Resolution 03723M RESCLUTT07 hc . 3723 ADOPTIM SPECUTCATIMS, SPUCTAL PRUISIONS ANT) P14PTS TKA C07MMM 07 DAY PARV TSTAT10 TY"47- CAPYCH SEWED STSUT OD FOOCK AIHI CALITT! DIDS AM DIRMT71 CY71 MIK TC aMMOR SA7F, nEEMAS, 0,01,C lnterey4 3 necossity raq-7rp On OOVVt:WPMr- Ono- 1,ytQlation nF a sarAtary squar 1-torcoptor system ara forno -n�r :� 3,1, 7alT� Tvlan3, aV ot�er vork appyrtn-aEk thaveKu; anc`,, hhe sit, 71ainner has f-pparna RypOf"ratin-7, qprcial Frov!- rims arA Ta - n fnr said wvrNj ahlo" ana ?rov1sicns am -urbarVi, M 5-42-6 Rnd warn plind IT hho nfMn rf t4- TiV Clark of Paid 141 01 -ay 1Q, M7. TIC17 177770MY 9A T7 579070 �' '? 70-171 j" 7�7 OT -7 C" ATZADI",, that tho nfc7nsald SpQrVicaticns, Fjoc!a! irovisjors aM nars, numbrred nn(J filod us a-7cinnald, be, and the sane are hereby, apyroved and adoptaj. TGOLVEDS PTNTHAPP that the ,.,,..-ax t:_, and completion of the nork speol- fled Tr said Specitom, nationr and novisloqs be, and the snme is 'wanhy, authOY72ej. IVOIA709 jqtr- v2T&vp, rynt ne connny of ne Q! Ky of Alave&a u'll rncelv,,,-, M b,p, ap to Lhe hojr of 7:05 o'clock 2, K,, on nednnsdaW, �mo 2, 104B, for VJA.� -v NO fnrn,sh�-O to h4s; cit, ,'fAlnrAdn {l,oil labor, -atnrlais, rethads ard -ro- cossec, 1-yle,vrts, tools a -d nacni-pol, oxnant as (AheivAss specMod, nocessaq�, rcr the wopY hein!"aboye inferred tn. in ancokanon 044 said 1-coMeatArns and 7-ovim1bro. 70,�, ryst b- yrnmented to the Mtj Clerk, ir the City Hall, " in Ala- nnder sonled ccvev and plainly xapkaO on the a�tsiae, nro?lsal neda, Cal7ruiw!a, jV11, "jX:r �?apy 7SJaqd jnQrCQQter SOWOV SjPtPP cr slyiYar MclEration. contryetp if nwandeds will be auarded, svbjeM W 0o p-rv!slu�N OC t4'' 7nn,�,p of t4o Vj;j of hianeda, to On rnsoonsible biddor who sabmits tDo lowes't, Clad Onsj hiG, T4e vign IF impervol tc rQPet any or all blds. Said SpoMfications ayd Provisions may he ORd by aio ymcgective bidder )n aDy?7puVon to tio Oty 2y§rnor, at V" offica ir bho My 5511, Alameda, Q117urnia. Me VIS Mery is heimby directed to a6verhiso, in the Alannfa a nytico calUrg for sea3e;6 MOs in ancordannp wltb t4o nnnvinlons nP this resoir- tion and V said Specifications and Provinluns. 11 the orderstEred, heiaby certify that the foroSo!nS Pesolution was Uly ard reEular!T irtoodocaV aM adopted by the Co�nvll of t�e City of Alamed,,,,l in rngnlar ronhlnS assenhied on Rho 19t� day of My, 1043, by Vp foiinalnS vote, to aft: ANTS: Councilnen Andorser, Moral Sweeinj and 1VvsT1vrt -ronsaheld, A44777: Counc!Van jonas, (1). 5 1 ni- VESS A&TOT 73 1 'daverm un vo se t no hapd ard a7 _i. ed the n ff__. Val snal PF oyM City this 15th 6- r j h) i-,, _0 A L OF 7A _ec A j a —Me 077, i hernhy carMy that the foregoing is a full, true and correct Vj "Inso3ution 7c. 3723, ADOXT71 SPECIFICATTM, SMUAT FROUSUAS 27D PIAM PA -Z Q07STEMM- 0 7AT FA:T M=71) TNTERCEPTUR SAWAH SVST= AQ MACT YATT, CA11171 lich "ITTIS Al 1) 04:77"j"T, 13711 OEM lic ADVE 11 1)_7_,introduced and adopted by Vkn "a-nell cn tho 18th day V Ely, IUM ­L�_, 1-1 ­A,� - G] Q hhe Alaredn