Resolution 06168-1:0. 616S CALLING SENARAL MUNICIPAL ELECTfON 10 12 HELD IN TUE CTTY 01F T -'IS WY, . 1=11 14, 3 ; ESTABLISHING EWC0 W,] 0V T FIZZ !NCTS; F! KiNK NUAB ER OF YWC rION OF FA QRS ON TEK WAY), OF ZLECTLO,', '('iz; FjWn CO"FEXIATiON UY W002S AN-' a1GNA'T1NG llldi�!�, Q'-' vannW, Article WX of tic Chartcr W the City of Alameda provides chat a Wncral Abniclpa] Wection Qa, ! he hold in Said City on TuirWy, Aprch 14, 1961 ; nn WWAS, iL said Ceneral �u"icipal QcMlCc, , and parsuanL tr the provisions of the Charter OF Hold City, nfficers are to be QcKed to fill the OffiCe Of COLM01nan Or thoce x 1 Lerms; thu, of:icc oT Aw,LA itntr for one full LerN and tn, o7ficn u; TrenWid' r For oric ful I Lcrm. "W" UP RESOLVED 51 FW COWNCIL CY TJV7 CIP, OF Al"w,"",.1"t,A t11, -1L cipW Alcet ion 5c, and is hcrcby, colled and Werca to be held in Said City of Airladn, SLate 0, 03 1forn in, an Tuesday, ?Arch 14, 1961 , jr ancordanciz Wth the provisions oF so!& Chirur of Qu Lity of Wmada,Tnr the purpcou ol aRcting the falloyina named officers of the Qtj ;or the tcw-3 sput: 1 Ficd : Three (3) CouEWInsH on We Council Of SRld CK, ror Wren WL terms, cach ocn,,", cvwncrciz at 7:30 n1clock p,w, on the third Tuesday in April, 1961, and caolinuW', I'or four (4) years thereafter and until a successor is clecLud nod qualificd; OnC (1) AWILOr 0: SOW Wtv WY a TUI! tCra CaUnLneinq rit 7:30 o'clock p.m. on, the third Tucsdny in April, 1951, nnd cnntinuing for War (4) yestys thcrenter nnd until a successor is c1ceted nnd quolijim. one (1) TrensurLr of Wd City for a full ccrn cnumencW3 nL 7:30 00cck p.m, N -i che third TucsiAny in April, 1961, and cont inuinhTor four (4) ycars LhercaCrcr oncl, Until 0 SUCCeSSo! 16 Wcctcd ond qunlificd; ind fOr thC PUrpWSL or votinj an any mewsurc on prkTosition which may Wful ly V submitted 1L haQ, C 10CLIOn. BE i 1 FURTSER ThIOLVID Lhat thw 111 c Wv lon prccincLs aithin the CILV 0- 11 'WA -da , dLSQ- naLVC and nunbered aS Ju sanc ovrc WSL WrOtQWC du;!W, TWd Sna CS041 10nd W thL Wrd 0,,- Sopery inors of Qc Count, W AlawcQ , SLaJJ- PZ Q! i TOM0, �s LIC 01CWUl IMCOUCLS V Win Cho CIL Of A1*nLUq for holding Cuncral Seat( and County 7i.e cA ons, be, and the snow qro hereby, ;Ixcd, &WInvUlLed We OSLablighcd s the lx.. '.CSS precincts F01 huldlnS the nfor,>v W �cnOral Aunjcipn,,� h 10K ion. Q if XWER WOWED We LhJW PoarC Of ZICILWOu far LSCh 0100!