California Apartment Association 496-4496 Independent Expenditure Report Amounts may be rounded to whale dollars. NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCLATICM ISSUES COMMITTEE A.REA CI:MEW-HONE NUMBER (916)473-929B I.O. NUMBER (6044w 1300537 STREET ADDRESS GO'? STATE ZIPCODE SACRAI•NTO CA 95814 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR FIELD ISTRICT ND. SUPPORT OPPOSE Date of This Ring 89/22/201 Report No. 6 Amendment to Report No 9/16 IL (expleh below) CITY OF ALAMED 3 No. of Pages 496 I PENCENI- EXPENDITURE REPORT arnp sEp 2 6 2016 CITY CLERK'S OF CALIFORNIA FORM 496 orO1UssOiFy e NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED CHARTER APMNDMENT ON BENT CONTROL BALLOT NI3./L I ItR NA JURISD:CTION CITY OF ALAEEDA SUPPORT OPPOSE X 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach addigenat information on oppropnatelytabeled continuation sheets. DATE 09/10/2016 09/10/2016 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT 14,750-00 POLLING Cumulative to date total $54750.00 (TV ADVERTISING Cumilative to date total $54750.00 40„ 000.00 Reason for Amendment: TV advertising was overstated www.neffile.com FPPC Form 496 (Janf2016) FP PC Advice: advice@ippo.ca.gov (6661275-3772) wvivappc.ca.gov 9102 2 d35 496 independent Expenditure Report 4 INCE DENT EXPENVITIRE REPORT NAME OF FIL-ER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE CALIFORNIA 496 FORM I.D. NUMBER 0,0pfamb1e) 1368537 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE RECEIVED 06/30/2016 FLI1LNAMP, STREETAODRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (W COMMITTEE, ALSO ErrrER 1D SINSER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** IFA.NINDIVIGUAL,ENTER-OOCUPAT/ON AND EMPLOYER 5F EELF-EWLOYED. ENTER NAME OF BUSNESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES Calif- Apartment Assoc. Issues COTamittee to Protect Housing SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 Coriittee IDV 1379156 • It\D COM DOTH D FlY • KC 103,000_00 If loan, enter Interest rate, if any 09/01/2016 ZW MULTI—FAMILY MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC EVERLY N/ILS, CA 90212 D IND D COM 0111 FrrY SGC 133 50,000.00 If roan, enter interest rate, if any 09/06/2016 Calif. Apartment Assoc. Issues ccumittee to Protect Rousing SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 Co=ittee 1D# 1379156 09/C6/2016 Promezheus Real Estate Group, Inc. SAN MATEO, CA 94403 D • ootm LJ om • FrrY D scc • IND 1:1 CO m crni • PTY D s cc 296.96 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 50,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 0, 09/06/2016 TOD SPIEKER PALO ALTO, CA 94303 El Nu D coM D OTH D FTY D SOC PRES. SPIEKER COMPANIES 50,000.00 Ube% enter interest rate, if any D9/06/2016 TOWER ALAMEDA LY %SILL VALLEY, CA 94941 LJ 113 • COM OTH • PTY SCC ta 25,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any •Mar donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions am not rewired to complete Pal 3. www.neffire.com oritributm Codes IND— Ind:villa! COM —Recipnt Comm:tee (other than PTY or soq OTH— Other PTY —Patric& Patty SCC— Small Contributot Gorrirrattee FPPC Form 496 (Jan12916) FPPC Advice: advice@Ippc.ca.gov 866127-5-3772J www.Ippc.ca.g ov 9102.2 d3S 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER INDEPENDENTEXPENIDITURE CALIFORNIA APARTNENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMITTEE CALIFORNIA 496 FORM LO. NUMBER 01 13130537 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE RECEIVED 09/06/2316 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR OF comiiirms, PISO EFZFER W KJ463E9 CONTRIBUTOR CODE *k IF AN IND IVIDUAL,ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OF SELF, EMPLOYED, ENTER NME ISITSINES) AMOUNT RECEIVED IMIEREST RATES WOODXONT REAL ESTATE SERVICES, I,_ P. BELEONT, CA 94002 O IND O 00,A II OTH • PTY D SCC 35,000.00 If loan, enter Interest rate, if any 09/08/2016 Mountain View Housi-ng Council MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 O No, O COM am O PTY 0 SCC 90,000.00 If roan, enter interest rale, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any r/3 • ND 0 COM • 011-1 D PTY • SCC If loan, enter interest rate, if any ID to ▪ com ▪ OTH • PTI SCC If loan, enter interest rate, if any D uo cavi • oTH D PTY • soc If roan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and Independent expenditure oorrunittees that do not receive contributions are not required to comprete Part 3. www.neffile.corn **Contributor Codes IND — COM— Recipient Commtee (other than PTY CT SOC) OTH — Other FIY — Political Party SCC — Snail Contributor Committee FPPC Advice: advice a :0 FPPC Form 496 (Janf2016) fppc.ca.gov (6551275-3772) wwAv.fppc.ca.gov 9I 22'd3S