Resolution 03815-E, U'�,- -111. C)1', 3,"315 Mki]A! Inn A.1111 KD LIVYWI A T20 01; A"! 1011, AM) MRaLKIL &MVERTY ih 1 1 MTV U2 aL,LADA Fla TH3,; MUL WL 194S-49 W AFPURTIOVIM. jV5 MoUvVW W MLo MWi- Cy. !.Ln 3117 02 that the rate of city tuxis to be levieu for the fiscal your beginnin, july 1, 1,48, anu ending june 301 1049, upon all property assessed for taxation within oho corporate lWits of tbu jito of inmeuLt on We basis of Us valuation tLereof as shovn by the asassment roll in the office of the City Assessor of said citv Le, ana M saae is hereby, fixed Ione hundred and sixty-nine cents (169y) on ouch one hundred dulluro (100) of ussesaw valuation of said property; and hE if 2MV-_,'t that a tux in tha toUl anount of ona and 69/100 dollurs (11.69) be, und thu name is Lwreuy, fixed Nnu levied un eacA and every one hut ared dollars (Q!jD) of nssessed v2luatiov M all tA'S uulu prcnar, real and MsOnvl, nit -in z2o corPorate iindts of said city, tar tha purpose of raisinj the Lecessury revenua tar snia NQ Mr Lie fiscal Year 1946-1949; and .Z !Taj.,1 AILW.j that said zaxl anj the none; s arisirg tLorVii, rom, UnwL collecLed,3 S�ail 001 sau the 3a.a ui. hereby, a�prwpriatud Lo und upportioned Unoa! ,at especiii pqrposes and juLded indebtauness of the city hcre- inufzor dosiSnutad, in We proportion and sAounts reapectively set _a fit. t usitc each sucdesQnutud fund, special Put), 0 or inneiteuaUSSI As follows: laner2l_ ud .... ............................... 0 .449935 Street Depart.0"t ................................ .392659 Libted. ury 3und ..................................... .17440'', initiative ARM Aund ........................... .01GUOU Policcmonls anu Ziremen's Pensice Und ........... .14941 nanew nunicipai A.pioyees, notireunt Tund ..... W309 japital Outlays 2und ............................. Total Mnaral City lovern2oM .................... Q 1.559737 Special _Ca cal levy .............................. .130263 TGUALTmX ........................................ 4 o it jjaPnnn :"ovoT.D Uhat an auditional special assenswent M the anuunu of ASIA be, Qn! the some is i. 4. Mind 02 aEa� unu every Dne Aandred dollirs (NOW ,»..t 1. ujoesouu valuabio" oz all land only, an all Unds oituntea We b.uadarias oz Acquisitiol nnn inrrovcneLt Dlszrict Ea. 1 of one Citz of Alameda, creatcd Puzouant to Wo Pruvisions Of the K,Cqulsttion nLu inprovenent ct of 192y", said vaihstiOn tu he On th- OOKS Of KY valuition of snia, lands no shun4 by the, 1"Oujoloat roll for zenerul MuNcipni taxes of Lou 60of A000.0 je Wiscal 'jar 043-049. jaid sneciul assessment tax su levied and the moneys Erinin'_', t�urnfrvn 3hail bel and the sawe are her&7, act "side ind n7propriatod to the Hnczlsitiuq nau lwlnrovu. ent jistrict V., I of tha jity of IaEean Inturest and winkW wunn" fol He puyment of princinal and i�kcrest 7VK his jwco�a or will bucano nayable durin; the riscal yeir 00-1149 un �Onas inanod and outstandin,,,''', under the zur Snia di3triCt. AE it V�wlo� AAW.�Vzj that in nuditions! 3PCM! �Ssess. wnt No, in We 0:3uslv W $0.0125 ne, 9nd Lie sqne is heroby, levied un eNch nnu every one hunared dullOrO KIM Of WSOSS= VaUjUion Of 0nd nn.y, in "I! ME= oituated Main as 50unawrieS uf cquisition t improvewoLt ..ii .,_t Lo. 2 of Me City of h lwaeda, crcuQu PursvanL to Me provisions OC the "Ao�iisition and innrovenank Act of 1025" said valuation to be on the busis uf the valantion of sold i"Aus as Wan Q the nssuss�ant roll for gonaral municipQ Laxas of the wity of AlIveda ;or the fiscul veir 194j-IV4>. aid special usseas"ant tax sj !Mw. un! nhe =Dneys Wrefron .7,„_a -..a, is, and Lhe suAe are harob,, sat asidand n5propriated M the Haaqilsito_ on nna Inprovement u1M1rict Lo, 4 of toe city uf Meaa interosU and jinkinZ Vund” for too payids' t of n2incipal yu interest w,jc hns bacmje or will become onyuble darinZ th3 liscul yo.r 1:4Y -J, q an banis insned "no au1ant5ndin-', undor too 2rocaadiv�o for soid district. that 4n Quitional special aisesanunt tur, in the Y�oqnt of -Q.X90 bep und the sunu is hereby levLed Q each and avury une hu-ndre,i doliars (AW OZ uosesbad vuluntio� of lana oni7, an all lanus Mumtea MUM the boundiries Of �Oquisitlun and JnPrOvonent Alstrict Kc. 3 of t4e jity of -Inneda, creaood pursuunt to tne gravislons W the OooqaisitioE and improvemeht ot of 1905'' SaW valantion tu be on W basis o" t.o valiation of snid lunas as Kown by the w.sos32ent toi! fur Sencrul municivy! tamus uf tna jity oz jinmais for the fa_ scul year 043-1949. MR special asselsment tnx so invioa nod the o3nays tnerufrsA s-oll be, und the some are hereby, set Woe nnd anproprintea ,..+ l.: the "MIUSition IWL InprOVMM listrict to. 3 of the city of "lanedn interest and GinkQj Vunu" for t Psynnot 02 principal and inturect wMah has oecome or will. jocume piyujin aqrinZ the f1scul year 1148-04Y on Conas issuad and ontstandip-, cuadinZ3 for said district. M m 1, the wdersigned, hereby cartify that the foreguinj zesolution was duly and reZularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the jaivo.3 Ianeda in regular mueting assedbled on ane Ah Coy of Mptembar) 19LSS by the foiiovin�-,; VOZO, to wit: .016: Councilmen Anderson, jones, Morn, Oweeney and PresiGent Orunschaidl (5). Anz: hane. ."WENT: Kone. 12, 1 have hereunto sot a� Land and Mixed the offi- cial sea! of SUM jity this A. un,U2 Deptenver, 1948. KOW 1 AMOY OertiQ twt Un funjEcinj is a Will, true and cumot 2opy of ��Osulution Lu. 3815, AM! WL _ 0,J LAMM ., TAK MAWT! Z! !no UITY W .1.1 M, ASM Y.�� IM -109 AIJ AMOTI&MAI, 2­f.a 12-"- 1 intrAuced and aloptad bZ tne Council 20AS up P"� CITTI on the 7t4 day w Suptemaer, 1948.