Resolution 15461CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 15461 ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM, GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DIAGRAM AND TEXT AMENDMENT FOR THE PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF MCKAY AVENUE (APN 74- 1305-26-2) (PLN18-0198) TO ALLOW FOR PRIVATE USE OF THE PROPERTY FOR A WELLNESS CENTER WHEREAS, Alameda Point Collaborative intends to acquire the property on the west side of the McKay Avenue (APN 74-1305-26-2) from the Federal Government for use as a Wellness Center; and WHEREAS, the property is designated "Federal Facilities" in the General Plan Land Use Element and includes a "G, Special Government Combining District" (G Overlay) zoning designation in addition to its underlying Administrative Professional (A- P) Zoning Designation; and WHEREAS, the Federal Facilities General Plan land use designation and the G Overlay zoning designation must be changed when the property is conveyed out of Federal ownership and use; and WHEREAS, Alameda Point Collaborative is requesting the changes to the General Plan Land Use Diagram, the text of the General Plan Land Use Element, and Alameda Zoning Map to enable its use of the property for a Wellness Center; and WHEREAS, the City prepared a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) which considers the potential environmental impacts of the project including evaluating the potential effects of the proposed future actions by the applicant to demolish existing buildings and build new buildings to accommodate the new uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing on October 8, 2018 to receive public testimony on the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and proposed General Plan amendments, examined pertinent documents, and considered the testimony and written comments received, and recommended approval of the MND and General Plan amendments; and WHEREAS, upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Board recommended that the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and proposed General Plan amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on December 4, 2018 to receive public testimony on the Mitigated Negative Declaration and proposed General Plan amendments, examined pertinent documents, and considered the testimony and written comments received; and WHEREAS, all interested parties were given the opportunity to participate in the hearing by submittal of oral and written comments; and the public hearing was closed by the City Council on December 4, 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Alameda makes the following findings: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In accordance with CEQA Guidelines section 15070 et seq., the City of Alameda, as the lead agency under CEQA, prepared a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in the manner required and authorized under CEQA, and the City Council has considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, together with the initial study and comments received, all of which are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein, prior to making a decision on the project, General Plan Land Use Diagram and text amendments. The City Council finds and determines that the Mitigated Negative Declaration adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the project and complies with CEQA. All project-specific mitigations specified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and included in the Project-Specific Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (attached hereto as Exhibit A) shall be included as conditions of approval for the project development plans. The Mitigated Negative Declaration