California Apartment Association 496-5496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OFFFLER CA.1.31FORNTA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSCES CO:alITTEE Arn ounts may be rounded to whole dollars. AREACODErPHONENUMBER I.D. NUMBER pappvmDie) (916) 473-929B 1366537 STREET ADDRESS GDY SACP.AMENTO 'I. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDIVE SUPPORTEO O.R 0PP0S0 STATE ZIPCODE CA 95814 Date of This Filing i0/05/2o26 96 11MDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT CA LI F()RN1A A PORN! Report No 2016100102 FoiOflIca1 LTsBOniy Amendment to Report No. (expIp..31 belaw) No. of Pages 16 NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSE CHARTER AMENDMENT ON RENT CONTROL OFFICE IJGHTORHELD DISTRICT D. SUPPORT OPpOS ALLOT NaiLLIJeR NA 2. Independent Expenditures Made Atrach additional information on appropriarelyiabeOericon ['nue/curs/nets. JURISOICTiON CITY OF AILIA SUPPORT OPPOSE X DATE 1D/01/2016 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE Cumaative to date total $76900.40 AMOUNT 18,917.00 Reason for Amendment' www.rterfile.com FPPC Form 496 (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advicfppc.ca.gov (6661275-3772) wvew.fpp c.cazav WUS2 9T02 'S 'IDO 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 INDEPENDENT B(PENDM.RE REPDRT NAMEOFFMER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOC/ATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* 'CAUF0111\11A 496 FO M 1.0. NUMBER At) 1388537 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREETADDRESE ANDZiP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR T COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. FIUMEEIO CONTRIBUTOR CODE** MANINDMRDUAL,ENTEROCCURkNON ANDEMKOYER (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, EWER NOSE OF UU$S = AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 09/26/2016 CAMBRIDGE MANAGEMENT CO. SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 09/26/2016 CAMBRIDGE MANAGEMENT CO_ SRPTA CLARA, CA 95054 09/26/2016 09/26/2016 CAMBRIDGE MANAGEMENT CD. SANTA CLARA., CA 95054 RKEL ?ARWERS IV MARINA V1EN, L1C ODA, CA 94501 D • OTH • PTY O SCC DNJ COM 011-1 lj PTV ID See • NE) • co m fl o-rH PTY • SCC LI IND COM DIN ▪ PTY D scc 30,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 5,0G0.00 If ban, enter interest rate, if any 1,000_00 If ban, enter interest rate, it any 25,000.0 If ban, enter interest rate, II any G9/26/2916 09/26/2016 :..:OSELEY NILES . LOS ALTOS BILLS, CA 99022 • cm • ani D PTY LI scc INVESTOR SELF - NILES MOSELEY 10,600.00 If roan, enter interest rate, if any MICR PHARES ALAMEDA, CA 94501 Ej COM • crni D PTY • SCC ATTORNEY SELF - HUGH ?HARES 100 00 If toan, enter interest rate, if any 411.4a,tr donor and independent ercoenditure committees lhat do not receive contnlutions are not requited to complete Part 3. www.neffile.com Cordrtistor Codes IND— Individual COM — ReepTenl Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other PTY —PolLical Party See —Srna2 Contributor Conuretee FPPC Form 496 (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advice&ppc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov 496 Independent Expenditure Report -vs 493 E\DEPENDENT EXPENDIRARE REPORT NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA ATART•ENT ASSOCIATION ISSOES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* CAU OR A F NI 496 FOS1M LD.NUMBER efaJ4,Im-Y0 1388537 DATE RECEIVED 09/27/2016 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND aP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (7 00 POOTTE.E, ALSO .ERTER ID. ro..msmo CONTRIBUTOR MAN INDIVED UAL, ENTER OCCURATION CODE** AND EMPLOYER 6E.F.EMPLOYED, EhTER NAME Of BUSES) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES CLAUDIA BOWMAN °ARLAND, CA 94610 gi IND C] COM oni El NY • scc AC EMPLOYED N/A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any Dh 09/27/2016 G. W. WILLIAMS CO. SAN MATEO, CA 94002 • ND ▪ COM 0111 D PP/ rj scc 45,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate. if any 09/281/2016 09/28/2016 650 XTREME VOLLEYBALL CLOD