% precincr it said Wcral Wicipal Ziuminn shall vonsimt ol onu WspocLor, sic juQu and Lao 21crks. "'�,"O"I"k�,"i:,", that IW ca,Wursntion tit etc paid to aach of Lhc clection offleor, !co: - � -X cemmucting said nnern I Municipal 111OWLIOn MC, and VV ,ak is hLrnby, :in,cd OL LW su" n! Tucl-sr., (Q2.00) On! WE; proviccd, that, Lhc additional yu.w n: Wn ($2.05) Do! lors shall be paid Ln thc Clue - Lion of;! our who delivers the WL�rrs to UK, Q Ly C lu:h. AVOLVA), QATHER, LhaL W polls Ot th, poTijnt places haran0cr Lo hC dc:S!SnWLod by the Council Tor sale clecoinn Shall ALmcpcd at Win alcluc% v.w. (O.S. W W in Q Vy oF elcction wrol Shall V hepL npon wominuously therb,fter ontil 7WO o'clock p.m. (W.Tj 0: SviC dKy of WICILW- AWn thL MIS Shall be 1010000d QhCCPL nS provilce W VLCLion 5730 Of the C011TOWS QuaLloan codt one L0 Cl=tirm 00Mrs shn! i Lhcreup,y Ivhis ecd to unnvass the ballots east thcre�r and Lho ircturns of said clecriow shall he Wa cwt nnd s1fincd by thL nlec;W"n A, Warn aud Shal' 5L �y Lhcw ,1~* p< � it" the City Clark, W,Lhcr wiLh Wc ballcts oist wL said elcct ion. ASMINji FWAW, Lh, t tLis Canntsil shall MCL M its usual ctlnj pinve and convasb sAh"', Lu � 11 "', ,�ni us-stily , the 21 at t,;..1 Uf Narch , 1961 , (bL W, UhL 7 i rq i !he way n 1 ter an i d Ounura 1 Nun j c i gi 1 a Ic c L i on ine ..;ac da te of Lhc : 1 rst rw2c, 1 ar nwC L lqn 01 the Coune 1 11, .'i ��, s--'! i a", I `�u--, J, pal Wunion) at zho hour a! 7:33 n1clock p.A. W duCKU LAC rcswQN V said OcnerEl Amijaipa- Woyicr. 1� 00 01), X A EZIA, Lill L Lhe C 1 L, C lark kw , �W in 1 S hL rOb j� C 1 i , o Lua 1 o do nnd pu r:or:��, ill 'CL, YWQ!Ad n. h2r uniCr 00 Cn WLcr 0: QeCity n7 4V�Va And WC Wn. LhV YOU 0: 011 i jorr in in in �wn c t t o n� i V "Irc ra 1 3ur i p2 1 Qw cL ion in " 711W nEYLVIo, that scid Wnwral �=Wpn3 71ccLion r�jlcd nP or0rW Lobe held, Yorc s, 10 , 101 1 1 YA: hu 10 n0 oniduc La K , . :C Zu Pi. uLc s ca a L W r.._a u r. o, 1 vcd Nod conva sood , W th, 0. LurnA LIU CoW .aQ, 1rd tn. Y�AwIL QLr... SCO SW jW , nL L: =006 Wd 004VOCt, W JOW-WO nV'WWL� nad Wail plt`Llculnr� oL �CWWC 4r,4, in lcz�vWcc with Wo WrLorVWACCA thC Qw, 0: tV SLIK n: Cal 17cra in ;010rniY� wC !W W, to! �Uni� !pal ElowLinty, E the undarsiAnci , hcrchy ocrtj Ty Got uhc fmc3ainn KnOWLim va, dull j& rct ;arj\ ;nLroGuwK ind n6optM by the Minivi 1 of the City uh Alameda in rclular �oc:jw� is,nMwi nj in - 7 rm 0y n7 jamary, 196 1, by LK 7ullnuW3 VOM , Lo U3 t I 1�'-cn' C, -A " 1 KL A Mn , Mw ;a p , Vu cc r a a, Sch a chL .,alt..I A Went Ma 11 , (5) ABSENT: Now. :� 412:05 12REOF, 1 VVL V=UMO ntl 7y WE V& Z HNO2 QL 07:�W'Vl AW 07 Oak! My this Wlh Cay of jauunrj, 1961. (SEAL) LOW City Of Alan0a K Vr4b; Mrtlfy that LM F=uS&nn in a -w! 1, trw AM vorrcm COPY 07 "ALSOM! m No. 01 Sn, MLLW 01MAL M Q! P -L MCT LON TS! M Mn K TUC C1 VY 0: AL010i ON s, ,.....M AWn W , 156 W QL 1 SY ; V G 3KC0'V 1 RIC., Cf S 7 tWV XPA5 in Q "LIWIW Off M15 On 4M MIND OF ELAMM' 70A =4 1REMYCT; 1 i 1 V! 1.,,&MIA11, -Ll-'C'-1,0. C k 0=3 WD DES KN W 71 300 Oi VOTI M" j q 1 vvdnc� ird Mop V0 by the Couno 1 1 Lhw jann, ry , ! 9S L.