considers the potential environmental impacts of the project including the potential impacts of future actions by the applicant to demolish existing buildings and build new buildings to accommodate the new uses. The Mitigated Negative Declaration finds that some construction activities may result in some potentially significant impacts as the result of demolition activities, excavation activities, or other construction activities, but that all of the potential impacts can be mitigated to a level of less than significant through standard construction mitigations; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, based on its independent judgment and analysis, the City Council adopts the McKay Wellness Center Mitigated Negative Declaration and Project-Specific Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and finds, on the basis of the initial study and comments received, that the project's effects can be mitigated to the extent that there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record that the project will have a significant effect on the environment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the custodians and locations of the documents and other materials that constitute the record of proceedings upon which the City Council's decision is based are: (1) City Clerk's Office, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 380, Alameda, CA, and (2) City of Alameda Planning, Building & Transportation, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 190, Alameda, CA; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council makes the following findings regarding the proposed General Plan Land Use Diagram and Text Amendments: 1. The General Plan Land Use Diagram and Land Use Element Text Amendments relate favorably to the General Plan. The proposed Wellness Center supports General Plan Housing Element Goals and policies, specifically Goal #2: Provide housing that meets the City's diverse housing needs, specifically including affordable housing, special needs housing, and senior housing; Policy HE-2: Expand the City's supply of affordable rental and ownership housing for extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate-income households; Policy HE-3: Create rental, homeownership, and other housing opportunities for special needs populations such as the elderly, homeless and people at risk of becoming homeless, people with physical and/or developmental disabilities, single-parent households, and young adults; and Policy HE-4: Encourage and support new residential opportunities for senior citizens, including senior housing projects, multifamily housing projects with accessible and small housing units, assisted living projects, and in-law unit projects. Furthermore, the General Plan Land Use Diagram designation as "Federal Facilities" must be changed and the General Plan Land Use Element text must be revised to reflect the conveyance of the land out of federal ownership. 2. The General Plan Land Use Diagram and Land Use Element Text Amendments support the general welfare of the community. The proposed amendments facilitate the use of the site by Alameda Point Collaborative for 90 units of assisted senior living for formerly homeless individuals, a 50-bed respite center for homeless individuals recently released from the hospital, a resource center that assists Alameda residents in a housing crisis or recently homeless to locate appropriate housing and services, and a 7,000 square foot Primary Care Clinic which provides outpatient services primarily for facility clients. A 2017 City of Alameda Community Needs Assessment completed by City of Alameda Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB) found that health care facilities were the third most needed facilities in Alameda as rated by Alameda residents, next to Recreation and Parks' fields/courts and community pools. The 2018 City of Alameda Homelessness Report found that homeless shelters/homeless services are the second most pressing social services need in the City of Alameda, behind transportation. Finally, the proposed Wellness Center facilities and uses are consistent with and permitted by the A-P Administrative Professional Zoning District, which is the underlying zoning for the property. 