Resolution 15460CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 15460 AMENDING MASTER FEE RESOLUTION NO. 12191 TO ADD NEW AND REVISE EXISTING RECREATION AND PARK FEES WHEREAS, the Alameda Municipal Code and the California Government Code provide that the City Council shall set fees reasonable to recover the cost of providing various services by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council, at the August 27, 1991, Special City Council meeting directed City staff to amend the Alameda Municipal Code to reflect that City fees shall be set by City Council Resolution; and WHEREAS, State law authorizes local governments to charge fees for services based on the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to increase fees annually by the consumer and/or construction price indices; and WHEREAS, the Alameda Recreation and Park Department strives to offer high quality recreation programming and facilities while also creating more effective cost recovery that provides balanced community benefit; and WHEREAS, the Recreation and Park Commission reviewed the 2019 Recreation and Park Department User Fee Schedule on October 11, 2018 and recommends its adoption with the exception to change the name of the School Picnic Fee to the School Picnic Clean-up Fee and to establish the Active Military facility rental discount at 1 0%; and WHEREAS, the 2019 Recreation and Park Department User Fee Schedule is shown on Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 as to fees for services provided by the City's Recreation and Park Department are adjusted as set forth in Exhibit A and are to be reflected in the Master Fee Schedule. RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2019 User Fee Schedule Athletic Fields Youth Organization (75% Resident) , Hourly Youth Organiz.:~tion Private Ret;ident Pdvate Non Residem Synthetic Tu• Field Youth Organintion {75q,, R£sidentl Synthetic Tut Field Youth Org.:miz;,tlon Resident) Synthetic Tut Field , Residents Synthetic Tuf Field , Nnn"""''''loPnrr. Field Light Use f!e!d Prep lining tor Non Profits nerd Prep , lining for Private Tournament Fee Alameda Point Gym Gym Tourrarnent Security Deposit Refundable Tournament Fee Overtime Charge Government Us•z Schools Per Court Use· 2 court mlnimum Entire Facility Entire Facility, League Game and Tournament Play Resident Based Non-Profits Per Court Use 2 court minimum Entire Entire Facility · league Piay and Tournament Play Resident Per Court Use · 2 court minimum Entire Facility Non-Resident Non-Profits Per Court Use · 2 court minimum Entlre Facility Non-Resident Per Court Use · 2 court minimum Entire Facl!ity Bocce Salt Courts · 3-Hour Minimum, Except W~days Resident Non·Resident Tennis and Piddebactl Courts Per Court Rental Resident Non·Resident School/ Non ·Profits Tournament fee 2019 Fees $5/ hour $30/ hour $40 I hour $60/ hour $35/ hour $50 I hour $60 I hour $70/ hour $25 I hour plus hourly fe:e $40 I game phJs hourly fee $75 /game plus hourly fee $250 I day plus hourly fee $500 $250 plus hourly tee $250 I hour $25/ hour $30 I hour I court $115/ hour $125/ hour $30 I hour I court $115/ hour $125/ hour $45! hour/ court $170 I hour $45/ hour I court $1.70 I hour $55 I hour I court $200 /hour $12/ hour $32/ hour $10/ hour $12 I hour $8/ hour $200 I day hourly tee $50 I day pius hourlv fee $10 hour Exhibit A Non·Profit Ch<:~rity Tournament fee Commercial Use-Instructor Fee City Tennis Tournament fee Detr:rmined Based on Recovering Costs RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2019 User Fee Schedule 2019 Fees Pool Rmtilll • 3·Hour Minimum Government Use I hour Resident $75 hour Non Resfdent $105 / hour ConHI1ercia! Use Atarneda Bustncs§ Commercia! Use Non Alameda Business Resident Youth Teams Resident Adult Teams Resident Youth Teams Resident Adult Teams City Swim Championships Paric Rmtilli Alameda Aiarru::da Alameda StHl Photo Shoot live Film Shoot (fn Addition to Other Use film Shoot Addition to Other Use .Inflatable Jumper Use: fee Private Fee Based Fee Park Opc•n Park Outdc-or School Picnic Clean Up and Scheduling Fee large Group (75+) Event Cleaning Fee Residents Non Resid<:nts Picnic Areas Resident f3·hour minimum) Sma!f