California Apartment Association 496-6496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER Amounts may be rounded to whoTe dollars. 496 IMDEPEND ENT EXPENDITURE REPORT CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTER AREA DOM:PHONE NU (916)473-4290 STREET ADDRESS Date of This Filing la/13/201 CALIFORNIA 496 FORM D. NUMBER amicable) 1386537 Report No. 3 For Ofrvzia' 1 Uss Onty CITY SACRAMENTO 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure TE ZIP CODE A 95814 NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELO DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE EJ Amendment to Report No. (explain below) No. of Pages 12 NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED CHARTER ATM/WENT ON RENT CONTROL BALLOT NOJLETTER NA 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional informatfon on appropriately Mbereficanffnuarion sheets. JURISDICTION CITY OE AI-AILEDA SUPPORT OPPOSE X DATE 10/13/2016 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE ONLINE ADVERTISING Cumulative to date total B95533.73 AMOUNT /6,633-33 Reason for Amendment FPPC Advice: advic www.netfile.com FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) ppe.cagov (866/276-3772) www.fppc.ca,gov 9T02'ET'1D0 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 INDEPEICENT EXPENEXTLRE REPORT NAME OF FILER CA/1F(18.01A APARTMENT ASSOCIATION JSSUES COMMITTEB 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* NUMOER W 138 8537 DATE RECEIVED 10/03/2016 FULL NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE Of CONTRIBUTOR (F C014111 Wt. M£43 ENTE19 M. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** IFANINDIVIDUAL,ENTEROCCUPAT1ON AND EMPLOYER (EF sar-EVPIoVED. ENTER MAE Of BWINESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES NJ Ryan & Associates Hillsborough, CA 94010 13113 D OOM D 0711 PTY SOC 5,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/05/2016 David Bleile Woodside, CA 94062 13 D OOM o 0TH DFlY • SCC retired self 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/05/2016 Clifford real estate Burlingame, CA 99010 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/05/2016 jeng tsai alaneda, CA 94501 143 LII coM O 0Th 1=1 PTY D scc engineer caltrons 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/06/2016 S Drunnschweiler hlbany, CA 94706 D OOM • 0TH • Prr • six real estate self 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/06/2016 Stephen Easton El Cerrito, CA 94530 El IND D COM O 0TH • PTY D scc Retired Retired 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any `Ttliajor donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. www_netfile.com •-*Gonlibutor Codes !ND — Individual COM—Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 0TH—Other PTY — Polfical Party SCC — Small Contnbutor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advicegfppo.ca.gov (8661275-3772) www.fppc.ca.g ov 9T02 *ET'130 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $1D0 or More Received* CALIFORNIA 496 FORM DATE RECEIVED 10/06/2016 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR [F COVINITIZE, ALSO ENTER 1.0. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** IFANINDJVIDUALENTEROCCUPNEON AND EMPLOYER (TF SELF-EWLOYEOL ENTER 1:AME OF BUSINESS) AM DUNT RECERTD INTEREST RATES Fong Fong Ga San Francisco, CA 99121 retired retired 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/06/2016 Mariana Lotersztain Vacaville, CA 9568B D OOM 0 0TH • PlY O SCO physcian CUM 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/06/2016 Craig Lucchese Morage, CA 94556 114) D OOM 0 OTH O Fri' 0 SCC Real Estate Self 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/06/2016 BRIAN ?GINTY SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 [7I I1 0 COM O 0TH ▪ FIY 0 SCC 250.00 If roan, enter interest rate, if any 10/06/2016 Gary Schennum Incline Village, NV 89451 0 to D com O Mil FTY • SOC retired retired 100.00 It loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/06/2016 NICE k.t4tABT ASHLAND, OR 97520 0 com D PI 0 Fre sac Owner Self 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and independent expenditure committees that do not reoeive contributions are nol required to oompiele Part 3. www.rrettlie.com Contributor Codes —Inchvidual COM — Recien1Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 0TH — Other PTY—Poilical Party SCC —Small Contdbutor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advic,e@fppc,ce.gov (866/275-3772) www.ippc.c.a.gov 9T02'ET'1D0 496 Independent Expenditure Report 493 I NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE AL1FORNI FORM 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE FULL NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZFP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (If CO40,111Itk. AlSOTMrER IA. