Resolution 03717z36 M HESOME10% M. 3717 &DOPM! SMIPTCATIONS MVISMS PIT YUR!ASQMJ- ATD TAM TG THE C17V 07 ALADEDA FOB THE FT S- M MAT MR -M491 CALM17 102 BIDS LED DIAEMW'7 CITY CLERK TC ADVERTISE SAM Till MEMIL 7',,*,i.,i,!, CITY OF RIALTDA that the Spec if Mat and Provivions for furnisbing CRUMB MA 9ASE to the City of Mamma for the fiscal year boZinnlrg illy 1, 1948, and end!nE Juna 30, 1940, 7o. 1S 3-45-10, be, and the owne aim hereby, approve& and adopted. AESOLVED WERTMER, that the Counall of the City of Alayoda will recolve,, sealed bids up to thR 4cur of 3:05 o0lack, 1. V., on Wednesday, the 2nd day of Juney 19% for the furrishinC to the City of CRUSHER RUN HASE, in accordance with snid Spenifications and Provisions. 70ds must be presented to the 01 Q Cler".�' in the 0111- 701, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and plainly mailed an 'IM optsidl , "Pirc2osal for Crusher Sun Ease," or similar designation. contrantl if awarded, will be awarded, subject to the provisinn, of the Ghartgr of said 01Q, to the responsIbIn bidder whn subrits the lv%ent and best bid. The r1tht Is rnseywnd to reject any or all bids. The City GMT& is heisby direoted to advertise, in the Alameda Hmes- 'DUCRO s nictico call1ri; for sealed Ms in accordance with tM provisions Of this' rusolution ard of said Speo7ficattopE and 1novisio-s. ip tho undorsigrod, �creby certify that tho foingoArZ Rinsolution utu- Ault anO reSularly Qtin&uced ard adopted by the Council of the My of Alamnda N rer.nilar reeting assembled on tho l3th My of Fly, 1248, by thp ronowinCr` vntr, to wit: AYES: counellyar Andropco, 7sborn, Sweeney and 2residert FrNr, nscheld, (0). DORF: 70no. A 4SENT : CnOrMlyan jonnsh (3). 1E 01777so �Qppcyl T Aave hereunto net Ty y; i'><. and arvixod the cffi - via! sea! Q sold City tMe MA day of Nal, 049. A . Y . 7 LA (SEM 21 4y Mnrk of the My of Alamndc, i hinrebU carMy that the foregoing is a full, true and corroct co of' Msolntlor. To. 3717P AMITZ MRATFICATICTS AND MVISIMS ME ?7?73QTL7 M151i , ' `v 1 717 011711 M? AIMADA 2CA TTA TISSAI YEAH 154B-1 949, CRIA ik-�- A�D 7T,Ta=! 7M CLIVIT TC APTRATTST SAM," introducM and alopted Lhe cnurolj on t>n M0 day of Loy, 1748. 0tt, 11070 of the City of AlamnQ:,,