Area (1 2 tables! Medium Area (3 4 large Area {5+ Picnic Areas Non ·Resident (l·hour minimum) Small .Area (1 2 Medium Area (3 4 tables) Area Rentals Government Use Active Personnel Discount Public Boat launch facility Event Permit Non,Protit Emma Hood Emma Hood Em:inal Encinar · Educational Commercial Recreation Centers & Veteran's Building (3·hour minimum) Refundable Refundable Vendors I Security Deposit ~.6 ~A·~·~f Securit'( Deposit With Akoho! or Outside $125 i hour $25/ houri pool $35/ hour I / S 750 halt da)' $26 per day I $200 I year $155 $52 $33 hour $52 hour hour hour $67/ hour hour 10% discount I $3C(l $500 rental rental rental Com rental Alcohol Permit Holiday Renta1 Fee At Cost Per Outside Insurance Provider Non·Prot1t Events Non Resident lincoln Park Uncoln Park and Krusi Recreation Centers ··· "'""'"'~'" and Krusi Recreation Centers Nord~esldent rate 157'i> $129 I hour I hour $57 hour $57/ hour $93/ $118/ hour $1241 $165 I hour RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2019 User Fee Schedule Concession Stand Use Non Profit R.::sident Non Resident O'Ciub Security Deposit Refu'1dJble Without Alcohol Perrr;it Security Deposit · Refum:!Jble With Alcohol Permit A!cCJho! Permit Government Use Kitchen Use Fee Crab Feed Additional fee !1olida'f' Event Rental Event set up/table & chair rental (events over 150 Alameda Unified School District r.;lain Room Trident Room T•::rrace Room Squadron Room Alameda Non·Profit Groups Main Room Trident Room Terrace Room Squadron Room Alameda Resident Main Room Trident Room Terrace Room Squadron Room Non· Resident and Non-Alameda Non·Profits Main Room Trident Room Terrace Room Squadron Room Commercial Business· &.Hour Minimum Main Room Trident Room Room Squ.:;dron Room 2019 Fees $15/ hour $21 I hour 526/ hour $750 without .:;tcohol permit $1,000 with Jl.coho\ permit At Cost Per Outside Insurance Provider $25 I hour $155/ event $258 I event Regular rate plus 15% $155/ event $93/ hour $80/ hour I hour $62/ hour $142 I hour $124/ hour $99/ hour $62/ hour $185 I hour $155/ hour $125 I hour $62/ hour $216/ hour $185 /hour $155/ hour $93 I hour $247/ hour $216/ hour $185/ hour $124/ hour RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2019 User Fee Schedule Swim Lessons Group lessons 6 · 15 year olds, per 45 min lesson Resident N<:n·Resident Group Lessons 3 • S year olds, p.er 30 min lesson Resident Non Resident Private Swim Tutor 3·15 year olds, 30 min lesson Resident Non· Resident Spedal Needs , 45 min lesson Resident Non Re:;ldent Adult lessons, 16 and up, 45 min lesson Resident Non· Resident Diving, 6 · 15 year old, 45 min l~son R•?sident Non Resident Tiny Tots, l2 months· 4 years, 30 min Ienon Resident Non·Resldent Resident 10 Drop-In Swim l~son Pass Drop-In Public Swim and la!) Swim Youth Res\dent Youth Senior {50+} Resident Senior {50+) Non Resident Youth R.esldent 10 Swim Pass Resident 10 Swim Pass Senior Resident 10 Swim Pass Family Swim, up to 4 family members, 3 hours Resident NorH\esfdent Water Walking Resident Non Resident Senior( 50+) Resident Senior (SO+) Non"Resident Resident 10 Swim Card Senior Resident 10 S•.vim Card Red Cross Certification Classes VoothSpom Sports Leagues; camps, and Special Programs 2019 Fees $:2.15 / h::sson [esson l lesson / jf:SSC•rt lesson / iesscn $103 ten 45 min lesson~ I ten 45·rnin lessons / iesson lesson I fesson lesson $82 I visit l visit $5/ visit $6 $3 $2.7 $27 $13 $7 $5 $6 $45 Based on Red Cross fees Based on instructor contract feos Adutt Sports Leagues BaslcetbaU Resident Team Non Resident Team Softball Men's Resident 10 Game Season Resident 12 Game Season Non Resident 10 Game Season Non Resident 12 Game Season Cood Resident 10 Game Season Resident 12 Game Season Non Resident 10 Game Season Non Resident 12 Gilme Season Flag f'Ootball Resident 10 Game Season Resident 12 G;;.me Season Non,Resident 10 Game Season Non Resident 12 Game Season Synthetic Field Leagues Resident 10 Game Season Resident 12 Game Season Non~ Resident 10 Game Season Non,Resident 12 Season Tennis IJwons Adult Group lessons Drop,in 1 hour dass Six 1 hour class session Youth Group Lessons Drop,in 2 hour class S\x 2 hour class session Private lessons l,hour