Resolution 03644RESCLUTTON KC. 3644 CREAT17G AND ESTABLTSVING THE MW WSEYTV 0` "WRMTES CTTY PHYSTMAN" ir THS WIML 53PART- FAT? OF Y All C 177 PA SC RT 71 TV 7 17 1 017TES A&D MATH5 TEE SALARY TBAUGM. 15SOLM EY THE W37CILCT TFE CITY Q ALATTOR as follows: MUM 1. The positior of Wart-t1mg City Physician" is bereby created ard astablishod in the Kedical Departrent of the Cit of Alansla. SEITICY 0, Thn duties of the por. iticr of Vart-time My Physician" and of the person holding such povittnr Wall Iss as follnus: To supervise the opeimtior of the "knTlen_moi y Mrst ,i d. Station; to norduch such nxaninahlons as are roquired by thn Alameda Pyrinipal Codn; to examine applicants for City employment, and to perrow" relat9d wort as Peqy!re,,'i or directed. MUM 3. The salary of tha posnn cP Part-time My Physician be, and is hereby, f17PA at 0120. psr month. il the ondersigned, Macy cerMy that the forsZoIng Hesolutior was duand reSr ulaly intpoduced and adopted by the Council ll of the My of Alameda in reSular rcetlnZ arsombled or the 16th d,,,,y of "ovordber, 1947, by the follovin,,-� U000 to Wit. WAS: Oo=!Won Andnroor, jorns, Morn, Sweeney n4d ?Postdont 1ronsC401A (5). WES: None. ASS& 77 : Fens. iT �77�Kss 053700101 1 have 4arorrto set my hand ard nVired Ve off!- n7al sea! of said City this Vkh dng of Qv2mbnr, 19K. j 7 EAL) 7-- 77,"V 7 Alamoda i hereby cerMy that Vy fornjoinC in a rull, true ard corra rect copyaur r.r,�f "ResolMor 7a. 35441 CHVATTI AND 7575TITS7171 TM A 7 1 T Y 7 7 7 P EDT C A L Q: X T7 L" 12 n, � 1 7 C 1 Y C LA 71, T 'F11, MMYS AM ST1177 TFA SAVARY TIMOPI" introduced and adopted by the Council on thn Wth day K Yoverbnr, M47. Cjtj qJerk of the City K Alameda M