1999-03-03 ARRA MinutesAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 3, 1999 The meeting convened at 5:40 p.m. with Chair Appezzato presiding. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Ralph Appezzato, Mayor, City of Alameda Jay Leonhardy, alternate to Jerry Brown, Mayor, City of Oakland Kathleen Omelas, alternate to Shelia Young, Mayor, City of San Leandro Mark Friedman, alternate to Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 3 Tony Daysog, Councilmember, City of Alameda Albert DeWitt, Councilmember, City of Alameda Beverly Johnson, Councilmember, City of Alameda Barbara Kerr, Councilmember, City of Alameda Member DeWitt arrived during the public hearing of Item 3 -C. Absent: Roberta Brooks, alternate for Congresswoman Barbara Lee CONSENT CALENDAR 2 -A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 3, 1999. Member Johnson moved approval of the minutes as presented for February 3, 1999, and for the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Member Daysog and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes - 6; Noes - 0; Abstentions - 0 ACTION ITEMS 3 -A. Report recommending authorization for the Executive Director to execute a 10- year lease on Building 66 with Nelson's Marine and extend Nelson's existing lease on Building 167 to coincide with term of the Building 66 1ease. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Gary McAfee, Alameda Historical Complex, 2614 Bayview Drive, spoke in favor of the item. He did object to the materials that Nelson's Marine stored next to the fence, thereby disrupting the view. The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion. Alternate Leonhardy moved approval of the staff recommendation as presented. The motion was seconded by Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes - 6; Noes - 0; Abstentions - 0 3 -B. Report recommending authorization for the Executive Director to execute a 10- year lease, with an option to purchase, on Building 22 with HCT Investments, Inc. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Gary McAfee, Alameda Historical Complex, 2614 Bayview Drive, spoke in opposition to the sale of the hangars within a four year period, which were potentially valuable for other uses. He believed the figure of 90 employees was inflated. He did not object to the 10 year lease. Mr. Richard Neveln, 1328 Park Street, believed that the public should be involved with such a significant change. The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion. Member Kerr commented that a reason for a lease with an option to buy is that no one would be willing to invest significantly in such a building unless there was the option to buy. moved approval of the staff recommendation as presented. The motion was seconded by and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes - 6; Noes - 0; Abstentions - 0. 3 -C. Receive report from the City of Alameda Golf Course Commission and recommendations from the Golf Commission, BRAG, and Recreation and Parks Commission regarding the golf course design. 2 The public hearing was opened. Mr. Gary McAfee, Alameda Historical Complex, 2614 Bayview Drive, expressed concern about what he considered inappropriate placement of hotels on the site. He believed that the presence of the hotel was needed to offset the financial losses incurred by the golf course. He was also concerned that turning prime real estate to a hotel would be premature. Mr. Chester R. Bartalini, 1224 Bay Street, expressed strong concern about the possible chilling effect on volunteerism that the BRAG recommendation would have. He believed there should have been legal advisement that a motion of reconsideration could have been made at the beginning of the process. Mr. Lee Perez, Chair, BRAG, 29 Sea Bridge, noted that the BRAG had learned quite a bit, particularly the specific rules that governed who would vote. He added that they proceeded on past practice. He emphasized that the action that the BRAG took was not for or against a specific proposal, but tried to discuss what would best benefit Alameda Point and the entire community. He added that the BRAG had nothing but the best intentions. Chair Appezzato affirmed that it was apparent that the BRAG had the best of intentions towards the community. Mr. Michael Cooper, 2145 Pacific, noted that he was not clear as to who authorized the McKay proposal. He also did not know how many proposals were requested, and if it was an open search for proposals, that he would like to submit a proposal to build a golf course. Chair Appezzato responded that Mr. Cooper could submit a proposal to build a golf course, and that there have been no requests for proposals. He added that most of the presentations by the McKay Group have been in open session of the ARRA. Their proposal may not yet be accepted because there has not been a public RFP process. Chair Appezzato added that the decision will be reached in the future whether or not to build a golf course. In addition, there has not been a formal vote, no decision on how to fund it, whether it would be private, public, or joint. After that process is completed, a public RFP will be requested to submit proposals. He added that the City was still six months away from owning the Base, and the EIR/EIS was not completed. Ms. Joan Konrad, 42 Invincible Court, noted that the BRAG report was not accepted due to a lack of majority. She noted that Alameda had a good opportunity to enhance the community, and added that the golf course should be taken in the context of the whole development. The two critical areas of the Northwest Territories and the Civic Core must be integrated in the planning process. She did not believe that was being accomplished. 