California Apartment Association 496-2496 Independent Expenditure Repo rt NAME OF FILER cATAFORNIA APARTtMDT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE AREA CDDFJPHDNE NUMBER ILD. NUMBER earricaek.,P (916)473-41298 13B0537 STREET ADDRESS Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. OrrY SAC R7,NE6TD 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure 13 TAT E ZIP CODE CA Date of ThTs Filing 09/16/2016 Report No, 20161001 111 Amendment to Report No. iexplaIn B.43w) 95814 No. or Pages 3 496 lNDEPMJNTEXPENDfJURE REPORT Dal ) SEP 1 9 2016 CITY OF ALAMEDA. CITY CLERK'S OFFI CAt_r,FOR.NIA 496 FORM ." Vr NAME OF CANDID/WE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD 1 DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE CHARTER AMEULIMEUT ON RENT CONTROL BALLOT NOJLETTER JURISDICTION Ifl CITY OF ALAMEDA 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach a rkggonat in fomtation on appropriale0/ labeler/continuation sheets. DATE 09/10/2016 09/10/2036 Reason forAmendment Www.ne 11 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE .?O_LL1NS Cu:r.ulative to date total $74750.00 Official Use Only SUPPORT OPPOSE X AMOUNT 14,750.00 TV ADvERT.ISING 60,000.00 Curulative to date total $74/50.00 FPPC Advice: advic FPPC Form 496 partf20(6) ppc.ca.gov (B664275-3772) Tppc.ca.gov 9T02'91'd3S 496 independent Expenditure Report NAMEOFF1LER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMYTTRE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESSANDZIP CaDE, OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (F com-ITEE. ALSO ENTER iD.AWBSsi 08/30/2016 ;Calif. Apartment Assoc. Issues Cammittee to Protect Housing SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 Connittee 1041 1319156 09/01/2816 KW /MITI-FAMILY MANAGEMENT GROUP, 11,IC BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 09/06/2016 Calif. Apartment Assoc. Issues Cmmmittee to Protect Rousing SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 Committee 108 1379156 09/00/2016 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. SAN MATEO, CA 94403 09/06/2016 20D sPIEMER PALO ALTO, CA 54303 09/06/2016 TOWER ALA•EDA LP MILL VALLEY, CA 94941 *Major donor and independent expendKure committees lhal do not receive contributions are not required to oomplee Part 3. mnymr.ne rn 496 kV- IDCPENDffURE REPORT CALIFORNIA 496 FORM LD. NUMEER MagAmMO 1388537 Y441 444 CS) AMOUNT INTEREST RATES a RECEIVED DONTRIBUTOR W IFANOIVIDUAL,ENTEROCCUFATION CODE*w ANOEMPLOYER se.F.E69.1.0YED, "ENTER N OF BU5al'ESS) E] IND 103,000.00 COM El OTT-I CI PTY CI sec 1=1 IND 50,000.00 ID COM 011-1 PTY SCC • IND 256.96 CCM D om o FrY El sec 11 to 50,000.00 • com • OTH • PTY • SCC IND PRES. 50,000.00 10 COM SP/BKER COMPANIES Ej am PTY SCC TA ND 25,000.00 9i02'91 d3S 13 p COM OTH D PTY 1:1 scc 113 '`Gontnbutor Codes IND -- IndviduaI GOM —Recirient Committee (other than PTY o SOU) OTH — Other PTY—Po1fticalPa1y SCC— SmaN Coral:It/tor Committee If roan, enter interest rate, If any If roan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any FPPC Form 496 (Janr20i 5) FP PC Advice: advioe@fppcsca.gov (8661275-3772) ppc.cagov 496 independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSOES COY2.F..TiiaT Al NM I JAME. 3, Contributions of .$100 or More Received* DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP COD.1:: OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (ii commrrra, ALSO "ENTER 111 , NUY3ER) 09/C6/2016 WOODMONT REAL _ESTATE SERVICES, BELMONT, CA 94002 09/08/2015 Mountain View Rousing Council MOCNTAIN VIER, CA 94040 'Major donor and independent expenditure committees that do nol receive contributions are not required lo complete Pad 3, wwwme fl CONTRIBUTOR MAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER 0 COUFATION CODE 1-9, AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NOME Of BUS)NESS) iht) 0 ODM 011-1 D Pr" • SCC ▪ NJ O 00M OTH • PTY scc D D ▪ com o-rH D PTY O SCC O N fl co OTH O PTV SCC IND • COM D cfni D PTY • sco • co • com ▪ OTH • PTY • SCC El Contrthutor Codes th7D-- individual COM -Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SC) OTH - Ce.fwr PTY -- Political Party SOC- Small Contrimgor Gomm-Mee 496 INDEPENDENT E■TENDITURE REPORT AMOUNT RECEIVED 35,000.00 00,000.00 CAL,IFOIZNIA 496 FORM I.D. NUMBER Vf 1388537 INTEREST RATES If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If /Dan, enter Interest rate, if any —% If loan, enter interest rate, if any CZ, if loan, enter interest rate. if any FPPC Advice: advice FPPC Form 496 (Jard2016) ppc.ca.gov (6661275-3772) -11pc.ca.g0V 9T02'9T'd3S