Resolution 03706HESULUTION NO. 3703 ADOPTING SPECIPICATIUNS, SPECIAL PROVESIONS AND 2LA7S FCA 2FE =100'WETT OF LONITYLLCW PARK, BIDS I CIE13K TO ADVERTISE THE SAME. piibllc interest and necessity reqiare the general improvement of LonEfellow Park, located westerly of Unden Street, between lincoln and Haight Avenues; and -HE the OUy Engineer arO Landsnape Architect have prepared Spec!- iE S fications, Special Provisions and Plans for said work, which Spocifications and 2rovicions are uumbered PW 3-48-2 and were filed in the offine of the City Cler'z of said City on Wy 4, 1948; :009 THEITTIOGREf BE 211 1_1,�'J'7, S C J_ �'VTRI D 13Y OF TIE CITY CF AIAMED,,,. tint the aforesaid Specifications, Special pravislo-rs an,d nn.lmnbered a -,,,,d filed as afnrosald, be, and the same are hexaQ, approved and adopted. RISUTWED, PTSTUR, that the perVormanco and completior of the work speci- fied in said Specifications and Frovisions be, and the same in hereby, authorized. P -E- `71 FIIIIH' ",-i, tlh.at the Council of the City of Alameda will receive E coaled bids up to the hour of 3:05 o'clock P. V., on Tuesday, Jdby 12, 1948, for the furnishin to the City of Alameda of all labor, materials, methods and proces- ses, implements, tools and rnchLnery, except as otherwise s;ESC ifind, noaessai7 for the woit hereinabove roferred to, in accordance with said Specifications and Pro- &Wons. Bids rust be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, in Alameda, California, under sealad covmr and Tlainly narkod on the autsiae, Wromosal for improvement of ionEfellow Park, " cr s3mllar designation. Contrant, if awarded, will be awarded, subject to the provisions of the Charter of said CIty, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best bid. The riSht is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said Specifications and metro vis lans nay be had by any prospective bidder on application to the City Enalneer, at his ofPico in the City hall, Alameda. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Times -Star, a notice calling for scaled bids in accordance with the provisions of this resalu- tior and OC said Specifications and Provisionsm iy bhe undersiEned, hereby certify that the foregoinE Resolution was duly and reg ularIT introduced and adopted by thB Council of tho City of Alamoda in reSular meetirS assenbled on the 4th day of hAy, 1948, by the following vote, to wtt- ONES: Counci2men Anderson, jones, Osborn, SGeiny and Frooldont Eranscheld, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT iN WITNESS 1 have hereunto set my hand and aff!xed the uffi- clal sea! of said City this 5th day of i5y, 1049. J. P. CI,AN1,'_' (SEAL) City Clerk of the City of Alameda i herebg certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "lliesolution No. 37061 ADOPTING SPECIVICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND FIANS FOp 09M WPlir_LMET OF 1010FELLOW PARK, CALIdNG FOR BIDS AED DjhE(;'2,1._,',,`G 'l."BEE, C113"Y 10 ADVERTISP, SA1, " introduced and adopted by the C7urc!3 on the 4th day of T,Tay, 1,943. Cilty qy4rh 67 the' City of Alameda Im 223