Resolution 03825M M !WWTVM DO - 3S25 1', M11- iWhn2TS M 6KMKY Zo M_ Anuw=0 S.0 M.AAMW JAY 01"K TAI Q00rya Y U2 WT :01W, I V. '�Ah AiAhjisjo 10 U! L.Ufl�hly L.n= 02 MI 21M it. GV ..M.zo E: TIPL_� UlJon V!QJG 3-YVA -,4n,=V 1, ALL T 01 =ST04 PWIT Moms Too Mli !T-,,,' uppliantiaL Las iii,,„,.nade by to Stato GA.Lfarnjap Devaltment W Public "irks, Kvision of So 3rancisco zny ".1_1 Oruasfnq, 2un a jenart"aht uf th. arLiy approval for too cssinq a, th, sy: 2rwnciscc jay na for-, tabs crussinA or la 1. Waklond hstu"r; nnC_; ,. u L e ' t -- it” Xa rf'ay' jor-o""", of; _n-, 1101.01) Ulu District M inmuor, Wyartment oi glueers, 11W, "rincisou District, 74 Lew .Ontgomery Struat, San Mancisou, jaii- fol�jj$ h"s is=u hublic Kutiuu untya 3ru of :eptenbar, 1946, wnicK jivites intorested pirtius to wuMit in writinA in trilp,jelto any ajjecti,no tL,t t4ey wn� nnve tG tno yru;osuu constraction; and 4101"I'AG, ose or tAe poseo crossinAs is n oridle par"11ol to the exisLin, 5an FraLcisco-Akland 3ay 3ridne ana toe other is a crussinq from Lne SuLera, vicinity uf ray 5traut in Lne jlLa.y and County of tan Aroycisco Lo the souQ snore of niamena, with four lines of truffic in tubbs under the vaLiand Wtuary ; an"'A. AM extsisive hearin-s nnd iLvestiZntad all locations Ynd types or crossings neca3anry tc: rccuancrd tAnt Wh it ounsidered Wn bo3t from a conside7ation Of Mo greatuat uorWit uu tue entire ny "ruj as 2n ocouonic entity, as well us zW�,� plan Mt waila ,>i v,, ruv3unublu protactiom to tho nManwi interusts; and Wants, OP clossill -S' incluuln � tvn crossia�s nropused uy Ono jaMurhiu itate jeportnent of zubiic' KAZIS& n1rewGLtdu; and tne Ouint zviy slid Talry Meru ccncladed Kut tho loontion of the crossins selecteu SAOUla: I - the MY rc "Im.ted us by Aesolution lu, 34489 Me3arialized the junaroos OZ tau inited Untus of America in the OsUter of the constructio> ol a Troviue traflic orojsiE; ueuweun Zan irdnoisco Ana tAe nru:1 cuoulwi1y knuwL ys he Inst M, MOving a snutnurr crcssi:3; und novi:wtion, 3 - Gervu pro,dnt putturn a triffic rensanuile 4eli and pruviue foa:- the joint A!',,-,Iy 1:a1+y w3,x^ creAtwd by Pause Aesolutio,,,,,. auc h0- 5-1, 79t, j0h9ress, 2nu jession, Wood v re-nort recowiending: in pointo of urjji� nw aestUati"n. 1, - Tnut a six innal cumoinntion auon 3uuseway-ta1ae aa C.nstructed 1.we- JiscAnrgu veniou.w2 WurMc i�tw nruia pruvidin: nuu win in We Mure uWay, dinKly wUh prop6r ciouruncus Yrom the viciMV of rmy 3troot ijn -W ir"WiSCO to thi ViCiniQ of Mth Wreet in niumeon, 0ith -LI in own Yrancisco the four lane exteas�on un,er the Oakland Estucry to the proposed Zast nnj ounbor Wore Iraeway. Of uonwLu in Lho oust siuc oz Low 2 - Taut pluna bu deveiapet Ear an elaoi.e ric ruDia transic systun Wr mass transportotiun carried across the My in a centraWy WWW plAzned submueous tube devoted solely to thht type of traf0c; und ', Lllh'bl it wus recalMiod by tho G i7 a, ror ,,t1. WNW Lhol u�e j- - Plucc-cs the joint rny nd huvy "card made