3. The General Plan Land Use Diagram and Land Use Element Text Amendments are equitable. The proposed amendments facilitate the use of the site by Alameda Point Collaborative for a Wellness Center to support the health needs of the homeless population. The homeless population is the least served segment of the Alameda community. This proposal will provide much needed services for a historically underserved community; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council finds that it is necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to adopt the following General Plan Land Use Diagram and Text amendments for the reasons set forth herein and in the December 4, 2018 City Council Staff Report: 1) Amend the General Plan Federal Facilities Land Use Designation to read as follows: "FEDERAL FACILITIES: Sites occupied by Federal facilities including Naval Reserve Center, the Federal Center on McKay Avenue, and Coast Guard Island are in this category." 2) Amend the following sentence in the Land Use Element to read as follows: "Three Two sites are in use: the U.S. Coast Guard (Coast Guard Island) and the Naval Reserve Training Center on Clement Avenue, and the Federal Center on McKay Avenue. The City and the Federal agencies consult on development issues, but the City has no power to regulate development on Federal sites." 3) Amend the General Plan Land Use Diagram for APN 7 4-1305-26-2 to change the Land Use Designation from Federal Facilities to Office. E\HIBIT A McKay VVellness Center Mitigation fv1onitoring and Reporting Program ~firigation ::\Iea :.ure 2'1fitigation :\!umre AQ-1: The pro:e-ct c:o:::;truction ;:ontr;;.~tor ;.hill reduce the Si:1'i!nty of proj e~t cor.stm;:tion p,;riod du:;t ;u:.d eqmpment e:;:h;;.u:~ impact-: by c-omplying with the following c:ontroi mea~\ue~: • ~4Jl ~'\.-po-~ ::url'aces ( ~=-S-: p:ulcing area:. !:taging ar~"'l~'" :ot.l pil~-=-~ graded :u-eas, ;md unpat-ed ace6; roa&) ~ 1:;~ watered two rimes per day. • .411 haul trucks tra~p011:ir.g soiL s.and. or otha·loose material ol!~ite mall be COYeifed • All vi::IblJ< mu-d o:r din b:ack-out onto adjacent public t·oads dull be t-emo.-ed using v.-et JlO'I\'er v:M:uum street sT~-eeper5 at least once pa· day. The u:;e of dry po'>'-a· ::i'l'i'i!t!plng is prohibited. • .411-.:wcle "Peeds on 'llllp-.n-ed rca& ±all be limited to 15 mph. • .411 roadv.·ays. dri-.-ewa~'"-and sidewalks to be paved ~ball be ~l1:ted ;;:. c:oon a:. po:.sible. Bui!ding pad: shill be lard as soou as po::;ible a..'ta· gt·aciing u.n.\e::; 5eeding or s.oil bwder:; ;u·e u:;-ed. • ldling ~: ~be miWmized eitb.e b~-:.hutting equipment off "1\Uen 110t in use or reducing the w.a}::imum idhng time to 5 minute: (a: t-eCUll·ed bv the Ca.lif-otma ai.rbome tOXK':i c-ontrolllll!asure Title B. S~rion24&5 ofCa.li:fmnia Code ofugubtion: [CCR]}. Cle:u: :~guage mall be plO:Yided :for CO~tructior. \IOOiken at ,ill J.CC:e<~ point. • All :ot&rnction equipment dull be mamtained and prop,;rly tuned in ;.;ccord.an..'E with the =u:fadm-er' ~ specifk:~tion: .• .ul eqmpment ±.ill be che-cked by a certified mechanic and detenmned to be runring m pxcper eonditiou prior to e:pet;;;ne:n. • P<YA a pubhciy \-i:;ible :;tg:n 1\-ir:h the telepl:.one D.1llllber and pet·~or. to coutact at the Lead ."