Resolution 03689204 A A RESOLARIUS AG. 3681"" ADOPTITa SPECIFICATIMS FUR MENISHIM CAST ]hW,' W WE MV.STI WA GY SOY Q ALMOT Mt APPURTMATCES BAN t? -"+ MAID MWANS AVD NCR cerMW CastIran Y7tL1rqs anA TIM GITY OV AIAMDA4 CA111- iTTEMEXUR 13211111 TO Intorcoptcr M! VC11 UMS 1,-,]D TNA CTTY GTERT DO, to. PS 3-W-4, Clied W the office ADVEATISia TIE SAM Wt� Ole& on lbrch MISCIVA) 1711740h thO the Council of we City of Alameda will roccive scaled bids up to tin �our of A:05 O'clock 7. F. on TOW01, the 15th day of larch, 1045, for the furnish1mg to Lho City of Cast iron "IttinSs amd Ap;urtcinancos fo- the Nay Parn island intexcaptor Quer, in accoidance with said 3-ccifleations and provisions. Bids nust be prnsnntaa to tho City Clerk, in the City !All, AInnoda, WiTfuivia, under senjej cavup and qlainly zmr�ed on Lho outside, "Propusal for Cast Tien MOrgo and Apyurtonances," or VuOinr deaIgnation. Contract, if awarded, will be anarded, subject to t.o ;rcv1sTnno of the) Cnarter of said C47, to the ron-ic,ti ible biddor who siWlts tno lunest and MY; -b! A. Mm right is rosey-acd to rojecL any or all bids. The City Clor? is hrot aby cirented to advarMse, in the Alameda Times - Star, a notice callinq for scaled bids, in accardanco with tho provisions of this, .tosoluMcn asd of smoi, id S7eclficatlons and Provisions. nASGIAM, W WE MV.STI WA GY SOY Q ALMOT Mt tKe SpoMfications, and Provis7ons Hesclution for fornis'AL-v cerMW CastIran Y7tL1rqs anA Appurtonancos for Lne 9,r 'warn Mond Intorcoptcr Mer to the City of Alamnda, and to. PS 3-W-4, Clied W the office of the Wt� Ole& on lbrch City 2, 11041, bn, arid the same aro hereby, approved. the 2nd and adoptod. of March, 1043, Oy the Pollcvlq-, re-ular M ATA=K$ �oWnn acnerblea on MISCIVA) 1711740h thO the Council of we City of Alameda will roccive scaled bids up to tin �our of A:05 O'clock 7. F. on TOW01, the 15th day of larch, 1045, for the furnish1mg to Lho City of Cast iron "IttinSs amd Ap;urtcinancos fo- the Nay Parn island intexcaptor Quer, in accoidance with said 3-ccifleations and provisions. Bids nust be prnsnntaa to tho City Clerk, in the City !All, AInnoda, WiTfuivia, under senjej cavup and qlainly zmr�ed on Lho outside, "Propusal for Cast Tien MOrgo and Apyurtonances," or VuOinr deaIgnation. Contract, if awarded, will be anarded, subject to t.o ;rcv1sTnno of the) Cnarter of said C47, to the ron-ic,ti ible biddor who siWlts tno lunest and MY; -b! A. Mm right is rosey-acd to rojecL any or all bids. The City Clor? is hrot aby cirented to advarMse, in the Alameda Times - Star, a notice callinq for scaled bids, in accardanco with tho provisions of this, .tosoluMcn asd of smoi, id S7eclficatlons and Provisions. MES: Councilran Lriderson, Jones, Morn, Mooney and , rt ,a, nrarschold, (5). ZONS: Tono. APSAW: Tono. !7 OTWASS 'ARM&AVY5 1 have hereunto sot rT napd and Mixed thn cffl- Kal coal of said City this 3rd day cf Porch, 1045. (SEAL) W ty 77 "M Ly c C AlaJda is the that hereby ceKify foroqo1na is a full, trus that tho foir;EoYC Hesclution vas cerMW undersignod, "Rosoluticn 3630, LDUPTIM duly and regularly introduced aod adoptod by tho Council of the City of Alamodnx in the 2nd day of March, 1043, Oy the Pollcvlq-, re-ular M ATA=K$ �oWnn acnerblea on Map to wit: Q77Y GIRM TO ACM5710 WA SWA," introduced, CALL17 WA MES: Councilran Lriderson, Jones, Morn, Mooney and , rt ,a, nrarschold, (5). ZONS: Tono. APSAW: Tono. !7 OTWASS 'ARM&AVY5 1 have hereunto sot rT napd and Mixed thn cffl- Kal coal of said City this 3rd day cf Porch, 1045. (SEAL) W ty 77 "M Ly c C AlaJda City(Gle/h of the city of Alarieda heirby that tAe foroqo1na is a full, trus uad uorrocL copy of i cerMW "Rosoluticn 3630, LDUPTIM SPECTMATIVS FCA PIMPS117 CALY 11W M -MS To. TITIRumR =Z� TW T77 Co"� M ATA=K$ A�D APPITKA7AMAS Q77Y GIRM TO ACM5710 WA SWA," introduced, CALL17 WA RTDS ATU W3NIM77 151 d by ho Cu ll he 2rd day W arc, 6.and ap City(Gle/h of the city of Alarieda