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR E IF AN INDIMIDUAL,ENTER"OCCUPATION CODE** ! AND EMPLOYER (If SELFEI 10YED, EWER NAME Of BUSINESS] AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 10/07/2016 ITONIO AGUAYO AN PABLO, CA 94806 • iHANDYMAN ❑ OW ❑ 0T1-t ❑ PlY ❑ SOC SELF ANTOTNIO AGDAYD 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 c' SST ATSTONIS SAN FRANCISCO, CA 99132 tt� I=1 cam ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ scc 3OT EMPLOYED i/A 200.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 JAVID BARHSNH ITOVATO, CA 94945 Ft PROPERTY MANAGER 0 COM SELF - JAVIO BARESIII O 0111 ▪ PiY ▪ scc 100.00 It roan, enter interest rate, if any ®%u 10/07/2016 r.IARRITS APARTMENTS cURLIIJGABJE, CA 94010 ▪ to ❑ COM p 0Ti-i El FEY ❑ scc 100.00 11 loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 IRENA BRAUEN SAN MATEO, CA 94403 • tN() D COM p 0TH ❑ PTY ❑SCC NOT E N/A to D 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 JESSICA CETl SATO FRANCISCO, CA 99121 0! [� PROPERTY MANAGER CCIM SELF - JESSICA CEN D om D om' p scc 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any "Major donor and independent expenditure committees that do net receive contributions we not required to complete Part 3. www. neffile. corn "Contributor Codes IND - individual COM- Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SOC) 0TH -Other PTY - Political Party SOC Small ConInbutor Committee FPPC Form 496 (JanfZ016) FPPC Advice, advice@fppc.ca.gov (8661275-3712) wwwippc.ca.gov 9T02 'ET 'IX 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 iN M DtPEND TU E REPORT NAMEOFFUER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* CALIFORNIA FORf1 I. D. NUMBER 1388537 DATE RECEIVED 19/07/21316 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF CONMITTEE, ALSO ENTER ID. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR IFAN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER OCCUFx.T1DN CODE ** AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF-EIPLOYECI. ENTER 4NM.E CF BUS>[ESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES JANE CHAU SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PiY ❑ SCC PROPERTY MANAGER SELF - JANE CHAN 109.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/21)16 SHALL CHAN SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 10 ND ❑ COM ❑ OTH Ell PW • SCC PROPERTY MANAGER SHALL CHAU 250_00 If roan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 CHAN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SAN LEANDRO, CA 9S5T1 • ND ❑ oom flOTH ❑ PTY El SCC 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 CHRIS:ENSEN RDLDIIIGS, LP SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 19/07/2036 COLONIAZ SOUSE ❑ iY.J ❑ Cot CfrH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC 1,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 PATRICIA CROSE LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 IND ❑ COM ❑ cYn ❑ FrlY ❑ SCC PROPERTY MANAGER SELF - PATRICIA CROSS 100.00 If Loan, enter interest rate, if any 41Aajor donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not requind to complete Part 3. www.neifile.com "Contributor Codes IND— individual COM — Redolent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 0TH — Other PTY —Political Party SCC —Smell Contributor Oommidee FPPC Form 496 {Jard24316) FPPC Advice: advtcegippc.ca.gov (8661275 -3772) www.Tppc.ca.g ov 9T02'ET•iJO 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 INDEPENDENT IEXPENCCURE REPORT NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA A2ART/.M14T ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE CALIFORNIA 496 FORM O NUMBER 136E537 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE Of CONTRIBUTOR CONIMTEE, ALSO [VIER IV, NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER VED,-ENTER WP. OF BUSINESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 10/07/2016 DE ANSA APARTVIIN TS SANTA CLARA, CA 95059 0 lc COM • OTH 0 Fre D soc 00.0 If roan, enter interest rate, if any 0/07/2016 DEL CARMEN APARTMENTS MT, VIEW, CA 94093 0 RD • OTH • PT/ LI SOC 250.00 if loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 BALER ARA zscl41, CA 95630 ND .0r EMPLOYED 3/A 00 00 Li loan, enter interest rate, if any 0/07(201 GARETB FRACCH A SRN FRANCISCO, CA 94116 5A IND 0 COM oni • KY scc RBAL ESTATE CUSHMAN & VAREETEID 100. If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 FRANCESCO GANDA BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 a ND ENG32EER COM D 0TH 0 PTY Dsoc 0.