-...gency regarding du:;t complaint. Il:ri.: per:.ou mall re:;pond and take corre-ctiYe action mtbm 4-S how-:. Thi! Air Action(~) Su"=t Dn::t Abarellll!ut P:an that t:neec the 1equirem=t: of the mitt::atiou me:mu-e to the C iiy Budding Di',i:ion for reTiew and apprm·al. A-1 Implementing P:un· Pro;ect Ap?ht:a:::tor De:-tgi:.ee Timing F'liortc· I:::umceof DemoliMr. :md-"or Bui1:!i.ne- Pe.mlit.- 2\Ionit;:;Iing P::~rn· City-of Al;;.mecb EXHIBIT A ~litigation :\aa:ure Di:;ttiet': phonenumber::;!Ul ilio be<is:tbleto eu.."'ll!·e eompl.i:mcewl.lh applicable regulat!o:t:..:.. BIOLOGICAL RESOt"RC'ES }..litigation :\Iea::ure BR-1: Reno"\·al of tree:: ~hill be l.Umtoo to tree: that mu::t Conduct m-e-con:1rucnon be removed U: order to accommodate the propo;ed con;tmcti.oo... If my tree :1.tP:ey: i01·ne:til::g bi.n:b u :rew.c~-.1, :1te grading, or project con:tt-u.."tion will occur du:ril::gthe gener:U bird con::;t!"Uctiou LS p10;;:>a::;ed dming nemng :ea::.on (february l::t thn:mgh Au.,~t 31::t), a bird ne:;ting survey :b.ll ;;pe.::ilied time:; 1-"lfO\i.de ;emit:; be conducted by a qualified 1·aptm· b!ologi:.;t prior to any gra.dmg or con:;tnu:tion of c;tU"'I'e')"':-to City Building a>::tnity. If coc-®::ted durmg the e;u:ly part of the breeding ::e:;:;oc (J:mu..."UT to Div1:::ion :md'or Citv PI= -~il), the ~Tey ~b.ll be co111dll~ted nc• more tha111 l.f da}--:: prior to :i.ruri:;tion DivJ.::ion: c:oc.duct ~tructi;n of gr;;din.gicon.:;truct:ion actn 'ltle:; u coruiucted •:iuring !ha late palt of the ;;,diYiries acroa-d:ing to the breeding season C,fay to Augu.:;t}, the 51UY>!!)' ~hall be pertO:tmeci no lllOI"e than piOtocoi described in the 3(} <hy: pri01· ro w.iti.auon of these acti·,'it:ie:'" If acn•-e D!!::,b cccupled by bird:; mitigation lr!!!a:ure. protected under the Mig:ntot}' Bird Treaty Act are identified. a 250-foot fenced bu.ffe-(or an ;;.pproptiate buffer zone detennl.IJ.ed in coo..."UltatiDn v.'ith the Calitarnia Depar1:lllellt of ft::h and Wtldlife) shill be e:tabli:hed JIOUDd the ne~t t!"i!!! and the site :hill be protected uctil September bt or until me young ha,.-e fledged. A biologic;!] DJ.ODitor ::haiL be p~e:.ent du:ril::g earth-mo\ing activity ll!l!ar the buffer z.ooe to m,:ur:e. ~Uie that gradmg d:~ oot e::ter the bufter .;u·ea. cu .. nx.u. RES.Ol."RC:L& ~fitig:~tion lfeaml'<l! CR-1: City Staff :;hall ad:\'i:;e the Proje-.."t Con:nuction Summr pl.<n for appro.-al that Superinilm.dent; Project Impector, and Bl.l.l1dil::g Inspector at a pre-co~nuction meet the requir8!lil£t: of the ;:oo±erence of the potez:ti.al for encountamg C"i!ltm-.1 re:OIJ.!cer> dming mitigation measu:re. ;:on.struction arui the appi.r.c:mt' s r.:.::pomtbilities per CE.QA ±oold re:ou:rce-" be s:o::ountered. ThJ.r:; ad:li>OJ}' shill al:o be ptmted on the Pl.= and Specil:ication Drawine~ tO. thJ.s project. lfitigation :!!Ieasure CR-1: If any cuitm-..l art:if;tct:; are en,--olll!tered ci'unng c:.ite Subwit pl:m for disco'\'e'fY of grading or other COIL'i:t"UCtion acti..-:ittes, ill grourui dis!Ulban::e withil:: 1 (;(l feet cultural 3..ltifacts: mro1por:ate of the find sh..;,ll be h.:Uted tmtil me City of Alameda is no-tified. aOO a qu:Uified requl!ement:.l.IJ.to the de:ign a.rchaeologir;r can ;dentify arui ev:Uu."l.te the I"l!Soun::e(:;} :;00, if nece~sary. and cOIL'"tluct:ion specificatiotl$; recommend llll.ll gaiion mea.'1l!·e: to d(h.-u.went :md preHmt any signifi.cant dem:n:r;.h";lte retaimne~:.t of aci'.'er"-e effect:; on the resoun::e(s}. The result of my ;;,ddi.tioJ::La.l ;rrchaeolopc.:U qu.al.i..f'ied. arcb.eologi:it to be effot1 required thn:ru,gh te.;: l.lrplemen'b!rion of ).:litigatioo },!ea:u.re~ CR-2 or aniiable in the e'\.'ent ofa111 A-2. Implementing Timing PartY ProJect Applicant o1· De-zignee Project Applicam or Der;ignee Project Applicant or De:igne.