Resolution 03715IBM M 37] 5 A047TA? SPE1.41CATTONE NQ WDAWSAWS IAS071-7, TO TUF CT -T v? UATEM W? -P� RISCAL M? 9209- Mob CAWKI PU 4IDS AID MAECT]n Ths jnv_ =VT TC ADVEMISE SAM �ESCLVTU W "7 JR M7770 C 3 Wid donviolnor Pop FrWshin4J- 1tom 2 : 7�n wrnrlum Gasoline; Men 21 Ethyl Gasoline, to tho City of MaToda, for tte fiscal yeap beSinnint My 1, 1019, arO endi- 1­0 To nd adnrtld. I. n". is 5 -4e -s. be, and the sawn arn hereby, nyproveo a 9ESCI)ED , PUWHER, that the „Fou nc!3 of thp GKI of Alareds will recelm', Pealed bids uy to Vie Mum of C:05 o'clock :. V�, on ledresday, the 2nd day ol'' inney 1948, for the furnishlnS to the Cit, of: itno 1: van iWoriun Gasollne; Kan 2: Ethyl qasoilne, in accordance with saW SpcKfinatiors and ?revisions. Bids must be presented to e City Clark, in the WQ Vail, AlamaQ, Californ''Me -0-W-Wr sealed cover and ly mnrOod or tho ouU,,lde, "Proposal for aasollne", or similar issignation. Contrnot, Tr awarded, will be auaited, subject to thp prMsions M the Ihurtor c the City of Alameda, to the responsibin bidder who submits the lowest an! best lid, Me r" "^ lo rcuorved to re>ct any or all bids. The Chty CKrY is 4croby directed to a4vertiso, in the AKMW Times - Star, a natine ca!UnS for sealed bids in accordance with the provisinns Or insQution and of said Spocifications and Provisions. iv the undersigned, hernly certify that the fornjoirg hevolution was dull and reSidaWl irtroduced and adopted by the Covnell of tie City uf Alameda !n irSular reeting asserbled on t4e 1M day Q Pay, 1912, by the FolloWnS vote, tn Wit. m. %burn Coupcilven Andersony Sweeney and Presidant Wansctn'd, WAS: Yonn. ABSENT: Connei...nan jones, (7 1N jUTESS WARGY3 1 have heraunto set my,.hand and affiNod the offi- cial seal of sold My this Wtt dayof I'ay, 1045. ,,ZK (SEAL) City Glenk of the Clio UP llaa:nled City,q&V oC the Qtj of Alarada� 1 hereby certify that the forejoinS is a fr13, truo and corinct coly Ta. 37151 ADC7TTO SPECINICATIMS PC? 1CCUP 1ITY esolut'cn le, CY ALAIEDA 205 TAT FISCAL YWA 1948-1M, KW71 MA MC, AXD PIP9WINO THE CITY TO ADVEWISF WE," Mroducnd and adopted b, the Munn!] on the Wth da, of My, 1948. City,q&V oC the Qtj of Alarada