Resolution 03722Said Spe0ficaLlors and Provisions may bo hal by any pronnective blddo,-r, an applination tc the City Encinoer, at his office in the City V11, Alamoda, CallVorrla. The CAn, Clerk is horeby d1roctod to advertise, in tho alamoda Tinos - Star, a nctice callfnE for sealed bids in accordance with tbr crovisions pf this, !rsolution and of said Snocificationn and Frovisionu. 13 tho undorsiCnod, haimby cort!Ty that I�c fcroSoInE 70saintion was duly and regiOarly introdined and adooted by thn Council of the 31tj of Alamed,,,,, in rcauAar nieVnS enonmbled on thn Sth dal oC Amy, T013, by tbo follonAnS voto, to wit'. AVES: cownclinen Ardnpscr$ Osborn Sweeney and President Vransc0ld, W ). Vone. 7� -CJ (11. ourclinan jones TV a771= 17577110, 7 �nve �ereynto cat ny han4 an& afrixod t'n P90- clal sea! oP salt City t4ls 14b day nP Vay, 1019. U. T. chn?,", (SEAL', City 51art of thp City of Alamedn, 1 herebg certify 241 HESOINTIGN F0. 3722 ADCP?Ihq VECITICATICIT AND FRUVTSICAS PUR and norrect ATD REPAIN A'AD BITUMINOUS PAVEIRUT PER FTS ­ CAL YEAR =l,", -Cr 301 19491 CAldiXG OCR BIDS AID DIRECTING CTTT CLERK "E"O pi.:0,clic interest and necessity require the rosurfacing and ropair "�nsolvtle cf asohalt and bituninous navement in streets of the City of Alameda; and V 1=71C47ic7s AND PaA7170 % nSineer has prepared Specifications and Provisions 151=4the City E for O171 A7_) imsi0acing and 7spair of asphalt and bituidnous pavement for thn fiscal year end-, ing june 30, 1949, which Specifications and Frovisiocs are numbered F? 5 -dB -5 a0i werp 01ed in the {f_Ca of the City Clerk of sai6 Cit, on Eal 13, 1948; 3 7777=S THERETChEl RE 1U ASSCLVED BY TEA 0047CIL 07 THE GITT CF ATAVIDA that � 4' the aforesaid Spec_firationn and Provisions, numbered and filed as aforesaid, be, T�! TF'Q and the same are hereby, approved and adopted. 3U5 1P405 AmT? OV 01��117 . P177 10SOLVD, 71090MR, Viat the perfovrorce and compintion of the work sacci-, ak�V fied in said S2ecifications and Provisions be, and the same is hereby, anthorized. 070S AND DTA07= CITY CIERK TC 21SCIARED, NURTFAR, that the Coancli of the City of Alameda will recelvo introdunp� Pn(" by t�n Cnqncll on bids to thn of R:05 o'clock, 1. V., on Wednesday, juno 2, 1943, for nf lay, scaled up 1, c. 104n. the fuinishing to the City of all labor, material and equipnent necessal-v re- a600ted and repairinZ asphalt and bituminous pavormrt in the streets of the City surfacinE of Alanoda for the fiscal year ending june 30, 1949, in accordance with said S7cci- fications and Provisions. Bids must be pTasentomd to tho City Clerk, in the City "all, in Alameda, 7alifornia, under sealed cover and plaQ11 marked an thn outside "Fraposal for Asnhalt and Hiturninons PavnmPnb," or similar desiGnation. Contract, if awarded, will be auaided, subjoct to the prcv!sions of the Charter of said City, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best:, hid. Van right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said Spe0ficaLlors and Provisions may bo hal by any pronnective blddo,-r, an applination tc the City Encinoer, at his office in the City V11, Alamoda, CallVorrla. The CAn, Clerk is horeby d1roctod to advertise, in tho alamoda Tinos - Star, a nctice callfnE for sealed bids in accordance with tbr crovisions pf this, !rsolution and of said Snocificationn and Frovisionu. 13 tho undorsiCnod, haimby cort!Ty that I�c fcroSoInE 70saintion was duly and regiOarly introdined and adooted by thn Council of the 31tj of Alamed,,,,, in rcauAar nieVnS enonmbled on thn Sth dal oC Amy, T013, by tbo follonAnS voto, to wit'. AVES: cownclinen Ardnpscr$ Osborn Sweeney and President Vransc0ld, W ). Vone. 7� -CJ (11. ourclinan jones TV a771= 17577110, 7 �nve �ereynto cat ny han4 an& afrixod t'n P90- clal sea! oP salt City t4ls 14b day nP Vay, 1019. U. T. chn?,", (SEAL', City 51art of thp City of Alamedn, C!QQ#rh of the City nP Alameda Im 1 herebg certify that the foregoing is a foil, timm and norrect coVy of' "�nsolvtle - !�. 57223 A702717 V 1=71C47ic7s AND PaA7170 71 O171 A7_) 3 7777=S � 4' 1�11 7011100, YKAN T�! TF'Q 3U5 1P405 AmT? OV 01��117 . P177 ak�V C.'JT7P 14h 070S AND DTA07= CITY CIERK TC _DVEATIS! F17E$" introdunp� Pn(" by t�n Cnqncll on the 104 day nf lay, 104n. a600ted C!QQ#rh of the City nP Alameda Im