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 0/07/20 IAT CORA At H, CA 94531 D to com o 0TH • Pile scc PROPERTY MANAGER SELF - MALRIAT GORAL 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor end independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. www.neffile.com ''Coninbutor Codes — Individual COM— Recipient Committee (other than PTV or SCC) OTH — Other PTY —PollticarParty SCC— Small ConInbulor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Jani2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gou (866f275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov 9T02 'ET 190 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 NDEPENDERIT EXPENDMIRE REPORT NAME OF FILER D. NUMBER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTSS 3. Contributions o! $100 or More Received'" DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE Of OONTRIBUTOR OF OOLMn I tti. ALSO ENTER" ID. It.MABFR) NTRIBUTOR CODE *Fr IFAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATIDN AND EMPLOYER of SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER I&RME OF BUSINESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 0/07/2016 PEIZBONG GOAN SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 IJ D COM LION ❑ PTY ❑ scc PROPERTY MANAGER SELF PEIZEONG GOAN 200_00 if IDan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 MIRE HARDY SAN MArEO, CA 99402 El ND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY PROPERTY MANAGER SELF — MIRE HARDY 100.0 If loan, enter interest rate, if any /20 flT Gong REI, LP San Carlos, CA 94070 El • cam ❑ am El pry ❑ sac 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 0/07/20 RARTAN I ALAOSI RENTAL PROPERTIES DALY CITY, CA 94015 30 07/2016 CRUZ +DDB ROO SAN MATEO, CA 90404 uNJ ❑ COM OTH ❑ PTY ❑ scc I(O ❑ O0 ❑ ON ❑ PTY ❑ 8CC 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any ROT EMPLOYED 7/A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 VLADIMIR ICURTENiEV REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061 EA ND CCM ❑ amt • PTY • SCC ENGINEER ORACLE 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and independent expenditure committees tiialdo not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. www.netfile.com "Contributor Codes It D— Individual COM — Recip'rent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other PTY— Political Party 5CC— Smal Corildbutor Committee FPPC Advice: a FPPC Form 495 (Janf2016) ppa ca.gov (866/275 -3772) www.fppc.ca.gov 9T02'Eti 190 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 tNDEPENDENT PEN NAMEOFFILER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of ;IGO or More Received CALIFORNIA 496 FORM NUHEER 1389537 DATE RECEIVED 14/07/2016 FULIMANIE,STREETADDRESSAND2PCODEOFCONMRIBUTOR OF CONAN ME, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE 0* !FAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OF SELF-EMPLOYED. ENTER Ni 1rE OF BUSWEW) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES Al LI CLINTON TWP, MI 40038 • com D om 0 F9Y scc OWNER WONG'S GARDEN 100.00 If loan, enter Interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 LOMA VISTA APARTMENTS REDWOOD CITY, CA 94062 • mu cm og cirri PTY 0 SCC 254.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 REGINA LUCIAN PIS'O BEACH, CA 93149 El RI3 [j] com • ani D EFY ▪ scc NOT EMPLOYED N/A 200.00 f loan, enter interest rate, if any O‘L 10/07/2016 DELTA MADRONA S. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94060 • 143 O COM OTH 0 PLY • SOC NOT EMPLOYED N/A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 -Y5707/2016 EEZIE MARTIN RICHMOND, CA 94604 KESHAV NARAIN 94022 Iju com U 0Th ▪ FrY El scc ID E] • oni 0 PTY O SCC NOT EMPLOYED N/A 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any DOCTOR SOUTH BAY RETINA 100.00 If ban, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. www.netfile.com —Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 011-1— Other PTY— Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Advice: advi FPPC Form 496 (Jan12016) ppc.ca,gov (666275-3772) www.fp pc.ca.g ov 9Te2 EI ±D0 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 ICEPEICENTEXPENDMWE NAMEOFFRER CALIFORMA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* CALIFORNIA Ana FORM s'il . NUMBER 1388537 DATE RECEIVED 10/07/2016 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER LO. rrunrem CONTRIBUTOR CODE IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER OF SELF-EMPLOYED, .ENIER NAME OF BUSINESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES NAT BATES MAYOR RICHMOND, CA 94801 Committee ID0 1365349 EJ IND COM 071-I OFF? SCC E3 250.00 If loan, enter Interest rate, if any 10/07/2015 10/07/2036 JANET PASLIN SAN MATEO, CA 90002 Iijw • COM O 0T1-1 Fr( • scc PROPERTY MANAGER SELF JANET PASIIN 300_00 If roan, enter interest rate, if any PEARL INVESTMENT CO., 1LC DANVILLE, CA 94526 U rn COM 0TH 1:-] Fry 0 SCC 250_00 [Man, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 REHI SANTA CLARA, CA 95051 • ho O ow am • PT? • SCO 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 RIVERDECR APARTMENTS SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 U rn O com 0 Gm ▪ FE 0 sec 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 JOANN SCIIERICH RICHMOND, CA 94E04 • ro com Dam O FT? D SOC NOT EMPLOYED N/A 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any *Major donor and indepmden1 expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. www.netfile.com 'Contributor Codes IND — trxlividual COM—Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) — Ober FTY — Political Party SOC — Small ContiThutor Committee FPPC Advice: adv FPPC Fon-n 496 (Janf2016) ppo.