Resolution 03564RESOLUTION NO. 3562 R L. • CALIING.FOR. BIDS FOR. LEGAL ADVERTISING. FOR. THE ain. o. casaFes 9CAL 1947-194- RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF hISILEISA that said. Council will receIva sealed bids sh to the hour of 8:05 P.M. on. Tuesday, :idly 1, 1947, for the publication of all legal advertising of said. City. during the fiscal year ending June 301 948. Such advertising must b published in. a. newspaper of general circula- tion published in. the City. of 9.1 for a. :period of not less than. one year immadidtsly preceding the mafal.ng of' shah bid an.d. hay'. 7 a bonafidc paio . cirpula- tion of at least 2500 scales. Said advertising shall. be in accordance with the followiig specificaa tions: (1) All adverCisaments saall be set in solid sixapsint (nonpareil) type, i11 . columns of 2I ems to tha line and 144 ems to the square. exc....at that by request of tha officer autherdzing the same such. advartisement may be set in. sobh. larger type and wdth such. spacing between. lines as such. officer may. direct; ( 2 ) Titles and sub-headings shell be set i n s ix-point capitals (non, csreil). blabkafebe Sypt:, or in supn. larger type as may. be spealfiad by tha ciffiber lag the adverif.iar(arsenta„ Bidllars shall state iiii their proposals 1 said. legal advertising tha price per square of 144 ems, set in solid. sixapoint .(9. )ran11 r1 al1 .) type, in columns of 24 ems to tha Tina, according to the following schadale: A. price sof squar(1 for the lst insertion.; A price per square for the 2nd insertion; A price per square for the 3rd. snd. for eac1 .. 3 subsequent insertion. Bias must. be presented to the City Clerk in the City Hall, Alaueda, Cali- fornia, under 91 ealed. cover and. plainly menkod on. tae outside "Proposal for Legal dvertising". Contract for suc11 legal advertising, if awardad. will. be awarded subject to tha provisions of the Charter of said Clay, to the responsible bidder wha au:e- mits the lowest and best bid- The right is reserved to freject any or all bids. The newspaper. published. by the bidder to 11333 (3)41 such contract is awarded shall be known, for the term of such contract, as the "Official Newspaper" of the deity for 1 al advertising. The City Clerk. is hareby directed to. advertise, in. the Alameda. Times- Star, a notice cal. 1 131.,74, for sealed. bids in accordance with the provisions of thds resolution. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was dal and regularly. introduced. and adopted.. by. the Council of the City. of Alambda in regular meeting assembled on. the. 1. 7th day of June, 1947, by the following vote, '(«/'4 u L., a 17/ES: Counailmab„ Andersen, Jones. Osborn Sweeney. and President Branae('1:bid, (5). 'Rasa: None. ABSENT: None. In WITNESS. 2EEREall7'1 , 1 have hereunto set my hand an(33 . affixed the offi- cial seal of said CI. this ' of June, 1947. oLISRK Clerk (/11 the City of A=777:7— I hereby certify /((4 the forego 1 4 is a fual true and correct copy of "Resolution. No. 35644"CAILING, FOR BIDS FOR LEG.AL Foa THE CITY OF ALR.....RDA FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1947-1948" introduced. and. adopted.. bv the...,Gt1:tncil on.. the 173. h day of June, 1947. 797. 3 Oy. k Wit/ 1,. 147,033', of Alameda