SAG MAGEO, CA 94403 Li NC E] COM ▪ oTH D P1Y ▪ sCC 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any STEVEU ARL BURLINGAME, CA 94010 bd [ND CONTRACTOR 0 OW 9 J ARL CONSTRUCTION r] 07ii • PTY Eaa 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2016 05 23/2.016 -MOHAMED AMNAJAR RICRVOND, CA 24805 ROSALIA CABARDLOC YOUNTAIM VIEW, CA 94043 ND o com • ani • PTY • SC,C OWNER R10EMO10 WASH 100.09 If loan, enter interest rate, if any • L43 • com • OTH D PlY SCC LANDLORD SELF - ROSALIA CABARLOC 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major don or and independent 'expenditure committees that do nel recefve contlitutions are not required to complete Part 3. www.netfile.corn "Con:rfoutar Co-ides IND - Incrvidual COM - ReA.11. Fen! ComrnMee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other ' PTY — PoTical Party SCC—Smal Cnntautor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (B661275-3772) www.ippc.ca.gov 9lez•s 1J0 496 Independent Expenditure Report 4% I, PENCENTE<PENDITURE REPORT NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIAT OM ISSUES COMMITTEE. 3. Contributions of MO or More Received* cAuFoRNIA POSIIVI NUMBER (77 138E537 DATE RECEIVED 09/213 /2016 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR OF CD7MTTEC, ALSO EWER ID. KUY-9M) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER 0 CGU RATION AND EMPLOYER [T SELF.ENTLOVED, ENTER /AIME OF r..13INMS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES CARTLEY APARTMENTS SAN MATZO, CA 99903 • ec• DcoM (i) OTH ▪ Fry scc 100.00 Moan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2016 CP IV MARINA VIEW, LLC PHOENIX, AZ 85018 0 IND D com OTH PTY r] scc 8,500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 0 9 / 2 8 / 2 01 6 PH1L1P DAUBER ALAMEDA, CA 99501 11NED 0 CCM LI OTH • FrY scc NOT EMPLOYED 0/A 150.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2016 C. T. FARRELL POINT RICHMOND, CA 94801 [1] • ODM • 0111 D Prrf • BM LANE.DORD SELF - C. l. IrdARELL 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2 D16 FEAGLEY MANAGEMENT INV. INC. P2. RICHMOND, CA 94E01 • 11\93 COM ] OTH • FrY • sex 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2016 MRINA FRANCO SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 LJNO • COM • OTH DP1Y • SCC LANDLORD SELF - NARIND FRANCO 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any • M. a:or do n or and independent expendilure oommillees that do net reoeve contributions are not required to comre Part 3. www.neffile.com Contributor Codes COM — Reient Commtee (other than PTY or ECG) OTH—Other PTV —Polrical Party SCC—Smal Contributor Commtttee FPPC Advice: advice FPPC Form 496 (Jmit2016) fppc.ca,gov (866/275-3772) www.figpc.ca.gov 496 Independent Expenditure Report INDEPENDEN cAlDfTURE REPORT NAMEC=FIER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT' ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE L Contributions of $100 or More Received* CAUFORN1A 496 FORM I.D. NUMBER (11j%:) 1380537 CATE RECEIVED 95/Z8/2016 FULL NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZiF` CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR COMIPTIrEE. ALSO ENTER ID. WAR) CONTRIBUTOR Com +.4, [FANINDIVIDUAL.ENTEROCCUPATIOP) AND EMPLOYER F SELF-EMPLOYED, EATER NAVE OF INESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED ENTF.REsT RATES LAVRENCE ERANZELLA SAN BRUNO, CA 94066 LI cc O COM • OTH • PTY SCC REAL ESTATE BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY UWE SVC. 100.00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2016 PETER GAVALLOS MILLBRAE, CA 94030 O 00M • OTH 0 KY SCC LANDLORD SELF - PETER GAVALIOS 250.00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/20 6 DAVID GILLIS AIBANY, CA 94706 09/28/2016 NANCY GRIFFIN GOLD RIVER, CA 95670 rs."D D COM • OTH O FPI O SCC rrm o cam fJ 011-1 O PT/ D sac LANDLORD SELF - DAVID GILLIS 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any NOT Et:IPLOYED N /A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/25/2016 STEIN EDFFY.DEN AC0DS1DE, CA 94062 • IND o o COM OTH 0 PTY Dscc LAW.D.LORD SELF - STEIN acRitIOEir 