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.f pprn.ca.gov 9T02 ET'1J0 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 ItTEPENDENT EXP MAME OF FLIER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (17 Co , 1r1TER. Ise Bv-IER ID, 711141E71) CONTRIBUTOR CODE** IF AN 1NDIVJDUAL, ENTER OCCLFPATION AND EMPLOYER Of SELF-E MPLDYED, EIDER NAVE Qf BUSINESS) ' AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES 10/07/2016 :PATRICK SHASDRICK NEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90098 PROPERTY MANAGER CUhII SELF - PATRICK SRI/AD.9ICK 00TH ❑ PTY ❑ scc 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 SOUTH BAY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SAN JOSE, CA 95118 ❑ N) ❑ coM ON ❑ PTY 111 250.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 BRUCE STEWART MT. VIbw, CA 99040 © NJ ❑ CUM ❑ OTH O Pry ❑ scc PROPERTY MANAGER SELF - BRUCE STEWART 100_00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2036 RICHARD STORRS BERKELEY, CA 94702 u N ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑FN ❑SCC SCIENTIST CERCO MEDICAL 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 20/07/2016 SOOT HWIND APARTMENTS ❑ ❑ COM 0TH ❑ PP( ❑ SCC 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, If any 10/07/2016 ROBERT TALBOT MILL VALLGY, CA 94941 IN) ❑ COM ❑ 0Th ❑ . ❑ SCC TEACHER OSP 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. www, nelfle.com "Contribulor Codes INF)- Individual COM - Reripient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) 0TH -Other PTY - Pogical Party SCC -Small Contrbutor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca,gov (86612753712) www.fppc,ca.gov 9T02'ET'190 A D 3 3 4 UJ A m 496 Independent Expenditure Report 48S INDEPENDENT EXPEN - REPORT CALIFORNIA 496 FORM I D NUMBER NAME OF FILER CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTER 13B6537 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE RECEIVED 10/07/2016 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR GOIATITTEE. ALSO ENTER IA RLIV3ER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE*k (FAN NDIVIDLIAL,ENTEROCCIPMION AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF-EMPIOYIEEI, ENTER W, CF BUSINESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES WEST WASHINGTON PROPERTIES LLC FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 D ID ID COM fl 0TH Fry 1:1 scc 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 EDWARD WONG ELV GROVE, CA 95757 sums BIMBO BAKERIES 250.0o If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/07/2016 DONNIE WONG ALAMEDA, CA 99502 1D/09/2016 -Edward Koditek Colorado Springs, CO 80906 IIID 0 COM O 071 ▪ PTY SCC UN) El COM El 0111 • PTY O SCO PROPERTY MANAGER SELF DONNIE WONG 500.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any Consultant DentaQuest 100.00 11 loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/09/2016 Stephen Pahl San Jose, CA 95113 ND 0 COM O 071-1 O Pre • scc Attorney Pahl F. EcCay 5,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/10/2016 Alta Off the Avenue BELYONT, CA 94002 Ow 0 COM 0 vn, El sec 7,000.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 9.5 Major donor and independent expendature committees that do not receive contrbutions are not required to complete Part 3. www.netflie.com -"Contributor Codes ND —lrxieiival COM— Recipient Cornrnatee (other than PTY Of SIX) OTH — Other PTY —Poilical Party SCC —Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advie.ettnppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov 9T02'ET IDO 496 Independent Expenditure Report 496 INDEPENDENT NAME OF FILER CAL/FORPIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ISSUES COMMITTEE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* CALIFORNIA 496 FORM DATE RECEIVED 10/10/2016 FULL NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER OCCUPATION QF CCANCTIEE. ALSO ENTER LO. 101119ER) CODE** AND EMPLOYER SELF-EMPLOY, EATER NAME c BLISNESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED INTEREST RATES Middlefield Manor BELMONT, CA 94002 com • OTH D FP( • MC 1,000_00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any 10/10/2016 Thomas Sanfilippo San Mateo, CA 94402 112 IND a COM E] om O FTY • SCC R.E. Consultant Self 100.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any O 10 a COM a 0111 a Fry • soc If loan, enter interest rate, if any U rip • com D OTH El FM D Sec If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any • Nj ▪ oom • 0TH • frrY • SCC If loan, enter interest rate, if any 'Major donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. www.nettlfe.corn Contrimtor Codes IND- Individual COM - Recipiwt Cominkee (other than PTY or SDC) OTH - Other PTV - Political Party SGC-Smat Contributor Committee FPPC Advice: advice FPPC Form 496 (Jant2016) po.ca.gov (8551275-3772) www.fppo.ca.gov 9T 2'ET'1J0