Alamedans United 496-4cr, 496 Independent Expenditure Report • CD Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. CD NAME OF FILER CD Date of c:D Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Hettich for This Filing 09/12/2016 0 6 /MON 04:40 PM CD r=1-. r=a COD AREAOODEIPHONENUMBER (.0.NUMBERgrappkah0 (510) 522-2149 1388521 STREErADDRESS CITY STATE ZIPCODE Alameda CA 94501 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Melia Vella OFRCESOUGHTORHELD City Council Member: City of Alameda DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT X OPPOSE Report No 18135 Amendment to Report No. (explain below) No. of Pages 18135 3 496 INCEPENDENTEXPENDMURE REPORT 'Datetanip 201 CALIFORNIA 496 FORM C;ITY OF ALAMELii,, ITY CLERK'S OFF! 'JAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED 3ALLOT NOILETTER 2- Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuatiop sheefs. DATE 09/06/2016 09/06/2016 09/07/2016 09/07/2016 JURISDICTION 0 dal Use drily SUPPORT DESCMPTIONOPEXPENDMIRE AMOUNT Rebsite hosting/Support/Nalia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $1622.32 Design/Support/Malia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $1622.32 OPPOSE 98.45 277.94 Data for Voter Outreach/Support/Malia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda .301.11 Cumulative to date total $1622.32 Printing/Support/Melia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda 721.56 Cumulative to date total $1622.32 Reason for Amendment: Update Independent Expenditure Report www.netfife.com FPPC Advice: advice FPPC Form 496 (Jani2016) ppc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov SEP /12/2016/MON 04:40 PM 496 Independent Expenditure Report Amounts may be rounded to whore dollars. NAME OF FILER Al amedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahan for Auditor, Harris and Bet tioh for AREA CODE(PHONE NUMBER (520)522-2149 STREET ADDRESS I.D. NUMBER (ifspotalile,1 1388521 CITY STATE ZIE, CODE Alameda CA 94501 • 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure Date of This Filing 09/12/2016 Report No. 18135 Amendment to Report No. 18135 (explain below) No. of Pages 3 4% INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT CALIFORNIA 496 FOR11.4 ,SEP 13 CITY OF ALA CITY CLERK'S OF 710:: NAME OF CAIIDIDFTE SUPPORTED DR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Melia Vella OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTM CT NO. City Council Member: City of Alameda SUPPORT X OPPOSE BALLOT NO./LETTER 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriatelylabeled continuation sheets. DATE 09/07/2016 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE Print ing/ Support /Melia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $1622.32 09/07/2016 Design/Support/Melia Vella/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $1622.32 Reason for Amendment- Update Independent Expenditure Report www.netfile.com JURISDICTION Fo fficial U SUPPORT AMOUNT Only OPPOSE 37.95 185.31 FPPC Form 49f (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca,gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 INDEPENDENT DIPENIKEURE. REPORT NAME OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashoraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor. Harris and Hetticb for School Board 2016 sponsored by public safety & labor organizations ==, 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED [IF commm-ss, ALSO BYTER W. NUMBER) CODE** 08/13/2016 Sacramento Area Fire Fighters Local 522 Political E] Action Committee COM Sacramento, CA 95814 El OTH Committee ID* 746138 El pry El scc 08/19/2015 San Francisco Fire Fighters Political Action J inD Committee. COM San Francisco, CA 94103 0 am Committee ID 0 810802 El Pw El scc E3 SEP /12/2016/MON 04:40 PM 08/22/2015 Hayward Firefighters Political Action Committee J I14) covi Hayward, CA 94511 Committee IN 680080 0 0TH PTY El SCC 08/29/2016 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Li /ND Local 595 PAC El COM Dublin, CA 94568 El OTH Committee ID O 1273532 0 PTY SCC 09/01/2015 San Jose Firefighters, LAPP Local 230 Political 0 IND -- Action Committee San Jose, CA 95113 0 0TH Committee 1811 743393 0 PTY c 09/06/2015 International Association of Fire Fighters Local El E\D 123D Political Activity Committee COM 0 0Th Committee 10 744488 El PTY 0 scc Wajordonorandindenendentexpend6UM committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Pan 3. www.rietti/e.corn IFAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (F SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER rams CF BVSINEES) ""CorddlsWorGodes IND - Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other PTY Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Comma-tee AMOUNT RECEIVED 1,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 CALIFORNIA 496 FORM .0. NUMBER WagAmbi4 /388521 INTEREST RATES If loan, enter interest rate, if any .% If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any FPPC Form 495 (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (B661275-3772} www.tppo.oa.gov