 525 acres. Because there has been no decision by the federal government on the size of the refuge, ARRA took the initiative to put together a management plan to support a 390 acre refuge and ARRA would do to support this refuge. If approved, this plan will be sent back to Washington for them to review to see if it is adequate to support a wildlife refuge of 390 acres. If it is not, they will hopefully present a plan to support a 525 _Printed on recycled paper 2 acre refuge and give ARRA the same chance to review it. Alternate Daysog stated that he does not recall that 390 acres was the intent but that a biological assessment would be conducted to assess the acreage necessary. Speakers: Anne Richter, BRAG Enviornmental Working Group, spoke in opposition to the plan, stating that a minimum 525 acre refuge was needed. Janice Delfino, Ohlone Audubon Society, spoke in opposition to the plan, stating that they should review the final report before it is sent to Washington D.C. Arthur Feinstein, Golden Gate Audubon Society, spoke in opposition to the issue, stating that he does not believe the community’s preferred alternative is a 390 acre refuge. He outlined the Society’s objections to the conceptual management plan and stated that the management plan that has been functioning for the last 17 years has worked quite well. Don Roberts, Alameda citizen, spoke on homeless issues, the fact that a smaller refuge would put the Least Terns at risk, and his preference for a 700 acre wildlife refuge. Eve Bach, ARC Ecology, spoke criticized the report and questioned the financing assumptions used. Richard Nevelyn, BRAG Environment and Reuse Working Groups, stated that an airfield operation, which could help finance the refuge and provide security, was not included in the report. Phil Graff, Sebastopol, asked questions ranging from whether people have to use the name Alameda Point to the number of Least Terns and costs involved in protecting them, to the cost of developing an airfield. Heidi Schmierer, Paden School 4th grader, endorsed a 525 acre refuge and offered the assistance of her fourth grade class to help with the refuge. Alternate Brooks moved to approve the Management Plan as a working paper, incorporating some of the comments that have been made and recognizing that there are major flaws, to be forwarded for evaluation and response by Fish and Wildlife and the Navy. Discussion followed. Alternate Daysog offered an amendment to the motion that all letters received critiquing the Plan be submitted as an appendix to the Plan. Alternate Brooks indicated her acceptance and support of that amendment. Alternate Daysog seconded the original motion with the addition of the amendment. The motion passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 8. Noes: 0. Abstain: 0. Absent: 1 - Chang ORAL REPORTS 4-F. Overview and Timetable for Housing Feasibility Study by Janet Smith-Heimer, Bay Area Economics (BAE). Speakers: Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda resident, stated that only 44% of Alameda residents own their own homes and that ARRA and BRAG should promote home buyer seminars to help raise that percentage to 100%. 4-G. Presentation on Status of Cooperative Services Agreement and Master Lease Discussions by Dave Ryan, EFA West and Kay Miller, ARRA Executive Director. In response to a request by Alternate Friedman and Chair Appezzato, Mr. Ryan agreed to provide paper copies of the overhead transparencies from the presentation to the ARRA. _Printed on recycled paper 3 4-H. Oral Report from the BRAG Updating the ARRA on Current Activities. Helen Sause, BRAG Vice-Chair, updated the ARRA on BRAG activities, including their intention to work with Bay Area Economics on the Housing Feasibility Study, ongoing work on parks and recreation issues, the potential impact of an airfield on the Reuse Plan, and participation in the review of proposals for a FISC site developer. She encouraged the ARRA to provide suggestions for issues that might be addressed by the BRAG. Alternate Alves strongly suggested a Town Hall meeting be held on housing issues. 4-J. Oral Report from the Executive Director Updating the ARRA. Executive Director Miller stated that the BRAG had decided to table the issue of the airfield pending a decision on the size of the wildlife refuge; questions regarding the report on lease status/projected revenues can be referred to Ed Levine, Facilities Manager; the Coast Guard is forwarding the August 20 letter from Kay Miller to CAPT Good outlining the proposed lease/leaseback arrangement to their headquarters recommending its approval; and, a request from the Alameda Recreation and Park Department for an additional ten acres for the sports complex is being reviewed by the BRAG Recreation Working Group. Speakers: Phil Graf, Sebastapol, suggested that ARRA staff be instructed to redo the Proposed Conceptual Management Plan for the California Least Tern for the Wildlife Refuge to work the birds into an airfield plan as opposed to working the airfield into the Least Tern Wildlife Refuge Plan. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) Curt Bohan, Kaylor Energy Products in NAS hanger 20, endorsed the airfield to benefit the Least Tern, generate capital, and promote the growing community of transportation pioneers at NAS. Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda citizen, suggested that the BRAG televise their meetings and be agendized on City Council meetings, that ARRA use the internet for marketing, and ask our elected officials to place the UCSF Research Hospital expansion campus at NAS Alameda. Bill Smith, Virtual Agile Manufacturing, endorsed the airfield concept to help promote tourism. COMMUNICATIONS FROM GOVERNING BODY None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margaret E. Ensley Secretary _Printed on recycled paper 4