lesson foi!.lr 1 hour lessons Semi Private lessons l·hour lesson r our H1our lessons 10 and Under Tennis Drop·in 1 hour c!ass Six 1· hour dass session Open Gym Drop In fee Administrative Fees Receipt Printing late/Transfer/C<Jnce!lation r ee late PJ)'ment Charge for Programs Admin Fee for Revising facility Perrnits Outside Contractor Pi:!rk Use Fee Activity Guide Advertisement Rates full Half RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2019 User Fee Schedule 2019 fees $721/ tc~m $736 /team $788 /team $788 /team $839/team $670 /team $773 /teJm $721 I team $824/ team $670 /team $721/team $773 /team $824/ team $721/team $773/team $900 l team $950 /team $21/ hour $103 / se:,sion $41/ dass $206 / session $46/ hour $185 for 4 hours $62/ hour f pair $247 tor 4 hours/ $21/ hour $103 /session $3/ se:;ston $5 Each $15 pius norHefundab!e costs $30 $25 $250 Yearly plus $927/ Guide $464/ Guide Insurance RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2019 User Fee Schedule Booth Fee fa.::td Booth fee Event Admission Classes Adult and Youth Classes Administrative fee l~reCiub fees MMtidt Senior Canter Bingo Program Game Prices Snack Bar Classes Classes Term Classes Facility Rental · Social Hall · l~Hour Minimum Resident Non· Resident Kitchen Use fee ·· Resident Kitchen Use fee , Non-Resident n.-••• ,..,.,., ... Refundable Additional Fees Vendor Tab!e Rental · Non-Profit Vendor Table Renta! · Private Thritt Shop "'"'"'"""' Sa!es Computer Lab YO!J'tb Prf.!trams Tiny Tots"' Wee Ptay Year & Summer) RAP· Recreation Afterschool Program* (per session) 5 3 2 Additona! Day Split Payment fee !.:artv Dismis:;al Fee "'~'"n•••n ·· 5 D.:1ys / Week Kindergarten 3 Davs I ~~~·eek 2 Days / \'•.leek Transitional Kindergarten· 5 Days I Week Transitional Kindergarten 3 I vVeek Transitional 2 Days/'Week 2019 Fees $232 I Guide $124/ Guide tor Non Protit $125 for Profit 15~'" Gross RevE()Ue Event $5 $35 per pf:rson ot totallnstructm Feo~? Based en Activity Costs $7 $050' $6 Determined Based on ll'"''"''·m"'""' Costs 15% 20% ofT otailnstructor Fee $150/ hour $175 I hour $75 hour I $52/ hour $77/ hour $500 Varies item Varies item Varies Item Varies Trip Fee Determined Based on R.e;:O\'efiln£ Costs 15% of s<~le $8/ hour $6/ hour $491 $323 $350 $55·· $11>5 $865. $93!.1 $5!.14 $&01 $383 · $41G SUu2 $823 page RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2019 User Fee Schedule WOW · World of Wonder Summer Camp 5 Days I Wet:k 4 Da;'s I Week 3 Days I VJeek WO\V Extended C:rre Day Camp Hidden Cove Per 1/./cck llidden Cove ·· 4 Day V/eek Trails End & Break Camps Resident Non~Resident Per Teen/Tween Adventure Camp Resident Non Resident Teen Programs Club Underground Transportation Volunteer Training I Oper<HiOil Greensweep Additional Programs/Fees Non·School Extended Care Ffe!d Trips Events Parties, Movies, Theme Days . He Santa's Visit Breakfast with One·Day Camps/VJorkshops Parks & Playground Supplv Fees Portable Toilet Fee late Pd>Up Contract Camp:; T ransp.::~rtation Program Transport:~tion fee Scholarships I Non Contr;,ct Programs) Summer Bus Rental Van Rental 2019 Fees $213 R $23~ NR Sl74 R! $19.3 NR $14:: R! $1&1 Nf\ 5141 R /$1!>3 NR $213 R l $234 NR $130 · $174 /wed' $148 .. $229 $385 I wed.: $2:12 . $42·~ I 'N'!Ck $2/ youth I one wav trip $50/ s1s! · R; $25/ day ·· NR Based on Activity Costs $5 $40 $41 /vlslt $19 Aduits I $10 Children $64 · $106/ youth/ day $050 .. $5 At cost from Vendor plus Admin ft:e $1/ minute tor 't'Outh classes chi1d 20% to 45% markup on contract fee $10 · $30 bas•::d on location/stops Fee determined based on cost from Vendor Fees reduced by 25% · 50% b.c~sed on need At cost from v<mdor plus $3.50/mHe plus $20/hour $41 I hour Schoolcyear programs marked with an asterick !*}and are effectlve at the new schoo\ year in August 2019 R ""A!anlt'da Resident NR"" Non·Alameda Resident ******* I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on 4th day of December, 2018 by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie, Vella and Mayor Spencer-5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 5th day of December, 2018. Approved as to Form: Michael H. Roush Interim City Attorney Lara Weisiger, Cit~ City of Alameda