-; Prior to I:;:;:u;mceof Demolition :md.'or Builciing Pamit; PI"i01·to h:::u;;nceof Demol:it!oo. :md.'or Building ?emit; PI'iorto I:;~anceof Demolition and/or Building Permit. lion.itoring Parn· Cit:-· of • .UJllleda City of • .UJllleda Cit;: of A.l~weda EXHIBIT A Mitigntion Uenrure CR-3 ±all be pze:~entedin a p:rofez:Loml-c;u;;lit;n-eport, to be :ubmitted to tl:e pro;ect ::poo.:.or. the Cu:y of Alameda Co=u.niry Deveiopment Di!-p;u"t:tns:t a.Ld 1ie No:rthw-e:;t Info=i= Cent-er at S<lno!lla Sr.ne U:o.":.·ermv in Rohnert Pazk. T.te :;m.:ie~t :poo.:.o1· ::..lull fu.nd anci imp:el.llent the ~rigation in accordaz:ce 1?;lth CEQA Guid.eliue.> Section 1506-+.5(.;:}-(t) anci. Public R.e:.om-ce:; Cocie Sectl<>n 21CS3 . .":!. ).fitig:~tion ~!e:~:.ure CR-3: In tl:.e e-,-e::.t ±.a.t any hum:u: renum:; are 6:-Cou.&tered dtumE :ite m:;t1llb ll:.(e. al: EI."O\ll:d-dl:!Ul:OIDE: work :Ju!l Cel:A! immediate.'y ;md -;. quahfti!d aJWeoloibt ±ill nouf?.• -theo Office of 1ie Alameda Cout.tv Coroner .md :;.d-,-i.:;e tl:at office~ to \\-hether th'!! :ren:tains are likely to be prehht<ric or hi:::rotic pe!iod in dal-e. If ~d to be prehL"laric, the C orone:r' ~ Office nill notm· the X alive American Herita.ee Commi:z!an of the fiw:t n-hich. in tmu v.•l.l th~ appoint a "Mo;t Likel-y De;cmd..mf' (MLD). Th<! MlD in coo:.,-ultation v.-i!h the arclueologic;U coc~;.:>ultant ;md the project spon:m·. vnll ad'l.-i:e .md b.elp fommlate .m appropriate plan for treal:mellt of 1ie 1~. which might mdude recozdation, removal and :,cientific ;;truf:· <:Jf the t-emain::; and any a:,ociated ;u-ti.fact:;. A.fte:r completion of anal:-~~ and preparanon of the l'!!cpolt of fi.nd.i:n~. the re=ins and a;;:;ociated gran g~ :ili..-ill be rerumed. to the MI.D for re't•urul. !lfirl.gation ::\Ieamre CR--4: If my paleontolog~calie:ources are encoUlltet-ed du • .-m.g ~te gnding or other con.>!mcrion acti\-itie:.. all ground di::.tut·bmce :;h..:ill be b.all-ed 1u:.til the :;e."'\-ic6 of :;. C[1l.ilified paleontolo-gizt em be retained to identify ;md e·valuate the scientific value of 1ie resomc~{~) and, if necezm-:<, recol:l:m!!lld mitigation mea=e::; to doc::umem and p:t>:Ye::t ;uzy significant adver~ effect en the re:ource(:;} Signific.ant paleontologi.::alre:om-ce: :hall be :;a:.'.-aged ana. depo:;ited in an :;.;::credited an-d penn:ment scientific m::;titunon, :;ucb, a:; the Um-,'l!l-:-..it: of Cilifonlia Museum of Paleontology {UOIP). GEOLOGY, SOILS. _-\.1\"D SEIS:.\llCITI' enco=ter: comp: y ;vith tel= of!<,litigation :,fea~"lli·e CR-1: m the e·.-ent ofansu;::ou.&te-. Su'mmt pLU1 for d!.:co1·ery of hm L"'!luinc: lllCOl]Xli'J.l-e r~ui!ement mto the de:ign J.lld cou..··n:1.1ctton specification:: de!D:l:ru;trate zet;:rinment of quili.fied orrdueolo~t to be available in the event of an encountet·: comp)y u-ith tel= ofM:itigationMea=e CR-.3-in the event ofmencout.te-. Submit plar. for di:;..;:oya-y of p,.;.leontolog~c:tl re:omces: mcorporate r~~.e.l.llellli w.ro the de:im and con>tn.tction ~pecific~tion::demon:n~te re-tai.mnen.t of quahfted paleontolog~:;t to be avai .. b.ble in the e-.-em of m a:.·C·Om:tel: comply V~-ith ram:; of :.fiti.gation Measure CR-4 m the event of an. encounra· .. Mitigntion ~Ieasnrl: G~l: Prior to the i::::uance of building pexmie. the Submit :L-ted project applicllrt $lull ::ubmit a .:.oil repm"t' geotec:!mic:tl mn;tiganon to 1ie :.fu..d!.e:;/myeilie:anor;:; tl:at meet City of Ai=eda fot· re-.-ie'l'\· and :1pprm-ai. The im-e~tigati<>n ~be prep;u-ed the re<;;ttireme;t of the by a quilified geotechnical enginea· and ~b.all :itipuhte site pmp:u~ti.o..-m and mi.til!ati.on measm-e to the Citv buildin.e desim featm-e:; nece::arv to achieve compli-u::ce v.