2011-01-05 Regular ARRA Minutes 1111 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 5, 2011 The meeting convened at 7:02 p.m. with Chair Gilmore presiding. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Marie Gilmore Boardmember Lena Tam Boardmember Doug deHaan Boardmember Beverly Johnson Vice Chair Rob Bonta 2. CONSENT CALENDAR (*11-001) Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 1, 2010. (*11-002) Approve a Waiver of License Fee for Michaan’s Auctions for Use of Portions of Building 20. Member deHaan moved for approval of Item 2-A of the Consent Calendar. Member Tam seconded the motion, which carried by voice vote – 4, Abstentions – 1 (Bonta). Member deHaan moved for approval of Item 2-B of the Consent Calendar. Member Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote – 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number.] 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS None. 4. ORAL REPORTS (11-003) Oral report from Member deHaan, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) representative - Highlights of December 2, 2010 Alameda Point RAB Meeting. Member deHaan did not attend the December 2, 2010 RAB meeting and has no report. Member deHaan will attend the next RAB meeting on January 6, 2011 and will provide a report at the February ARRA meeting. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services will also attend the January 6th RAB meeting. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) There were no speakers. 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS (11-004) Mayor Gilmore asked the Deputy City Manager – Development Services to provide an update on the Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL) RFQ for a 2M square foot campus, with Alameda Point in consideration. The RFQ was sent out on January 3 and is due March 4th. Staff and a 2222 consultant team are working together to respond to the RFQ. Placeholders have been put on all Council/ARRA agendas before the March due date in case policy direction is needed. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services summarized the RFQ, stating that the initial phase is for 500,000 sq. ft. of space. Staff is working closely with the Navy (property owners) on policy issues that may need to be discussed with the Board. The short list will be in April. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services will discuss the developer solicitation process on the 18th in response to the RFQ, and before the short list. Other bases have been jump-started by large institutional user like LBL, it is a great catalyst and opportunity to get Alameda Point started. Member Johnson asked about the location and competitors. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services responded that the location was very specific: 20 – 25 minutes from blackberry gate; and that the biggest competitor is LBL’s own property at Richmond Gild Station, 90 acres along the waterfront. The cities of Berkeley and Emeryville are also included. Member deHaan inquired if LBL is looking for land site or adaptive reuse. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services explained that since LBL needs state of the art R&D facilities, they want to find new construction. In initial conversations, the area that stands out is the area south of Atlantic. Construction would start in July 2013 in areas without cleanup issues. Chair Gilmore requested the RFQ be posted on the City’s website so that the Board can access it and be prepared to get questions answered. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services stated that the Golden Gate Yacht Club and Oracle Racing announced that the America’s Cup #34 will be held in San Francisco in 2013. In anticipation of the event, staff sent event organizers a letter reemphasizing the city’s support for the San Francisco bid, and where Alameda can be helpful, i.e., host supportive services on Alameda Point for the America’s Cup – hangars, ferries, potential economic benefit, strong marine industry, sailing syndicates, and being involved in the planning process. Member deHaan asked if the Board is taking the lead with regard to the community support efforts, or if there is a separate professional organization taking the lead. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services replied that it has been a cooperative effort – specific community members are involved in the maritime and sailing world and have the connections that staff doesn’t. There are shared ideas and support. The City and staff lends credibility as a government entity to their interests. The Acting City Manager discussed the website which was developed by a community member who is connected to the sailing world and is leading the charge, working with the City for bigger mobilization in support of America’s Cup #34. The business community wants to get involved, and a partnership of residents, business and the city could help bring some aspect of the event to Alameda. Member Bonta commented on the amazing efforts from the community, recognizing Jack Boeger and Bob Naber. Member Bonta stated that he looks forward to working with staff and the community to maximize this opportunity and realize the full potential economically and otherwise. Member Tam requested to be informed of any opportunities for the elected body to get involved. Chair Gilmore requested that updates of the event be placed as a regular item on the ARRA agenda. 3333 7. REFERRALS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY (11-005) Referral from Chair Gilmore to change the order of the ARRA meetings. Member Johnson moved to approve the referral to change the order of the ARRA meetings. Member Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote 5. 8. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY (11-006) Member Tam commented that with the emerging opportunities, the ARRA should focus on reshaping its Going Forward process and be more “shovel ready”– more prepared with property, parcels, and infrastructure to maximize its competitiveness at Alameda Point. Chair Gilmore requested a timeline of the Going Forward process so that the Board and the public can makes comments and any changes necessary. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services stated that an update will be presented at the 2/2 ARRA meeting, and the ARRA predevelopment budget would be presented at the 2/15 mid year budget adjustment. Member deHaan asked if staff has interfaced with the new owners of Catellus, TPG Capital LP. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services replied that the Economic Development Director and City Manager were getting up to speed with the new partner. A designated project manager is working with staff. TPG Capital will likely need to come to the Council/CIC because they are changing the development entity in agreement with the CIC. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services discussed that there will be a staff report, update, and presentation from the new partner in the next couple of months. Member deHaan inquired about the interview timeline for the Alameda Point RFQ consultants. The Deputy City Manager – Development Services explained that there were two days of interviews with four consultants: real estate economics, master planning, sustainable design and green infrastructure consultants, and transportation consultants. Contracts will be negotiated in January and will be brought back as part of the mid year budget adjustment to demonstrate to the ARRA how the project will be paid for. There are also plans to come back with community feedback in March. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary