Resolution 03823SAM11h 1. Mt u ln.r.it cc, Onu i� �OWZ, 1010L,as to Wa ou=hern Pacific cowna:o, a Corporation, tc Constructy racansLruct) wointvin Una onerate u rvilrOnu iMistrial Apur track upon =d acrons AinKinA vcajo, Le.r �vkstt Uructy in She Wity uY juunty ci� .0"cin, Gintu iz 100"tion W �10 ocnl.f line az WA. zpur truck to �W 0.n.tfVCtUU oolnj �UrQuv- 1021Y ay.02iuon 03 1-110= ,W1. . 113 K tho CoMer lina of tau orill trAck on laid alon! M centop w 51wndjujenue, z2 foot, "Ore or luas, thor=L fr L"C nurtn- weituAY live Of AvcwoLt Areet; tnence 1=060 4nu nirtnewl; _""z of i _f.,sajin; AVeEqC1 20.1ow- Li, ,-,k 7 svitc. turnuu, to tho n distanoe uf 70 ZOOM taence 00.tinuW nurbAuesterA�, along a CUI;.t- U. &7ht havin , a rydias oV 191.11 fact, i }l ire distanco of jo foot) nore or less; thence norti- wasterQ, on tan7ent in 2ce, no or laws, to a PAU iW Lh� LcrthoastjTly M. Lf QAairave�nel di3tan-,, nantLue3tnrly tnurnan, Mo, yactl more ur jes2, the nortknesterly line of 3verett &treat; Ue ,_.a (.=a of Suia Lr4cy uri�j �ISD S�C= in ruu on non OV thu KatnGrL Pacific jWTSLY i�ojoned �raKaj to jorve Pourluis ircn jka, jh�qcdal Mud Z.1Y 7, 048, .OnLarn AM,, irnuin3 .-juj Mout V_ ndav, Aq:, 3, 1YLS, uttac—s to und for.inz a part of SaW 3caa. thern Pnoific jwapoliontiin OuLud Suruot 131 1043, anu MA propcoed c.nstriction of anio s - lit r tract in stuwn on jity or Alswoda anAnOcri-I juPwrtwunt jrOnV; "-. 31AS, Oise 21, enuitied, inprovuoert an jivouinL; "Ve., Ar? so. to wvurett; wKA said dranin:s arc on file K tha 6rfi4,c of th,:� My MYR of Lho jity uf Qne _C..._ pis' r.zerrou v. i. w w.ke a n�rt oureatf. 1202ith 2. Thij ,:.,d ...d i, ointod on nnj subjecu bo the tsy�s Una conuitiuns: (") Mot Suid spur truc]a jAnli be usc� 2or LAO transportatia- Of froil-At unly unu snail uot be usau Ns a waiD 10a or nort thereuf. M That said spur track Mail be canstructed unu nnintnined level, "itv the strewt Or struMs nlOnj OT wcro3a wlicL jaid s"ur truM is Kid. (0) Thut all switchin; navements uver suo� sour Lrach SAMil 00 So CuL61OZOU us not ti_ Hoc? ion7er Q.n io necassary for urhinary j"jtc�jnZ onwrj- tic,ni tL6 straotB wnict are croisod bF such spur trouk uz as aMurwisc intervare "An the use of We Street... by LLe PUjAc. (d) font t.is nd=U shnii be indetar"Anne nna 3KI! ho ruvocI510, wi"Out 00MOnsyt1On st W Linc u L. e option W the C.incii of the My uf niw�001. (0) ihaw cold 3pur truck shall is cner2tna unju2 suen rejulutiuns 0awu cuLdiLl,in d, us ON bd uvuscrivwHi frkvi time We ti.lo a; t+ toe M7 juuncli of the MY of �lnzcdu. Q) That notyithstandln� anytninq in tain nurvit t3 the cuntrary, CwrMtee S�ull u15 Oil times maizzain saia spur trncY aid pavuzent inmediatoly 30jocont tharoto in �.00 repair, at its 0 n Cuit Qnj exnenso. (g) Mat all conMuction, oneratiuL