-ith the hte:;t Buildm;E: Di'-i:ion fO>r re-..-iew. A-3 Implementing Pnrt-· Pro;ect Applicant or De:tgr;.-et Project A-pplicant or De~1g.n-et Project Applicaz:t or De~tg.n-et Timing Prior to I:.7<.~mce of Demolttie£ ;md!o:r Bmlding Pennitz Pri.orto h:umceof Demolition ;md!m· Btll.lding Pennit Prim· to hsu::mce of Buililing Pe-.'lllit ~Ionitoring Part..- Citvof Al~d.' City of :'..lamed.'! City of Alameda r EXHIBIT A Mlrigation ~!e:lmre adopted edition of the. Ciliforuia Buildw.g St:u:"dan:b CO<:ie's geolog:i.i:. :oil:;. aud appro...-aC: pn:nide e\ideu>..--e ar.d s<!l.':ml'i: requirel:llellt:>. The l<!COlllllleil<htlox. ttO!ll fue appro\·eci. so:ih of ;ati.o;fu,:toz;nmp:ementation H!pOrt'gec>reciullca:. mvesrigariou~lJ..,;_; be izl.~Ol?Or:lteci. mto the proj~r p::m:. tO of the n;qun-em>->.t <:Ontamed &....-ure colll.Dh:moe v.-ith C itv and State bU!.ldiru:: coo-e :;taudarch. Additiooalh. therein. to the c.ati.siacti<m of the the project ~bail implelll6lt.the ~:t:ru~~uralupgx~oo pr·opo~-ed in the June 1990 City Bui;dix.g Divi.:ioo; sul:::m::t Sm=c fu:=>:i Pl.lOpo·rt p;epa:red by \l:alk, Haydel & A.s:oc.iate; for Bu.ikiing: project p!au; that meet the 2.!.... :m .. 2C. ;md 2D. As r-eco=dedix. that report. a more thot"(}ugh stt-uctural r~"'Ui:rel:llellts of the =tigation :>ei:!lll.c a:nalv-;i: fel ali of the nvo-.stelY bu.ildins:s on the site :.hall be co~:ducted mei\om·e to the Cirv Buildiru!: by a q1.1.alifi.~ strucrunl e:o.gi.neer, ard the x-ec-;,=datious o.f the re;ulting DiYJ.sion for revte~· and - rep¢rt ~hall be iru:OJ.?Ot-ated into the project. appro•n.L :Mitigation :!i.!e11mre IDf-1: Ptior to i::suarJ.<..--e of a d-emolition ;:;emrit !01-the Sul:::m::t :;urvey that meet i.he e,;:b--ttn.g building:; on the site, a comp!·ehensi;-e sun·ey for a~be:to::-coni-:aix.ing requirement of the m.itig;rtion building materials (ACB~.f) =kill be cocducted by a qua.li.fi.ed as.bestos measure to the Citv Buildins: a\}atemel:t contractot. S:unplil:g for ACBM :hall be performed ix. ac~:>OuLmce Di;1.saon: submit r~~ari~ v.-ifu the sampling p;otocoi of t:l:l.e A.sbe.stcr: Ha:=·d J:me,rgecy R.espo~:;e Act .-eri.fication to the sati.sfactioo (.~liERA). If ACBM is tdenti&d, all fhab:e i!Sbe.sto; :;hall be remo,:ed prior of the Crty Building Dn-L-ioa to buildm.g demolition by a State-certified .~besto::; Abatement Contl:;;.ctor, in m compliance v.-ith applicable acconl.a.oce "'ith all applicable State and !ocali-eguhtion;, lru:luding Bay Al:-ea ~avr:; and regulations . • Air Quality Management Di::tnct (BA..4.Q!<.ID'i Re~ati.o~: l L Rule 2 pertaix.ing to demohrio~ I"E!!llOYal. :u:.d dispos;,l of ACB~-!. B.l\..4.Q1'ID ;h.:;::·* notified at lea:;t ten bu:;me:s <hy: ix. ad\-ance of building den..Xtiitlon. in compliance .... -...~th Regubtion l L Rule 2. To OOcU!llellt compliance V>ith t:l:l.e applicable re,glllati=. the project spon::;or iliall prm-ide the City of Alameda Btulding Di;i:ioo V>ith a c<>py of the ncti~l! n;quired by BA.~Q~ID fur ~be.;-to{; abatemel:t \'.rod;, pnor to and ~ a condition of issuance of the demolition permit. Mitigation lie.amre IDI-:!: Pxior to i::~-e of 3 denoution perurit fur the Subnnt survey that m!!et i.he e.-ci.."tin.g buildings en t:l:l.e .:ite. a sur.-ey· for lead-ba:.;ed paint {.1.BP) :ball be t·equirement of the mitigation COl.ll.."'ucted by a qualified leJ~d a::;:;es:;or. If LBP L" identtfie<i lead abatement meaom-e to the City Buil-d.u:!g ~ be pe...fol"!lled m ccmplian...ce with all federal, State. and local regulation; Di•1.sion: rubruit remedution apphcabie to work 1\'lm LBP and disposal of iead-contaim:ng '1\".:lste .• a. State-vai.ficaticn. to the sati.:faction ,:erliiied Lead-P...elated Con;tmction ~pectori.