a onapiete investination to deter"ine wWunar a neud e�ists frin thu stundpoino of national def.Lye and/or the uavelupment OV PsAcetimo econa"I fur an auded crossinj or the sv irancisco Day; !'WnS 00 all d Lot be inazlzi..; nl" j to c0h "rmy wou Navy Aourd, ill makinn its lnvastiantKn' AM extsisive hearin-s nnd iLvestiZntad all locations Ynd types or crossings neca3anry tc: rccuancrd tAnt Wh it ounsidered Wn bo3t from a conside7ation Of Mo greatuat uorWit uu tue entire ny "ruj as 2n ocouonic entity, as well us zW�,� plan Mt waila ,>i v,, ruv3unublu protactiom to tho nManwi interusts; and Wants, OP clossill -S' incluuln � tvn crossia�s nropused uy Ono jaMurhiu itate jeportnent of zubiic' KAZIS& n1rewGLtdu; and tne Ouint zviy slid Talry Meru ccncladed Kut tho loontion of the crossins selecteu SAOUla: I - Provide MnVus interfa—"ce wit. notionni aevaionnent. 2 - Troviue oinina. LEterfereaco Ujt. novi:wtion, 3 - Gervu pro,dnt putturn a triffic rensanuile 4eli and pruviue foa:- probwa0; lutArb WHIM MA auc ownsidorutich 2or proMblu chongus in pointo of urjji� nw aestUati"n. 4 - JiscAnrgu veniou.w2 WurMc i�tw nruia pruvidin: nuu win in We Mure uWay, r�jid Aispaysion of HMO �SWUCL boo crus5in-, Wa tn- centrnl jasless UsUict in own Yrancisco the nnj ounbor Of uonwLu in Lho oust siuc oz Low jr,, ovor exijtin.- or plAzned ill inri,ls; ', Lllh'bl it wus recalMiod by tho G i7 a, ror ,,t1. WNW Lhol u�e j- - Plucc-cs W Ght coozai", 0�ntrol its c-oscity; "Pa WL nonrouchos Aud ounnections 1 C16 Uin arturMu ye e,UlLly 1. V701tant 1. Ke C:70SSALA itself,0L nitho'''It 1160�."Wt6 !'WnS 00 �OL U0 OnO Wl. Lot be inazlzi..; an"L "1101112051 too joint araV sna Davy Laura further concluded mau the factor Wat today UatorniLws 146 Cuarme of traffic an Ae e= Ade to the May and the re6uitInE cinSestion thereof is the praseLt bridge, tonara wnich focul Point all try2pic nu2t nove to cross th� W"" -v' �"nJ, ti,_,it to plice a secund structure nQueen't to thn axi5binj iringe would iLcryuso uAs cwnSestiuL; und �V�An"61 a crojsinS sane distance 2ro._� tho presen, bri.e wiuiu AAA- Luto tno KOZAC &ad ruduce ouziestion; Lod �W&0, said joint nr�y anu �avy mra iurt. sr curcTuued thut tLz, MUt-SM CYOSSU� WLIA L01 OVOlua 10 UJK200tiVa AaZnrd tO suNsce nuvilatioi'i isnurse tLe bay crasoinA Acilitiej, uh.raby re.ualn; thuir vulnurauiAty to Uwau a�.syo by a binAie MAWS Ktack, and Cut, therefars, from a standpoint of n9tiunn1 intereot, the south cross in� is the naA adeqaute; and �AUA�A, it must be recognized thut coL,estej aren6 nre a dahgar in times or nAionul eaarguacy 4hen it bacones of nrine im.purtance to move peaDle as rapidly As possiAle; and 01016, We 6uInt Ar ay ind invy Ao9rd concludod tnut u souto crossin _,,,; ouid result in less cGnneatiu�, pnovide a vore MAW comp6nent of an over-oiji, .