1997-11-56 ARRA Minutes UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 5, 1997 The meeting convened at 5:30 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding. Chair Appezzato congratulated Mark Friedman, alternate to Supervisor Wilma Chan, on his election to the El Cerrito City Council. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda Roberta Brooks, alternate to Sandré Swanson, District Director, 9th Congressional District (arrived at 5:42 p.m.) Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda James Sweeney, alternate to Karin Lucas, Councilmember, City of Alameda Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3 Kathleen Ornelas, alternate to Ellen Corbett, Mayor, City of San Leandro (arrived at 5:50 p.m.) Absent: Henry Chang, Jr., alternate to Elihu Harris, Mayor, City of Oakland Ardella Dailey, Ex-officio, Alameda Unified School District Ex-officio: Lee Perez, Ex-officio, Base Reuse Advisory Group CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Appezzato congratulated Mark Friedman on his election to the El Cerrito City Council. 2-A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of Thursday, October 9, 1997. 2-B. Resolution commending Norma Bishop for her contribution to the ARRA and the community in her capacity as Base Transition Coordinator for Naval Air Station Alameda. Member Kerr moved approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: 0. Absent: 3 - Alternates Brooks and Ornelas arrived subsequent to the vote; Alternate Chang, absent. ACTION ITEMS 3-C. Report recommending authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a ten- year lease for building 39 with Delphi Productions. Member DeWitt questioned why the building was being leased at such a low rate— $0.25/sq.ft., and mentioned that EDA funds were being used to upgrade the building. Facilities Manager Ed Levine stated that $0.25/sq.ft. was comparable to the area’s market rate for 110,000 square feet of unimproved industrial space, citing that the Del Monte warehouse was leased at the same rate. He 2-A _recycled paper added that the improvements being made to the building were simply to bring it up to code compliance or zero level. Member Daysog moved for approval. The motion was seconded by Alternate Sweeney and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 7. Noes: 0. Absent: 2 - Alternates Ornelas arrived subsequent to the vote; Alternate Chang was absent. 3-D. Report recommending approval of the construction bid specifications and authorization to call for bids for building 39 upgrades, project number #07-49-03698-39A. Alternate Friedman motioned approval of the item. The motion was seconded by Member DeWitt and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 7. Noes: 0. Absent: 2 - Alternate Ornelas arrived subsequent to the vote; Alternate Chang was absent. 3-E. BRAG recommendation regarding the business plan submitted by the joint Western Aerospace Museum/Alameda Naval Air Museum. Speakers: Marilyn York, Alameda Naval Air Museum, stated that they had worked long and hard to turn out a beautiful museum and asked the board to vote for the proposal. Barbara Baack, Alameda Naval Air Museum, stated that they had joined with Western Aerospace Museum in order to form a world class museum unlike any other on the West Coast and requested the board to vote in favor or the proposal. Ronald T. Reuther, Western Aerospace, stated that the museum consortium would result in significant tourism that would be of financial, cultural, and historical benefit to the City. Chair Appezzato questioned the financial impact, asking if the City would be held harmless for any financial costs whatsoever. Executive Director Miller answered that the City and the ARRA would bear no financial responsibility. The Western Aerospace Museum/Alameda Naval Air Museum consortium (consortium) will be responsible for capital improvements, Navy common area service charges, their utilities, etc., as stated in item 3-F. This item, 3-E, is a three-part BRAG recommendation that: (1) ARRA execute a lease for building 77 at nominal cost—as recommended by ARRA staff in item 3-F below; (2) to hold off action on hangar 41 for a finite amount of time (the consortium has agreed to submit a business plan for hangar 41 by the end of the year); and (3) that ARRA endorse the consortium’s funding applications. Chair Appezzato asked when the property would revert back to other uses in the event that it does not prove to be viable. Executive Director Miller stated that by approving item 3-F below, the ARRA would enter into a five-year lease. If the project proves financially infeasible, the lease would terminate. Brief comments and questions followed, with Member Kerr complimenting Marilyn York and Barbara Baack on the persistence and dedication they have shown over these years to keep the Alameda Naval Air Museum alive under difficult circumstances and in joining forces with the Western Aerospace Museum to make both projects much more likely to proceed. Member DeWitt moved to accept the BRAG recommendation. The motion was seconded by Member Kerr and passed unanimously: 8. _recycled paper 3-F. Report recommending authorization for the Executive Director to finalize and execute a five- year, no-cost lease for building 77 with the joint Western Aerospace Museum/Alameda Naval Air Museum. Alternate Brooks moved to accept the recommendation. The motion was seconded by Member Kerr and passed unanimously: 8. 