Alamedans United 496-10N0.084 P001 OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP - 915108654048PP4067601 10/10/2016 496 Independent Expenditure Report Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. NAME OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Hettich for AREA CO DE/PHONE NUMBER (510)522-2149 I.D. NUMBER Kappmswei 1308521. STREET ADDRESS CITY Alameda STATE ZIP CODE CA 94501 Date of This Filing 10/10/2016 Report No. 19427 Amendment to Report No. (explain below) No. of Pages 3 te SI 496 INDEPENDENT EXPENDITIJRE REPORT CALIFORNiA 496 FORM FOrOfficialUseOniy 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft OFFICE SOUGHT OR FIELD City Council Member: City of Alameda DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT X OPPOSE NAME OF BALLOT EASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT NOJLETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach a Worm, information on appropriately labeled continuallon sheets. DATE 09/16/2016 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT Consulting/Support/Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/08/2016 781.25 09/22/2016 Printing/Support/Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/08/2016 48,3E3 09/22/2016 Printing/Support/Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/08/2016 15.04 09/24/2016 Office Space/Support/Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/08/2016 30.50 Reason for Amendment' www.neffile.com FPPC Form 496 (Jan12016) FP PC Advice: advica@fppc.ca.gov (866J275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gav cJ cg 496 Independent Expenditure Report •cr CO NAME OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McFtahon tor Auditor, Harris and Hettich for OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP - 915108654048PP4067601 10/10/2016 Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. AREA CODEJPHONE NUMBER (510) 522-2149 STREET ADDRESS 1.0. NUMBER riaisOra [Ye) 1380521 CITY Alameda 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure STATE VP CODE CA 94501 NAME OF CANDIDgE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD City Council Member; City of Alameda DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT X OPPOSE Date of This Filing 10/10/2016 Report No 19427 Li Amendment to Report No (explab below) No. of Pages 496 (NDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT Dale Stamp CALIFORNIA 496 FORM ForOfficAal Use Only NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT NO.ILETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. Independent Expenditures Made artacnadornionarinromationonappropnarelyraboedcontimmoonsheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPEND( TURE AMOUNT 09/24/2016 Phones E Office Space/Support/Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/09/2016 13.02 89/26/2016 Office Supplies/Support/Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/DB/2016 L8.42 09/30/2016 Printing/Support/Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/DB/2016 18.32 10/05/2016 Phones E Office Space/Support/Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft/City council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/00/2016 63.52 Reason for Amendment: www.netfile.corn FPPC Advice: a FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) lCd ppc.ca.goy (856/276-3772) WNW. Ippc.ca.gov NO.084 D003 OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP - 915108654048PP4067601 10/10/2016 496 Independent Expenditure Report 1E OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Hratzler for Treasurer McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Hettich fo Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. AREACDOEWHONENUMBER (510)522-2149 .0, NUMBER (aye) 1308521 STREET ADDRESS CI Alameda 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measu STATE ZIPCODE CA 94501 NAME OF CANDIDE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Marilyn fizzy Ashcraft OFFICE SOUGHT OR HE City Council Member: City of Alame DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT X OPPOSE Date of This Filing 10/10/2016 Report No 19427 D Amendment to Report No (explan below) No. of Pages 3 496 INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT Date Stamp CALIFORNIA FORM 496 For Official Use Only NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT ./LETTER 2. independent Expenditures Made Attach additfonal irrformation on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. DATE 10/09/2016 U RIS DICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT Phones & Office Space/Support/Marilyn fizzy Ashcraft/City Council/City of Alameda Cumulative to date total $2464.42; Does not reach $1000 until 10/00/2016 31.76 Reason for Amendment' www.netfile.com FPPC Form 496 (Jan/20161 FPPC Advice: advice@tppc.ca.gov (865/275-3772) www..(ppc.ca.gov