3 Ms. Konrad expressed concern that in reading the Community Reuse Plan that a mixed use was desired, and that commercial and public benefit, as well as recreation and open spaces was also desired in each district. It appeared to her that the Northwest Territory was the only area that was being examined. She also believed that the Civic Core was being developed for public use, and that was a problem in developing a good community. Regarding the RFPs, Ms. Konrad noted that a 214 acre proposal was being examined. She believed that more open RFPs should be considered to attract other commercial development. She believed that the sports complex was of great benefit to Alameda, however, that it has not been funded. She believed that a hotel complex would provide a unifying use that would give vitality to the Civic Core. Ms. Konrad agreed with Chair Appezzato that a decision should be reached regarding the nature of the financing. Chair Appezzato advised that the Base Reuse Plan was currently in development in Washington, and that the EIS/EIR process was imminent. When that is approved, and the public comment is heard, the Record of Decision will be issued. At that time, the City would gain title to the Base. Neither the BRAG nor the ARRA has taken any action other than the Coast Guard housing. The only action taken regarding the golf course was to request a feasibility study, which was funded by the Defense Department. Chair Appezzato added that input needed to be received from the Golf Commission, the Rec Commission, and the Planning Board. He emphasized that the entire process would be a decidedly public one. Mr. Ken Allen, 2917 Seaview Parkway, agreed with Chair Appezzato. He believed that the City should begin to change their building height restriction ordinances in order to prepare for future development of the golf course. He believed that the participants in this process only wanted a level playing field. Mr. Hugh McKay, McKay/Muirhead Group, 211 Sheffield, emphasized that he and his group were seeking the highest and best use of this land for Alameda. He noted that he had surrounded himself with excellent planners and master planners, particularly Desmond Muirhead. He was confident that their plan would work in Alameda, and welcomed the RFP process. Member DeWitt noted that Mr. McKay's proposal required the relocation of the Park and Recreation Sports Complex Area. He also asked whether the cost of $17 million included the cost of relocating the gymnasium, swimming pool and sports complex. Mr. McKay responded that the golf course would cost $15 million, and the bond would cost $2 million. He added that their design for the sports complex would contain the same amenities as the existing complex. In addition, they would contribute to the building of the relocated sports complex. Mr. McKay added that he intended to support youth programs at the sports complex, 4 including teaching golf and associated supporting professions to young people. Mr. Ken Hansen, 179 Oyster Pond, BRAG member, noted he was also associated with the McKay Group. He noted that he was disappointed in the BRAG voting process at the previous meeting, and hope that Judge Bartalini's suggestions would be taken to heart. He advised that this was a land use issue, and if any organization designated the plan prematurely, before the issue was brought forward for other uses, the issue would become moot. It would become impractical, because there would not be enough land to implement the plan. He emphasized that it would be important to preserve the existing land until a decision could be made. Mrs. Norma Arnerich, 3275 Encinal, former Golf Commissioner, added that she was also president of Alameda Junior Golf Club Board of Directors. She spoke in support of a single golf course with the sports complex next to it. If a hotel were to be built, she believed that it would complement the golf course and vice versa. She attended the BRAG meeting where the concept of two golf courses was presented, and she believed that the fairways would be very narrow and close together. The liability was in question, but she believed that it was more important that the golf courses be safe. Mr. Gail Wetzork, Chair, Recreation and Park Commission, 3452 Capella Lane, noted that Chair Appezzato said everything he wanted to say. He believed that the details were premature and not necessary at this time. Mr. Bill Smith, 732 Central #16, noted that this was a land use issue, rather than a design issue. Ms. Ann Sitchum, 732 Central #15, submitted a speaker slip, but was not in attendance when called. Mr. Richard Neveln, 1328 Park Street, agreed with Ken Hansen's points on tourism, and believed that the City of Alameda needed to address the issue more directly. He believed that a tourist bureau or association of tourist bureaus could deal with the influx of those who would need hotels, restaurants, child care, and other recreational amenities that would accompany a world -class development. Mr. Vince Mackel, 1620 Dayton, asked where the planning component of this proposal was. He saw the master plan as more of a reuse plan. The McKay Group asked him to put together a drawing, he believed the feasibility of their plan on the site was appropriate. He felt a golf course and destination resort was a good use for the site. He pointed out the challenge in making a use for the remaining land financially viable. Mr. Doug DeHaan, BRAG, 1305 Dayton Avenue, noted that the BRAG did not endorse any proposal, and emphasized that the current issue was a feasibility study for a golf 5 course and sports complex. All the BRAG asked was for the ARRA to examine the economic impact. Mr. Tony Corica, Golf Commission Vice Chair, 925 Delmar Avenue, believed that the ARRA had a good grasp on the issue of the feasibility study, which he noted would be a lengthy process. Chair Appezzato noted that he and the ARRA received a letter from Miss Stephanie Sorenson, daughter of Mr. Steve Sorenson, with a drawing of the ARRA. Miss Erin Sorenson also drew a picture of the flag, and Chair Appezzato publicly thanked both girls. The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion. In response to Alternate Leonhardy's question whether an RFP or an RFQ would be most appropriate in the beginning of the process, Chair Appezzato responded that an RFQ may be better initially, in order to identify the serious proposals. There was precedent for an RFQ, which was the procedure followed with Catellus. Chair Appezzato advised it would be premature to issue an RFP before the other parts of the plan were identified and put together. Member Kerr advised that they would be committed to putting in a lot of grass (which would also be income - producing) in the effort to lead predators away from the least terns. Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he did not believe the Master Plan/Reuse Plan to be clouded. The purpose of the Community Reuse Plan was to identify those elements and principles that the community wants to see made concrete on NAS Alameda/Alameda Point. He recommended that a financing study be conducted, as recommended by the Golf Commission. Chair Appezzato noted that the Catellus project, which was 160 acres, was 50 to 60 acres smaller than the smallest golf course. The public hearings were held, the project was presented before the Planning Board, and the Economic Development Commission, and was a long process. He believed that a larger project such as this should not be addressed headlong. Member DeWitt noted that this decision posed what could be a recurring problem regarding the development of the Base. The City's strategy is that it would be the master developer of the Base, and would decide what is economically feasible. He believed the citizen's preferred the method of the City decided on each project as they were presented. Member DeWitt moved acceptance of the Golf Commission's report, excluding the recommendations from the Golf Commission, BRAG, and Recreation and Parks Commission regarding the golf course design. The motion was seconded by 6 Alternate Friedman and passed by the following voice vote: Ayes - 7; Noes - 0; Abstentions - 0. ORAL REPORTS 4 -A. Oral report from BRAG. Mr. Lee Perez noted with sadness that BRAG member Dan Meyers suddenly passed away recently. He was extremely active in BRAG, and he and his contributions will be greatly missed. The BRAG has conveyed its condolences to his family and attended his funeral. 4 -B. Oral report from the Deputy City Manager. Deputy City Manager David Berger advised that he distributed the latest report on the progress of Urban Warrior. He and Facilities Manager Ed Levine worked closely with the Marines, and were available for any question. Mr. Berger also distributed a letter from Captain Hunter of the Navy, issued on February 12, 1999. The timetable of negotiations, which were to start in April, may be postponed further. Further delays in the EDC negotiations were strenuously objected to by the City, and they firmly requested an answer why they must be further delayed. The City reserved its option to take its concerns, if necessary, to a higher level at the ARRA's direction. Mr. Berger reported that the Tidelands Trust was moving forward. The Chief Appraiser of the State Lands Commission, and the appraiser who conducted that appraisal, were working with the City staff and consultants on the trade - in/trade -out issue. A meeting will be held in March, 1999, to get closer to the values of trade -in and trade -out. Written and oral reports will be issued on that status. In response to Member Johnson's question regarding the publicizing of the Urban Warrior exercises, Mr. Ed Levine responded that the event would be held between March 14 - March 19, 1999, and exhibits would he held in cooperation with the U.S.S. Hornet on March 20, 1999. He added that a press release would be issued, and noted he would remain in touch with their public relations staff in order to keep the public informed. Chair Appezzato noted that nearly 100% would be open to the public, with the exception of the work inside the hospital. ORAL COMMUNICATION Mr. Bill Smith, 732 Central Avenue #16, submitted a speaker slip, but was not in attendance when called. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 7 Member Daysog observed that the delays on the part of Washington, D.C. was quite distressing, especially since the critical point of the Base conversion process was drawing closer. He suggested sending Chair Appezzato to Washington, D.C. to meet with the representatives there, and to reaffirm the importance to the area. Chair Appezzato indicated he would be willing to make the trip, but did not believe they were at that point yet. He also noted that they had made tremendous progress on the EIS/EIR during his last trip to Washington. Member Kerr noted that March 3 was the anniversary of the death of Officer Robert Davies, Jr., who was the first police officer killed in the line of duty in Alameda. She would like him included in the meeting's adjournment. Member DeWitt expressed concern that the FISC property was coupled with the EDC for the Naval Air Station. He believed that there would be a tremendous financial impact if the FISC process were to be delayed. He questioned whether the issues should be coupled. Alternate Kathleen Ornelas inquired what the sunset to the ARRA would be, and Chair Appezzato responded that the ARRA would eventually be discontinued. The time frame was not yet determined, and there would be a recommendation that the body be dissolved. At that time, the City Council would act as the Reuse Authority. ADJOURNMENT The general meeting was closed by Chair Appezzato at 8:07 p.m. in memory of Dan Meyer and Officer Robert Davies, Jr. A moment of silence was held. The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Respectfully submitted, Cory Sims 8