Alamedans United 497-14OLSON HAGEL FISHBURN LLP - 915108654048 11/07/2016 497 Contribution Report Amounts may be rounded to whole dolla NAME OF FILER Alamedans United supporting Vella and Ashcroft for City Council. Brat zler for Treasurer, McMahon for Auditor, Har-ris and Hettich for AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER I.D. NUMBER (lap,oficabit9 (510) 522-2149 STREET ADDRESS CITY Alameda 1. Contribution(s) Received DATE RECEIVED 1388521 STATE ZIP CODE CA 94501 Date of This Filing 497 CONTRIBUTION REPORT Report No. 22448 iD Amendment to Report No. (exMaIribelm0 No. of Pages .or0 I FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR NOV 0 7 2016 CITY OF ALAMEDA OFTYCLERKS OFFICE CONTRIBUTOR (IF 004411011TNE, ALSCI ENTER I.D.NUMBER) CODE * 21/07/2016 Shawn M. Wilson 1142 Alta Vista Place Brentwood, CA 94513-5539 Reason for Amendment: www.netfile.corn IND fl 0 COM OTI-I PTY • SCC O IND O COM • OTH PTY Li SCC EI IND 0 COM El OTH • PTY o SCC IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATIONAND EMPLOYER ilF SELF.EkIPLOYED. ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) Chief of Staff Alameda County Board of Supervisors AMOUNT RECEIVED 9,500.00 0 Check if Loan Provide interest rate 0 Check if Loan Provide Interest rate 0 Check if Loan Provide !merest rate I Contributor Codes IND— Individual CCM— Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Politic:91Parly SCC —Small Co ntributor Committee FPPC Form 497 (Jar-112019) FPPC Advice: advioeVfppc.ca.gov (8554275-3772) WWI& fppc.ca.gov