Resolution 038123 48 M .-UbknjT1GE 14. 38U.' 1MCK1IL5 dwj_M!-hU. 3696 MD "UTHMIMM"T TM AUMITILP 6Z U!Mh R!,L PAUY.57 public interest and necessity require Lot the rem property nereinuVtor descriosu be ucauired by tLe My of 11amedu for puulic street ind hi�owjj anQ oti.er nqnicipal purpuses; .in Mnow"& Edgar A. jones, a Meyer, is Ke owner of the req! pronarty ue6cribw anu is wMing zo sell the same to the City of 11jaedu for the suQ of 1095.0u; Lis- jh IT nhajuM YY .1•.+ CUUM� UP IM e.... TY CC �L"MA as f 0 !lows: Section is that she City of Alaueda purchase frun Mlar A. jonea, a vidowar, for tho san of 1095.00, that certain real propert; situaNd in the jity of Aiawuuo, 00unt; of nlaaewa, state of GaMornin, "Ore particularly descrioeits, as follows: 1: POMOL Of Lot 24 in jection 17 of Township 2 Muth, Range 3 = Ost' accoNKS to Me Lop entitled, "Zap ho. 2 of Salt Hersh und Me Lnnds sitante in tK6 County of Unmeda, State of 301fornia", Mad in tne, Mice of the 3urveyor General of the State of California, bounded as follows: ianMniny at the intersection at tho western line of said hot 24 ML a Me drawn paTallel witn Me southvestern line al' Uberty Avenue, as said avenue is shown on the "Amended Lap of Trnet 7MV filed Lay 11, 1948 in the Mice of the C3unty 2ecorder of "inmedn j.unty nnd of recoru in Lap look 16, at 48, and distunt Muth ,113 001 jest 115 -UL) feet therefron; rurmin�; thancu ulan ; said parnilel line Gauth 480 30' East 110.41 feet to n like urnwn 3outh 410 Ol jest fron the inter - suction r the cenzor line of said Lidarty Avenue vith the cantar line of ourfield nvenue, as lust suid venue is Shown ou uaid A.endedap of Tract ?K; tAonce Muth 410 001 �cst 240-37 feet to the Western line of s0d Loz 24; tnence alon', the last mentionod line duo horth 320.69 feet to the point W,,' beginning. i"vjEh 2: A nortion of Lot 17 in lecbloy V of Townspip 2 south, yqn 3 Aest, uccordin to the Zap entitiod, "Yup No. 2 of Mit Kwr6h und liue hands situate in the dounty or kin"Oda, __i Atte of jallfurnia"I fiYd in the wMce of toe jurveyor jenurNi ur tne Mato of CaMsmiu, boinded as follows: Aeginning au the intersection of the enstern line of saia 10L 17, with the stut uthueptern Me 0C tLy 2.13 acro pNrcel of lanu nescribed in tha jeed by .1smada County - last no: Title insurunac Oumppan y, Lo Edgar ". ones, and nifes anted loPtembar 3, 1946 and recorded Sentenner 7, 1,40 in joak QyU of Offioial hecords of Mambda County, at page 92 runninZ thenc,lonj said Muth western line Zortil 460 30' jest 127 feet$ more or lessi to the 3outhenstern line of toe parcel of Linc descrijad in the Deed by Edgar .. Jones and wifs to ,,rank h. ZyrtleY OLu Urn anted jeceyber 9, 1946 und recorded January 24, 1947 in 3ook 5064 of said Cificiul, Records, ut gone 77; thence Mon; the lost zontioned Kne LoMa 410 00' 20M 0.18 feett more or lessy be a point uistant tnereon jautn 410 UP Nest 115. 00, feet from the Soutwesterli ilne of Liberty venue as said nvenue is shown on the "Amended Lap of Tract 782, filed nay 11, 1948 in the Office of the dDunty Aecorder of Alumeda County and of record in lap book 16 at page 28; thence varaliel vith said line of Liberty Avcnue, Muth 480 301 Ust to said line of Lot 17; thence uion] the last muntiuLad line due South to the noint M begirning, up )t. Lae followinA terms una conditions, to-uit: (a) That luod, merchantable title in fee simple in suid real propertr be conveyed to the jiQ of "lameda, free und clear K all oojHct ions, liens, (,,,louas ana claims of title. Tuxes to be prorated at date of MOSUV Uf sale. (b) That Ke title to saiu raml propurty be evidenced by policy of title iLiurance issued by the .iIumeds jounty-East My Title insurance Conpany, insurinn title in the MY of nin_ cd,a, as provided in the prscedinC suLnivisioH (a); (c) Than upon deposit with said title insurance company, for delive2V Lu the WitV K Al"neual of a ga& and sufficient deed of Zrant con- voyinj said real pToperty to the City of niameda, un d conditioned upon the issuance of a title insurance policy, as aforesaid, to be approved by the Zty nttorney, a ourrant of the Wit of Alameda be drawn for 11995.00, payable to the order of said "Ameda County -East lay Title Insurance Company, a corporation, una delivored to saia title innurance company as escrow holder for Lue purpose of affecting the cuala: ummatiun of said purchase. jection 2. The swu of 01,019.00 is nereby qppropriated from the Capital Gutlaya 2und or the My of Mane& to pa� the purchase orice of saia real property and cost of titie insurance pulicy. Section 3. Resolution No. 3696, passed Anrch 16, 1948, by tnis Council, be3 and the suae is hereby, rescinded. * " 0 * - n W 0 4 1 >' A the ander3ianeu, lareby curtify that the foregoing Resolution wus My unu rUariy Qtru,ucad ano udopted oy the Cuuncil of the jity of Alameda A n 2rat Aulwr _.,.aa is assembieu on the 7th day or September, 1§48, by tne foilowin,,�; Votay to wit: Councilmen nnderson, janes, Osborn, SY onej and Prosident .tanscteidv (5) , Luis: Nonc. .aZSAIT: None. 1hMILM MWE021 i have hereuntu sat my Una and affixud we uffi- Mal seal of said City Ms Sth day of September, 1948. Pan) J. P. MAM, jity of d ­ City Mel_ - ineroby certify thAt tho forwZcinq is a falls truo and correct copy of ". Zeooiution to. 3612P RMC!"DUG &L&,LUT1Q Zz. 3696 VD MUM11MV5 YA "C jMD, TICL 02 Mo_lj WaM 0.) N!, X&PUEB." introduced and udupteu by tLe Council on the M day at Septambar, 1948. IM 349