~:;e~sor :ili.all pn:r.1.de :.; lead of the Cit}• Building Dni:aon. clear~e report mer the lead ;;.batel:llellt work ix. the bu.il~ i:: co~leted. m compliance "ith applicable Tru:project .spoll:i.:lr ;h.-ill prO'. "ide accpyofthelead clear.mcerepotttothe City :aw:; andt-e~aiio~:S. of Ai.amed.a Buildin .. Di1. ision prior to ts:..1.1JllCl! of"' demolition penmt. A-4 Implementing; Timing PartY Project A!J'plicant or Desigx;ee Project Applii::u:.t or Deslgi;* Prior to rs~uance of Demoli.tioc Pemrit Prior to I::~anceof Demohnon Pemrit :!t.Ionitoring Pa.rh· City of .Alameda City of .Al::uued.a EXHIBIT A ffi"DROLOCY .-\1'-"D WAT.ER Qr . .u.rn· )I litigation ~fea:ure WQ-1: Prior to i::u:mc-e of a grading pe:rmit the project Suim:nr Stil'l1ll>vater Pollution :pon::;or shall obtain Nation.ll Potll.tJ.nt Di:.d1.1!ge Elirmnation Sy:tem Pievention Plar. (S1,\'PPP) iliat (}>i'PDES) >:omtruction e:o;-era ge a: 1-.:qu:ired by C on::lnmion General Permit llli!!!C the reqm:r6Ille:!lt: Df the (CGP) No. CASOOC002, a.~ mociineci. ~-State \\'ate!' Ri!:ourc-e.~ Coutril'l Boad witiE:ation :ni!a:un; and 1: (S\i.'RCB) Order No. 2009-0009-D\.VQ. Pur:umt to the Order. the projed co~:..:t.nt v•ith applicable lawc:. apph.callt :hill ele::tro:r.icilly file the Pem.it Reg:i:tl-atiw:. Do·:u:r~<mt: ('PRD:). mci. regubriou: The SWPPP '';:hi~h mc:uci.e a Notice of Intttt (NOI). a. 1i:1 ac~e:>:IllP...nt. sit;; m.1:;:>. :1gned shall~ sub:ect to re·,-iev; and ·;:ertifu:attil'JL St0f1ll1\-a.tl<l· Polluri..."Ul Preveru:ion Plan (SWPPP). ar.d other :ae-ap:;:-roval oy the C1ty Building :pecific PRD:; that may be 1·~ed.. At a win.imum the S'J/PPP >ha.ll Din:ion.. Cin· Public \~'od;.:; incorporate the :tandards provided in the -~>ociatiO<n of Bay Area Dep;u-tmenr, ~d:'or 1·egul2tory Govell.IJJelrts' },i.'m·iial of Stand;n-.:;b fot· Ero:;ion ;?Jld Sedinte:ntation Coutrol ageucie~. a:; apphcable. Me;;s.ure:; (2(}05), the California Stom:l>V3ter Quality .-b:;ocratio:n':; California Stormwater Be:.t ~bnagemen.t Pr;).cti<:e:. Handbook (:2009} the prexnpiiv;: :>tandards induded in the CGP. or a:; recruired bv the Clean \Vater Pros:ra:m .iUameda County, wb.iche>-er at-e ;pplicabk and mo1-e stlmg_t. Implementation of the plan u':ill help :;tab.ilize graded areas and reduce ero:;ion :md :;edimentation. The ST,l,:ppp :iliall identify Be:;t ~!auagement Pr-acti>C~ {BMPs) tb;;t iliall be adhel-.:d to during ron>truction acti1:itie:. Ero~on- minimizi~g e.ffort:; ~uch a> hay bale:;. n;ate:r b::u·.:. cover~, ~edtment fence~. ""~iin-e atea ae<:e~:; re::tncnon:; (far example. £agging). ;-eh.icle mat; m 'i'i!et atea:;, md retentioni:etrlemeut ponds :.hall be lil.Stilled. bEfore e.--rten::ive de~ and g~-a.ci.mg begin::;. ~fukh:ing. :.eadlng, or other ~mrable :.tabilization J:illea:un:::; :haz.l be m.ed to pt·ote-ct expo-:.ed :u-ea:; during cou::iruction aciivl.tie:;. The S\VPPP ~hill also be re·,-iewed and approved by th.e City of .iUameda Public l,\'ork DelJ'lrlment ~litigation ~!e:~mr~ WQ-:!: AH cut-and-fill :;;ope:; :;ha.ll be :;rabilized a:; :con Suim:nt plan for appro; -a! tb..'lt a:; po:;o.ible :~fte completioo of g:rJdmg. No :;ite gndmg iliall occur between meet> the reqmreJ:n:nt: of the October 15th md April l 5th tmle:.;~ appro-.-ed erocton ·~ontrol me.acure::. are m mitigatiou 9!a:1.ll'e. place. _:..litigation Me:~;ure \YQ-3: Pnorto i>n1.;u;ce of:a grading peullit, the proje-ct Suim:nt C3 Stormwater Conn·ol applicant :hall ~epare a CJ Stonmvater Control Plan m :!{;COt-danc-e \\'ith Ptan that ll:lleet the i:"lif!ent COD$tluction and po~tcon.:;.tmc.tion re.,.--uirement~ "p!!Cified by Stati! nquirement: of the millgariou \Vatet Re::oUlce Control Boord (SV.'RCB) Orde· No. 2009-C(l09-D\.VQ and tl:e me;~=m·e md i, COillPliallt with po:;t-con:;truction 1-eq_uireJ:n:nt :;pecified by Nation3l Pollutant Di.;;cllar~ applicable la'ih~ and regulmon.:;. Eiminatior. S;o::tem (NPDES) Order Xo .. 