Resolution 04142NM RESOTATION 70. 41112 ADCP?TUG SPEGUICATHYS Wa 2UR7TSHTXa WE (1) AR"7 1550 TOW001 S21LA A11TWO5TLE `0 Tr',1,,� C�_,_­_' A]"LVit, - 1 DEPAW=, SALLIXG Wi, BIDS AND O ! '. 1 i ADVER7T5'1.,,' SA W . RESOLVED BY TFE COC7UL CY 742 CITY 07 AIATEDA that thn SpecUications and Provisions for furnishing one (1) now, 1250 rodol, 7wo-Door Sedan Automobile to the, City of Alameda, for the Furchaning Departme,t, To, WS 3-50-5, Mod in the office of the City Clerk or lmrch 7, 2950, be, and Vie same are hereQ, apDroved and adopted WOR VED1 FUT''011 that the Qourcil of the City of Uameda will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 3:05 o'clock F. Tro on Tuesday, 4iTh.21, 050, for the furnishinE to the City of ons (1) row 1950 mcdel, two -door sedan.automobile, in ac- cnrdance with said Snecificaticns and ?rovisiors. Bids must be presorted to the City Clert, in the City Hall, Alameia, Callfcrnla, under senlod covor and p1Qn1,,,-r I on the u4side, "Proposal fcr two -door sedan aitomobilej nr sinilar desig- natinn. Contract, if avaiQed, will be awarded subject to the provisions cf Via Wrter of nRld City, W the responsible bidder who subm�_ts the lomest and best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Times -Star, n notice callinc Cor scale& bids in accorAnnce with prWsionn oF this rrsal"tlor and of said Specifications end 7rovislons. A77s: Conneila. en Anderson, jorns, Osborn Sweeney and Presiden't 7ranscheAd'. (5). WES: None. ADSAW: Mono. TT TITEESS W130071 1 have horourto set ry hnnd and affi7ed tKc offi- cial sea! of said City t!s Dth day of Ahrch, 1250. i. -P. , C LARK________ City Clerk of the City of A)amede, i3 the andercigned, 1wroby cortify that the forngWrg thnt the fornSol-g Rosolutior nopy of was duly and regularly introduced and adopted ADOPTT7G by the Council City Alameda of the ef DOUN in reSulnr meeting asserkied an the 7th day CITY CY AIAEADA of 7arch, 3950, by the following CALL- vote, tc wit: TNq A77s: Conneila. en Anderson, jorns, Osborn Sweeney and Presiden't 7ranscheAd'. (5). WES: None. ADSAW: Mono. TT TITEESS W130071 1 have horourto set ry hnnd and affi7ed tKc offi- cial sea! of said City t!s Dth day of Ahrch, 1250. i. -P. , C LARK________ City Clerk of the City of A)amede, 11 1 heroby certify that the forngWrg in a full, true and correct nopy of "Resolution To. 4142Y ADOPTT7G SPECIPICATIOTT WR PUN71SHIKU ChE (1) NEW 1950 ?WC_ DOUN SEDAN AUT070BILE TO TUT CITY CY AIAEADA FOR TT PA RV KETT) CALL- TNq YOR WDS A77 DT407191 T7E CIT7 CI&T TC ADVERTTSE SAM" introduced and adopted by the Council on the 7Lh day uf Wrch, 2050. 11