(way.1 Amn, on less vulneruble Lo canaDn dannga, ufford oettur opportnnities for a1 ii ureas, and prevent ZuMer c.naestJun, thevaQ ueto=inin� tnat the south crosxin. shonla ue prefefr6d ovur Lhe purulle! brid, crossi. procasad by the AQ"rtAuuL of lumic lurks A tho Aste of Un.ifornia; and the ueyartoont of Taoiic norks of tne Ante of waliforQu is rMLLn on investi,tion it tae prosent tine tu uetur"ine "AK ol tho two pruuosod cronsins is tne OOSL fwasiuie, and it nns jue� =nuunced tunt a nublic heyrin,,, Wil he "Old uYt6r said ihvustiAuZon is ao2plotod, in on er that-publio ooinioli no! Baa. expressed no tu Unere said oyussiha s"Oulu �.d locwtKy WAII action on the Part of t.o joyartment or Public i1 ol tdo State ov Cy,ifuraiD indicatus thut R Ktonas to c,nstruct on arcssin- only; m&l .2sal.3, the MY of "luneuU, by rejaun of "!I of tho ajove ACUS3 does, not OeMovs thot the State of JslirorAq, t.ruuq. in Deqnruacnt of Public 4...trk Kuaid at We nrasent time make aAplication for a _n=ilei crussK6; und .AiAK001 tae existin; Posey Tuwa under thu ualland AsWary cunnactinC As citiao of Alameda und Gakiana is hopulassly oonSuotwd, no thrju�h bals Wu lune6 strucburf thcre nO� Wsses .t w,. 30,0QU Ve lCies pur day Mh a peuk hour leas. of 2,40 vehiclos; mnd ��Wivlsv an additlunal Lu -o in tie i�Eedinte vicinity d..' %. We exlstin,�; busey Me is needed as or a�pruach to tka existin, San Trunciscu-CuRland 3ay �AUAU; AA Tann"96WE) no 1'i _') thot the Uity of Ainmedu hereby makes it known that it is not in accord with the thauSht Ust a _l. 3. levol brid,e crosQns betweeR "inoon Ziii, Son Mncisco and 0onlana Ku Yeria, 3uena Isiand, shoula be ounsiasred ut tnis time; and M EM on W juNphnu R�KVUVLJI for all tLe reasons �areintoforo recited, Loc., AzY Or nlwleau u2goo th,t peymM ue issuea .I.. i..1` a awabinaticn causeway uLd tum crosaln; An Yrancisco Say fro, thu vicinit� of Ar�y Street in... jranoisc� to the a0uWarly 1.nits of =Aveon$ for fuss: traZfic lanos i. tubes under bho Oukland AstuurV, and for a tuba under thu Uakiand Mae, wjacent to the and west of ex- isting Pusey Tube, crcsBin-j tunne nisstuar_ in We viuMiQ A jebster Street, Oakland. M EM A No undersi,ed, neyQ, certify thun the voraSuin, Resolution wns duly and ra3uinrly introduced and adopted by tne Council of tLe City of Aiwne&a in adjourned regular Laetii. Z assenbled on the 26th day of Septambal, US, A the follouinA vo,a, to wit: VES: jouncilmon nderson, ionus, Osborn, Swoeney nnd President Bransc acid, (5) - =tom E:J: hone. .nAWT: Uone. L, -ZlaSUA I have hereant) -,,,ut a.: la,-md ond afrized tho AM - Ojai sual of snid jity this 29th day of notember, 1948. J. 1". 'OLa'd, -Yi ;�- i herebS cortiey tmt the fore2uinj is u fall, true D n d correct copy of "Wasilution Lo. 025, Units 1 .. mISTAMP W.&A !UL.D.3 JLA 'Ojos MAN& 00, "WAIM) 2AY AN.' T.s A61.11Y u A. � f MnnT 1, W. & &Wo TO TAI LY :1YS 01 AMEX, 2011 11L.2.10 LAInS ih Ahwni UMSA TIM Cn.alhKA VAPTl, ,-, �, TU," -,,a' .t ,L -,,', L this= G 1 U M ALY, W, VIT71 Th! o3j.GnhT To AW i",n ", Ta, i�o 0101MY L, AASIM M.&T, (Zhn= introduced and adoptud by the juuncil ou theML dul of Septunour, 1948. m TO W701166", --