Resolution 03569RESOLUTION NO. 3569 TRANSFERRING $50.00 FROM GENERAL FUND. TaAliSFEIRRIndi FRaM LISCELLAUTS.1123 GICEnaf.d. Ft11.2 70-b2 TO 1...N;001= NO. 14.4. (CITY ...TTC1.11EY) HY THE Ced..S'.C,Ili TH.E. CITY OF AhaEDA tact thh: sem. of (....00. nol the salso is hereby transferred from. the Miscellaneous Co'..cral a•c••mt 70—b2 to account h(c). ••• (City AttoTney). The Auditor is hereby actherized and. directed. to make said. tranzfolc on. the becks and. re erds aT his offic111 . the undorsigned, horeby. certify. that the foTegainz ....esolution was dui:" and. regularly. introdubed and. adopted by the: Council.. of the Clt,2, of Alameda La adjourned r(,),(c.,.,„Tinar meeting. assembled. on Y3th day of :lune, 1947, b the following vote, to wit: "„. anannalleden nalersch Jones, Osborn, dee(berhey and. President .41 niarisda certTrs, tIT.t ft- ,e fhll, t.ree cefhrect copy of 73