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/20/2016 HOOVER ASSOCIATES . BURLINGAME, CA 54110 O IND 0 COM • OTH D PTY D SC.0 250.00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Ma!or conor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions axe not required to complete Pal 3. www.neffile.com *Trontrbular Codes RecIpien( Commie& (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other FT( — Poltlical Party SCC— Small Contributor Committee FPPC Forrn 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@jppc,ca,uov (B66/275-3772) vorvw.fppc.ca.gov 9I •S •190 496 Independent Expenditure Report 493 INDEPEJENr DPENDTTUJE REPORT WE OF FILER CALI EU RUA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION I SSITE CO;C•IITiER 3. Contributions 0'5100 or More Received* cALIPORf■frA 4U6 _ 1.0. NUMBER ib) 13E B537 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF COVUITTEE. ALSO ETTER en. KJ-InER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** CD/26/2016 0 9/ 2 13 / 2 01 6 •ICHAEL ISBENHO SAM MATEO, CA 91403 D GOM OTH El Fry • scc IF AN IND/VIDUAL ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SaF-EVPJ.D4W.. ENTF-R. xma OF BUSSS) TRANSLATOR SELF - U10EL ISEIENKO AMOUNT RECEIVED I.N.ITERF.ST RATES ROBERT KASTWER RICHMOND, CA 91604 D O COM O 0111 D PTY D sce CON2RAC TO R SE - ROBERT KASTWER 09 /28 /02 6 . OSH 'ORMAN SAW MATEO , CA 91103 05/28/2016 ▪ COM O 0111 • PTY • spc AWDLORD E ROSE KATJF/L'AN 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 0 0 . 0 0 KOLAB COG2 BERKELEY, CA 91707 ito o DOM O 0111 D Fri • sCC LANDLORD SELF - MORAMMD R °LAIC DOM 100.00 C912812015 ::YRIA LE 2.ROPERTIES , 1DO1TAIN VIEW, CA 94013 Lc O COM ▪ 01-1-1 D FTY SCC 10 0 0 0 If loan, enter interest rate, if any If roan, enter interest rate, i1 any_ If loan, enter interest rate, if any 06/28/20.16 RI CHARD LAVBRDU A/M:EEA, CA 91502 11:3 IND • ODNI D om Fry 11] scc LPSDLOF.D SELF - RICHARD LAVERBORE 100.0 If roan, enter interest rate, if any "Maim donor and independent expenditure commteeslhel do not receive cortnbutions are not required Co compete Part 3. www_neffi/e.com ordributor Codes IND— Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH Other PTY— PoRroal Party SCC —Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 49B (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advice@rppc.ca.gcv (O661275-3772) www.fppc.ca,gov 9T02 'S '190 496 Independent Expenditure Report 4,.% IN P.I\IDENT EXPENDITURE REPOT(7 CALIPIDRNIA A ci F‘)Rni NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APART11E12 ASSOCIATIDN ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* 0. NUMBER (I .We) 13E0537 DATE RECEIVED 09/28/2016 FULLNAME,STREErADDRESSAND2uTC0DEOFCANTRIBUTOR BF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1.0, NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER 0 CGLIFATCON AND EN9LOYER (IF SELF-EMPLOY-a). ETTER NAME OF 5.5!s) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES ANYD LEE SAN PABLO, CA 54800 IND D COM D 07H • Fre D scc LANDLORD SELF - ANYU LEE 100.00 Ifloan, enter interest rate, if any 09/20/2016 00NALD LEWIS PT. RICHMOND, cA 94801 INVESTOR E. RICHMOND PRDPERTIEs 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/20/2016 FEILIF LONDE sAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115 Ej 12 COM • OTH I1IPTY scc INVEsTOR SELF 100_00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2016 CAROLYN MAT_THIAS LAFAyETTs,cA 94549 IA NO El OM L1cn 0 D SCC NOT EMPLOYED 125.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/20/2016 .ICHARD MEDEGRINI DRLINGAmE, cA 94010 09/28/2016 MA7THE1 NuRFHY SAN RAFAEL, CA 91901 IND • COM D OTH • PTY SCC ENGINEER TownsEND MANAGEMENT 100.00 - If loan. enter interest rate, if any • OOM D om El MY D sec REAL ESTATE SELF - MATTHEW MURPHY 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and independent expendufe coinrntees that do not receNe contrIntions are not required to complete Part 3. WWW.nettile.com Contrtnrior Codes IND — lnd-Nidual COM— Red$ent CvnmIttee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH— Other PTY — PoRlical Pty SOC —Sma9Coninbtf.or Committee FPPC Form 496 pan12016) FPPC Advice: advicegjppc.c.a.gov (8561275-3772} wwwippc.ca.gov 9IO2•S 'loo 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER INDF_PENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT 496 CALIFORNIA FORilitt CALIFORNIA APAR-a:EDT ASSOCIATION IS S:N3 S CONMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE RECEIVED 09/26/2016 09/28/2016 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND 24P CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR F- COMMITTEE, A:SD ENTER I.O. AMMER) MARY RICCI ALAMEDA, CA 94501 CONTRIBUTOR CC DE ** 0 ND O COM 0 OTH O PTY E scc IF AN IND1V10 UAL , ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER SELF-VO"LOYED. £,TER NAVE OF BUSINESS) TOT EMPLOYED 1/A AMOUNT RECEIVED ID NUMBER (jttJ 3388537 100.00 INTEREST RAMS lf loan. enter interest rate, if any DONALD LAFAYETTE, CA 94549 }ND REALTOR D COM COLDWEL BANKER ▪ OTH • PTY SCC 100.00 Jr loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2016 09/28/2316 OWOLABI RABID BERKELEY, CA 94703 GEORGIA RUBIOLO CASTRO VALLEY, CA 94546 • IND o o com OTH D Ef SOC IND com LIom D PTY ID Soo TflVESTOR SELF 100.CD If loan, enter interest rate, if any CA Y D 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/28/2616 DANE SAMEL SAN MATED, CA 94401 08/28/2016 SCHIEIF-REITEN 9q903 No D com • PTY D sac ICOT EM OYED ti/A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any ▪ G\D o COM OTH Fry D scc 175.0C If loan, enter interest rate, if any "Itiaor donor and independent expendi!ure cOrn mtttees-th at do not receive contributions are not required to complete Pad 3. www.neffile.com "Contributor Codes IND - Individual com - RecienlComm!tee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH- Other FTY - Political Party SCC - Smelt Contributor Cormetee FPPC Form 496 (Jani2016) FPPC Advice: adviceefppc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) vrivv.appc.ca.gov 496 Independent Expenditure Report 1NCEPENCENT EXPENV11URE REPORT NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APARTMEL T. ASSOCIATION ISSUES COEITITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* CALIPOR.ttlA 496 pOM . NtJMSR ffa 13E853'1 D ATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND 2P CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR OF COI • (Lk, ALSO ENTER I.D. PIUMER, 09/28/2026 ELENA SIMONIAN MILLBRAE, CA 96030 CONTRIBUTOR CODE** O ow • OTH PTY ▪ sec IF Al4 (NDR4D UAL. ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER F6ELF.F.MFLOYED, EVER NAVE CF CUSNESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES NOT EMPLOYED N/A 100.00 If roan, enter interest rate, if any 09/20/2016 RAYEDDD - SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115 1113 • COM oni O Fry fiJscc LANDLORD SELF — RAYMOND SID 100.00 Moan, enter interest rate, if any 09/20/2016 DAM STOWELL HILLSBOROUGH, CA 94010 IND • com • OTH 0 Fry O soc NOT EMPLOYED N/A 100_00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09(28/2016 RORMAN TRAEGER TIBURON, CA 94920 LANDLORD SELF — UORM,All TRAEGER 100.00 enter interest rate, if any_ 09/28/2916 0.9/2B/2016 VLAHOS 6 VOSIRES BURLINGAME, CA 94020 0 MD O COM oni O FrY • scc 10 0 . 00 If loan, enter interest rate, ir any CAROL WALKER El-EMI:4D, CA 94804 tIND 0 COM El OTH • MY O SCC NOT EMPLOYED N /A 0O. 00 If Wan, enter interest rate, if any •Maior donor and independent expenditure commrae-es that do not receive contra:Lotions are not re-gulled to =spree Part 3. www.aeffile.com *'Contributor Codes IND— India:km] COM— Recipient Commidee (other than PTY OT SCC) OTH — Other — Po'.Ncal Pally SCC — Small Contrilsit.or Gommdee FPPC Form 496 (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advice@ippo.ca.gov (B661275-3772) www.fppc.ca,gov 9T02 'S 190 496 independent Expenditure Report 496 /NJ ,YENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT NAME OF FILER CAMIEWNIA APAR.TMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES CMITITTBE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* cALIFORNIA 4 6 PORM 10. 136B531 CATE RECEKED 09/29/2016 FULL NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF CON/MEE, ALSO ENT EN 1.0. 