Resolution 03816M DETWIAUG T. OLKMAn VzOlAn a unS&ZLT SINSTM. BAY F"Az n6jWn ,0.. KAMM TO . 1 WASWID2 by tho M7 CoinVl K the My of Mmod@, ..wwodu dounty, ju.iworuia, thit is Citj aeviti Kficer of the tai Ly of Alaneda has reconionded to a, s...: Owuncii as necessury as n health measara tQ cunsuruction of vitrizied clay pipe sewer mains, wye branches and house laterals, voaethor with standnrd nuoholes and risers c2ppai with cnot iron fromes an& covuzz cumpleto, uL juy jorni island in Laitluad Drive betnuen Katy Auna and a Point 00 feet syutAeustorlY of McLburq nVenue, in Gurden Road from Coanty 2und to loWnd AM, in imanu aosd frum Mkiinn �rivn to Lhe most aestani: n.i2t zhurear, in olroje verua und Mchiurg �vanue bo&aan �nitlunu Jrivu sna uven hood$ an. loninary vunae. bet4een Ausch huou uym a point 250 foot EorthevBaa .rly thuraGf, anu wo canKruction OC Vitrifiud clay piro, as bronchao and house Morels in LAw RaNd ueL"een Mwer Lane ana McAburj3 vennd, und in jounty loud aL a uZU about 300 feet soutAerly frun Aurden Auad, U ;104 rOMILOndatiUn WUS 'ME in W2itln� Und hUS b0011 spre4u apon the "inutes uf tUs Council; this jouncil intends tu undertwe proccedinn pursannt to its lwo,an ovaiont Proceduro dode u. o.. t, .i;:: ounstruction o, saia ounaril und to levy 6M collect asses6nentw and Q Mu e and sell bonds tharefur as provivad in said Dade; Q. 0002LAo) 11 M WILLA), .)n2,!!.:!Q—) AJ .111)11&Lq ns follows: 1. That saia praceedin7s so proposed to je anlartskan by .is Nunell fur uke construction of buid sunit=7 enoy =Lms, nze hacassuzy ns a houltii 00151rc. 2. .i. ,t He limitations an tne amounts N tho n3jesswuntti, sU up Q Division 4 ut said Urects and ighowls jade bel inn tney are Laroily , uij-neasod WMA. 1 nuraby cortify Mat the foregaim resolution wus dily "M ruzuivriy aduntou anu .:A :...,a b7 eta .e My swuncil of the My of Ainnodn, inklorKI, at a realnr nuotinq LhDreof hold GK the 7K KV of jeptaEber, 040, b; the Voto 01 the �Ozberw taureof: �Ynw, ana in fovor tnoreaf, 3ouncilson: Andorson, johes, Marc) -,"Seney OL6 Vrosident W=S0.0ids (5). hu.02 jounci.�en: zone. nj�jly, couLciimen: hune. i acruoi curtify on,t tn for.Auinj is 4 rn.1 I trie ann correct oop� Of A00,IUKOU to. 3616, "DWM�111:0 4 2, Snon.P1 10 o,.j"VZ0T .201 MA - �,�J JIM nV 02 MP 32) A, Tu"21x, eta i eta ....a. `1 MUOUT 11100 -ADI -Q., Ki-ISK JITIMUL cv, 1L. MIZ321 ZD ...._,r.7�7 MS. V7 2nW. jO�A! nJwAJQ.nAKL' ZIN—Of h, is" introduced ana .a__ ...x by 1L,. 03aucil Un Lre 7t,_ day 02 wtewo.r) 19S. UA J 3 T")