1U -2015-0049 and th.e .Alameda The Stonmvater Control Plan A-5 Implementing Timing :\!on.itoriug PartY Paro· Pio]ect Ap:;:-licant or De:tgn-ee Pl·oject Appli::ant or De:.;rgnecec Pl·oject Appli~mtor De::.tgn-ee Prior to City .of h-:;u~JJce of A.:.2.u:~d.a Gr.!dmg Pi!..'lllit Pr:ior tc Cify of b:umce of Alameda !3:-ading Pamit S.torm\\'ali!r City of Control Alameda Pl:ln: Prior to b:::uance of Gr.v.iing and ,. EXfilBIT A I .!\litigation .!lfea :ure Countyt1:tde Cle.:m Water Prognm (ACC\\'P). The-C.3 Stormwater Conn·ol Pl:m ~h.ill be de\eloped m accord.:!.=e ""'ith the prori:lom of ACCvv'P"s C.3 Stormwate-TeclmicJl Guid:mce m.:mual (Vero:iou 5.1. :-.fay 1, 2016}. Additi.ooilly, as required by the C.3 ProTi:.mr..:;, bulid.ir.g permit application::: mu.::t be ac1:ompacied by a Stotum-ater Contro1 p;=, for re;:iew and appronl by d:.e Cu:y Engineer. 'l'li-hich :;pecifies the treatment mea:mre.:; and appropnate 50Ul-ce control :md site decign featu:res that v.i.ll be incorpm-ated mto project de:;rgz: and con.:tructi.on to reduce the polb1.tam load in storum-ater ~harges :mil. m;;.nage nmoff flo""'-The CJ StOI1lll'.'dter Control Pl:m ~hall be-~ubmitted fur· rene1v and app:cnl b-; the City of A.b.meda Public \,1/orl:: Departu .. 'S:t. Th'E p2an ;u:.,d a Storm.va.ter Re..:;:mremelt: Checklist :hrl be prepared by a qualified ci-..i.l enginea· or land5cape architect. Thi! ~.pplicant :hill d.emomtrate to the City -..i.a drav.~ and engineering c.alcularions that the pmpo~ed pro;ect includes :ite de:igz: features ~mcient to capture and n·eat oz:. site ill stom.:r.vatl!l· runoff from the p~oject site. in compli:mce writh Pro;.i.sion C3 of the ACCi.\'P. Land.:cape fearures ±ill be u:~d in heu of sil1.1crural fearu.res to the degree fea:ibl;:_ A; part of compliance mth the ACC'.VP, d:.e applic;;.llt shill l!.'l:"'-."Ute :m.d llllplematt a =Umen.:m.ce agreement 'l'lii.th the City of .:Uamed.a to pro·,i.de for me =Umen:m.ce of ~11 omit!< stormwater n-ea'!melt feattu-e:; and dt:vice; in perpetuity, including :;pecificaho:n. of hoY;· the ma:inren..'l!l.:e will be- fu:a:n.ce-d. Prior to is.=ce of the buildlng pemit. the applicant shall pro;i.di: proof ofrecording till:; agreement from tbc Alamed.l County C1eri Recorda'::- Offi-;:e_ The applicant :hill :ubmit to the AlaJJ.leda Pub~ic \\'cd:::. Depa•·tment a.cmal cer:tificate;; of compli.:mc!! n'ith the oper-ations :mod m.ainter;;;n,..--e requi.rement 3tipula.ted in th-e mainter:w.nce aEreemeut. :;hill be ~ubiect to n:r:iew and appt·o,"i by the Ctty Buildmg .Di'O-lciou ;mdJor em· Public W orb Dep:u1llleUt~ ~bmit project plan:, meeliz:.g the r~uireme:nt of the mingation mea:;ure fu1· nni.ew and appro\~ by the Ciry Building Div-1.:ion and·or Citv Public \Vork~ Department~ ::ubmit lll.'ll!l~ aereemeut d:.ov.iug compknce "\',i.th applicahl.e requi.1·•:ment a~ ~pecified in the mingarion mea:;u:re fur review and approva: '::ry; the Gty Public Work.-: Department: submit proof ofrece>rd.ing of m.:linten:mce agreement :md :mz:.u;ll certificate:; of con19li:mce to the City Public T,\' mJ.-.:.; Depa.!tlXle!lt. A-6 Implementing Timing P:n'f\· Buildi.ng Pamlt Reeordati<l'n of Maintl!nan.:-e AgrlM!ment: Prior to i:,;;u.'U:!.l.--e of Builci:ing Pemit Certificates of Compl:i:tnce: .A..lllluallJ a: stipulated ir. the ~e agreemer:rt :U<>wtoring Parn· ***** I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 4th day of December, 2018, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie, and Vella -4. NOES: Mayor Spencer -1 . ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 5th day of December, 2018. Approved as to Form: -f11 { UAtLC/ f/ 12{)'-{j/kj? __ Michael H. Roush Interim City Attorney Lara Weisiger, City Cl City of Alameda