3-G. Report recommending that the ARRA not pursue an airfield operation at Alameda Point, notify airfield users of that decision, and pursue other tenants for airfield-related buildings. Speakers: Stephen Keachie, long-time local pilot, flight instructor, and supporter of the proposed Naval Air Museum and Aircraft Carrier Hornet, displayed a map and outlined a temporary, interim-use proposal for runway 7-25 to help land historic aircraft in support of the museum and the Hornet. Historic planes would approach from the west over the bay during midday hours to bring in airworthy aircraft for display. Mr. Keachie stated that a detailed proposal would be submitted within two weeks. Red Wetherill, Airport Operations Committee member, stated his support of the recommendation, reminded the board that the AOC had twice recommended against the proposed airfield, and requested their committee be included in all future deliberations. Joe Davis, Nimitz Field Project, stated that he had put three years of effort into trying to save the airfield and it was unfortunate for the Bay Area that the political realities of the time would not allow it to happen. He outlined the benefits, the airfield opposition’s objections, and his refutations to those objections. Kurt Bohan, airfield proponent, voiced his objection to the recommendation, stating that it was a struggle between the airfield enthusiasts and pro-development forces. He encouraged the board strongly to defeat 3-G for the good of the community and the nation. Sam Broadnax, Nimitz Airfield Project, did not speak but voiced his support for the statement of Joe Davis. Jack Meyers, Nimitz Airfield Project, did not speak but voiced his support for the statement of Joe Davis. Hugh McKay, Nimitz airfield Project, declined to speak. Don Crosatto, Machinists Union, stated that three months ago the union was approached by the Intercontinental Technologies Group. They are interested in moving onto the base to rehabilitate Boeing 727 aircraft, which would create 600 jobs to start and upwards of 3,000 at completion. The 90-day process would involve two flights per month. On behalf of the Machinists Union, he asked the board to keep the issue open until they meet with representatives of the environmental communities, ITT, and U.S. Fish & Wildlife to see if they can work out a compromise. Lengthy discussion and comment from the board ensued covering the various aspects of the issue, including hangar leasing, runway maintenance, the proposed golf course, museum use and the request from the Machinists Union. Member Kerr asked Assistant General Counsel Teresa Highsmith if the governing body accepted the staff recommendation, with the exception that ARRA would allow the use of available runway space in support of the museum, would that preclude reconsideration at a future time if Boeing was able to turn Fish & Wildlife around. Ms. Highsmith said that it would preclude reconsideration of this particular agenda item. However, if new facts were available (e.g., if Fish & Wildlife changed their position) then that would constitute a new action item for deliberation. _recycled paper Member Kerr motioned to accept the recommendation with the addition that, where possible, a runway be made available for museum use. Chair Appezzato asked that after the first sentence of the “Recommendation” section of the staff report, which ends “. . . from consideration as a limited use runway” another sentence be inserted that “Exceptions to this policy may be considered on a case-by-case basis for activities related to the Alameda Point Museum” and that exception should relate to both runways, although it would require the approval of Fish & Wildlife for runway 13-31 and would also depend on what ARRA does with 7-25. After further discussion regarding the wording of the motion, Member Kerr withdrew her motion until acceptable language was agreed upon. Alternate Brooks objected to the second sentence, “Staff further recommends that the board accept the preliminary ruling of the USFWS that the north-south runway 13-31 is incompatible with the refuge.” The board members concurred in this objection and agreed to strike the sentence. The final recommendation with board changes was restated by Chair Appezzato, as follows: “For all the reasons stated above, staff recommends that the ARRA governing body eliminate the use of runways 7-25 and 13-31—the east-west and north-south runways—from consideration as limited use runways. Staff recommends that the board direct staff to notify all potential airfield users of this decision and proceed with active discussions with other potential users of those buildings. Exceptions to this policy may be considered on a case-by-case basis for activities related to the Alameda Point Museum.” Chair Appezzato further stated that if the Machinists Union is successful and brings back new information that warrants consideration, it will be placed on the agenda. Member DeWitt moved approval of the rewritten recommendation. The motion was seconded by Member Kerr. Speaker: Richard Neveln, Nimitz Airfield Project proponent, stated that will be no final decision from Fish & Wildlife until the EIS/EIR is complete and options should be kept open. The motion passed with the following voice vote: Ayes: 6. Noes: 0. Abstentions: 2 - Alternate Brooks and Alternate Friedman. Absent: 1 - Chang. 3-H. Report regarding an outreach marketing effort for the Alameda Point campus area and staff recommendation to continue to pursue current lease prospects. Speakers: Ann Mitchum, interested citizen, stated that this decision should be postponed until all viable alternatives, including community-based organizations, have been discussed. Jim Sweeney, ARRA alternate, stated that an aggressive outreach effort had never been made to search for a single campus user and it was shortsighted not to try. He recommended that the board not agree to proceed with any lease proposal as it would undermine the marketing process. Doug deHaan, BRAG member and Campus Marketing Task Force member, stated that it is not prudent to go quickly, as this is a far-reaching decision. The task force would like to see lease negotiations for any buildings be held in abeyance until an outreach marketing effort is completed. After lengthy board discussion, Member Kerr stated that in May the board voted against a moratorium on leasing in the campus area. She asked ARRA counsel Teresa Highsmith if this same issue could be reconsidered. Counsel Highsmith stated that a motion for reconsideration needs to be _recycled paper made at the same time as the original agenda item was voted on and that had not been done. Member Kerr stated that the monetary clock is running on closure/caretaker funds, which are finite. Pattianne Parker, BRAG