Resolution 03818RZOULUTIch �U- 3S18 02 IW3511AMAY MY AM" lon-Ki Qgvhya T PAUKUT 10, 1 Azwun&D, by the jit� Muncil of tin jity of jjamedn, jame,a jalifur.02 that on' thy 7th day of 7entumuer, 194S, saia Cuuncii did adont its fesuiutiun Of intentiOn ho. 3617, to cunstruct saritar; sewor6 in and for a portion of saia City, una did rewer the rrupusej impr,men,nt, t, tA, �it, he bein, thu Officer naving Oz f.1° Ma KnMi of Us cues tructi,h of pu0i1o lm_ - Provusents in and for 6aju jiLy of the kind descriued therein, on& uein� a ccm-- Petent Perju- enuiuybd by spa Ott jity 2or that parpa,e, unn aid tL,?ejn MY Engineer A make und file wit, is w. Murk Of suit jity a roport in writin, all as therein wore pnrticularly aescribed, under and pursuant tu article 4 of UMPter 5 Of !Me AIX Of the Alazeda Lunicipal Code. has mwe okd wiloa aith uhe ilerk of said jity u •report in writinZ as callua fcr in said Aesajuti,L of Intention, ana under and parauunt Lo suid code, akich report has been presented to UK Council for C=SidaraLion; and AnAlho, Suia Cuuncil has dily considorea said report and esaA nndoveq,� ParL thoreof, Mu finus that the some anu evon ano every Purt thareof is and are SUMMent, ana that neither Suid report nor any part thercof raquires or should, be 20AMea 0 any respect; M. 1 Y�OnAVA. ) D is 6ni.21j, as fullows: 1. Tht atAo pinn; an vgecificuti0h! fur Une proposed improvenenta to be node, cuntaineu in aui& renort, be, and Koy are 7aby, prelivinarily ap1roved and cunr innea; 2. Uut the -Minesr's estialte of tie itemized and totni estinated COMO GLu expenses of sLia improvemarts and of thn incidentA uNpoLzuo in connoc- tion tharenithl contained in caid rnjo2t, ju, OW it is nareQ, ;reii�inbril, anprOvuu and confirmud; 3. Mat the dia,r"n sno"iE� the assessnent distpict reforrod tu ond describea in said hesuluti= Of intention, nnd also the tounaurius und diAunsions of taB respective subdivisions of lund witnin slia District so tL, ,j,t,d t tie PdsslAa Of snia Aws0lution of Atentiun, OACI of WhM Suodivisions auvinq ueuA jiven a sepnrd"n narkor open soi. dinqrsm, uu cuntqtnod in snid rwnyt On uLu it is ercoy, "tet rolininAn-'j appruvad anj onnfir�ws; 4. Tnat tne proposua nssesa�ent of t"a tutAi anaQnL cf th" CoM and expenses of tno pru'usec iaOrOvenonns as tne suvoral eujaivisions oflnnd ji-, SQL "n"Ut in P"PurtiOn tD Ve estilltsa benerits Ij ue ruceivud 5y such juu- diviaiun, re2pactivel�, frus said imyrovenents, nna at tau iLQUentai Ungundos Lawratc, ount"inad in sni, rcport, Q, and H is Lorwb:, preMinnrily Y�pruvad and confirand; 5. Otat suiu Peuort in ins cntii,utt oc, 4nd it is hu2uby, P2S1iNQ1ri1,,' aPPrOvou =0 confirned; 6. Aat snio rugurt shNil aW6 as uhu nn]inecrls repurt for Ve pur- YOWS Of 11, SUDONA-ML proo-ndin''s w+.,,..nurEu1n, tc inid Resolution oi intentiun. "A-ho�$ juunuiiman: hune. 1 acrej: 0,ruify 14;u Ln rLSOLUtjo, 0,6 tji: ould r�,>!UrQ� 4"O"tua M& msua jY Wo Wity Quanvi u� t,. nty up Aj,jea,, j,,ifo,,Q L YAW10" 11 i.. 6a t—Ouf Mia un L�v AVQAbery 1901P 07 US yulionin"4 vote 0, Lan �UMUS16 thereof: S, ano iL rovar b...Oaf, 1.unciLaen: nd.ys,y, ones, usbarp, WOMQ: "a- Wresiaem U.j tonnyT1101L WL U.n rins3volu, (5). .j.j, j.UnUM„h: Ann tom' . "A-ho�$ juunuiiman: hune. 2 i 7' 7---'- 777-il ;run at a cownect 06P� 01P U.j tonnyT1101L WL U.n 2