Alamedans United 496-14C9 CS) 496 Independent Expenditure Report Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. 496 I NDE NAME OF FILER C1J Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcraft for City Council, Bratzler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Harris and Hettich for 0 Z AREA COD EJPHONE NUMBER OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP 3 9151O8654048PP4O67601 N N 10/20/2016 (510)522-2149 L. P. NUMBER (r-be 1388521 STREET ADDRESS CI Alameda 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure STATE ZIPCODE CA 94501 NAME OF CANOIDNE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Italia Vella OFFICE SOUGHT- OR HELD City Council Member; City of Alameda DISTRICT NO. SUP P OR T X OPPOSE Date of This Filing 10/20/2016 Report No. 20095 E] Amendment to Report No. (explain below) No. of Pages 2 Date Starnp NDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT CALIFORNIA 496 FORM cial Use On OCT 2 0 crry oF AL/3 me ciTY cLERI-cq‘d i4k NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED BALLOT NO.ILETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. In Expenditures Made Aftachaddirionalinfonnaliononappropriate0yfabeledcontinuationsheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT 10/19/2016 Data for Voter Outreach Cumulative to date total $7409.05 83.90 10/19/2016 Design Cumulative to date total $7409.05 224.39 Reason for Amendment: FPPC Form 496 Oa n12016) FPPC Advice: advice@ippc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) riww.fopc.ca.cmv