member and chair of the Reuse Working Group, stated that the Campus Task Force will be taking a recommendation to the BRAG at their next meeting. The BRAG will then bring their recommendation to the ARRA at their next meeting. She further stated that the identity and status of Alameda Point and the City of Alameda will be determined by who will come out here. Since the status will dictate the long-term identity and the financial and economic viability, it is worthwhile to insure the best tenant or tenants are pursued. Chair Appezzato stated that he agreed with the staff recommendation that we continue to pursue leases and he also wanted to urge the task force to go forward with their marketing proposal to find a single user. Alternate Sweeney asked the ARRA staff to do all they can with the resources and personnel they have available to help the BRAG task force go forward with this effort. Member DeWitt moved the recommendation. Member Daysog offered a friendly amendment to the last sentence “. . . should they be successful in finding funding for that effort” be changed to: “. . . should ARRA and the BRAG be successful in finding funding for that effort” to reflect a joint effort. Member DeWitt accepted the amendment. Speaker: Bill Smith, interested citizen, suggested that a marketing outreach effort was not necessary and we should go to industries in our community to draw on industrial training for industrial jobs that exist. Chair Appezzato called for the question. Alternate Ornelas seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous voice vote: 8. Member DeWitt noted that building 101 was listed in the campus area but he was under the impression that the building was spoken for. Executive Director Miller answered that building 101 was slated for the Homeless Collaborative and staff had entered into some very preliminary, informal discussions with the Collaborative to see if they would consider alternative sites. 3-I. BRAG amendments and additions to their recommendation regarding Alameda Point housing. Speakers: Ann Mitchum commented on the need for more home ownership and suggested leasing with an option to buy. The BRAG recommendations on Alameda Point housing were thoroughly discussed with widely diverse opinions being expressed. BRAG Chair Lee Perez stated that these were submitted as a general policy guideline with general value principles. Member Daysog motioned that the item be postponed while it was sent to the Planning Commission for their input. The motion was seconded by Alternate Sweeney and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes: 5. Noes: 3 - Alternate Brooks, Member DeWitt, Alternate Friedman. 3-J. BRAG recommendation that the use of East Housing be included in the master planning for the adjacent FISC property. _recycled paper Alternate Friedman moved the recommendation. It was seconded by Member DeWitt and passed by unanimous voice vote: 8. 3-K. BRAG recommendation that ARRA write to EFA West to urge the Navy to open the Northwest Territory to public access. Speakers: John T. Fee, Alameda citizen, suggested many uses for the Northwest Territory, including a golf course, homes, and businesses. Leora R. Feeney, Friends of Alameda Wildlife Refuge, stated that 50 docents had been trained in May to lead supervised tours of the wildlife refuge to reduce liability and inform the public. Kay Smith, Alameda citizen, spoke in favor of the recommendation, stating that it is important for the public to get out and see the perimeter trail skirting the estuary to see the potential of the area. Richard Nevelyn, interested citizen, stated that a fence is needed between the Northwest Territory and the refuge, as all birds do not leave for the winter. Alternate Friedman moved the recommendation, which was seconded by Member Kerr and passed by unanimous voice vote: 8. ORAL REPORTS 4-L. Oral report from the BRAG updating the ARRA on current activities. BRAG Chair Lee Perez stated that the BRAG remains extremely committed to the community. Chair Appezzato stated that we would not be where we are today without the help of the BRAG. 4-M. Written status report from the Executive Director on ARRA activities: (1) Status of ex-HORNET donation; (2) U.S. Fish and Wildlife plans for the refuge; (3) update on building upgrades process - EDA construction grant; (4) update on public trust appraisal; and, (5) lead-based paint abatement (LBP). Executive Director Miller stated that she would accept questions on her written report. Member DeWitt requested that an off-agenda report be prepared on the exact number of acres Fish & Wildlife is taking, as different figures are being cited in different documents. 4-N. Oral report from the Executive Director (non-discussion items). None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) Speakers: John T. Fee, Alameda citizen, stated that he is highly impressed with Delphi Systems and he made various suggestions for businesses that might locate at Alameda Point. Richard Neveln, Nimitz Airfield Project, handed out editorials on the Oshkosh, Wisconsin air show, a Congressional bill that would revive restrictions on maintenance abroad of U.S.-registered aircraft, and information on dihydrogen monoxide, the ‘unrecognized killer’ (water). Ann Mitchum, interested citizen, spoke to the need for money, facilities, and community-based organizations to help troubled youth. Bill Smith, interested citizen, extended his condolences to the family of BRAG member Ross Jeffries and community activist Neil Patrick Sweeney, noting that one person’s voice represents the feelings of 500 people. Barbara Baack, Alameda Naval Air Museum/Western Aerospace Museum, thanked the ARRA governing body for approving their lease. _recycled paper COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY Alternate Ornelas requested that a note of condolence be sent to the family of Neil Patrick Sweeney, noting that the community had lost a good friend. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chair Appezzato at 8:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margaret E. Ensley ARRA Secretary _recycled paper