Resolution 03800CO i V5 13 (6 IM RESOLUTION NC. 3800 PROVIDINA VCh TGE AnUUNT PER Mh 2GS UPMEAS AND KPLOTEES OF THE CITY (10 MAXIMO FUl'i 121ltiVE'i MERNAS, Secticn 22-7 of the Charter of the City of flacada roquires that the Council annuaily fix Wn per Wom allowance for travolLng expensas of c0l- cers and employees of tho City; PE, M !T WGIVED il!�] ��',"OUKCIL 01 TAE CIT! W AMMA as Manes. (11 Any officer or employne of tho City nho shall, under the autharit.', of law and, except for routine duties, on authorization of the Courcil, leave the City fcr the purpose of performing any official duty or renderinq any service for or ✓an behalf of the City, or for the purpose of officiaill reprasentln7 sald Cit; or any toard, commission or department Wereaf, shall be allowad thr ice. ravtax lin','-' expenses incident to said servtce, wMch travelinn expaines shall include the aMuMI, cost of trausportation, including Pullman chargas, plus a per them allowance in an amount noL Lc eAcood lb.00 per day for each anA over, day while said oMcer or employee is absent on said official business; (11) Demands for payment of traveIW7 expenses for which prior authorizatlun oP the Council is required chall n2t exceld the armunt appropriated or authorized bj Wo Council; (3) Performance of duties or services for or on Whalf of the OKI, to be performed outside oV the Mtj in ccunoct'oc sM routine dutics, nood nK have boe,'� previously authorized bX the Cou1t0l; however, traveling expensas 1nourred in son- nac:Mn with the performance W such routTro dutics or services shall be allumed oMj when such perfurTance was authorized or approvad by the head of Lho department, or o-fice in which the officer or employee makln7 demand thqroPor is employed. The ten, "routine dutino". as used honaln, shall be deoNnd to includo porforiance W.' &Wss or :.ata ..C'17 connected with Kt; businoss, the necessity for tim porforrance of which arises fro> time to t1mo, altKouj the sare may rM bo of a pvrTod!ca1l,,',,' on re3ularly racuprent naturo, a:A shLll include Mondakee at classac for Lhe pur- pose V insLructio- or trainK7 in city work, :r a0aaria Vii -ca at occasional Yof; 0nVs, of of a cM!Vals or empla.eer o- public adminiskis tion o0inors M10 for the purpose oV discussion and solvinq problems ofpublic adninistratloo with wAlch Lhe C! 1 P ccrenTand ; (4) Demands for traVE. linj expenses shell hefor expondituTys actually incurrod and shall be supported bj a sLatement of thu Micer or employee prcsentinq same h ong h swite nature and amount of the items of expnnd! Knin Pormin 7 M bus! s Khepoof, and such vouaners op proof of exponditurns ao shall be requirod b; the Council or 1t A'? Auditor. MULVED, WKTHM, that Ws rero3utlon sM11 5e in n"Pnct Cop Wo period Of one your from thn data V its adoplion. 11 the urdaiT!7ned, heroby certify that Lhe foregoinq hesolution was duly and regularij introduced and adopted by the Council of tho City of alameda in regu• - lar mootinn assembled on Lhc 17th day of August, 1940, by t5c following voto, Lo it: AYES: Councilmen hndevson, jones, Motu, Sweeney and KwsldeW, BranscK&d, (5). NOES: None. ABSAYT: Nonc. iN alMNSS -A&TOF9 1 havo hereunto set rU hand and affixed the aMelal seal of said ,i7 ,<.'. this Mh day of W-unt, 1910. (SEAL)J CLA,,�K C I C Y c: i i hereby certity that the forogoln; is a full, true and corrc�t copy at "Hasolution No. 38009 MG1711MR! FGA TEE WCUNT ME DIEM VUR OPPICEW "I ) WeLCIVAS UV TIN GITv OP aLL&W WUH TINVELM KXXNWKSV " introduced an ' d adopted by the Council on thn l7th day oV Ay•qust, 1258. City C39rk of M CIL; of Alamuda