and nuiLtannacu �ork of suid, sver track snail bo parfcr"ed withouL craw Or enounsa to the jity of AWeda OKI tAnt suid rornittoo aAaii repava, repair jad ot�:rni.0 restore the pirtions of any street uanujuw or distraWd uy the UstaMtEn oy suc. spur trock, usfnj the oame kinL of ndteriai and cunstrqction as now exisLs in the portions of any suc-i StrOdt suJaWnt aJ tno InOrtion6 W SaM street Werein sAu spQr traw uyu,j we MaKiled. (h) Mt On MV00nWin Of this Perilt We parMtee Shani, Ut its in Coat n- excensal 102tnwitD renove said spur traoZ sna ropave, Ancadn"We or oQuivino rdsem. thu the oortiuHs of tEu strout damu7ed or Usturbou by suaL rancvnl, usin; We sama kina of mwerial and construction so o.uil w used by tho jity oi' nlwneau uFun zho portich of M otrwat aujacent tc :crani d spur crack. Q In tAo event tnut the armittee Knil negient ur reVuse to re- pava, rupsir Or othornVu ruotoru tne nortions of uj- st—A damnAed or uiaturuud 1 OULU&. E 3G 3 13 (3 4 b2 We installutiun uf sAu spur track as provided in gnragraph (q) above, or in Ke event tLot por"ittet. sdaii neZioct or rofuse to remove sun s"ur track or •to reoave and restate onia. street ifter the yeauval u; juju traV as Lareinbefor'�.-,, Vrhiawa in pwraj=j (n), theL UP itof Ainnoda muT cause such reynvinS, re- nair or rustorutiun to us made or such truck to be renovad or too work or repuir- W!, nnClulnizinj ana otnerviso r'sLorin: Saia street to be UUMP and nul—nittee s,nNil twercipon ue ubii,uod W pay t Lne MY the aa0tan t ok the ruisinaale ex - gens ams 1hoarrea by Oe Uity for any such gurpuses. Q The constructitai a, =6 pernMea herein anea of saia spur truck .&u.1 we uauAe" In acc-Ptence & Lne pernittee of ai. tLe turaw sna uoiija- Huns set ZMA i. tnis Fernit. .KAQ: WuncMer naerson, jones, Morn, 5wuoney am Prosiden't jrnwsu�Qdp (5) - Who: LLne. E. "10.00i Ann"Silp I nave hcrcuntu set Ay hand and Affixed tha offi- Ali sea! of SUM jity tais dK UU! ow �00&2burl 1142. W W city nidr,' 6- is tna u"dorni,edf hereQ certify LLut Lho zujcSujn neawjutioL w_s daIN nnU M101WIly hu. 3843, AtrUMed WL nuoytod by tKe AMC! Of the jrt: of in reaulur muotin, !a Ail UA 7, assovolua OD Lhe AA ddy of jeptember, lVd, by the f0i1jWLn_',, vote, At: introjuced nuLntwl by ;he jouLcil oi-, d. +., to thd 7th do: W aptaajor, n948. .KAQ: WuncMer naerson, jones, Morn, 5wuoney am Prosiden't jrnwsu�Qdp (5) - Who: LLne. E. "10.00i Ann"Silp I nave hcrcuntu set Ay hand and Affixed tha offi- Ali sea! of SUM jity tais dK UU! ow �00&2burl 1142. W W city nidr,' 6- 1 opeby cortify nhat thu 2orugaiLl is a fall, trua a,A uDrract copy of "Aus-luticr, hu. 3843, M.,.1.1� ; T�SL--21�v 11, 0, Z"MMA! G�jn• !a Ail UA 7, T:. A A. 2 WZ S ZVI ­V11M lnL in i'llvaTUT &ILS," introjuced nuLntwl by ;he jouLcil oi-, to thd 7th do: W aptaajor, n948.