111.011j GONTRIRUTOR OODE*a [FAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER B50:1011.03., EWER NA.SM O 1:135) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES Karen Fukumura Oakland, CA 94610 IND ID COM OTH El Fr( Dscc Rentals Self 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/29/2016 .2011iCa. Getter Alameda, CA 94501, CA 99501 121sK El COM o 0111 O PTY sec Real Estate Investor Self 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/29/2016 Bruce Herrmann Los Altos, CA 91024 El ?ND com D om ▪ my D scc retired retired 500.00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/29/2016 Rose Properties San Jose, CA 95126 1,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/29/2016 Uobn Segall San Mateo, CA 99902 • IND) El COM .0 0TH O FLY D SCC Retired Se1E 250.00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2716 321 PAIGNERS, LLC SAV MATEO, CA 94401 • ND • CAM on-1 D PTY • SCC 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and Independent expendriure committees that do not receive contribottons are not res-rired to complete Part 3. www.nettrile.com "Containtor Codes IND— Individual COM—Rec.:plant Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH 0:her PTV — Po!Kcal Party SCC— SmaD Contribigor ComrrffIee FPPC Form 496 (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advicepippc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) mirkvipp c, ca.g ov LIHQ2 ! PT 496 Independent Expenditure Report NDF—PENDE EXPENDTTURE REPORT NAME OF TILER CALIFORNIA ARART•ENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of S100 or More Received* CALIFORNIA 496 For,m J.D. NUMBER 0 e ag7Ame051 1388537 CAE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE CF CONTRIBUTOR (F COMOTTEE. &LEO asrmr iD, 1.1111.03KI CONTRIBUTOR CODE Pr* IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER SELFERFLOYED. E`Elai NAME: OF BUSNESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED JNTEREST RATES 09 /30/2016 LUIS AGUIRRE ANTHONY, NM 88021 NE) D com • OTH f] PTV SCG SOFT/IA-RE DEVELOPER SELF — LUIS AGOIRPE 250 .00 If loan, enter Interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 ALAt•MDA CENTRAL DUPLEX LLC SOQUEL, CA 95073 0 IND D COM OTH O FlY D scc IR; 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 9/30/2016 ANDREW EARNES OITTAIN VIED, CA 94043 LJ vo co LJ o oTH Fry • scc Ls.r) D com • om D Fly IIJscc 9/30 /20 ALFRED BOGEN/WEER SAN MABO, CA 94402 NOT EMPLOYED / A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 7;OT El.PLOYr N /A 100.0 If Joan, enter. interest rate, if any /30/2016 09/30/2016 TRAVIS BOWIE LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 II IND 0 CAM 0 OTH 0 PTY • SCC ENGINEER SELV — TRAVIS BOWIE 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any ROBERT CABRERA . BERKELEY, CA 94704 El O COM O OTH • PTY EIlscc FROu CT MANAGER SELF — ROBERT COBRERA 10 0 . 0 'Major donor and independent expenditure carte es that do n contributions are not rer.:Jired to complete Part 3. www.netfi/e.com "'Contrtu!or Codes IND — Indivldual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other FrTY — Ponical Party SCC— Srnall ContrFoutor Committee If loan, enter interest rale, if any FPPC Form 496 Pan12016, FPPC Advice: advicegfppc,ca.gov (6661275-3772) wirrw.fppc.ca.gov 9T02'S '190 ._.._.._._9T /TT'd 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 1NDEP NDENTEXPENDTftRE REPORT r:A.V_E OF FILER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* CAUFORNIA 496 FORM I.D. NUMBER (To 1390537 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND 21? CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED [iF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER ID. Ic./303ERI CONTRIBUTOR CODE -I-* IFANINDIVIDUAL,ENTEROCCUFATION AND EMPLOYER F SE.FaMROYM, ENTER NAME OF BUSZNESS) ALI DUNI- RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 09/30/2016 4ICHABL CASEY LIVERMORE, CA 94550 IND O COM • OTH • PTY • SCC 10T EMPLOYED N/A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, i any 9/ 0/2D 6 _NITA CHAN DALY CITY, CA 