Resolution 03714IMM S77"IJ MTED STAT7S, SAVIYGS BCFDS OF SEMYS r! .L REDEEY NINTMAL MPROVEYEW BOYDS. "TIMAks, certain Punici'pal TmDrovement Bonds of the City of Alameda are K bout to mature and should be redenned; and MEHTAS3 by Resolution No. 3001, Dassed june 20, 1044, the s"m of Q30,044. bslon3inS to sinh-HS fund known as "Wunlci2al imp ro t i::Iorid c). 9, Sinking Fund", was invnsted in Unihed SKstos SaWn, bonds of Wries "F"; and, WEEWoS) by Anqn1uMnn To ; 3onp, passed June 20, 1044, the sun of §30,85R. belonging to sinkinS fun! known as huntcipal Ingrovenort Fund To. 10, Sinkina Fund" was invested in UnMd States Savings nnnds of Series "T"; andl. Moluticn To. 3003, passed june 20, 1241, the stm 07 "05 130.50 belonZing Lo aZ fund known as Municipal :mprovevent Pund To. 11, SinhAn: Pond" was invested in United States Savin3s Wvds,of Series "I"; snr-1 4HMAS3 by Nesolutton W. 3004, passed jvne 00, 1044, the sum of Q66,452. belonSing to Mn�!-j fund known as Nond intevest and AndenpMan 2und, W20" was Invontod in Wted Stntes Savings BWE of Moles "Y"; and C', R-, 14volution jo. 3005, passed jure 20, 2214, tY sum Of' 013Y164.50 belonSHE W sinking fund known as "School Dond intornst and Pedemption Purdy 1001" was invested in 7nitod States Savinqs Tonas of Qr7ss W",; NCO 701MMM, T0 ;T 37SOMM BY ME CCWTV CP = CKYS ATKY01 that the Tressurnr or thp My ef Aland ee is herebu y athorized and inStructed to toll a suprievc-t numbcr of call UnIVOK Stat -S savin3s Mods OP verins "7" in erdar to -alse e-unti -crej W Wnan thp •Vnicipal improverant Bonds which,ro abc�t 0') rwatars nod chonid be Wooned. 77SCT "RD that the cald TroNa. srver a.' My rT Alnmndn Y" hepehy antherized ard Wrooted to depusAt the "cney roalized frc� tic sale OC Wid I' "1 belonging to said sinking funds above referred to in the fund - frN which sald H(Mds Weve sold. A LAP underslZied, lary1W uevMy that 0n faingoing InsulyWon wa- dull and reEujarly lntrcluceR and adopted by the 7onrcl! of 1 u.._". ."',,,:1 1"n YvSulav iwn'InE assa:&Ted un d�:iy o? !by, 7240, by W, Pcilcal-g M9, to oih. AM! Wnellmor Andni7crl Mornp Sunprey and Fxasidnrt Dranschold, -7 0: Tore. ADWT: Courcillmn T7 W177ASS T "av- �Prprnto set -U �and anO arf"W hho ofFl- Wal sea! of said Cit; this 19th day K o.@}.' , MAR. -'- SEAT C 7 P Q t'�,, ', 1, "nesniotio i herpiq ne-t!Yy t1at . 3714 qKT1W7ZT-q CP SEWS "Y" TC thn Toingning is a MY MASUTEN W ;TYIGI?AL MACM77T full, true and correct ropy c,,f,- SE .a_ SIMCIETT UNITED STATY, `a- 'i intradvend and sjupsed by W Coprell on the AM day of My, 10dS. city plery nf tin city M WaTeda