Resolution 0354943 RESOLUTION. NO. 3549 ADOPTING SPEIFICATIONS AND PROVISIONS FOR FIRCNISNING VITRIFIED CLAY &al.= PIPE AND FITTINGS TO THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALLING FOR. BIDS AND DIRECTING' THE 0103 01333 TO ADVERTISE SAME. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF ALATEDA that the Specifications• and Provisions for furnishing: Item 1: 21" V. C. P. Txtra Strength 1te- 2: n1" x 4" V. C. P. v's Itxtra IN.renr,th Ttem 3: 18" V. C. i. ,Sxtra trength 1-tem 4 ,IR" x 4" V. C. P. Extra .')trength item 5; 15" V. C. P. (lxtra Strent,th Item 5: 15" x 4" \/. C. N. Y's t1xtra Strength Item 7: 27" V. C. P. 0xtra Strength [t em 5 27" x 4" j. C. Y's Talra Ctreng,th Item 9: 18" V. C. P. :xtra Strength 45it.- lend IfoH 10 : 18" x 30" V. C. N. Extra Strength Reducer (Item. 11: 30" x 30" x 27" V. C. P. Y Extra Strength Item 12: 30" 2. llxtca Strength to the City of Alamoda for the -Rag ilarm Island intorcentor Sower System, 110. 03 5-47-12, bo, and the same are hereby, aporoved and adonted. RHSCLVhD, 2 01311112, Lhat the Council of the City or Alameda w111 receive sealed bids up to the hour of 8:05 o'clock N. N., on Tuosda:j, the 1711 day of June, 1947, for the furnishing to the Cita of: 'ten 1: 21" V. C. P. Extra Strength !Lest 2 21" x 4" V. C. P. Vve Extra StreugtR itot 0: 1P" V. C. C. Rxtva Etrer-th Itet 4: la" A 4" V. C. 2. Extra Strength [ten 5: lb" V. C. P. Extra. Strer-,th 'toe. 6: lb" x 4" V. C. P. I's ExtrA Stroll et"- 'tem s: -, Y. C. Extra Streneth 1 tc 8 27" x 4" V. C. P. 11 is Ext ra Strength iten 9: 18" V. C. P. Hxtna Strength 15-: Rend (Clem 10: 10" x 30" 1 . C. . !Sttra Strength hoducer -tem 11: 30" x 30" x 27" V. C. F. 3 Extra Strornth Item 12: 30" V. •C. F. Extra Strength in accordance with said Specificationa and Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Clerk, in the 01 ty Hall, Alameda, California, under sealed. cover and nlainly marko1 . on the outside, "Proposal for Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe and Fittings, or similar designation. Contract, if awarded, will be awarded, subject to the provisions of the Charter of said City, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best bid- The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in. the Alameda Times-Star a notice ca1lirg for ealed bids in. accordance with the provisions of this resolu tion and of said Specifications and Provisions . I, the undersigned, hereby certify. that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly introduced and adopted. by the Council of the City. of Alameda in. regular meeting assembled can the 3rd day of June, 1947, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen. Anderson. Jdnes, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). NOES: None, ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have he sot my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of said City this 4111 day of Juno, 1947. J. I". 0101113 City Clerk 02 the City of Alameda te it( St. it it i( 44 hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Recolutionigo. 3549, ADOPTING. SPECIFICATION3 AND PROVISIONS FOR. FURNISHING VITRIFIED CLAY SEWER' PIPE AND FITTINGS TO THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING. THE CITY. CNN P11 TO ADVERTISE SAME," introduced .and adopted. by the Council on the 3rd day of dune, 1947. City ul "‘"'C City o' Alameda