Resolution 03472RESOLUTION NC. 3472 CREATING A SPECIAL FUND TO BE KNOWN AS "STREET LIGHTING FUUD—CENTRAI AVENUE MTWEKN r3HESTNUT AND HIGH STREETS", AND TRANSFERRING 30,000.00 FROM CAPITAL OUTLAYS FUND HERETO WHEREAS, the Central Avenue street lighting system between Chestnut and High Streets requires a substantial capital outlay for major improvement thereof; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and proper that funds be drawn from the Capital Outlays Fund for the purpose of said improvement; NOW, TIE=OlLi, BE IT RESOLVIZ 5( CIL OF IFE CITY OF A.LA7 7DA that a special fund to be known as "Street Lighting 7und--Central Avenue Between Chestnut and High Streets", is hereby created. BE IT 7URTHER EESOLVED that the suni of 30,000.00 be, and the same is hereby, transferred from the Capital Outlays Fund of the City of Alameda to said Street Lighting 7 d--Central "venue Between Chestnut and High Streets, The Auditor and Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to create said special fund and to mike the necessary transfers on their respective books, ******************** the undersigned, hereby certify duly and regularly introduced and adopted by in regular meeting assembled on the 21st day vote, to wit: Howe (4). that the foregoing Resolution was the Council of the City of Alameda of January, 1947, by the following A77S: Councilmen Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and Vice President NOES: None. ABSENT: President Branscheid, (1). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand a official seal of said City this 22nd day of January, 1947. SEAL) d affixed the J. P. CLARK City C erk of the C Alameda ******************** I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "RESCLUTTON NO. 3472 CREATING 11 SPECIAL FUND TO BE KNOWN AS 'STREET LIGHTING FUNn--CENT•.L AVENUE BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND HIGH STREETS', AND TRANSFERRING $30,000.00 FROM CAPITAL OUTLAIS FUND THERETO", introduced an adopted by the Council on the 21 t day of January, 1947.