94014 09/30/2016 MAE0 CHAVEZ RKELEY, CA 94710 09/30/2016 2A0 c RE n EL CERRITO, CA 94530 g • com o OTH PlY D scc 4D El cam • OTH El FT( • scc icyr IRLOYE 100.00 a loan, enter interest rate, if any CLERK THE CHIES BOARD 250.00 Moan, enter interest rate, if any CI3 • LNE) o com D om -111 PP( D soc NOT EMPLOYED NIA 0_00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2 6 ALLEN CflIJANG SAN FR7T1CISC0 , CA E4115 09/30/2316 0 & M PROPERTIES MELD PARR, CA 94025 Ei IND D COM • CrrH 0 PTY rjjscc PFOPERTY MANAGER SELF — LIEN CHUANG 1 .00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any LN.13 ▪ cm 0-TH ▪ PTY • SCC 00.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any -"A?olajcr donor and independent expenditure oommittees that do not receive centibullons are nol required to corn;Yete Part 3. www.neffite.com ContKbutor Codes IND -Indtvidual COM -ReOpie-nt Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH-Ohej FTY- Pordcal Party SCC -Small GonlfThutor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Jarti20 6) FPPC Advice: advice@rppc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) www.ippc.ca.gov 9T/21 'd _02.2. 'ON. 4B6 Independent Expenditure Report 496 INDEPENDENT EXPENDrRRE REPORT NAME OP FILER CAL:FOT.NIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES CO=TTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* CAUFORNIA 496 FOPt/Yi IAMB ER rErerommei 1309557 0A7E RECEIVED 09/30/2016 FULL NAME, STREET ASE AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR iF COMOTTEE ALSO EtMR I.D. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** JAVIER DELGADO NEWARR, CA 94560 E21 IND O COM ▪ 0111 PTV O Mc IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATON AND EMPLOYEFi (77 .SELF-1:31PLONTO, ENTER NAME Cb= BusiNesso TREE SERVICE SELF - JAVIER DELGADO AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 250.00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 DAVID FORD BERFXLEY, CA 94704 • COM ▪ OTH PTY • SCC CONTRACTOR SELF - DAVID FORD 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 'N CRA E L GREEN RBDEDOD CITY, CA 94065 tjIND ID cam OTH O FTY ED SOO .;'DT EMPLOYED /A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 RICHARD JONF'S 940E2 bd IND IIILSSTOR o COM SELF - RICKARD JONES 00111 PTY SCC 50.0.00 If roan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 AI LAO CUE/0N TWO, MI 4E038 09/30/2716 Simon Lau Los Al-cos Bills, CA 9.3022 12 IND ownER LJ COM worws GARDEN • OTH O KY [3 SOC IND • COM O OTH • PTY LIIscc 121 250.0D If roan, enter interest rate, if any cit Executive Etareks Technology 200.00 If loan, enter interest rate, If any •Ma!or donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions we not required to comptete Part 3. www.netfile.com "'Contributor Codes IND — Ind!vidual COM— Redpient Gomm-tee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH —Other PTY — Political Party SOC — Smal Contributor Commilee FP PC Form 496 (Jan/2896) FPPC Advice; advIce@ippc,ca.gov (8661275-3772) vemv.fppc.ca.gov IJH)7eLir 496 independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APAR=OT ASSOCIATION /SUMS COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of S100 or More Received* 496 IN'IDEPEt1i)EIVI° E3t.PEti!Dr-T1IRE REPORT . CALIPORNIA Ana FORM 1'1' -1.1U D. NUMBER cff 13911537 DA1T. RECEIVED FLILLNAME, STREETADDRESSAND ZIP CODE CF CONTRIBUTOR DT coincrru......kmoth7ER tD. A-.17:3ERI CONTRIBUTOR CODE ** IFANINDIVTDUAL,ENTEROGCUPATION ANDEN_PLOYER SELF-EPOP1AY7.17, ENTER NOS. 0 BUSS S) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 09/3D/2016 MICRAEL LAU 91122 Ci END COM OTH EIJPry' D SCC WATBR LOCAL 2 100.00 If loan. enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 LINGMEI LI RICEMOND, CA 94006 IND O COM EIon D FTY D SCC OFFICE ASSISTANT sFBri 100.00 fl roan, enter interest rate, if any C9/30/2016 LINDSAY ENTERBRISES 1.P SAN JOSE, CA 95117 O ND O COM • ani 1:1 PTY SCC 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2316 Ilitra Oaks LLC Ins Altos, CA 94022 IND O COM El ani D PTY LJ SGC 500.00 lif loan, entQr interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 EVELYN (ONSON RICHMOND, CA 94605 GM) NOT EMPIOY?..0 o 17/A COM 0 o-rH D Fry • scc 100.00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2316 AUDREY MURRAY BELMONT, CA 94002 Elj IND MANAGER 0 COM EQUITY RISK PARTNERS 0 PTY O SCC 250_0C If loan, enter interest rate, if any W.aordcnr and indspenciprd expend:-W:e Gurninitees that do not receive coniributtons are no! required to comr:ete Part 3. rAymneffilexon? Centribidor Codes IND — fttdMthjal COij— Re*nt Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH— Other FTY — Political Party SOC— &nag Contribtdor Committm FPPC Form 496 (Jart12016) FPPC Adv!ce: advice@fppc.ca.gov (6661275-3772) www.fiipc.ca.gov WUL2:0T 9T02'S '100 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT CALIFORNIA 496 1 Fc)R1%1 NAMEOFFLER CAIIEORNIA .APAR7MENT P.SSOCIATION ISSUES CO:LlITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* M.:. UMBER (T 13E13531 DATE RECEIVED 09/30/2016 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND 2IF CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CD4MITTEE, ALGO OTTL=t J ULIP6-al) CONTRIBUTOR cODE60, IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER OCCUPATION? AND EMPLOYER WILF-EMFLOVE7. ENTER RARE OF MIMES:5) AMOUNT RECEWED INTIEREST RATES own]) NICHOLLS RICHMOND, CA 94601 PROPERTY MANAGER SELF - DONALD NICHOLLS 200.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 LARRY 0 sulaavAti SAN NATEO, CJ 94404 Ii3 com o OTH • MY • SOC INVSTOR SELF - LARRY O'SULLIVAN 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 DOROTHY REAL LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 CAD ▪ COM • OTH D P1Y scc NOT EMPLOYED N/A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 Tb3mas Roebuck Alameda, CA 99501 real Estate self 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any '.:9/30/2D16 BROCE RD-EPPEL JR. GRANITE AY. CA 95746 IND D cam D om DPTY • SCC PROPERTY •ANAL:F.MENT GUARD HILL AOLDINGS 1,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any C9/30/2016 SIANIS RURI=NGAME, CA 99010 IND D COM • OTH • PTY LI SCC INITESTOR SELF BILL SLANTS 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any '1,.ajor donor and in depenrient expanciiture ce-nrnittees that do net receive contributions are not req-Jired to comptate Part 3. www.neffile.com "*Gentributor Codes IND - tridtvictual COM - Reeten1CornrnIttee (other than PTV or SCC) OTH - Other PTY - Pottal Party SCC- Saul Contribute; Commtlee FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advic,e: advice@fppc.c.a.gov (8661275-3772) www.fppcza.gov 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT - - CALIRN POIA A i!kia, FORM 111' CALIFORNIA APARTOSNT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COITiRS 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF COWRIBUTOR (F COVV.IrTEE, ALSO EMIR ID. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUFATION AND EMPLOYER IF SELF.F.NPLOYED, ENTER NAW OF BLISX-:-SS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 09/30/2016 PIERRE TERRIER SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903 E3 DCOM Dom D PW • scc NW EMPLOYED N/A 100.00 enter interest rate, if any 09/30/2016 09/30/2016 TOBKIN FAMILY PROPERTIES SAN JOSE, CA 95120 'VICTOR MV, IIC SARFLTOSA, CA 95070 IND 0 COM OTH O PTY SCC 12 500.0C 11 loan, enter interest rate, if any t\DD Doo EiJ 0-11-1 • PlY D soc 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 09130/2016 . B. WILLIAt!SON BURLINGAME, CA 90010 ▪ ifqc • COM Ej o-rH [3 Fry • scc INVESTOR SELF - H. B. WILT 230.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any • ND cam D OTH • FTY soc If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and independent exper.diture commi:teesthat du not receive contributtns are not required to comp:ete Part 3, www.trefflle.com "Contributor Codes IND— Individual COM — Rer.....,-prit Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH —Other PTY— Political Party SCC— Smal Contributor Committee FPPC Forrn 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advicegfppc.ca.gov (866f275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov 9T02'S '190 CD N